
How to cut a baby with a machine?


Most mothers can not cut the boy at home, as they are afraid that the child will spin and hurt. But in fact, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. Having tried to cut the child several times, since you both get used to it, besides at home everything ends much faster and you don’t have to pay for it.

Neat children's haircut one nozzle machines, step by step

To trim the child at home is quite realistic, and many mothers were convinced of this by their own experience. For work you will need:

  1. Machine and nozzle.
  2. Scissors to fix the error.
  3. Stool on high legs.
  4. Sheet or piece of cloth to wrap the child. This will protect against bristly hairs that fall on clothing.
  5. Comb with fine teeth.
  6. Distracting video or cartoon.
  • To trim the boy with a typewriter, set him on a chair and cover him with a sheet or cloth so that it covers the body as much as possible from hairs,
  • Install on the machine that nozzle that is suitable for a specific length of hair,

In each device for a hairstyle there is an instruction with which you can familiarize, and understand what's what,

  • Turn on the cartoon and explain to the boy that for some time he needs to sit exactly and not turn around,
  • Comb your hair down, and from the top of your head to the bang,
  • Turn on the machine and can cut your hair. It should start with the neck, and when you proceed to the front, then from the bangs to the crown,
  • After completion, cut the bangs and correct the irregularities near the ears with scissors,
  • Wash your head and show your child what you did.

To cut the boy at home with scissors, add a spray bottle with water to the list of necessary items, with which you lightly wet your hair before cutting and level them for a perfect hairstyle. The principle of operation is the same.

Basic tips

So, wondering how to cut a baby with an electric machine, consider the following points:

  • To trim the child should be in a room with excellent natural or artificial lighting and flooring, from which you can quickly remove short and numerous hairs. And there should be enough space to freely fit a chair with a sitting baby, and the parent has enough space for full-fledged manipulation of the machine and hands. Considering all this, it is most convenient to cut the child in the bathroom: everything is cleaned quickly and easily, and you can immediately wash the “injured” head,
  • Cover the surface of the floor on which the chair stands with an old veil, newspaper or piece of polyethylene. Then you just need to shake the hair on the street / throw it in the trash, and not clean half the house,
  • So that the baby could not suddenly interrupt the whole process, put a spinning chair for him with the possibility of height adjustment,
  • It is very convenient to cut the machine, working from finger-type batteries. Such devices are extremely mobile and maneuvering, facilitate parental work and eliminate the contact of the child with the wires that are under voltage. You must have a custom plastic nozzle, thanks to which you can independently choose the desired length of hair,
  • PBefore you first cut the baby with a typewriter at home, be sure to stock up with ordinary sharp and thinning scissors. With their help, you can correct minor errors and align the transitions between layers of hair of different lengths. Do not forget about the need for the presence of a comb, even if the child has very short and sparse hair. All devices must be at hand, but be inaccessible to the child,
  • Now about how to properly prepare and cut the child with a typewriter. For a start, be sure to tell him about the upcoming procedure, or better, show with the example of a doll / bear / robot. Let him know what and how you are going to do, what will be tormented in ignorance. Seat him in a chair, clothes or body, cover with a smooth cloth that will not hold his cropped hairs on himself. If you plan to constantly do your own haircuts to your household, then stock up a special device with curved tips, which will exclude the spread of cropped strands.

What and how to distract?

Cutting an adult child is much easier than a one-year-old toddler. If in the first case the baby is already able to quietly wait for the end of the procedure, then everything is much more complicated with the baby. He may be frightened by the noise of the device, or your scissors, clapping over his ears.

In this case, you can use the following distractions:

  • Give the daze a collapsible or very bright, but definitely new, baby car. As long as he fully examines / breaks / unwinds, haircut will be ready,
  • Just before the first year to cut a year-old child with a typewriter, turn on his favorite cartoon, give him a colorful puzzle, a designer, or activate an elementary game on a tablet / computer.

Haircut process

We offer step-by-step recommendations on how to learn how to cut a child with a typewriter at home:

  • Initially, it should be well combed out strands, combing from the crown to their tips,
  • It is necessary to begin to wield the machine with the region of the crown. The device sets the maximum length, and it makes the first pass,
  • If you want to learn how to cut the "cap", then the back of the head is clipped to a fictional line drawn between the ears of a child,
  • Then a slightly shorter length is put on the typewriter, and it passes through the already treated area and is a centimeter below the original level. So it will turn out to achieve a smooth transition,
  • Then the length is shortened again, all actions are repeated. Near the neck, hairs are clipped using the shortest nozzle. If the age and behavior of the baby allows, you can shave them with a safety razor,
  • After all this, it will be correct to go to the temporal area. There initially it is necessary to work with sharp scissors, and only after them to use the machine, again changing the nozzle from the longest to the shortest,
  • All hairs that have avoided meeting with the device must be trimmed with sharp scissors,
  • If the child is difficult to transfer the haircut or he is hyperactive, divide the whole process into several approaches.

Having managed to master the most basic techniques, you will not be difficult to figure out how to cut your child with a fashionable and stylish machine. Do not be afraid to make your child creative and unique personality, experiment and learn.

How to cut a baby with a machine

If you finally decided to learn how to cut your son at home, then you first need to prepare the workplace and the necessary accessories, without which it is impossible to create even the simplest haircut:

  • Chair. To make it easier for you to cut the boy, it is necessary that the seat of the chair is located slightly higher. And for this it is not at all necessary to acquire new furniture or a special chair with the possibility of height adjustment. You can limit yourself to the usual chair, on which you need to put, for example, a pillow, which perfectly cope with the role of a stand in the ass.
  • Cape This may be the usual thin diaper. If you don’t have it in your house, then you can purchase a special cape for professionals in a hairdresser’s shop.
  • Comb with frequent teeth.
  • Scissors. It is possible that someone thinks that it is possible to cut a child well with ordinary scissors, but this is a delusion. If you want to do everything qualitatively, we advise you to purchase special hairdressing scissors. They have sharp blades, so with their help you can easily cut even thick strands. If you have a desire to create advanced hairstyles for your children, then you will have to additionally purchase thinning shears.
  • Spray bottle with water.
  • Hair clipper with a set of nozzles.

Baby preparation

After all the necessary haircut accessories have been purchased, can do client preparation. Let him support the new scissors and tell them that with their help you will make it irresistible.

It is possible that your son or daughter will not support your idea, as some children may be opposed to being deprived of their hair. However, continue to stand your ground and tell him that you will cut very few strands. In the end, a child with overgrown hair, if you are convincing enough, there is nothing left but to agree to your proposal.

The most difficult task for you will be to mow a child. It is not easy to do, given that small children are not accustomed to sit quietly in one place and constantly fidget. To distract the kid from other activities, turn on his favorite cartoon, or ask someone from his loved ones to read a book with interesting pictures with him. In other words, you have to show an extraordinary imagination to entertain your client. There is another important rule that you need to know about - cutting a child is only when you and your client are in a good mood.

A clipper or scissors?

When choosing a tool for work we advise to proceed from your own preferences. If you want to cut the boy shortly, then the machine is the best for you. If you are only taking the first steps in hairdressing, then the machine will be the most optimal choice for you. It is only necessary to choose a nozzle of a suitable length and you can get down to business.

In order to perform a haircut with the help of a machine with the maximum quality and without serious flaws, you The following tips will probably come in handy:

  • It is advisable to purchase a device with a minimal level of noise for a haircut, as a very humming machine can frighten a baby.
  • Do more often during the haircut pause. Remember that the machine during operation can get very hot, and this can be unpleasant for the baby.
  • If you already had to work with scissors, then they should be preferred. Haircut with this tool does not frighten the child, because they work silently, so you will just create a beautiful haircut.

Simple haircut using a single nozzle

  • The first step is to cut the hair from the back of the head. To do this, put the nozzle of maximum length and walk once in the specified area.
  • Do not rush during the haircut. If you want to do everything beautifully, keep the machine slowly so that it fits snugly to the scalp.
  • Start driving the machine on the head from the bottom edge of the hair, gradually rising to the top of the head. During the first pass, treat the center of the head, after which you need to cut off the hair on the left and right sides of the clipped area.
  • Following the algorithm described above, it is necessary to cut out the entire occipital part.
  • Now you can go to trim the side areas. Be careful when treating your temples, as you can easily hurt your ears. Do everything without haste and most importantly - carefully.
  • If the child tolerates a haircut well, then after you complete the bulk of the work, you can make an edging. To do this, you need to remove the nozzle and once again go through the bare machine on the edges of the hair style. Pay special attention to the temples and bangs.
  • If the child did not want to part with a long bang, then you just need to gently trim it with scissors.

Thus, cutting with a typewriter is a simple procedure. You can easily make a beautiful haircut with just one attachment. If you try hard, then it will look no worse than those hairstyles that are made by professional masters.

How to cut with two tips

Perhaps you or your child want to get something special, so that it is not ordinary, but stylish and with elements of creative haircut. One of the possible options could be a hairstyle “cap”which can be easily done with the help of two different tips.

  • First, trim the head according to the above algorithm, setting a nozzle of maximum length on the machine beforehand.
  • Now change the long nozzle to short and begin to shorten the hair, moving from the very bottom to the middle of the head.
  • The most difficult thing in this haircut is to make an even and beautiful border between different hair lengths. To do this, you need to lift your hair with a comb and gently machine the transition zone of short hair to the cap.
  • This hairstyle provides for a long bang, so you do not need to shorten it.

How to cut baby with scissors: step by step instructions

Although cutting a small child with a pair of scissors may seem like a daunting task to someone, but you can cope with it if you know a number of important nuances. Cutting dry hair with scissors is not easy, however if you have them pre-sprinkle water from the spray, they will be easily cut off.

If suddenly it turns out that your baby is afraid of a haircut, show him this toy. It is possible that he will enjoy splashing water. Then he calms down, and it will be easier for you to start a haircut.

Simple children's haircut

  • First you need to prepare the child's hair. Bend his head slightly forward and comb the strands over his neck. Now grab the comb at a pre-selected length of hair and turn it towards you. Use your middle and index fingers to squeeze your hair and start cutting it off. To get a beautiful haircut, hair should be cut strictly in a straight line.
  • During the haircut, remember that after the hair dries, they will rise and look shorter.
  • When you process the occipital part, do not forget to make the edging. To do this, cut the hair behind and behind the ears, cutting off their strictly defined length.
  • Now you can start cutting hair on the rest of the head. Once again, seize the comb of the desired length and gently cut it off. In the future, try to pinch the hair with your fingers a little, and all the time, focus on the control strand. Then the hair will be cut exactly on each side.
  • If you did everything right, then the strands you will have the same length.

Haircut discussed above is the easiestand therefore it will not be difficult for you to do it. This is a great option for beginner hairdressers who want to cut a little boy on their own.

If in your chair there was an older child with thicker and longer strands, then he can make a more complex hairstyle. In addition to the above-mentioned haircut "cap", this may be a hairstyle, providing for a smooth transition length.

Classic haircut

In children in adolescence, the hair is still quite thin, so a classic haircut with a voluminous top and parietal part and a shortened nape is perfect for them.

  • First spray hair with water from a spray bottle and divide it into two zones. The border must pass through the back of the head from one ear to the other. If your client is a child with long strands, then to make it convenient for you to cut, you can first fix the upper part of the hair on the crown with the help of special hairdressing clips.
  • Now you can do the lower part of the hair. Choose one strand at the back of the head and cut the hair out of it to a pre-selected length. In the end, you get a control strand.
  • In the process of cutting the rest of the hair on the back of the head, constantly check with the control strand, if necessary, adjusting their length. To do this, you need to move the comb in the direction of the neck, grab a strand, and then cut off an extra piece of hair. As you go down to your neck, your hair should get shorter, gradually fading away. No.
  • Now you need to cut the hair at the temples. They are treated in the same way as on the rest of the head - first you need to carefully separate them. Especially be careful when you begin to cut the hair in the ear.
  • Now you need to consistently cut one strand after another, each time separating the new fingers and all the time checking with the control above the ear.
  • After you do this task, do the edging of the temple.
  • In the same way, trim the hair of the parietal part. First, select the control strand located in the center, cut it, and then, focusing on it, cut off the remaining hair.


Haircutting a child at home may seem difficult to someone, however, if you show patience and diligence, you can even make a beautiful haircut using the tools available to everyone. If you have not had to do this, then in no case should not be taken immediately for the complex hairstyles. First you need to learn the basic principles, and after you put your hand in and each time you get better and better, you can try to make more creative haircuts.

How fashionable to cut a child at home with a typewriter

Trimming a child at home, you want not only to remove the length, but to create a stylish image.

  1. Standard male haircut - install a special nozzle, trim the length, starting with the parietal region. Movement should be smooth, all hair should be clipped upwards. At the temples and on the back of the neck to make the edging, cut out a beautiful bang.
  2. On long strands, you can make a Hairstylr haircut - in the frontal-parietal zone, clearly leave a wide strand in the middle. Wash the side and whiskey with a machine with the appropriate nozzle. To give long hair shape using ordinary and thinning scissors.
  3. Short haircut with hair of different lengths. In the lower part of the occipital region and on the temples, cut the hair shorter. To transitions were smooth, it is better to use scissors.

Make a beautiful haircut baby easy, you only need to master the techniques, a little practice. This will help to save the child from unnecessary worries if he is afraid to visit hairdressing salons.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Carefully comb the child's hair.
  • Begin to cut the baby with the largest nozzle. You may not want a haircut shorter, since 12 mm is an absolutely short haircut.
  • The haircut must be started from the back of the head, then the temporal area and the front side are processed.
  • Press the machine tightly against the head during the haircut.
  • The movement of the machine against the growth of hair (from the neck to the top)
  • The area of ​​the temples must be treated carefully, bending the ears so as not to injure.
  • If you do not want to leave the child bangs, then cut off the front part, as described above, that is, from the side of the bang to the top of the head.
  • If you want to cut bangs, then you need to work with scissors, and for this you need to have skills.
  • After you cut all the hair with the largest nozzle, change it to a smaller one. If the marking of nozzles on a typewriter is as follows: 3, 6, 9, 12, then after nozzle 12, wear 6. If the marking of nozzles looks like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, then after using nozzle 4 in operation, change it to 2 .
  • We begin to process the lower parts of the haircut with the newly installed attachment, from which, strictly speaking, we started: the back of the head and the temporal parts. Press the machine tightly to the head and move against the growth of hair for a distance of about 5 cm. Thus, you will make a smooth transition, and the most problematic parts (temples and neck) will be shortened.
  • Use scissors to trim the remaining sticking hairs.
  • Collect clipped hair.
  • Send your baby to bathe in the bath.

Does a child trim a year?

A fairly common and interesting question. Our grandmothers tell us how we all shaved bald in childhood at the age of 1 year, it was a mandatory procedure, after which thick and strong hair grew. But these are all words, superstition, science does not see the connection between the thickness of the hair and the haircut of a one-year-old child. What will be the child's hair depends on the genes and the condition of the child's hair follicles. For 10-15 years, many parents refuse to shave a child a year (especially for girls), and hair grows no worse than that of shaving babies.

For a boy, a haircut at any age is a common thing, even if it is bald. With girls, everything is a little different, and it is very difficult to decide to cut the baby under the machine for a short time. Therefore, prejudice away, live and enjoy life: do tails, braid pigtails, and hair will be as they should be without a haircut in a year, at least after it.

Choose the right time

First of all, every parent should clearly figure out when to crumble the hair. It is not necessary to shave the baby bald in 1 year. This silly tradition has completely outlived itself.

Attention is drawn to several key factors:

  1. The length of the curls. If you notice that the hair interferes with the child, climb into the eyes and face, they need to be removed. Up to this point, you can not bother the baby haircuts.
  2. The level of development of the crumbs. So you can cut your child, for this he needs to learn how to even sit. Previously, you should not carry out such a procedure.
  3. Character. Pay attention to the behavior of the baby. If he is afraid of everything or is cautious about foreign objects, a haircut can be a real stress for him. As a rule, with age, such fears disappear without a trace, so you should wait a bit with hairdressing.

Deciding exactly when it is worth cutting the hair to a child can only loving parents. No need to rely on the opinion of friends or relatives. If the baby is not yet ready for such a procedure, it is better to abandon it.

Stylish haircut for a boy from 2 years

What is better for the baby - the services of a professional master or home hairdresser

To save free time, parents prefer to cut the child in professional hairdressing salons. This is not surprising, because every caring mother wants the baby to look neat and well-groomed.

However, professional haircut may have significant drawbacks:

  1. When a baby first visits a similar establishment, a new environment may seem frightening to him. It will be quite difficult for him to allow a stranger with scissors to himself.
  2. Children cannot sit in one place for a long time. During the haircut, they will turn their heads, grab different objects with their hands. This innocuous self-indulgence is actually unsafe, and can cause injury.

Be sure to do the first haircut at home. Even short hair crumbs need the right care, no matter how strange it may sound. Using a children's hair clipper is not at all difficult; the main thing is to have complete self-confidence.

As a result of an unsuccessful visit to the hairdresser, the baby will not only be upset, but will also remember the “very scary” object that makes strange sounds in the hands of the master. After that, trimming it at home with a typewriter will be very difficult.

Spacious colorful hall in a specialized hairdressing salon for children Cartoons - an excellent tool to distract the baby

In familiar surroundings, the child feels as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Therefore, haircut at home with the help of a typewriter is the right decision. This procedure is not complicated at all, it is easy for every parent to perform, even without possessing hairdressing skills.

For a haircut you will need the following tools that you need to prepare in advance:

  • comb with fine teeth,
  • hairdresser's scisors,
  • portable clipper,
  • warm water spray bottle
  • comfortable chair for the baby,
  • towel,
  • Drive with your favorite cartoon, which will help distract the child.

Prepare the baby for the procedure correctly. To do this, explain to him that there is nothing wrong with a haircut. Preliminary show him all the tools you plan to use. You can even clearly demonstrate how they work on your own hair curl.

Standard equipment for clippers

What to do if the child is afraid of the procedure

If you have already tried all of the above tips, and the crumb continues to be capricious and refuses to cut his hair, show him a special video. Such a record can be easily found on the Internet. When the baby sees the procedure, he will cease to be afraid.

Tell your child how he should behave during trimming, to become even more beautiful as a result.

Be sure to consider the mood of the crumbs. On the day of the procedure it should be excellent. You should not cut the baby if you see that he is too excited all day, unhappy or upset about something.

Place for a home hair salon to choose with great care. It should be spacious and well lit. You can put the baby in front of a mirror so that he watches all stages of the haircut.

Bright toys and favorite cartoon characters will help the baby to easily survive a haircut

Several options for haircuts under the machine:

  1. Neat standard haircut for a boy under the machine. To perform this procedure, install the appropriate attachment and start cutting the child's hair from the frontal parietal zone. Smooth movements process the entire hair part of the head from the bottom up, slightly combing curls in the direction of growth. Be especially careful in the area of ​​the auricles so that they do not accidentally touch or frighten the baby. At the temples and bangs leave the edging, remove the nozzle and give it the desired shape. If there are individual long hairs on the head, simply trim them with ordinary scissors.
  2. Modern haircut “Hairstyle” for a boy with long hair. Carefully comb the curls of the child and select a wide strand in the middle - in the frontal-parietal zone. Edge side and temporal areas are treated with a machine with a nozzle installed. The remaining hair in the parietal zone should be cut with the help of hairdressing scissors using the “strand to strand” method and be profiled.
  3. Short haircut with different lengths. Using a larger nozzle, we form the main hair length. We make the lower occipital and temporal part a little shorter, using smaller teeth of the machine. Ensure that the length transition line remains smooth. To do this, process it with a comb and hairdresser scissors.

Cutting a baby “under the nozzle” is not difficult even for a beginner. Special children's devices make less noise

You do not need to wet the baby’s hair too much before cutting, this will make them heavier and they will seem much longer. Curls should be only slightly wet.

Video instruction how to cut a child with a typewriter at home:

Every loving parent can make a beautiful haircut for a child under the typewriter at home. All you need is to stock up on all the necessary tools, prepare the crumbs correctly and use the instructions. So you can save your baby from unnecessary stress and fear of hairdressing.

Unexpectedly, my son's haircut became a test. The first time we went to the children's hair salon, but despite the efforts of the masters, he screamed and struggled. The next time it was decided to mow it at home on their own. Then I didn’t know that there are special silent machines for cutting children, I think my son’s harm to the psychological state would be less.

How to cut a child at home

To the haircut was calm and without injury, it is recommended to do it at home. This is especially true of the first haircut. As the statistics show, it is the first unsuccessful experience that can provoke the development of fears, which in the future will affect not only the nerves of the parents and the baby, but also the master.

First of all, parents need to prepare. For a haircut at home you will need:

Next, you need to prepare the child. It is necessary to explain to him what will be done with his hair. After this, the baby is recommended to sit on a chair, put a special cape on his shoulders and distract with something so that the child does not spin. For example, you can turn on cartoons.

It is important to wet the hair with water to make it easier to cut. After that, you can proceed to the procedure.

Hairdressers recommend that you first tilt the head of the child and remove excess hair in the neck. To do this, hold the hair between the index and middle finger and cut to the desired length. The same manipulations should be carried out along the entire length of the hair, turning the child around as needed. It is important to pay particular attention to the occiput area. In this case, the hair should be combed back and cut to the desired length.

How to cut a bang for a child

Haircut bangs - an important stage on which depends 50% of hair. It must be remembered that wet hair is easier to cut, but after it dries, the bangs will be much shorter.

So, to make the bang perfect, you first need to divide it into 3 even layers. The upper layer only needs to be shortened slightly, the middle one is a few millimeters smaller than the upper one, and the bottom layer should be made slightly shorter than the previous one. After all the manipulations, you can dry the bang with a hairdryer, slightly aligning it.

If the parents want to make a perfectly smooth bang for the child, just wet the hair a little, ask the child to close his eyes, then separate the bang from the rest of the hair and cut it straight, focusing on eyebrow level. Ideally, the bangs should cover them, because after drying, it will rise and just be on a level with eyebrows.

How to cut a baby: video

If parents want to cut their child, it is recommended to watch the video in advance, learn about all the nuances and rules. As the saying goes: "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times."

Given the number of video lessons, you can safely learn to cut your child using a minimum of tools. Over time, the acquired skills will allow you to experiment and delight your child with new, more complex haircuts.

Tips needed for the desired result

Haircut in small boys in most cases is short, so correction is constantly required. Having learned to cut at home, you can avoid numerous trips to the hairdresser. And not all children agree to go there.

The most popular haircuts for boys from 1 year old are "Little Cap" and "Pot". These hairstyles make the look neat and stylish. The technique of their implementation is simple.

Before you start a haircut at home, you need to prepare all the devices in advance (machine, attachments, comb, scissors).

They should not be available to the child. To trim a child with a machine, you need to take into account some points.

  1. There should be enough light and space in the room where the haircut will take place. Well, if there is a mirror in front of the child, then he will get the opportunity to observe the process.
  2. The baby should sit in a comfortable chair. The ideal option is a rotating chair, which is regulated by height.
  3. Better if the machine runs on batteries.
  4. Must be nozzles that will allow you to adjust the length of the haircut.
  5. Conventional and thinning shears will correct irregularities and transitions.

There are special children's machines, nozzles which are made of ceramic parts. The device itself has blunt ends, which will not allow to cut or scratch at an unexpected turn. The device is quiet and will not scare the little boy with a loud hum.

If the child is naughty or feels bad on the chosen day of the haircut, the procedure should be postponed to another time.

Preparatory moment

If the boy is being cut at home for the first time, he needs to be prepared: it is worth telling about how the procedure will take place, showing on dad, saying that it doesn't hurt.It is useful to give touch the machine. Only after this baby can sit on a chair.

Open areas of the body and clothes should be covered with a smooth cloth so that small, cut hairs do not prick or clog. If the child is under 3 years old, he may be afraid of the noise of the typewriter and the type of scissors. Here can distract the attention of the child. You can offer a new toy or include your favorite cartoon.

Choosing the right hairstyle is an important preparatory moment. Take into account the age of the baby and the structure of his hair.

Children under 2 years old are best to make a short haircut with trim. This option will emphasize the shape of the head and give a neat look.

Long hairstyles are not suitable, as the hair has not yet gained strength, it looks thin and sparse.

The growth rate of hair in different parts of the head is also different. The structure of hair in children who have reached the age of three is more uniform, they begin to grow well, but still remain thin. And during this period, you need to stop your choice on short haircuts.

Age from 3 to 6 years is considered to be open space for creativity. It is only necessary to choose simple and comfortable hairstyles - for example, "Pot", "Caesar", "Bobrik".

Working process

You can make different hairstyles at home. To properly cut the machine, you need to follow some guidelines.

  1. Moisturize hair with a spray before haircuts. Water should be warm so as not to cause discomfort.
  2. It is necessary to choose the length of the hair and install the appropriate attachment on the typewriter.
  3. It is necessary to start the haircut from the occipital region with slow movements, moving to the temples and crown.
  4. The machine should be pressed tightly to the head, but at the same time ensure that it is not at an angle.

You should not wet the hair very much before work - this makes it heavier and complicates the process.

Haircut with one nozzle

The necessary attachment is installed and the haircut begins from the parietal area. Processed the entire surface of the head. Periodically, you need to help lift hair with a comb. You should be extremely careful around your ears so as not to injure them. To do this, the ear should be slightly bent.

To give the edging of the temples and the occipital zone, the nozzle is removed. With the help of scissors, sticking hairs are removed that are not caught by the typewriter.

Haircut with different lengths

With the help of a large nozzle, the main hair length is formed. Occipital and temporal regions are made short. To make the transitions smooth, it is necessary to select the nozzles in descending order, leaving 1 cm from the previous row of cropped hair. Adjust the smoothness with scissors and a comb. Bangs left to owners of high forehead.

How to mow the baby boy at home with a machine, scissors instructions for beginners?

To keep the child calm and not running away, there are 2 options, they are not the best for the eyes, but reliable.
- watch cartoons, make sure that there is at least a distance to the monitor or TV,
- play on a tablet or phone.

So the child will sit for 20 minutes, and you need to make a haircut during this time.

More suitable ideas are puzzles, crosswords, board games, but not requiring constant monitoring of the field, where everything happens, reading books or listening to audio stories.

Perfect for a boy: “Deniskins stories”, “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”, Nosov's stories or stories about Dunno. Find online audio with high-quality voice acting is a mandatory requirement.

And also can help out toys anti-stress cats, pandas from the ball and starch.

Haircut "Pot"

Suitable for active, fun, restless, sociable boys. Hair should be of medium length. It is better if they are straight and thick. Such hair will perfectly hold the shape and volume. It is difficult to perform a haircut "pot" on curly hair, since the form will not hold.

Haircut under the pot resembles contours similar to the shape of the pot. No additional styling is required if the hair is naturally thick and straight.

Strands themselves stacked in the right direction after washing or combing. The length of the curls on the upper occipital, parietal and frontal lobes will be greater than on the lower occipital zone. Hair "pot" add volume to thin hair.

The length of the hair on the back of the head is 5 mm. Bangs should be 1-2 cm above eyebrows.

It is important to start haircuts

  1. We put the child on a high chair, preferably with a back, otherwise the baby will get tired quickly and will slouch.
  2. The height of the chair should be such that the baby’s head is at the level of your arms.
  3. The maximum amount of light at the window so that it falls on all sides or illuminate with lamps or ask it to turn to the light in the right direction.
  4. Pre-read the article to the end and practice on a more assiduous model, because for a child you have a maximum of 15 minutes.

Haircut under the "cap"

Analogous hairstyle "pot" is a haircut under the "cap".

It looks like this. The hair on the lower occipital region is trimmed with the smallest nozzle, and on the crown - by applying a curl over the curl. Bangs smoothly into the main length of hair.

Every parent is able to trim a child at home. To do this, you need to stock up on the necessary tool, properly prepare the baby and take into account the recommendations.

How to start cutting a beginner?

If you have never cut a man's haircut, work out, but only after our little tutorial on an adult guy or man. In this case, the person will sit patiently, which is extremely difficult with the child.

Prepare the tool:

  • typewriter
  • nozzles
  • comb,
  • scissors,
  • the sheet
  • chair,
  • spray with water, if the haircut is with scissors,
  • hair dryer
  • mirror.

Make room for a chair. Check that the wire of the machine easily reaches the chair and also allows you to move around it.

Clean carpets or other things on the floor, it is recommended to immediately prepare a broom and dustpan or vacuum cleaner to collect all fallen hair.

Consider where your tools will lie so that you do not have to run to another room, put a chair or an additional table so that you can easily reach them.

The water in the spray for the child should be warm. The prepared cape closes the child completely so that the hair does not fall on the hands or feet.

In the process of cutting, if it is not possible to adjust the light evenly, turn the boy to the light with the right side, asking him to turn around so that he is more comfortable sitting on the chair, strip him to his panties, and put a towel on the chair itself.

After a haircut in the shower, it will help get rid of the remnants of hair and they will not bite and prick.

What you need to know before you start cutting hair?

The hairstyle consists of several stages:

  • The main haircut in the zones, bracing - mixing.

Each zone is approximately equal in height to the width of the blade of the machine, i.e. attach the side of the machine above the ear - this is the height of the temporal zone. Help yourself with a machine, if you are worried that the zone will turn out not to be even.

In this case, the partings can be either horizontal, vertical, or at an angle.

  • Edging.
  • Check.
  • Description of the whole process

  • Prepare a place for cutting, removing carpet or other floor coverings.
  • Turn on the machine in the outlet, and also prepare: scissors, comb, spray with water in the access of the outstretched hand.
  • Pay attention to the light so that it falls and well illuminated your place for a haircut.
  • Seat the child on a chair and wrap a sheet or other bedspread.
  • Give the cooked games to the child, only give out strictly on the 1st, and not all at once. Make a show by preparing a black box and the child will get the toys out of it on his 1st. Take care that they were enough to cut.
    For example: a snake, a Rubik's cube, a game of throwing rings in the water, a book with pictures, a mass for modeling.
  • Separate the zones, pinch them with clips if the hair is long and allow.
  • Put on the necessary nozzle, most often we start with the largest size - 12 mm.
  • Start cutting from the bottom up, against hair growth.
  • Choosing the first haircut, cut your man with 1 nozzle the whole head from the back of the head to the top, for example 12 mm. When this stage is finished, it is necessary to smooth the transition lines by making it shorter at the temples and at the back of the head.

    To do this, change the attachment to 1 number less and cut from the back of the head to the protrusion on the back of the head, take the next heading and trim the back of the head 3-5 mm with the number 3 mm less.

    Remains transitions or shading, as well as the area above the ears and edging. This is just a description of the whole process, which we will analyze further in detail and step by step.

    How should the machine go?

    The machine goes easily in a straight line without sticking to the head and making no rounding, with light sliding movements from bottom to top. At the same time, the movement goes in a straight line, with a delay to itself - this allows you to make the transitions smoother.

    How to keep the car?

    Think about where it will turn on so that it easily reaches your model.

    Hold the machine so that you only have the brush to move, not the whole hand, because otherwise it will quickly get tired of you.

    Try as you prefer? Hold tightly clasping and putting your index finger on it or otherwise, find the most comfortable position.

    How to keep the machine correctly according to Pavel Bazhenov, master of hairdressing:

    2nd video

    How to cut and what nozzle?

    The nozzles that we use go from the biggest to the smallest. Behind the nozzle is written not only the number, but also the length that it cuts off in the photo - 1.

    Start with the biggest and move to the smallest length, i.e. from 12 mm to 3.

    If you cut without attachment, you get a nude or a zero.

    An important nuance, the handle, which is on the side of the machine 2 in the photo, it moves the blade back, which allows you to save another 0.5 cm of length, a very necessary regulator for beginners, so as not to cut off the excess.

    What other tools and secrets do you need?

    Video lesson on the boy's haircut, the guy at home typewriter:

    What you need: machine, attachments, comb, chair, mirror, scissors, scribe or sheet.

    The simplest haircut machine under the nozzle, for beginners who cut for the first time.

    Before you start a haircut, read the article and watch the entire video, it will help you understand how to put the machine, how to move it and what result you get in the end.

    We cut the machine on dry hair.

    Instructions for cutting machine:

  • Seat the child, boy, boy on a chair and wrap a sheet so that falling hair does not bite.
  • Choose the largest nozzle, for example, No. 12. The size is indicated on the back of the nozzle, as in the photo. Put it on the machine.
  • Turn on the machine in the network and proceed to the haircut. Pull out the knife, there is a handle on the side of the machine, it allows you to save up to an additional 0.5 mm in length.
  • Be sure to wrap the client with a sheet or cape.
  • We start the haircut, to do this, we put the machine from the lowest point of hair growth and draw it up a smooth line, lifting the hair up, while pulling the strand over. It should turn out that when lifting you seem to be leading a straight line, rather than going deeper into your hair.
  • We pass the whole head moving from the bottom along the triangle to the projection area.
    We put the machine at the edge of hair growth and conduct it similarly upward, bringing the cropped hair to the temple.
  • So that you understand which zone is being cut, look at the photo, here on the mannequin all hair is divided into 3 zones.
    But since we work with newbies, this theoretical course for those who have completed, at least 1 haircut, the rest can skip and go on.

    The haircut is divided into 3 parts, each part is equal to the width of the machine in height, the blade.

    • The zone from the edge of growth to the protruding bone is the width of the machine, put it sideways and you will understand how wide it will turn out.
    • The area above the ears and the exciting head, also the width of the machine.
    • Upper from the temples to the crown.
      It is important to understand and see when cutting, each zone starting from the bottom is cut with a change of nozzle by one less, namely:
    • -1 - 3 mm
    • -2 - 6 mm
    • -3 - 9 mm or more.

    To navigate hold the comb and help yourself, keep a straight line in height.

    To understand when you master the first basics, understand the zones, places of transition from one zone to another, as well as master the meat quenching and transitions - this information will help you know the dimensions.

    For newbies:

    All we cut nozzle 12mm:

    We carry leaning against the head of a smooth line, without pressure and jerks. Carefully brought the nozzle into the hair from the growth of the hair and brought up a little pushing back toward you, leading in a straight line up.

  • Make sure that the wire does not fall on the face for this, put it on your hand or just move it back. So go through the whole head.
  • When the main part of the hair is removed and you have drawn each line from the edge several times, check whether the antenna has been kept - these are separately sticking hairs that are not cut. For this, constantly brush the client. Once again, go over the head cutting the antenna.
  • If you see that there are places where the hair grows at an angle, comb one more time and go through these places against the hair growth, at an angle. This is required for cutting the temporal area or at the base of the skull.
  • The easier the haircut and the faster it ends the better.

    If the child has never been cut, then play at the hairdresser. Shave a pair of dolls for fun or other animals. Let the baby be a hairdresser.

    Haircut workshop with tutorials:

    How to mow a man's haircut step by step video with the training instructions of the hairdresser:

    Part 2

    Then remove the nozzle and make the edging, for the more experienced we pass the lowest zone with a height of 3, the middle one - 6 mm.

    The edging is done like this:

    • Pay attention to the shape of the neck. Rectangular, trapezoidal, with whirlwinds, and depressions and moles complicate this task.
    • Look at the form and keep it. The task is to remove only the excess without breaking the form itself.
      To do this, turn the machine and in a place where the hair on the back of the head less often or violate the entire shape, with the help of straight lines make the shape.
    • Let's put it upside down to the head, at the lowest point where the border line will go and draw it down, do the same line a second time, but move a little to the left or right by grabbing the previous line.
    • Need to get a straight line straight.

    Look at the photo.

    The first line is black, put down and down, the second is red, likewise with the shift put down and down.

    Similarly, we work in the field behind the ears. Depending on the shape, it will be a trapezoid or a rectangle.

    We perform in this way the area behind the ears go to the edge above the ear and temporal.
    We put the machine parallel to the head, only the edge of the machine blade touches the temple. It is necessary to cut a thin line of the edge at the edge of hair growth. And so we spend the whole area from the neck to the edge of the ear in front. We do it with unhurried movements, slightly intermittent, in order to accurately repeat the shape of the ear.

    For a man or a guy, this option is sometimes used.

    Video lesson on trim trim:

    • It is necessary to make the shape of the temples, a corner, beveled or straight, with the machine turned upside down - it will be straight, or at the right angle. Similarly, we do a guy or a man.
    • Carefully comb the haircut, check if there is no antenna left. If the client requires a shorter one, go again with a smaller attachment.

    For newbies this is all.

    For the more experienced, who have mastered the zone, it is necessary to make a quenching in the transition points using thinning shears. If there is no such house, then leave it without attention.

    The tuschek is a transition from longer to shorter hair, the smoother it is, the more neat and well-groomed the haircut looks. It makes the usual scissors or thinning, can do and machine.

    When performing the shading, it is important to correctly place the comb on the child's head at an angle, rather than leaning and slowly leading, while cutting the hair that falls on the comb's hair.

    Shading at home with ordinary scissors, training lesson:

    Video of how the steaming is performed:

    Scissor cut

    You need: scissors, machine, comb, spray with water.

    • We move from the crown in a circle, take thin strands with a tie, when choosing strands, the hand lies on the client's head, and the palm itself slightly moves away from the head.
    • We cut, each time grabbing a sheared hair strand and a new one, in order to align it with the standard. You can cut a straight cut, perpendicular to the selected strand, and you can have teeth. Straight cut can be done with a machine if you do not have scissors, but you have a machine.
    • So we move from the top to the area above the ears.
    • If you have a machine and you plan to trim the back of the head, then select the desired nozzle number, for example 6 mm and process the area above the ears and the head to the lower back of the head.
    • We recall 3 zones and work through the middle zone and then the lower one.

    It remains to make a mix and a stew, as well as fringing and whiskey using a machine as described above. We check our work, take any strand and pull up the next one to it, look visually there are no protruding hairs.

    Video training for grooming a boy at home:

    Children's haircut

    How to cut other haircuts?

    With one-sided lengthening on bangs:

    Bangs, haircut rules in short hairstyles:

    How to cut a spider web boy?

    Video on boy's haircut with scissors:

    Haircut boy in the salon - video and recommendations:

    Teaching video without words, the master shows everything on the model:

    Now you have already mastered the minimum set of methods and knowledge for cutting your son, boyfriend or husband, now only practice and the more it will be, the faster you will bring your skills to perfection.

    We wish you good luck and inspiration! You all must succeed!


    Watch the video: Completely Glueless Frontal Wig Application Sewing Machine Make How to cut lace and baby hairs (July 2024).