
Shades of hair in the color of milk chocolate


Finding the right hair color that suits you is one of many women's problems. But if you know all your pros and cons, skin type and eye color, this can help you find the most beautiful shade.

What is the best color?

The best color for you is the one that you have from nature. But many people just want to change and are not particularly happy with their natural tone. Changes are always for the best, a new hair color can be exciting and can make you younger, change your personal style, but it is important to find the right hair color that suits you, which best emphasizes your skin tone, eye color and other important characteristics.

A color change is a procedure to be taken seriously.

The process itself can be intimidating, especially if you have never experimented with hair color before. If you pick up the wrong dark shade, then your skin may look dull, and some light shades, which obviously do not suit you, will give your curls an unnatural and undesirable color.

If you are not sure and do not know where to start, consider arranging to meet with a professional stylist and listen to all his advice, because this is a professional who will help you find the right shade. Perhaps your color is beautiful, but you are unhappy with your hairdo. Changing the usual hairstyle can be as dramatic a process as getting a new color. However, if you want to try new shades, then carefully weigh all the pros and cons, so you do not regret what you have done. Repeated dyeing procedures can cause dryness and damage to the hair, and finding the best color at the very beginning can save your hair from damage.

Secrets to help you choose the right shade

In general, hair color can be as warm shades that glow in the sun, and more cool, the process of obtaining which is quite complicated. Your best color of hair will depend on how warm or cool your skin tone is, what color your eyes are.

Who are the perfect warm shades?

They will be ideal for those women who have light brown, brown or blue eyes. Skin color - pinkish, peach or dark. Naturally red, strawberry blondes or brunettes with red or golden tints are also excellent candidates.

If you have a warm skin tone, then the best curl colors for you are red and red, gold, sandy, honey blond and deep chocolate brown tones. If you have a light pink skin tone, you should avoid red shades that can make your skin look ruddy or constantly reddened. Similarly, if you have a yellowish or golden skin tone, avoid too much gold in your hair, or it will make your skin more yellow.

Who should choose cool shades?

Cool hair colors are best for people with dark brown and brown eyes, as well as for those who have very pale skin. Those who have a natural dark hair color or cool light, you can also stay on this decision.

Top cool hair colors include rich black, ash brown or light golden, bright white shades. People with cool shades can also easily wear more unusual hair colors, such as burgundy, purple, and blue.

Coloring tips

If you are not sure what hair color you want, you can try simpler solutions to liven up your eyes without changing the color completely.

Highlights: warm hair shades can add a new shade to your natural look without completely changing color, make the transition more natural.

Stick to natural shades. Choose a new hair color that will be as close as possible to your natural one, so that the new look is not so painful and you are more accustomed to it.

First do a little test. Before any staining, make a test sample to see how this or that shade will look on your hair. How the color is absorbed depends on the initial shade, condition of the hair, time and other factors.

Always use a palette to familiarize yourself with the different colors, and stick to a combination of similar shades to achieve the best results in your endeavors.

The right hair color for you is one that makes you look beautiful, glamorous and stylish. Now, having an idea of ​​how your skin color and eyes affect the choice of hair color, you can easily choose a stunning new shade.

Perfect choice

Looks perfect on fair-skinned girls with blue, brown or green eyes. We offer options for dyeing hair in milk chocolate for brown eyes according to the photo. If the natural hair color is dark blonde or black, then highlighting with milk chocolate looks stylish. See the photo.

Many famous beauties of Hollywood paint curls only in the color of the hair milk chocolate caramel as in the photo. The secret lies in the fact that the tone adds to the appearance of expressiveness, femininity and a special sense of style. Moreover, stylists repeatedly remind how well they paint over gray hair, retain saturation, ease and gorgeous shine.

The color of milk chocolate for dyeing hair is considered one of the universal colors. Girls on the color type "spring" should be careful about this tone. The same applies to the girls "summer". Owners of light peach, olive, slightly pinkish skin will be ideally suited to the color of hair milk chocolate with caramel. It is suitable, as well as light-haired, to blondes, and burning brunettes who want to radically change the image. Milk chocolate looks bright hair color following the example of the photo on the curls of girls and women of bright appearance, pale skin. Juicy tone added warm, summer shine curls.

In this case, the tone of the curls attracts attention, creates an impressive image, attractive and unusual. Creating a fresh look is easy. Hair color, milk chocolate, perfectly fit curls, are fixed and show high durability, regardless of whether hair colors are intended for blondes or bright brunettes.

Getting on the dark strands

To get the color of milk chocolate, as in the photo on dark hair, you will have to try pretty hard, as the curls are exposed to chemical effects: a few clarifications, new staining. Manipulations lead to dry curls, rapid fragility and loss.

Stylists strongly do not recommend toning hair with fiery-red natural tone, pale skin, covered with freckles. Coloring only emphasizes the absurdity of appearance. During the staining of the hair may appear maroon or greenish spots. See dyeing in milk chocolate hair color on the photo before and after the procedure.

In order to match the desired tone when coloring, it is necessary to take into account the simple recommendations suggested by stylists. These include:

  1. Pure chocolate can be obtained only on blond, light brown or pre-clarified strands.
  2. Too dark or dark-colored hair many times over, can give a completely different tone.
  3. Make a small test before painting. Color the strand in the desired tone and note the time. After you see whether you like the result.
  4. If you wish to tint the hair in a cold tone according to the example of a photo, preference should be given to hot or black tone, as well as milk chocolate, examples of color are offered in the photo. If you overdo the paint tone can be almost black.
  5. If you tint light curls you need to be prepared for the fact that when the hair grows, ugly roots will appear.
    It will have to be painted twice as often.
  6. The procedure is best carried out in the cabin with an experienced specialist. Home experiments do not always end successfully.
  7. As experience shows, to carry out the procedure of staining in chocolate shades is better in the beauty salon. Home experiments do not always end successfully.

Look, maybe you like red or dark blond hair color.

Staining technique

Dyeing in milk chocolate requires caution and care. After all, you can get a different shade, as well as badly ruin your hair. Bright blonde is best to gradually move to the desired shade.

Until the hairstyle finally takes the tone. Blonde and brunettes will initially need to lighten their hair to a “caramel” tone, only then to be tinted in a chocolate color.

When painting it is important to consider the time of application of paint. If you slightly overdo the paint, you will get the usual dark chocolate without a hint of cinnamon or caramel. To get the hair color milk blonde enough to hold the paint for 20 minutes. It is recommended to do a staining test in advance. See the photo.

For dyeing or highlighting hair in milk chocolate, we suggest using L'Oreal and Estelle paints. The photo has a palette of shades.

Daily care

In order to keep the tone as long as possible, it is necessary to use cosmetics to preserve the tint and maintain the curls' moisture level. Allowed to use ready-made lines of cosmetics of famous manufacturers, to make at home. You need honey, burdock oil, kefir and egg.

Depending on the activity of hair growth is necessary to constantly tint the roots. Ready paint, paint made at home. To do this, you need walnut, onion peel, henna and basma, coffee.

Do not forget about the means to protect from the sun, the rays which lead to dryness and loss of tone. It can be balms, conditioners. See also what looks like yellow hair and beige blond hair.

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Choose a shade of natural hair color

The easiest way to determine the appropriate shade is to pay attention to your own hair color. He will tell you what shades will be close to you. Do not try to drastically change your image and choose the color at random. After all, then the hair will not be in harmony with the skin of the face, and the whole image will be spoiled.

To care for the hair, our readers use the Dasha Gubanova method, having carefully studied it, we decided to offer this method to you. Read more.

What color to choose a blonde?

If your hair is a natural blond color, then you will perfectly suit light shades. You can start to choose from wheat to honey. Fashion experts advise to complement the image with golden strands. Also, if you are the owner of freckles and your cheeks have a gentle blush, then you can also choose these shades safely. Eye color can be almost any, but not dark brown.

It is worth being careful with fiery-red flowers. They may not fit your appearance. But dark and brown paint in general should be banned. After all, they can make you visually older.

What to choose brown hair?

If you are brown-haired, dark blonde, or if your hair has a slight reddish tint, then a special set of shades is available for you to paint. Try to determine which colors will be perfect! You have a red color and brown shades. If you are the owner of dark skin and brown eyes, then these shades for you will also be relevant.

Remember that cold colors are not suitable for you. Because of them, the skin on the face will appear pale and painful. It will spoil all the beauty and impression of the image.

What color to repaint dark brown hair?

If you have such a dark hair color, as well as dark skin, you need to stay exactly in this color scheme. We recommend to try a dark brown color. Also, you will suit the blue-violet color and black. These shades will emphasize your natural beauty of the face and create the perfect image.

We do not advise you to lighten your hair and also dye it with dark copper shades. The color of your skin such colors do not fit.

Light "Spring" - what shade does it suit you?

Girls of this type have a peach blush on their cheeks. The complexion is transparent and very light. May be freckles golden brown. Eye color - yellow-green, blue, gray, but not dark. Your body well sunbathes on the sun and gets perfect, dark brown color.

Light shades perfectly suit you - gold, wheat. The image will be spoiled by a dark tone that is not in harmony with the “Spring” type.

Hot "Summer" - what color to define?

Girls of this type have fair, milky skin of the face. On the cheeks there is always a very bright blush. Eye color - green, blue, blue and milky. In the sun, the skin becomes a delicate, peach color.

All shades of ash are perfect for you. We also recommend trying brown colors. They will refresh your image and draw attention to your beauty. We do not recommend choosing bright red shades.

Color features

Milky is a pure white color with no impurities of yellow, ashen or other shades. It gives the face freshness, youth. The disadvantage is the mandatory bleaching of hair before dyeing. Even curls of natural light shades need a preliminary procedure for clarification.

Now more than others actual caramel milk tone.

Golden "Autumn" - what color is suitable?

If you have a golden skin tone, then your type is “Autumn.” Also, some girls with dark and peach skin may belong to this species. Eye color - brown, green, gray, turquoise. Girls of this type can have red or brown freckles.

All shades of red are perfect for you. You can also choose a brown and slightly reddish paint. You should not be painted in a platinum blonde. Also, the ash-light color does not suit you.

Cold "Winter" - what is the perfect color?

If you have a very fair, white skin, then you, undoubtedly, are of the "winter" type of appearance. The skin may also be pinkish-blue with a porcelain tint. Blush on the face should be virtually absent. In the sun, you quickly tan, and your skin gets an olive tint. Eye color - brown, dark blue, gray.

All shades of brown are suitable for you. You can also try black for a contrasting look. Light color does not fit the type of "Winter".

Useful tips

Here are some tips to help you simplify the choice of hair color.

  • If you want to experiment and color in a very dark or very light color, then pay attention to the health of your skin. Radical shades usually highlight all the flaws: tired skin, circles around the eyes. So you need to determine which complex will help you to improve the health of the person, and after that you can change the hair color.
  • If you are afraid that some kind of shade does not suit you, we recommend using a dye with a low degree of resistance. You will see the desired color, and if you do not like it, the paint will very quickly wash off the hair. Experts just advise to choose for themselves the color in this way, but do not get carried away and take breaks between colors.
  • When choosing a paint, look not at the package itself, but at the strand, which is painted with this shade. Sometimes there are significant differences between the box and the actual result.
  • If you want to switch from a light color to a dark one, or vice versa, then you need to be patient and careful. For one painting, you can just kill your hair.Therefore, we recommend gradually tint hair a couple of tones, approaching the desired color. Also note the color of the eyes so that it doesn’t contrast with the hue you choose.

Cautions on changing hair color

  • If you want to turn red or red, think a few times. This color is very unpredictable, especially with blondes or brunettes. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to return to your natural color. So this decision should be deliberate. And do not forget that the red color quickly loses its saturation and the hair will often have to tint.
  • For those who want to become a blonde, you need to remember that this shade will react with your natural color, and the result can be unpredictable. Sometimes the hair becomes green or red. To avoid this, try to make a light highlighting and look at the result.
  • Remember that if you choose a very dark color, you will need to constantly tint the roots. If you wait a little longer with this matter, your hair will look unkempt and ugly.
  • Tried all means, but nothing works?
  • Fragile and brittle hair does not add confidence.
  • Yes, these loss, dryness and lack of vitamins.
  • And most importantly - if you leave everything as it is, you will soon have to buy a wig.

But an effective remedy for recovery does exist. Follow the link and find out how Dasha Gubanova cares for hair!

To suit

The milky shade of strands is suitable for women with light eyes, any skin tone, but light shades. Especially expressive in combination with milk curls look blue or saturated blue eyes. When choosing this shade, it is important that the face was clear - without pigment spots, acne, post acne, etc.

Such a light shade attracts the attention of others. Therefore, always in order should be a hairstyle, trimmed split ends.

Attention! Milk strands look advantageous at any length of hair, but ultra-long snow-white curls cause special admiration.

Classic Milk Blonde

It is suitable for women with a very bright, unburned skin without blemishes, freckles, or blush. For this shade it is necessary to have bright eyes (gray or blue), oval face shape, small features.

He will make a large face coarse, sharp, on uneven skin will emphasize all the flaws.

Light Milk Chocolate

The golden mean between brown and ginger. Most suitable for fair-haired girls with bright eyes. Paints and coloring preparations of this shade well, without spots and irregularities, paint over only light curls. Golden tones emphasize the skin color, make the face brighter.

It can not be used red-haired girls who have a thin light skin with freckles. The result is an expressionless, pale face.

Milky with caramel

The light shade with golden caramel otlivy favorably looks on short or rare ringlets. This subton adds volume. Hairstyle looks easier, more magnificent.

Blond women with light-eyed shade skin, making it brighter. It is impossible to achieve such a shade on dark hair. You must first lighten them up with a few tones. Sometimes it is necessary to neutralize the redhead.

Resistant paint

Three popular persistent dyes with milky hues:

  • Syoss Caramel Blonde 8-7,
  • Estelle Professional ESSEX Caramel Blonde,
  • Schwarzkopf Color Mask Golden Chocolate 665.

These products contain natural caring ingredients, which makes it possible not to severely injure the hair structure. Resistant paint is recommended to apply only if there is confidence in the desire to get this color.

You can view the palette of shades and colors of all Estel hair colors on our website.

An important point! For light shades, hair should be discolored beforehand.

Shading preparations

With the help of tint means it will not be possible to get light milky shades.

Do not try to discolor your hair yourself. Coloring in white, light shades for dark curls can be disastrous. Not even every master can cope with damaged or very dark curls.

If you want to get a beautiful milk blonde, you need to contact a good salon to a competent verified specialist. It is better to give more money than to stay with dull, dry hair, and spend a lot of money on their restoration.

Types of staining

For the most pleasant combination for each type of coloring it is worth choosing a separate color:

  • Ombre - The ends of the strands make a little brighter. So the hair looks slightly burnt in the sun. Apply to caramel shades and milk blond.

  • Highlighting - paint only some strands from root to tip. Suitable for painting caramel flavor.

  • Balayazh - some strands are not painted over the entire length. Caramel and light milky tones on natural brown hair are well combined.

  • Booking - a combination of light milk and dark chocolate on different strands. They should not be very different from each other, a smooth transition is observed.

Price in the cabin

Getting pure white is very difficult. The cost of dyeing blond milk is high. This process can take several hours and procedures.

Painting natural healthy hair of light color will cost 3000-4000 rubles. Price may rise to 15,000 rubles. For example, if the original shade is black, or the hair is very injured.

Painting in darker shades will cost 2,000–3,000 rubles. Highlighting costs from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. Ombre or balayazh - from 3000 to 8000 rubles. The price depends on the initial state, the color of the curls and the desired color.

How to care for color

Light shades need constant use of balms, conditioners, masks, serums for colored hair. Hair bleaching injures them more than other types of coloring.

For pure white, purple shampoo is recommended. It neutralizes yellowness. The master in the salon will help you choose individually.

Within a few weeks after painting in the blond can not do a perm.

After each shampooing, use a conditioner balsam, once a week - a restoring mask. As a natural rinse to maintain the tone, you can use decoctions of chamomile, onion peel.

When dyeing hair with ombra, balayazh techniques, re-dyeing will be needed in a few months. The same can be said, if the original shade is not very different from that obtained.

Milky - a beautiful color that does not look good on everyone. Achieving and caring for him will also cause a lot of problems. But if you manage to keep the coveted tone, without going to yellowness, the effect will be stunning.

Bold and bright ideas for hair coloring:

Who is milk-colored hair?

Rich color will accentuate the charm of girls with tanned skin and brown eyes. In addition, it looks good on the fair sex with a light skin tone. The best shade is in harmony with the cold type of appearance. Gray, brown and blue eyes, olive or neutral skin tone will shine freshness next to the hair color milk.

For girls who have not decided on a tone, it is recommended to use tinged mousses or balms. They are harmless and quickly washed away. It is almost impossible to get this complex shade on your own. Professionals in the salons mix several tones to create the desired color. When coloring, consider the original hair color. Light will not provide problems. Dark hair should be pre-clarified and dyed in several stages. Also consider the length. Owners of short hairstyles fit light shades. On long hair dark colors look good.

Color is very popular among representatives of show business. Photos of actresses who chose him are often decorated with the covers of fashion magazines. In one of the periods the color of milk was decorated with Taylor Swift.

Also, the shade can be seen on some photos of Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Milla Jovovich. The deep color gives their images velvety luxury and exquisite refinement.

Milk color hair dye

Several milky shades can be found at once in the palette of professional paint L'Oreal Diarishes (palette of shades) and L'real Dialite (palette of shades). Diarishes is chosen in the case of hair coloring tone in tone. This means that when choosing the milky shades presented below, your original hair color should be level 9 (blond). Delight will lighten the original hair color by one - one and a half tones.

Both products do not contain ammonia, but Dilight is more resistant because it has an alkaline formula. Also Dilayt can be used for hair coloring, in the presence of gray hair up to 50%.

Shades in both colors have the same designation:

L'OREAL PROFESSIONNEL DIA RICHESSE (DIALIGHT) "Milk shake Pearl-Golden", shade 10.23

As for other professional dyes, you can choose a milky color from the palette of a specific paint based on the figures from L'Oreal paints, that is, you need to consider shades with numbers 9.01, 9.02, 9.03, 10.23.

Among the usual hair dyes that are designed for home use, you can also choose milky shades based on the number of dye.

If you want to get a milky shade on a darker base, then pay attention to the Milk Chocolate hair color.


Watch the video: French colors - Couleurs - Arc en ciel by alain le lait (July 2024).