
Sulsen paste against hair loss


Beautiful hair - the desire of many of the fairer sex. Men also want to look decent and have a healthy scalp. Increasingly in recent years, consumers use the drug "Sulsen". Hair Loss Paste reviews have both good and negative. The drug was invented for a long time. It is currently the oldest of all such drugs. This article will tell you about how to use "Sulsen" (paste from hair loss). Reviews of this tool will be presented to your attention below.

What it is?

Sulsen products are pasta, shampoo and soap. These tools have an appropriate application. They contribute to the improvement of the scalp and enhance hair growth. Also, the manufacturer promises to normalize the microflora of the head and the restoration of the sebaceous glands.

What they say about the drug "Sulsen" (paste from hair loss) reviews, you can learn more. This type of medication will be presented to your attention.

What is included in the composition?

Sulsen Paste contains the following components: cetyl alcohol, water, stearyl alcohol, ceteareth sodium sulfate, potassium phosphate potassium, glycerin, selenium disulfide, flavor, cinnamic alcohol and citric acid. The substance is produced in a tube of 40 and 75 milliliters. The paste has a creamy consistency. The color of the drug is yellowish orange. Also, the substance has a light scent that does not cause disgust, as in many similar compositions.

The paste may contain 1 or 2 percent selenium disulfide - the active substance. For what is provided such a separation, you will learn a little later. To begin with, it is worth mentioning in which cases the use of Sulsen paste is necessary.

Testimony of doctors about the testimony and information from the instructions

Abstract informs consumers that the drug is used exclusively externally. The use of the paste is indicated for those who suffer from oily scalp. Also, the composition is prescribed for seborrhea, peeling and dryness of the dermis, enhanced hair loss. Often the drug is used for prophylactic purposes.

Doctors also report that the paste "Sulsen" (photo of the drug is presented to your attention in the article) can be used for other purposes. The composition can help in the fight against skin problems and other pathologies.

Way to use paste

So, you purchased the paste "Sulsena". How to apply it correctly? The instruction indicates the following method of use.

Wash your head thoroughly with the right shampoo. For problems expressed, use a sulsenic cleanser. Next, squeeze the hair and apply evenly on the roots of the paste. Make a soft rubbing of the drug in the dermis and wait 10-15 minutes. It is worth paying special attention to problem areas. Often the defects are zonal in nature.

After the specified time it is necessary to wash the drug with warm water. Rinse your hair thoroughly. After manipulation, it is not recommended to use additional balms and means for radical styling of hair.

Do pasta contraindications?

Paste "Sulsen" against dandruff and other problems is not used in case of individual intolerance to the components. Otherwise, an allergic reaction or aggravation of the pathology may occur. Also, the drug is not assigned to expectant mothers. This prohibition is due to the fact that the manufacturer did not test the safety of the composition on pregnant women.

About the drug "Sulsen" (paste from hair loss) negative reviews in most cases due to the fact that patients do not take into account these contraindications. More on these opinions will be discussed below.

What does the manufacturer say about the effect of the drug?

The paste is preferably used simultaneously with the same brand of shampoo. This remedy has a healing effect on the scalp. Work of sebaceous glands is normalized, increased fat content disappears. The drug cleanses the dermis from toxins that can destroy hair follicles. As a result, the hair is filled with oxygen and grows vigorously.

The manufacturer also reports that the composition of "Sulsen" prevents the development of dandruff and flaking. After a few weeks of regular use, the curls become strong, shiny, they get less dirty and look great.

What are the reviews on the composition?

Paste "Sulsena" from the oily hair reviews has different. Some consumers were satisfied with the drug and use it regularly. Their opponents report that this squad is completely ineffective and unable to cope with problems.

What do experts think about this? Trichologists and dermatologists say that negative reviews about the drug are caused by ignoring contraindications. So, in some patients with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, an allergic reaction occurred. When applied incorrectly, there is no effect. Also, more serious problems, such as hormonal pathology or hereditary baldness, cannot be eliminated with the help of the preparation described above. Consider what reviews on the application has "Sulsen" (paste).

If you are faced with the fact that the scalp has become oily, the above remedy will help to cope with the problem. It should be said that dandruff often occurs with seborrhea. However, it is not caused by the peeling of dry skin. This difference must be considered. How to apply the paste "Sulsen" from oily hair? Reviews of consumers and experts say that the composition should be used twice a week. The use of the drug is carried out with each hair wash. In this case, the effect of the treatment will be higher if you simultaneously purchase shampoo or soap of the same brand.

Apply the paste to clean, wet hair, gently rubbing with your fingertips. It is necessary to wash off the preparation with cool water, as hot liquid increases the production of sebum.

Dry dandruff

If you are experiencing a dry scalp that is very flaky, you need to apply a paste with a concentration of 1%. After washing the hair, squeeze out the hair and apply the preparation on the entire surface of the head. Wait a few minutes and rinse. Consumer reviews indicate that the paste has a rather pleasant smell. After this procedure, the hair is easy to comb and gets a pleasant aroma.

Repeat the manipulation needed once a week. In this case, the use of additional medications that moisturize the scalp and eliminate flaking is allowed. However, they can be applied directly after applying the paste "Sulsen". Otherwise, the drug may not show its effectiveness. As a result, you will remain dissatisfied with his work and refuse to further use.

Loss of hair

Used paste "Sulsen" against hair loss. Consumer reviews have reported that after a few weeks, curls become shiny and strong. With each combing, fewer hairs fall out.

Doctors say that with diffuse hair loss the drug should be applied to the entire area. Consumers report that increased hair loss may occur at the very beginning of treatment. However, after a few months everything changes dramatically. You can use the drug up to several times a week. It is recommended that the simultaneous filling of the body with beneficial vitamins and trace elements from the inside. Unfortunately, the manufacturer of the drug "Sulsena" does not supply such complexes. However, this may well be feasible in the future.

Alternative use

Paste "Sulsen" for the face is used quite often by consumers. However, the instruction does not provide for this. It is worth noting that many cosmetologists advise this simple tool to their customers. The drug is not recommended for people with sensitive and dry skin, as it can cause irritation.

If you suffer from increased production of sebum and fat, this medicine will save you. If during the day you constantly have to powder the oily sheen, then Sulsen will be your salvation. You can make masks from the described preparation or use a cleanser. Consumers report that after a week the result becomes obvious. The pores are cleaned, the greasy luster disappears, the skin takes on a healthy appearance and natural color.

Mask for the face

How to make a face mask from the paste "Sulsena"? Consumers report that you need to take a small amount of the drug and mix it with an additional natural ingredient. If you have very oily skin, then take an egg white. When fading dermis, use a spoon of brandy. If besides fat on the skin there are problem areas in the form of acne or age spots, then add the pulp of cucumber.

Apply the resulting mass should be no more than once a week. Hold the composition on the skin for ten minutes, then rinse. Do not forget to use a tonic.

Composition for washing

To obtain a composition for cleansing the skin, it is necessary to use additional ingredients. Reviews of cosmetologists about this application of the paste "Sulsen" report that to three tablespoons of the original means you need to add 200 milliliters of chamomile broth. The resulting substance is thoroughly mixed and poured into the bottle with the dispenser. Two doses of the drug is enough for evening washing.

After the procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizer suitable for the type of skin. If you are not satisfied with the result for several days, then you should apply the mask further. It is likely that you do not receive enough portions of the drug "Sulsen".

Drug price

Positive reviews indicate a fairly affordable price of the drug. So, one tube of pasta will cost you no more than 100 rubles. In some pharmacy chains in Russia, the cost of the drug varies from 50 to 80 rubles. The content of one package is enough for 2-3 applications depending on the problem and the length of the hair. If the drug is used for the face, then the tube lasts for a longer period. Store the tool is recommended under normal conditions at room temperature.

Instead of conclusion

Now you have learned what “Sulsen” pasta is and how it should be used in this or that case. Before using the composition, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In some situations, medication may be prescribed during pregnancy, despite the fact that this condition is indicated in contraindications. After all, it is during this period that women experience an increase in the separation of sebum fat and deterioration of the hair. Remember that without consultation with a specialist can not use the drug during pregnancy.

Use the paste "Sulsena" as indicated in the instructions. Health to you and beauty to your hair!

How does it work?

Paste "Sulsena" is often used as a therapeutic and prophylactic hair care product. The drug is able to:

  • strengthen hair follicles
  • normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp,
  • rid of baldness problems
  • renew the scalp cells under the hair,
  • eliminate dandruff
  • relieve itchy scalp
  • improve the appearance of weakened hair, making them smooth and silky.

All the actions of the drug can be summarized and there are 4 directions of its treatment:

  1. brittle hair,
  2. impaired fat balance of the epidermis,
  3. seborrhea (dandruff),
  4. fungal diseases of the scalp under the hair.

Due to the silver ions present in the paste, it removes the fungus that appeared on the epidermis under the hair, cleanses the skin, making it smooth and without redness. Also contributes to this selenium disulfide, which is part of the paste "Sulsen", responsible for the state of the epidermis. To date, the paste Sulsen against hair loss - one of the best available tools.

Paste "Sulsena" is presented on the market in two varieties: 1% and 2%. If the first type is a prophylactic, inactive remedy for minor lesions of the scalp with a fungus, then the second, due to the presence of sulfur and cinnamon alcohol in its composition, improves blood circulation processes in the hair follicles, strengthens the hair roots, reduces sebaceous glands around the hair follicles, preventing the appearance of traffic jams.

How to use?

For the prevention of hair loss, prevention of infection of the scalp with fungi, 1% “Sulsena” paste will be suitable, using it every 3-4 days for 1-1.5 months. The presence of dandruff and excessive greasiness of the hair is treated as prescribed by the doctor with 2% paste with the use of 2 times a month for 3 months.

Paste Sulsen against hair loss should be applied as follows:

  1. First you need to wash your hair with shampoo - use Sulsen shampoo effectively.
  2. applying a convenient nozzle on a tube, you should distribute the paste on the partings on the head,
  3. fingers should be thoroughly rubbed into the scalp with a circular motion,
  4. it is imperative to warm the head, creating a greenhouse effect for the best result,
  5. to be like this in 15-20 minutes,
  6. after the time has elapsed, wash the paste from the head with warm salted water, into which you can add a little vinegar or lemon juice.

What are the expected results?

Paste "Sulsena" allows to achieve the following results:

  • hair becomes strong, healthy, docile and shiny,
  • there is a significant cleansing of the scalp under the scalp of toxins,
  • dandruff disappears
  • the structure of the hair shaft is restored,
  • strand growth rates are improving,
  • sebaceous pores of the epidermis of the head normalize, due to which the hair does not get fat quickly and does not dry out.

A positive result from the use of this tool is noticeable after several procedures, but to achieve a lasting effect, you need to undergo a full course of treatment with Sulsen paste for hair loss.

Doctor reviews about pasta:

If oily hair is a problem that causes you inconvenience, then sulsen paste against hair loss is the means to which you should pay attention. Systematic use of the drug, at least once a week, will relieve you from the fat "icicles" on your head and allow you to move away from daily washing your head.

About company

Firm Sulsen belongs to the Ukrainian enterprise LLC Amalgam Lux. Company specializes in the production of cosmetic products.

The Sulsen brand produces a variety of scalp care products. The company produces anti-dandruff products in various forms: shampoo, soap, paste, hair cream.

How to apply the paste?

Before applying the tool should conduct the usual procedure of washing the hair, well squeeze out excess moisture and distribute the paste on the roots. For better absorption you need to massage the head, rubbing means. After 10-15 minutes, the paste is easily washed off with water. Additional washing or use of special rinses is not required.

If you use Sulsen for medicinal purposes, the procedure should be repeated 2 times a week. The course of treatment will be 3 months. Preventive sessions are held monthly courses 1 time per week. Preventive measures can be carried out no more than 1 time in 6 months.

Detailed instructions for use are on the package.

Important! If the product comes into contact with the eyes, rinse the mucous well thoroughly with water.

The main components of the paste

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The composition of the paste Sulsen

Studies show that Sulsen paste can successfully fight not only dandruff itself, but also the causes and consequences of its occurrence: seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, hair loss.

  • Water to moisturize the skin.
  • Glycerin, which serves to retain moisture in the epidermis.
  • Cetyl, stearyl and cinnamon alcohol, which act as emulsifiers.
  • Selenium disulfides. The main component of sulseny, has a list of useful qualities.
  • Odorants for flavoring.
  • Citric acid to eliminate age spots.

Paste action

  • Eliminates sebum on the head, and also prevents its formation in the future.
  • Relieves itching and dandruff.
  • Destroys toxins of exogenous origin, which are able to penetrate the hair roots and destroy them.
  • Helps hair grow and strengthen.
  • Heals hair follicles.
  • Does not allow hair to fall out.
  • Refreshes the skin.
  • Makes hair healthy.

How to apply the paste?

Improper use of the product can be harmful, as the composition of the paste contains specific chemicals. Before starting treatment, read the instructions.

  1. Wash hair with shampoo and warm water.
  2. Apply the paste to your hair. It is better to do this by making circular massage movements so that the paste absorbs as much as possible into the hair roots.
  3. Wait 15 minutes until the drug will have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Many are convinced that there is no need for such a long time, and for a course of treatment, three minutes is enough. Experts say that both are true, since much depends on the individual characteristics of a particular person. How long to wait, determine for yourself, based on feelings and results of treatment.
  4. After 15 minutes, rinse off with warm water without shampoo.

Which paste to choose: 2% or 1%?

Preventive variety of funds should be applied 2 times a week during the month. After the end of the procedure, it is recommended to repeat the course every 6 months. In this case, you will have a guarantee that your dandruff is no longer formed.

Dandruff treatment is carried out with 2% paste. The course of treatment should be carried out twice a week for three months. Remember that you can not interrupt treatment, despite the improvements that usually occur after 3-4 procedures. For a complete removal of dandruff need a full course.

Beauty Tips on applying the Sulsen Paste

  1. The content of the tube with long hair is enough for 3 or 4 procedures, and if you have short hair, then for 6-10 applications.
  2. The bathroom is an unfortunate place for storing Sulsen pasta, as the preparation spoils from excess moisture. Therefore, it is best to store pasta in a dry place.
  3. If the preparation gets into the eyes, immediately rinse them with cold running water.


For some people, the drug is contraindicated, as its use can have unpleasant and painful effects.

  • Allergic manifestations in the form of itching, rash, eczema, dermatitis.
  • Unexpected changes in hair color.
  • Irritation of the skin on the head.

Paste can not be used also for those who during its use revealed intolerance to the entire product as a whole or its individual components. It is categorically impossible to apply the paste to pregnant and lactating mothers.

Cost of Sulsena

The price of one tube of funds is small - from 68 to 120 rubles, depending on the region. Pasta is not a shortage, it can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

An additional advantage of the drug is that it does not lose its qualities for a long time - up to 24 months.

Reviews of the drug Sulsen

Olga (Simferopol): “My husband suffered from dandruff, which appeared after one of the popular brands of shampoo. Our master barber advised Sulsen paste. Bought at the pharmacy 2% pasta. The price is small (about 65 rubles), the product has a pleasant smell and orange blossom. Literally after the first use of dandruff my husband disappeared! But, in accordance with the instructions attached to the tube, we were treated for 3 months. Result: the husband no longer has dandruff, his hair has become healthier and even - a bald spot appeared on his bald head, which was not there before. There is only one lack of paste - a long process of treatment. ”

Anka (Moscow): “In autumn and winter, my immunity becomes weak, and I get dandruff. I tried to get rid of it by many means, but the paste of Sulsen helped me the best. Positive results appeared after the third application: the itch disappeared, dandruff became much less. In my opinion, there is only one drawback, which is not a very pleasant smell. ”

Elena (Lesnoy, Sverdlovsk region): “I used the paste of Sulsen, and found many drawbacks in it. The paste is washed off for a long time, the hair after applying the funds get dirty more quickly. I still haven’t got rid of dandruff, and my hair continues to fall out as before. ”

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What is a pharmacy tool?

Professional hair stylists and cosmetologists advise Sulsen against hair loss, all because active particles of the drug penetrate the hair structure, nourishing and healing it from the inside. Subsequently, this is reflected in the appearance: the curls become fluffy, shining and alive.

The tool in its density resembles a thick cream with a thick consistency with a yellowish or orange-yellow shade. Tubes are available in two volumes - 40 ml and 75 ml with 1% or 2% concentration of the active substance. It is necessary to choose a preparation only with the permission of the doctor.

In case of hair loss, or for the sake of growth prevention, 1% paste is used. To combat fungal infections - 2%.

After applying the composition to the hair, you can feel a slight herbal aroma - pleasant and unobtrusive, which after contact with water takes on a specific smell of sulfur.

The paste not only removes the already formed dandruff flakes, but also copes with the source of their occurrence. In general, doctors prescribe this drug for the treatment of:

  1. Seborrheic dermatitis,
  2. Psoriasis of the skin,
  3. Focal or "gnezdny" alopecia.

A positive effect is achieved after 2-3 applications of the drug, but for full recovery it is recommended to complete a full course of up to three months. The simultaneous use of paste and shampoo of the specified brand will give a more durable and quick result.

The composition of the medical paste

The main components of this drug are keratin and lecithin, which are so necessary for normal hair growth and strengthen hair follicles. Keratin in pasta does its job: curls gain elasticity, flexibility and elasticity.

And also, it includes:

  • oxygen, which is an essential component for the functioning of the follicle,
  • water,
  • various alcohols (cinnamon, cetyl and stearyl), drying the oily dermis of the head and having a disinfecting effect,
  • DMDM hydantoin,
  • lemon acid,
  • perfumes,
  • sodium cetearate sulfate,
  • potassium cetearate phosphate,
  • glycerol components that retain moisture in the cells and provide hair bulbs with nutrition.

One of the most effective medicinal components of the paste is selenium disulfide. In tandem with other substances, he unquestionably copes with a yeast fungus - dandruff, cures the scalp from flaking and intolerable itching. In just a few applications, the paste normalizes the sebaceous glands and settles the production of sebum.

Also an important advantage of Sulsen is effective action on all layers of the epidermis. With regular use of the composition improves blood circulation, and as a result of this decreases hair loss.

Apply paste for hair and scalp

Any drug can not be used uncontrollably and without the recommendation of the attending physician. First of all, consult with a specialist for the purpose of an individual treatment plan and the frequency of applying the paste.

Cases of an allergic reaction are possible. For him, it is imperative to conduct an allergy test: for this you need to apply a small amount of paste on the wrist. If during the day there is no change - the drug can be used. If there is redness, itching or other manifestations of allergy - paste is better to postpone.

In case of allergy after using the product, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Instructions for use paste "Sulsen" is very simple. Before applying, you should wash your scalp well with a shampoo that is best for you. After that, you need to let them dry.

Tip: do not blow dry your hair. It is better to wait until they dry on their own. Hot air is the enemy of hair.

After that, apply the paste over the entire length of the hair, paying particular attention to the roots. The amount of paste depends on the thickness and length of hair, in general, each hair must be covered with paste.

For the best effect, you can put a plastic bag on your head and wrap yourself with a warm towel. After 15-20 minutes you need to wash your head with plenty of water, as there may be some difficulties in flushing. That's because in its composition "Sulsen" contains a bold texture, so that there is no greasy shine left, it is worth a good try.

The course of treatment is quite long - 3 months. Apply the drug should be every 2-3 days, and after the course can be applied once a week as a balm. This will only further strengthen the structure of your hair.

Paste "Sulsen" for hair growth is useful only with cyclic use. This course can be done 2 times a year.

Sulsena dandruff

Dandruff is the No. 1 problem in hair care. However, if you choose the right drug - you can easily get rid of annoying little white particles.

As you know, dandruff is a fungal disease of the scalp, and fungi should be treated with agents that have antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Such properties have paste "Sulsen".

Tip: to fight the fungus will not be more effective than 1%, and 2% pasta. In appearance, these two pastes are somewhat different: the first has a light yellow shade, the second - caramel-red.

The molecule selenium disulfide is attached to the cell wall of the fungus, thereby preventing its reproduction. Thus, the treatment of hair dandruff.

The course of treatment is unchanged: 3 months with a frequency of 2-3 days per week - as recommended by the doctor.

Sulsena from the fat content of the roots

Also, the paste is effective if you have oily skin. As already mentioned, this drug has a wide spectrum of action - therefore, if there is such a problem - it is safe to use “Sulsen”, certainly 2%.

Within a month, one can notice that the hair becomes smooth and clean, the roots become elastic and healthy, the oily film on the surface disappears and as a whole, the hair becomes alive and shining.

The result of treatment is the normalization of the function of the sebaceous glands, that is, in the future, the hair will not quickly get fat. Many girls notice that they no longer need to wash their hair daily, as they stay clean and fresh longer.

Cure Scrub Mask Recipe

This drug is used not only in pure form, but also as a part of home masks. Presented recipe helps to accelerate hair growth, gives the root volume and ease curls.

Take the required amount of paste, based on the length of your hair, add to it 1 tsp. powder colorless henna, ½ tsp alcohol-based calendula tinctures, a few drops of almond oil, 1.l. salt, 7-10 drops of essential oils of tea tree and rosemary.

The composition is rubbed into the scalp like a scrub, kept on the hair up to 15 minutes, and then washed with shampoo. A salt hair scrub perfectly cleanses the dermis from keratinized scales and stimulates blood circulation.

So, we can conclude that the paste "Sulsen" favorably affects the scalp and hair, protects them from dandruff, oiliness, loss, as a result, accelerates their growth, activates the hair follicle, nourishes it, normalizes the action of the sebaceous glands and has a fluffy hair, healthy, shiny and healthy looking.

Only each of us is responsible for our health, so the choice is for everyone. The modern world offers a variety of innovations that help in the fight against various diseases. But still it is worth remembering that you should not engage in self-medication: it is better to consult a doctor.

Paste "Sulsen" for hair growth

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Paste "Sulsen" 2% is one of the most effective means in the fight against dandruff. There are people who have suffered from this unpleasant disease for decades, testing for themselves a variety of expensive drugs. But it was cheap Sulsen that helped them to restore the normal condition of the scalp and finally get rid of the annoying cosmetic defect.

In addition, it helps against hair loss, thinning, excessive dryness or oiliness, optimize their condition and stimulate growth.

Paste "Sulsen" 2% is one of the most effective means in the fight against dandruff. There are people who have suffered from this unpleasant disease for decades, testing for themselves a variety of expensive drugs. But it was cheap Sulsen that helped them to restore the normal condition of the scalp and finally get rid of the annoying cosmetic defect.

In addition, it helps against hair loss, thinning, excessive dryness or oiliness, optimize their condition and stimulate growth.

What is the paste "Sulsena"?

With the help of Sulsen ointment for hair, you can cure a wide variety of scalp diseases, although initially it is aimed at combating two types of seborrhea - oily and dry. It actively removes existing dandruff from the skin surface and effectively fights the causes of its appearance. Its instructions for use are extremely simple, and you are guaranteed to cope with its correct use, even if you first purchased this tool.

The instructions for use of the paste "Sulsen" 2% said that it is used to treat three main problems:

  1. seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp,
  2. diffuse and focal alopecia (local baldness and general intensive hair loss),
  3. psoriasis.

This effective tool is cheap and affordable, and therefore you can purchase it even with the most modest budget. Find "Sulsen" can be in a pharmacy or a specialized boutique. Also paste is sold via the Internet.

The use of this hair product has a great effect not only on the condition of the scalp, but also on the appearance of the hairstyle. Curls become more dense, thick and durable, acquire proper elasticity, less polluted. The ointment can also provide you with growth stimulation if it is stopped or slowed down a lot.

Efficacy of the drug: how can "Sulsen"

"Sulsen" can be used not only as a therapeutic, but also as a prophylactic agent for a variety of problems related to the condition of the hair and scalp. Feedback on this product is almost always positive. Some consumers sin on Sulsen as an ineffective product, having tried shampoo of this brand.

We consider it our duty to inform you that it is not as effective as an ointment or paste. And in general, shampoo will never be able to provide you with a healing or firming effect, since its use is intended only to cleanse the scalp of functional impurities. No, even the most expensive luxury products can not give the hair a therapeutic effect, and therefore you should not initially rely on the miraculous properties of shampoos declared by their manufacturers.

Paste "Sulsen" for hair growth and elimination of problems with their condition should be used a certain course. It has a purely cumulative effect, and therefore, if you begin to apply it “on occasion”, you also will not achieve a pronounced result. Remember that this remedy is therapeutic, therefore it should be used schematically, depending on the specific goals and current violations.

The main active component of the ointment is selenium disulfide, which provides certain actions to the bulbs, hair shafts and scalp.

The range of its properties includes the following:

  • Adjustment and normalization of the sebaceous glands, the elimination of excess sebum on the surface of the head, the release of skin pores from traffic jams and other internal pollution,
  • Neutralization of unpleasant symptoms associated with violation of the scalp state - itching, burning, peeling,
  • Deactivating exogenous toxins that act on the root machine of curls is purely destructive,
  • Prevention and treatment of diffuse or focal alopecia,
  • Strengthening the hair follicles and rods, protecting them from thinning and weakness,
  • Stimulation of hair growth and its stabilization,
  • Cell renewal of the scalp and improvement of their proliferative functions,
  • Providing locks of shine, strength, elasticity and healthy appearance.

Since, along with the main ingredient, some chemical compounds are included in the paste, you should not use it uncontrolledly. First of all, you should carefully study the instructions for applying the paste "Sulsena" before using the tool. It is even better to consult a doctor in advance for a thorough differential diagnosis of your disease and the appointment of adequate therapy.

The fact is that problems with hair can directly signal you about serious internal disorders of the body, so a purely external struggle with illnesses may not be enough. In addition, the fight against symptomatic manifestations is potentially dangerous to health, because by stopping its symptoms, you unwittingly help it progress and develop.

Instructions pr the use of paste "Sulsen" for hair

Sulsen Paste for hair growth and anti-dandruff should be used according to its primary purpose. Ointment 2% is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, and ointment 1% - only with prophylactic. Choose a product according to the current state of your hair.

Using the product does not present any difficulties:

  1. First you need to wash your hair with a soft, sulphate-free shampoo,
  2. Then it is necessary to apply “Sulsen” with an even layer on the surface of the scalp,
  3. Rub in a circular massage movements,
  4. Stand for 10-15 minutes (some people claim that two minutes of aging are enough for them, but we recommend that you leave the paste on your head for 15 minutes)
  5. After the specified time interval has elapsed, the paste remains should be removed from the head with warm running water (it is better not to use cleansing agents).

A full therapeutic course is three months. It is necessary to use the paste twice a week. If you are only interested in prevention, use the tool twice a week for a month (1%). The course can be repeated no more than once every six months. If the positive dynamics is not observed, we strongly recommend that you contact a narrowly focused specialist and undergo a differential diagnosis.

We draw your attention to such an important point as the “false effect”.

You will notice the initial result of applying the therapeutic product almost immediately - the hair will become thicker and stronger, dandruff will disappear, loss will stop, growth will be activated. This indicates that the tool has begun to work. But during this period, many people stop using it, having decided that they have already achieved the necessary action, and they do not need to use the paste further. In fact, it is important to complete the course and go through to the end so that the result becomes stable and prolonged.

In no case can the paste be kept damp, that is, in the bathroom. There it will quickly deteriorate and its expiration date will be released twice as long as it was supposed to. The optimum storage place for pasta is dry, dark, moderately cool.

Mask for hair on the basis of "Sulsen"

Some women prefer to enhance the therapeutic effect of the paste by performing a mask based on it. It is made quite simply, and its effect is superior to the effect of the ointment in its pure form.

  • rub a tablespoon of pasta with a similar amount of fine salt (preferably sea salt, iodized),
  • add to the resulting mass of ten drops of essential oils of tea tree and rosemary,
  • sprinkle the mass with a teaspoon of colorless henna,
  • enter a teaspoon of calendula spirit tincture (you can buy it at any pharmacy),
  • Mix the obtained substance thoroughly and apply it on previously cleansed scalp (peeling can be carried out using ground insoluble coffee),
  • apply the mass on the partings, gently massaging the skin with your fingertips for three minutes,
  • leave the composition on the head for 10-15 minutes (it is desirable to create a greenhouse effect, but not necessary),
  • wash the mask from the head with warm water without using shampoos or other cleansing agents.

Sulsena is a real panacea for some consumers. She helped hundreds of thousands of women to quickly deal with the problems that they courageously, but almost unsuccessfully fought over the years. Try it and you!

Instructions for use paste dandruff Sulsen: types, action, treatment

A lot of people live on our planet, but every fifth of its inhabitants faced such a problem as dandruff.

And it doesn’t matter what color your skin is, what type of hair or other features - dry seborrhea (dandruff) may appear in you.

This is not a dangerous disease, but very unpleasant. Especially if you do not immediately get rid of it.

There are many ways, including folk, how to get rid of seborrhea, but the most effective, simple and long-proven method to combat this problem is Sulsena dandruff paste.

  • Composition
  • Dandruff Sulsen Paste: instructions for use
  • Treatment effectiveness
  • 1% Sulsen Pasta
  • 2% paste
  • Sulsen Forte
  • Useful video
  • Summarize

This substance cleans the skin from fat, destroying the fertile soil for the development of dry seborrhea fungus. Selenium disulfide stimulates the scalp, restores damaged hair follicles and relieves irritation: itching, redness.

This substance can leave a chemical burn on the skin; therefore, 1 or 2 percent of the total volume of all components is used in dandruff paste.

On the box and on the tube you can see "1%" or "2%" - the content of the substance.

Also, the action of selenium disulfide softens water, which is the main component of the paste.

The inorganic substance in water is insoluble, but when water and other components are added to it, its detrimental effect on living cells weakens noticeably.

  • Cetyl alcohol is a binder, lubricant. It covers each hair with a protective film that retains moisture.
  • Stearyl alcohol moisturizes the scalp and softens the effects of selenium disulfide.
  • Sodium sulfate cleanses the skin of excess fat and dead cells.
  • Glycerin moisturizes the scalp and nourishes the hair follicles.
  • Potassium ceteareth phosphate is an antifungal agent.
  • Fragrance, cinnamon alcohol - flavors.
  • DMDM hydantoin is an antiviral synthetic substance.
  • Citric acid relieves itching and irritation on the skin.

Dandruff Sulsen Paste: instructions for use

Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and wash it off with warm water. For greater effect, you can use shampoo "Sulsen" against dandruff. Apply a sufficient amount of paste on the scalp and hair roots. Rub the paste for 2-3 minutes with massaging movements. Wait 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm running water.

1% Sulsen Pasta

  1. Irritation of the skin of the head.
  2. The general condition of hair improves, appear:
    • volume,
    • natural shine
    • smoothness, elasticity and strength of hair.
  3. The skin is cleansed of excess fat.
  4. Work of sebaceous glands is normalized.

Treatment course: 2 times a week for 1 month. Use 1 time in half a year.

2% paste

  • skin is deeply cleansed of excess fat,
  • horny patches of skin peel off
  • normal production of subcutaneous fat,
  • the general condition of hair improves,
  • dandruff fungus is destroyed,

  1. Dandruff treatment: 2 times a week for 3 months. Course repetition as needed.
  2. Prevention of seborrhea: 1 time per week for 1 month. Course repetitions 1 time in half a year.

  • Keep in a safe place from children
  • keep away from the sun
  • in case of contact with eyes, rinse with warm running water.

Contraindications: not identified.

Consistency: thick, soft, like cream.

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There is a similar tool "Sulsen Forte", another manufacturer, which received a negative characteristic on the network.

Sulsen Forte

  • water,
  • cetriamonium chloride,
  • cetearyl alcohol,
  • dipalmitoethyl hydroxytriammonium metasulfate,
  • cetearet-20,
  • hydrogenated polydecene,
  • cetyl stearyl alcohol,
  • Polyquaternium-7,
  • burdock root extract,
  • PEG-8 jojoba oil esters,
  • Burr oil,
  • selenosulfide,
  • PEG-12 Dimethicone,
  • cyclomethicone,
  • Dimethicone
  • carbomer,
  • triethanolamine,
  • EDTA
  • lemon acid,
  • ethyl parabens,
  • butyl parabens
  • propyl parabens,
  • phenol ethoxyethanol
  • perfumery composition.

Half of the components on this list are silicone, dangerous to hair.

How to use: wash your hair with shampoo, apply the product to the hair along the entire length and rinse with warm water in a few minutes.

Reference! One tube will be spent on the scalp, for the entire length of the hair is unknown.

Action: cleanses the scalp and dandruff.

Attention! Those who have already used this tool say that the hair after drying is oily, dirty, and dandruff becomes even greater.

Consistency: liquid mass.


At the moment, Sulsen Pasta (manufacturer - "Amalgam Lux") is the best drug for the prevention and treatment of dandruff.

It is better not to buy “Sulsen Forte” (producer of “Mirolla”) - its action is completely opposite to the expected one.

Treat dandruff with sulsena, but the causes of dry seborrhea are often violations of the daily regimen, poor diet and frequent stress.

With the elimination of these factors and the use of medical paste Sulsena you can permanently get rid of dandruff.

Sulsena as a panacea for hair loss

Hair loss is a big problem for people of all ages and social groups. Thick, long, healthy hair at all times was the standard of beauty, and the secrets of preserving the maiden's braid were passed down from generation to generation. In men, the presence of thick beautiful hair without signs of fat and dandruff, especially bald spots and bald patches, only adds charm to them and speaks of overall health.

With the advent of official medicine and the study of the structure of the hair at the molecular level, modern recipes for preserving their health have appeared. One of the most effective means for treating the scalp are the products of the Sulsen series. A series of care products presented in the performance of shampoo, paste 1% and 2%, ointment and soap 1% and 2% "Sulsen".

To understand how the drug works directly on the problem of hair loss, try to understand the hair device, determine the main nourishing elements, identify the cause of loss, the effect of Sulsen products on the source of the problem and what feedback we found on the Internet about these products.

How does human hair

Each hair on a person’s head during a life goes through several stages from the beginning of growth to loss. The longer this process lasts, the stronger and healthier the hair. Figure 1 shows the life cycle of each individual hair, consisting of three stages.

  • Stage 1 - Anagen or active growth stage.
  • Stage 2 - catagen or intermediate stage.
  • Stage 3 - telogen or the stage of rest, ending with the destruction of the body and its loss.

On average, a cycle in a healthy person lasts 2-7 years. Of these, 90% of all hairs are in the first and intermediate stages; the telogen stage lasts only 3 months. After falling out in the telogen stage in the follicle of the hair that has fallen out, a new one begins to mature, and the cycle repeats. With age, a person's cycle time is reduced, growth processes slow down, and in adulthood often and many times hair falls out.

Paste "Sulsen" can begin to use at the first sign of enhancing the process of hair loss.

The body of the hair consists of a trunk and a root. The root is in the hair follicle, called the follicle. This is a growth point, it is here that the body receives the most essential nutrients. The trunk consists of a medulla located in the core. The brain substance is elastic and consists of partially cornified cells containing pigments. Hair type depends on the type of pigment (eumelanin or pheomelanin). The cuticle, the outer layer, is a horny cell resembling scales.

Each hair follicle is supplied with oxygen through small blood vessels. The blood supply to the follicles is of great importance, therefore the component Cinnamyl alcohol is added to the Sulsen paste, which improves the blood circulation of the scalp, increases the follicle tone and starts the processes of their regeneration.

The main elements in the hair

Simplified, it contains proteins consisting of amino acids (containing sulfur), fats, water, pigments, vitamins and some metals. A certain combination of these components determines the elasticity, oiliness, health and strength of the hair.

Approximately the structure looks like this:

  • water - 15%,
  • pigment - 1%,
  • protein (amino acids) - 78%,
  • lipids (fats) - 6%.

Amino acids that make up the hair body contain sulfur in their composition, and often the lack of this element causes brittleness, dryness and brittleness. Therefore, the composition of the paste "Sulsen" includes a component of selenium disulfide, which contains 45% sulfur. Thanks to selenium disulfide, hair acquires elasticity, restores the original luster and structure.

It is very important to nourish the hair from the inside of the body, eating the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and active substances, and from the outside - taking care of them, avoid their thermal, chemical and physical damage, and monitor hygiene.

1. Paste "Sulsena"

Sulsen paste is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent to strengthen the follicles, regulate sebaceous gland secretions and treat seborrhea (dandruff), dermatitis, to improve growth. Available in a 75 ml tube with 1% and 2% selenium disulfide content. For prophylactic purposes, 1% paste should be applied 2 times a week for one month. For treatment, use 2% of the paste with a use interval of 1 week for one month.

Application: wash your hair with any shampoo, rinse with clean water, apply a small amount of sulsenovy paste and rub it with rotational movements. After 15 minutes, rinse with clean running water.

2. Shampoo "Sulsena"

It is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic hair hygiene and scalp treatment for dandruff by regulating the processes of secretion of sebaceous glands, creating a healthy environment and suppressing the growth of yeast fungi of the genus Pityrosporum Ovale.

The use of sulsen shampoo 1 time per week for one month restores the hair structure, eliminates irritation of the scalp, prevents the growth of fungi, gives the hair a radiant healthy look. Good effect gives the joint use of shampoo and paste.

Application: wash your hair with sulsen shampoo, hold the soap suds for 10-15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with clean running water.

3. Sulsen soap 1% and 2%

Handmade soap with a specific smell. I remember how, in childhood, my mother washed my head with sulsen soap, I even remember an unpleasant smell. He stayed long on my hair. I did not understand why it is necessary to use this soap every week when you can use a shampoo with a good odor.

And I also remember how I sang in the school choir, and my teacher, doing my hair for performances, could not keep them in my fist to braid my braid. Only now I understand how my mother was right, and I am grateful to her for taking care of my, now thick and strong hair.

Apply soap as a preventive against seborrhea (dandruff), to strengthen the roots and enhance hair growth. Soap should be stored only in a dry place.

Application: wash your hair with shampoo, rinse your hair in clean water, then lather with sulsen soap and hold the foam for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly in running water.

The cost of Sulsen products is quite low, so these funds are available for all segments of the population.

Sulsen product reviews

Negative reviews of sulsenic products contain information about the intensification of hair loss processes, many people do not like the smell, positive ones - about eliminating the causes of hair loss in a short time. Like all well-known products, Sulsen has its own supporters and opponents who claim that the products are ineffective and only increase hair loss. Such various reviews and opinions allow you to objectively judge the product and choose what is right for you.

I just want to add that selenium disulfide, which is part of the sulsen paste and soap, is today one of the oldest discoveries in the field of medical products against scalp diseases, and has been used effectively for many years. And the Internet is still dominated by positive reviews about Sulsen, as a product that helps to maintain healthy and strong hair.

The author: Petrichenko Julia

The use of paste for cosmetic purposes: a mask with essential oils

The restoration of healthy hair contributes not only to applying the paste in its pure form, but also as part of a mask, which is not difficult to prepare.

  • essential oils of tea tree and rosemary, 10 drops each,
  • Calendula tincture - 1 tsp,
  • colorless henna - 1 tsp,
  • salt - 1 tablespoon,
  • sulsen paste - 1 tablespoon.

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients of the recipe and apply on the hair with massage movements. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. As a result of applying the mask, the hair will become silky, elastic, strong and shiny.

Before you use a new cosmetic tool, and especially one that is aimed at treatment, you need to get acquainted with the opinions of people who have tried this product. Reviews, say that the paste sulsen for growth and hair loss is a very effective tool that helps almost instantly. You can see the effect of the drug after the first use.

In the network, you can also meet the negative opinion of people regarding the paste, arguing that hair loss has only increased. However, here it should be remembered that the contraindications and side effects allow for individual intolerance of components to which the body can react in different ways.

One can doubt for a long time whether or not the sulsen paste paste helps to restore hair. Reading the reviews is difficult to understand what will be the effect of a particular person who needs help in order to restore the health of the hair. The correct decision will be a trip to the doctor for advice. Surely, the popularity of this tool would not be so great if it did not relieve from difficulties.

Effect after use

Sulsen paste has a disinfectant, antifungal and antiseptic action. This tool has a positive effect on the development of hair follicles, helps to accelerate hair growth. Thick paste does not dry hair and does not dehydrate the scalp. Reduces the increased production of sebum, contributes to the flexibility and elasticity of the hair.

Sulsen Shampoo acts as a mild peeling, exfoliates dead skin cells of the scalp. It affects the yeast that causes dandruff. Hair becomes shiny, scalp returns to normal.

Sulsen soap apply not only to the head, but also to the face. The impact is aimed at normalizing the lipid balance of the epidermis. Dryness and dandruff pass away, the skin becomes moisturized.

An important point! Acne sulsen soap can be used only with dry skin, as it provokes the release of sebum. It has an antibacterial effect that helps eliminate acne and prevent the appearance of new ones.

The composition of the complex

The active ingredients of the paste:

  • selenium disulfide,
  • glycerol,
  • various alcohols,
  • lemon acid.


  • selenium disulfide,
  • sodium lauryl sulfate,
  • salicylic acid,
  • lemon acid.


  • selenium,
  • sulfur,
  • complex of vitamins and minerals.

Sulsen soap

For the head:

  1. Rinse your head with the usual means.
  2. Apply soap to hair, rub into scalp.
  3. Hold on head for at least 10 minutes and rinse hair.

Soap should be used no more than once a week, one course is 8-10 procedures. As a prophylaxis after the course, apply once a month.

For face:

  1. Make foam clean hands.
  2. Apply the foam on the face, briefly massage, rinse.

Important! This soap is potent, it must be thoroughly rinsed off, and then moisturize the skin.

How much is

Price range:

  • paste: 65-80 rubles for a 75 ml tube,
  • paste: 30-50 rubles for a 40 ml tube,
  • shampoo: 250-350 rubles for a bottle of 150 ml,
  • soap: 100-170 rubles per bar 100 grams.

All these tools can be purchased at any pharmacy or pharmacy sites.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive sides:

  • effective impact
  • easy to use
  • low price
  • noticeable action after the first use,
  • enhanced hair growth.

Negative sides:

  • unpleasant smell lasts 2-3 days after use,
  • long flushing,
  • shampoo is quickly consumed.

Precautionary measures

When this product cannot be used:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • in case of hypersensitivity to one or several components,
  • in the presence of allergies
  • the presence of eczema, dermatitis, wounds on the skin,
  • small children.

Side effects:

  • allergic reactions: rash, irritation, itching,
  • change shade of hair.

Consolidation of the result

The effect of Sulsen cosmetics is noticeable after the first use. For the complete disappearance of dandruff and other problems, a single course of treatment and supportive preventive measures are sufficient. If the problem persists, you should consult with your doctor.

Dandruff, alopecia, dull hair may appear from hard water. The last rinse should be done with good drinking water. Hard water can be softened: use a special softener or ordinary soda.

Fatty, fried, spicy and too salty foods, smoked foods, sweets, and alcohol contribute to dandruff. They must be excluded from the diet. During the treatment of dandruff should try not to eat hot food.

Attention! Only external treatment is not enough, internal intervention is also necessary. It is necessary to be examined for the presence of various bacterial, fungal, viral infections that contribute to the formation of dandruff.

It should be more often to wash hats, change the pillowcase every day. If the hair falls out strongly, it is less likely to use hard rubber bands, hairpins and other hair ornaments. Only wide soft elastic bands will do.

Most often, the treatment of dandruff and hair loss is a difficult process, so it must be approached comprehensively. Several methods work together much better than one. Treatment and prevention should not be interrupted halfway without completing the full course, otherwise the problem will return.

Consumer reviews about the paste of Sulsen

The tool really has all the declared properties. To speed up the results, I also used Sulsen shampoo in addition to the main treatment. I recommend doing it this way, that is, to influence the problem in a comprehensive manner.

Sulsen paste helped me stop hair loss. Curls fell down so abruptly that I did not have time to react. I had to take operational measures. Immediately rushed to save themselves with expensive means (decided that they were more effective), but only lost time and aggravated the problem even more. Reviews of pasta overheard in transport and decided that I had nothing to lose. The speed of the result struck me. By the end of the first month, the curls gradually began to grow. After completing the course, the problem was completely resolved. Now I use pasta as a preventive measure, so that I do not experience such horror again.

Sulsena quickly copes with dandruff. Application does not entail negative consequences. Easy to use, the result is visible very quickly. Itching went away after two sessions, and the scales disappeared completely after 1.5 months. Most importantly, the problem does not return. I use the paste for prophylaxis, which allows not to be afraid of more dandruff and keep curls in perfect condition.

Photo before and after:

Great tool! I am very pleased. Hair is thick (no more of these tufts on the comb), cleaned of fat, obedient, soft, strong and healthy. The price of the product is generally fabulous, even it is strange that such a cheap tool is so effective.

You can buy the drug at any pharmacy at an affordable price. In return, you are guaranteed to get a solution to your problems, whether it be dandruff or falling out. In addition, the hairstyle will shine with healthy shine and beauty. Verified on yourself and approved.


Watch the video: HOW I GREW MY HAIR BACK! YOU NEED THIS! WITH MONAT (July 2024).