Work with hair

Tape hair extensions


Most women dream of long, thick and luxurious hair. But you can grow your own braid for years, and you want to be beautiful now.

Someone dreams of a chic hairstyle for a prom night, someone will soon have a wedding, and someone just really wants to change something in themselves.

For such cases, there is a simple and fast way to transform - tape hair extensions. What it is, how this method differs from the standard ones, and what disadvantages it has, we will discuss in this article.

Technology description

Tape hair extensions (EasyTouch, HairTalk) different from the usual capsular capacity. Its main advantage is the speed of the extension, simplicity and minimal damage to the hair.

The price for this type of hair extensions is also one of the most democratic - it does not take a lot of time from the master, and if necessary can be done independently.

When using this method with the help of special adhesive tapes, a “donor” strand is attached to its hair. Strands are usually supplied with ribbons already attached to them.

In rare cases, the tape will have to buy separately, and place them strands of hair. Typically, this extension uses high quality hair: European and Slavic. On the famous Aliexpress You can also find straps on ribbons, but they are Asian and do not show themselves well in their socks.

Client's hair is divided into zones, an approximate number of attached strands is calculated on each zone. Then, from the top of the head, rows start attaching the hair to their own, using special forceps to better fix the adhesive tape on the hair.

Step by step this process is described in this video.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any type of extension, tape hair extensions have pros and cons. What are the advantages and disadvantages are listed below.

  • capacity does not imply the use of high temperatures (as opposed to capsular),
  • process very fast, and takes no more than one and a half hours,
  • after building their own curls do not suffer, do not fall out more than usual,
  • easy to adjust the volume and density
  • adequate cost,
  • strands of high quality and long worn,
  • the ability to quickly change the image: a variety of hairstyles, these extension kits are sold in almost every specialty store.


  • can not use balm if it gets on the tape - strands come off,
  • you need to gently comb the curls, in order to avoid tangles,
  • behind the strands need to followwith frequent washing they lose their shine,
  • during prolonged wear, artificial strands will need to be laminated to preserve the appearance,
  • required frequent correction,
  • building up is inconvenient to do yourself
  • Ribbons are visible if the hair is short (above the shoulders) and when the air flow is directed to the hairstyle.

Other people's hair requires special care, but when this process becomes a habit, the girl usually does not notice a special waste of time.

Does hair hurt?

EasyTouch, or the method of tape extension - one of the most safe methods for changing the length of curls.

Along with the tress build-up, in which no glue or micro-rings are used, as well as hot keratin, which melts at 180 degrees, this method is able for a woman to quickly change her image and calmly grow her own hair.

The only risk that was noticed after the application of this method is a little more hair loss, if your own strand was incorrectly matched.

If the master incorrectly calculated its volume and thickness, the donor strand will pull off his own hair.

And so, does the hair extension harm the hair? Sometimes there are situations in which an overly heavy donor strand tears out its own with a root.

Therefore, it is important to build up experienced a specialist or person who can properly conduct the procedure.

How much is holding up?

Tape hair extensions as holding? The main disadvantage of this type of hair extension is the term of its socks.

If your own hair grows slowly - correction will need to be done every few months.

If your hair tends to add a couple of centimeters of length per month, you will have to run every couple of weeks for correction. And this is usually not like all girls.

The hair itself is suitable for repurposewhen, during the correction, old adhesive tapes are removed and new ones are attached to the strand. It is possible to retract the hairstyle with this method up to 5-6 times without much harm.

A regular lamination procedure that can be carried out at home will extend the life and improve the appearance of the artificial strands.

But frequent staining or clarification can spoil them very much, so do not abuse them.

As already mentioned, the correction of tape hair extensions is carried out more often. Therefore, not every woman agrees to this method of extension, after one or two attempts, refusing it in favor of the usual capsular or tressovogo. And in vain.

The procedure itself is not particularly difficult, and, having held it with the master a couple of times, you can continue to do it. on their own.
There is a correction tape extension as follows:

  • put special solution for dissolving the adhesive base on the tapes. Wait a few minutes.
  • Remove the tape, separating the artificial strands from the natural. Remove them from the strand,
  • gently comb their own curls to remove fallen hairs that have accumulated during wear on the tapes. With the wrong worn strands - remove the resulting mats,
  • artificial strands trim if necessary, do dyeing or lamination (at the request of the client),
  • fix new ribbons on the strands,
  • fasten strands on new ribbons at a distance no more than 0.5 centimeters from the roots. Increase the total volume, if necessary, increasing it at the request of the client,
  • make contour haircut if necessary.

Usually the cost of the correction is half the cost of the extension itself, but this depends on where you do this procedure.

Who is suitable?

Finally, I would like to recall the recommendations of professional masters in building up, which they give to future clients.

This type of extension is best suited for women who want to temporarily change image (for a short time) and do not plan to wear long curls for more than 2-3 weeks.

It is also recommended for girls with thin and straight hair who want to increase their volume and density. To whom this method is categorically not suitable, it is for girls with thick and naughty curls.

In the latter case, it is recommended to build hair on tresses, usually wavy. This will allow you to avoid everyday waste of time on styling and a big waste of money, since with thick hair you will need to build 2-2.5 volumes.


In conclusion, I would like to say about this method only one thing: until you try it yourself, you will not know. Build on tapes is convenient, fast and practical.

However, you should choose your method of extension after a preliminary consultation with a proven master who will assess the general condition of the hair and choose the most suitable method for you personally.

Features of the procedure

This service has earned its popularity for its gentle method of attaching strands. When the tape builds, strands decorated in ribbons of different sizes. That allows the master to quickly attach them to the right place.

Features tape capacity:

  • build-up occurs due to adhesive tapes from 4 to 6 cm with strands of a selected length,
  • cold fixing method,
  • correction is required after 2-3 months,
  • when removing hair is not adversely affected.

The master secures the stackable strand to the native curl, in such a way that they are clamped between two adhesive tapes, top and bottom. The maximum hair length that can be obtained using this method is 60 cm.

Note, in order not to weigh down the roots, hairdressers glue strands at a distance of one centimeter from them.

Types of tape building

This type of buildinghas several techniques for the implementation of this procedure, which allows you to choose the most appropriate option, depending on the natural structure of the hair.

Hair Talk (Germany). It is used mainly to increase the thickness of the hair. The donor strands are gathered into ribbons 4 cm long. They are transparent, suitable for thin or short hair, and can also be applied on the bangs and temporal region. For such a building technology requires about 20 tapes. Correction will be required not earlier than 9-10 weeks.

Strands can be reused from 3–6 times. The length of the strands has a margin of 5 cm. For example: by purchasing strands of 50 cm, you will receive a hair length of 50 cm after alignment.

Angelo Hair (Italy). Used strands of the Slavic type keratin-based, 3 cm long tape. They are very light just 1.5 grams. for a length of 50 cm and a width of 8 mm. Suitable for weak hair. On average, it takes about 90 strands to grow. The length is standard, for example: if the strands are 50 cm, after alignment the length will remain 40 cm. Update your hairstyle in 6-10 weeks. For re-correction, the strands will fit no more than 3-4 times.

Micro tape Tapes with this capacity are applied from 0.5-1.5 cm, and a width of only 4 mm. They have the lowest weight. allowed for use on thinned hair. Required from 120 pcs. to get an average amount of hair. Correction in 4–5 weeks. For re-correction, the strands will fit 3–4 times.

Regardless of the technique, you need to find a good master in hairdressing, who has been trained in this area of ​​hair extensions. This is what will allow you to feel all the advantages of this or that method of obtaining the coveted length of curls.

The price of this service will consist of the cost of the wizard and curls themselves. The work of the master will be inexpensive from 1000 to 2500 rubles, as it takes a little time and effort. But artificial strands depending on the length and origin: Slavic, European or Asian will blow more expensive.

Average cost of Slavic hair using Hair Talk technology (1 pack per 40 strands):

  • 45 cm - 8500 r.,
  • 55 cm - 9500 p.,
  • 70 cm - 12000 r.

In this type of product there is a guarantee for the adhesive layer, which is retained for a long time for reuse of donor hair.

Correction of long hair will be cheaper from 1000 to 2000 rubles, the work of the master, plus the cost of funds for removing strands of 100 to 500 rubles.


The procedure is carried out on the local area of ​​the skin, so contraindications concern only those girls who are predisposed to allergic reactions. They can appear on the glue, the composition of artificial strands.

It is necessary to postpone the procedure with open wounds, ulcers on the head. People who often suffer from headaches should refrain from lengthening the curls in this way, avoiding additional pressure on the hair roots.

Stages of the procedure

Tape extension suggests the following procedure:

  1. Hair washed, dried.
  2. The wizard determines which zones to place the donor strands, their number. Usually start from the occipital zone.
  3. Part of the hair is pinned up, and the rest serves as the basis for artificial strands.
  4. Taking two ribbons, one is placed under a part of natural hair, departing at least 1 cm from the roots, and the other from above. Sometimes the “book” method is used, when a tape, as it were, pinches a lock between its two halves, as if a book is being slammed.
  5. Tapes are fixed at a distance of 2 cm from each other on all the necessary lines.
  6. Sliding cut align the transition between natural and artificial curls.

From 40 minutes to 1 hour, will be able to increase, the length of your hair up to 60 cm.

With proper and careful care, it will remain in good shape from 1.5 to 3 months.

Council If you have to do a high hairstyle often, you should discuss this fact with the master in advance. He will place the ribbons higher on the back of the head, making them invisible.

When adjustment is needed

Curls grow in each person in their own way, therefore, when the length from the roots will be 4–5 cm, it is recommended to carry out a correction, if it is Hair Talk technology, since the tapes are quite wide and evenly distribute the load.

If the extension was microlento, then when the roots grow, the ribbons will start to twist around their axis and bring a lot of problems, therefore it is worth resorting to corrective measures at 3 cm.

A hairdresser with a special compound will carefully remove the ribbons and reattach them above. It takes 40 to 60 minutes.

Many manufacturers give a guarantee on their strands up to 6 months of use. How long do hair extensions with other techniques, read our website.

Hair care

On the head are the attachment points of your long curls, so you need to carefully treat them. Gentle approach to the implementation of hygiene procedures:

  • head wash no more than 2 times a week under the shower if possible 1 time,
  • do not squeeze the hair, twisting them, and gently dry with a towel,
  • comb with a soft bristle no more than 3 times a day. Start with the tips, when reaching the attachment points, try to gently comb the roots without damaging the joints,
  • shampoo must be applied without additional chemical components that can dissolve the adhesive layer of tapes,
  • it is desirable to use special products with marking for hair extensions, use at joints is strictly prohibited,
  • Do not go to bed with undrained, flowing hair.

By following these rules, you can save the structure of artificial curls for future use.

We recommend to learn more about the rules of care for hair extensions on our website.

Useful videos

Instructions for mikroraschivaniyu ribbons from Goodhair.

Hair extensions ribbons with recommendations for further care.

Types of extensions

Hair extensions firmly entrenched in the list of services provided by hairdressers and beauty salons in the early 2000s. And if at the very beginning of its journey this direction was produced in a rather primitive and very uniform way, then now we can single out the following technologies and types of capacity:

1. Cold (all operations occur without exposure to hair with hot tools and materials):

- tape technology (suitable for all types and colors of hair, the material is attached to the roots with a tape),

- Spanish technology (most suitable for fair-haired girls, as the glue on which the material is attached has a whitish color),

- with the help of metal capsules (balls can be matched to the hair color, but a few make the hairstyle heavier and care for it).

2. Hot (procedure is performed using hot resin):

- Italian technology (capsules of heated material are formed under the influence of clamps),

- English technology (hair is planted on adhesive capsules, but the build-up occurs mainly at the back of the head).

3. Alternative (natural or artificial material kept on hairpins, elastic bands or clips).

As you can see, there are a great many ways to lengthen your curls. And in this regard, quite often you can hear questions about what kind of hair extension is better - tape or capsular? The reviews of specialists do not give a definite answer, but most of them still lean towards the first option, explaining their choice with the following positive differences from other types:

- cold type eliminates overdrying of the hair structure,

- tapes can be used on healthy and weak hair,

- the material is held tightly and not noticeable under its own strands,

- tapes do not melt under the action of the sun, hair dryer and ironing, do not unstuck from moisture,

- there is no feeling of heaviness on the head.

Tape hair extensions: photos, reviews

Tape extension is a way to extend the client's natural hair by fixing tapes with natural or artificial strands under the roots. The strips have an adhesive backing, which does not need to be further warmed up. Strands are located at a distance of no more than 5mm from the roots of natural hair, which contributes to the preservation of their health and does not interfere with natural growth. Also, this distance is optimal so that the joint is not visible from the side. As a rule, the length of the tape itself is about 4 cm, and the hair on it is from 30 to 60 cm.

Tape capacity is improved every year. Today, most salons offer their visitors German technology called Hair talk. It does not involve the use of additional tools and chemicals that harm the health of natural strands. Therefore, for example, tape hair extensions, reviews of 2014 about which you can sometimes find in the open spaces of women's forums, are being done with the use of more advanced materials. In this connection, the old comments are already irrelevant.

Material for tape building

The above procedure requires the following tools and materials:

- cosmetics for washing and care for hair extensions,

- selected strands of color in the optimal amount,

- glue for building,

- means for removing hair extensions,

- combs, clips, brushes.

Features tape capacity

In addition to the main fundamental differences, the tape extension has several other features that those who are going to go for this procedure need to be aware of:

- the weight of the attached strand is evenly distributed over the natural hair, which prevents their thinning in the process of wearing and even breakage, as, for example, in the case of capsular extension,

- adhesive does not penetrate into the hair, does not violate its structure, and after removal there are no traces of it,

- tapes are imperceptible even to the touch, as they are made of the thinnest silicone.

Positive aspects of tape building

Summarizing, we can single out ten main advantages that tape hair extensions have (feedback from women, which we will look at next, will be called upon to substantiate these statements):

  1. Safety for your own hair.
  2. The procedure takes a short time. As a rule, no more than 45 minutes.
  3. High resistance to wear.
  4. The ability to combine different tones, creating the effect of highlighting or toning.
  5. Reliable fastening of the material to the tape.
  6. Creating complete uniformity with your own hair.
  7. Natural appearance, without division into separate strands.
  8. The possibility of dyeing, curling, drying, styling with various tools.
  9. Correction tape capacity is several times cheaper capsular.
  10. High resistance of the material to temperature extremes, high humidity.

Negative sides of tape building

However, we will be objective. Like other methods of extension, the tape procedure has its disadvantages:

  1. If you do build up for the first time, at first the feeling of alien material will still be felt on your head. It passes after several days of socks.
  2. Pick up the material should only quality and, if possible, natural, but it is not so cheap.
  3. The price of the procedure itself can reach several tens of thousands. This is perhaps the most important disadvantage that possesses tape hair extensions. Reviews of masters at the same time say that the cost is still possible to reduce due to the length and type of material used, as well as the number of tapes.
  4. Lovers to collect hair in high tails or comb them back will have to master new types of hairstyles. However, after the procedure, you are unlikely to want to remove your newly acquired curls and hide their beauty.

Who is recommended to do tape building?

After we have disassembled all the pros and cons of tape building, we should talk about who it suits most.

First of all, these are girls with thin hair. Due to the attachment features, the experts leave the reviews recommending tape hair extensions: the consequences in the form of falling out of their own strands are impossible due to the wide area of ​​gluing. The tool used when removing the strips, also does not injure the skin and the roots of natural strands. It affects solely the glue and leaves no residue.

At the request of the client, it is also possible to carry out only a partial build-up, especially in cases where the density of their own curls is quite sufficient, and it is only necessary to increase their length.

In addition, the wizard leaves the following, characterizing from a practical point of view, tape hair extensions, reviews: the harm from it is minimal, but at the same time it does not bring any benefit regarding the growth of its own curls - hair regeneration due to the delay will not accelerate.

Where do you get hair for extensions

Most often hair extensions "come from" Asia, Brazil or India. Most of them are handed over to factories by employees of local churches, where, according to ancient tradition, once a year Indian women come to pray, ask for blessings, health, family happiness or money, and instead of offering their hair to the highest forces, they often offer more there is nothing. Therefore, hairdressers work at every temple, who cut everyone to zero. And enterprising fellow countrymen in this free-of-charge raw material make an extremely profitable business. Factory staff after washing and drying bathe hair in acid, which completely destroys the upper layers of the cuticle. Hair becomes thinner and loses its natural color. And then they are painted in the desired color and sent straight to beauty salons.

Features care tape building

Any hair requires a careful care. Each type has its own characteristics, and extended strands are no exception. There are some rules of care that will help to extend the beauty obtained as a result of a salon procedure.

You should wash your hair with moisturizing shampoos only. They will help preserve the original shine and silkiness. Often, the unwillingness of clients to follow the recommendations of the master causes negative consequences and appropriate, discrediting tape hair extensions, reviews. The photos “before” and “after” in this case demonstrate the best possible way what happens if you use the wrong means of caring for the extensions:

Strands are washed according to their growth, not crushing and not tilting forward. Rinse hair with running water and then necessarily apply a nourishing balm or mask without touching the roots. Since the increased curls do not receive makeup from the scalp, this measure will help prevent their premature breakage. Before you blow dry your hair, let it lightly dry on its own.

If, after the extension, you decide to change the hair color, use a paint containing the minimum amount of peroxide. Ideally, its level should be no more than 6%. In the process of dyeing, avoid getting paint on the tape itself.

After some time (on average from 1.5 to 2 months), you will need either a correction or removal of the extended strands.

Reviews of tape building

For many women and girls, thick and long curls are a real dream. However, using the procedure already known to us for some of them, as the clients themselves say, it became a reality: on a five-point scale, the overwhelming majority of girls highly appreciated the tape hair extensions.

Reviews also confirm the best aspects of this technology. Strands are indistinguishable from the real, have a neat appearance and firmly hold on to natural hair. Even if the build-up is done all over the head, the tapes do not pull and do not disturb during sleep. Clients also like the possibility of long socks - up to 2 years or more. In general, has earned positive tape hair extensions reviews. The correction was used by women in almost every second case.

However, among the enthusiastic comments can be found and quite the opposite point of view. There were cases when the correction had to be done a lot before the scheduled time, and the silicone strips were peeled off, torn or not removed at all. This is explained by the fact that tape hair extensions, reviews of which were negative, in most cases were done by unqualified or inexperienced masters. If at the same time poor-quality material was used, the result turned out to be deplorable altogether: in particularly glaring situations, the tape had to be cut off.

And finally

Tape hair extensions today are gaining momentum and gradually displaces capsular procedures. And as you know, everything that becomes popular, over time, gets a lot of fakes. Therefore, before deciding on a tape build-up, it is recommended to thoroughly inspect different salons and works of craftsmen, along with enlisting the recommendations of professionals regarding the purchase of material.

Indication for the procedure: thin and short natural curls

The method of tape hair extensions is shown with the following factors:

  • short haircut,
  • brittle, damaged hair,
  • deprived volumes of curls.

Tape extension is carried out using two of the most common methods: German - Arcos Hair Talk and Italian - Angelohair. The technology of elongation of curls Arcos Hair Talk involves the use of tapes with a polymer base. The build-up takes place by fastening together two ribbons, which will connect their own and donor strands.

German technology tapes are made of high-quality natural hair of more than 20 shades. Hair Talk can be used for about a year. The only requirement is the use of special hair care products, preferably from Hair Talk. Angelohair's Italian extension technology is somewhat different due to the use of smaller tapes, attached with a special keratin base and acrylic composition. The attachment to your own hair is almost imperceptible.

Slavic and European inexpensive tape set

The sets of curls consist of Slavic and European hairs of various colors.

It should be noted that the tape building has some contraindications to the implementation: diseases of the scalp, antibiotics and chemotherapy, excessive hair loss.

How does hair affect

This type of building is absolutely harmless to the strands, since this technology does not use harmful materials. The cold type of procedure involves attaching special systems to the hair that keep artificial curls.

But any type of build-up is a stressful situation that can negatively affect curls. Also, the additional weight affects the hair follicles, and they begin to fall out stronger. It is possible cross-section of the tips, which require subsequent recovery.

The essence of technology and cost

Tape hair extension takes from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the density of the strands and the desired length and gets a lot of positive feedback from experts because it does not require any additional equipment, the basis are adhesive tapes.

They are made of polymer glue, which does not adversely affect the hair and does not spoil them. Building of this type is cold, heat treatment of own curls is not used. One strand has a length of about 4 cm.

The effect of the procedure will last about 1 year, but regularly it will be necessary to make a correction once every 2 or 3 months, which eliminates all the flaws and problems that have appeared over time. Hair is constantly growing and changing the length, in connection with this build-up will move away from the roots, causing a non-aesthetic look. It is for the approximation of the adhesive tape to the roots that the correction is made.

The cabin must give a guarantee on the capacity, which is valid from 6 to 12 months, depending on the level of the cabin. Also in the salons offer another similar procedure - micro-tape extension curls.

This view is no different from the above: it also does not use heat and chemical treatment, but the only difference is that in the direction of hair growth next to the roots are attached transparent microlenta-colored hair with curls. Opening hours - from 30 minutes. to 45.

Ideal for those who do not have time for a full build. Experts recommend using this type of extension for owners of a thin and light structure of curls. The procedure for removing the micro-tape extension takes only 15 minutes. of timewhile their hair in no way can not suffer.

Tape hair extensions (reviews indicate that the cost of such extensions is much lower than capsular) includes in the cost of the complexity of the work and its duration. The main amount goes to the purchase of artificial materials, a different type of material will cost differently.

Thus, the packaging of Slavic type strands will cost 9,000 rubles, the package contains about 40 strands, the length may be different, but the cost will increase with increasing hair length. The cost of correction includes only the work of the master - from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.

Advantages of tape extension

Hairdressers are convinced that the main advantage of tape building is its simplicity; working with such material is much simpler and more pleasant compared to capsular. Building up completely depends on the skill and skill of the specialist.

Advantages of the procedure:

  1. Long-term use, as a result of which the hairstyle retains a natural and tidy appearance of about 1 g. But only with proper care and timely correction.
  2. The tape extension procedure does not take a lot of time. At 1 procedure takes about an hour. Depending on the density, time can be halved.
  3. Quick and easy procedure for the correction and removal of accreted curls.
  4. Reasonable price, compared with other types of capacity.
  5. Easy hair care.
  6. A great option for owners of thin and sparse hair, because it does not weigh down their own strands.
  7. Aesthetic, natural look.
  8. At building no chemical elements are used, they are not exposed to heat treatment.

Disadvantages of tape technology

The results of building this type will be completely dependent on the skill hairdresser, however, there are a number of possible negative consequences, including:

  • incorrect positioning of the fasteners during the belt extension can cause rapid wear of the extended strands (they will not last for 2 months),
  • substandard materials adversely affect both hair extensions and non hair extensions,
  • due to the fact that the strands are attached with a tape, the width of which is 4 cm, the edges of this tape can be seen on the back of the head, which will not allow any hairstyles to be done,
  • in case of tape building, it is not recommended to use products with an alcohol content, this is due to the fact that polymers that dissolve from alcohol are used as the basis for adhesive tape. As a result, fasteners quickly weakened.

Tape hair extensions (girls say that the disadvantages are completely overlapped by the mass of the advantages of this procedure) are often in demand in salons.

Material selection

It is necessary to approach the choice of materials for building very seriously, as the color of artificial strands must completely coincide with the natural one.

  • length can start from 20 cm and reach 55 cm.
  • hair structure is allowed wavy or straight.

There are several types of hair that are used for extension:

  1. Slavic hair
  2. South Russian hair,
  3. European,
  4. asian hair.

The Asian type for tape building, judging by the reviews, is the cheapest and not of high quality. They are difficult to style, and the appearance deteriorates after a few months of wearing. The European type is valued more because their quality and appearance are much better. The most reliable and expensive hair is recognized Slavic type.

Stages of the procedure

There are the following stages of extension:

  1. hair is thoroughly washed and blow-dried,
  2. the master evaluates the source data and the available materials
  3. the process of building begins from the occipital zone,
  4. part of the interfering hair is fastened with hairpins
  5. receding 1 cm from the roots, an adhesive tape is fastened to the natural strands on both sides, which fixes the artificial strand,
  6. the required distance between two extended strands is 2 cm,
  7. the final step is to trim all hairs to one length.

Lovers of high hairstyles should warn their masters about this before starting the procedure, and he will make sure that no tapes are visible in the back of the head.


Tape hair extensions, reviews of which will interest even the most ardent fans of natural beauty, will help to maintain the correct for a long time follow-up care, if not observed, may have adverse effects:

  • your hair may begin to break with improper care,
  • strands disappear if a balm or shampoo containing alcohol gets into the joints,
  • strands of hair extensions can be very confused,
  • with late correction and fast hair growth, the strands will disappear.

Proper care after building

An important aspect of any care is combing braids.

There are the following features that require execution:

  • Should start with the tips. Carefully fingers to unravel the ends, trying not to pull the hair. Experts recommend dividing the curls into 2 parts and combing them with a comb with rare teeth.
  • The maximum allowable number of combing during the day - 3. A larger number can damage the tape.
  • In no case can not comb and unravel wet or damp curls.

Washing the head after the extension procedure is allowed only in a certain position - in the vertical. Experts prohibit throwing it back, because weak hair follicles can not withstand the weight of the accrued strands and will begin to fall out actively.

There are special shampoos that are developed for hair extensions, such as HAIR TALK SHAMPOO from ARCOS, but they do not require mandatory use.

  • Hair grown in a tape way can restore silkiness and shine using oils, which, according to expert reviews, also help to strengthen your own hair.
  • An important aspect when choosing a shampoo is its neutral pH.
  • The balm is applied to the strands indented 10 cm from the roots; it is best to use it only for tips.
  • It is important to avoid large excess water on the hair after washing. This may adversely affect the build-up. It is best to dry the curls in a natural way, without resorting to a hair dryer or a rectifier.

Increased strands dry more time than natural hair:

  • You can not use hairdressing tools in the areas of natural hair and extensions.
  • You can not ignore thermal protective equipment.
  • Do not use hair products that contain alcohol and its components.
  • It is forbidden to do hair - tight tail, because it will weaken the glued strands.
  • It is allowed to dye the strands on all days of socks on hair extensions, except for the days of correction and the extension itself. In addition, the paint is not applied to the mount.

Why correction is necessary for tape building

As for other types of extensions, the tape version requires correction. It is necessary to conduct it due to the fact that natural hair grows, and the material gradually begins to descend from the roots, it becomes visible.

In the most advanced cases, the own hairs cannot withstand the weight of the descending strands and begin to fall., along with them, donor materials also disappear.

Period length before correction

After the first procedure, hair extensions will be in excellent condition for about 1 or 2 months, depending on their care. After this period of time it is necessary to carry out the correction procedure. Accumulated strands can overlap several times, it all depends on their condition and appearance.

In order that appearance of the increased materials remained flawless as long as possible, experts recommend using special masks and shampoos. Professional balms and protective oils have an excellent restoring effect.

If curls of small length are increased, for example, micro-tape extension of a bang, then you will have to visit the salon for correction earlier, as the hair will grow back in 30 days. Also during the correction, hairdressers advise you to trim the curls so that they have a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Correction of tape hair extensions

The correction includes the following steps:

  • the master with a special spray with a high alcohol content softens the adhesive tape that holds the artificial strand,
  • hair before the procedure of applying new strands are well washed so that there are no traces of glue on the hair,
  • The old tape is removed and a new one is put in its place.

The correction time takes about 1 hour.

Tips for washing hair with shampoo for tape extension

Wash curls should be as they are contaminated. It depends on metabolism, environmental conditions and nutrition. For extended strands usual shampoos will not work.

This is due to the fact that the glue that secures the strands does not twist some components. Experts recommend the use of shampoo for normal and oily hair, but in any case not for dyed or dry, which will spoil the hairstyle.

For dry curls, it is recommended to use additionally special masks and conditioners that will moisten them, but will not cause harm to the extended braids. The main task of the shampoo - to remove dirt and sebum, formed on the strands.

Hair coloring

Tape hair extensions, reviews of which cause a divided opinion, have one small drawback - the color of natural hair may differ significantly from the selected hair. This problem can only be fixed by staining. To do this, it is best to turn to a professional, rather than dye your hair yourself at home.

It is important to observe some features when dyeing accreted strands by the tape method:

  • It is not recommended to tint tresses of the Asian type, as well as those strands that have already been clarified or painted. This is due to the fact that the braids will lose their radiance, brilliance and beauty under the influence of chemical elements.
  • The dyeing procedure is best carried out with a specialist who was engaged in tape building. He already knows how best to deal with this type of hair.
  • Curls of the Slavic type are well tolerated procedures for dyeing and toning, but only under the condition that they are natural.

The staining procedure consists of several stages:

  1. It is necessary to divide the hair into thin strands and gently apply paint to the root zone. In no case can not apply the coloring elements on the tape with glue.
  2. After this, the composition is applied uniformly over the entire length.
  3. Hair is washed abundantly with water, and a special composition is applied to them that nourishes the strands and preserves color.

If the paint gets to the place of bonding, the hair may begin to peel off and fall out. They may be shredded and form prickles. In order to avoid such trouble, strands are immediately wiped with a napkin.

The effectiveness of the procedure

The result of the extension is that thanks to it, even liquid and not thick curls acquire a delightful volume and density. If the materials are selected quality, and the master professionally performs the work, it is difficult to distinguish artificial hair from natural. Smoothness and softness will be maintained for a long time with proper care.

Numerous reviews of experts on tape hair extensions are often positive. They recognize it as the safest for natural braids, since there are minimal risks to spoil them.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Keratin extensions are good for hair

The second myth soaring in the air of beauty salons is that the popular technique, which is called “hot” or “keratin” extension, is even useful for your own hair. After all, the strands are covered on top with a special material for fastening - a capsule. In practice, it turns out that such a method does not carry any benefit, because the substance contains no keratin, but only the most common glue.

What threatens hair extensions

Marketers assure us that hair extensions are absolutely safe. But trichologists warn: migraine, allergies and baldness - and this is not a complete list of possible consequences! The hair bulb is designed only to hold the weight of its own hair. And when another strand of hair is forcibly attached to it, the load increases three times. Under such overwhelming weight of others' locks, the bulb is drawn out, and the blood vessels that feed it, deform, thin, and metabolic processes are disturbed. And then it all depends on the type of hair: either the hair breaks off at the very roots, or falls out with the bulb.

Fear non-professionals

The next danger is beauty studios at home. Most home-grown professionals have nothing to do with professionals. Amateur stylists assure that they work only with the highest quality material. But the doctor, studying the prototypes, under the microscope did not see signs of Asian origin of this hair. It turned out that it was not hair at all, but synthetics.

About this and many other things will tell the program "Our Consumer Supervision" and its host Oleg Solntsev. The authors tell in detail how not to fall for the tricks of fraudsters, expose the perpetrators and explain with vivid examples how to distinguish quality from low-grade ones. Watch the program "Our Consumer Supervision" on Sundays at 13:00.

Basic rules of care.

  1. To wash the head, you must choose a mild shampoo (pH - neutral), while remembering that after shampoo, rinsed well, you need to use a balm and double the amount of it than with normal use.
  2. Drying the hair only in a natural way, it is better to forget about the hair dryer or reduce its use to a minimum.
  3. It is necessary to comb carefully, without hurrying from the tips, gradually moving upwards, and only with a soft comb with rare “teeths”.

And one more important nuance, lovers of complex hairstyles will have to temporarily abandon it or rely on a professional, specifying whether the stylist has experience. That's the whole series of simple rules for care, which will allow you to keep the "hair" as long as possible.

So, the obvious advantages of tape hair extensions include:

  • First of all, the SAFETY of this technology: no chemicals and temperature effects on the scalp and hair itself, no harm
  • quickness of the procedure, no need to sit for hours to create the desired effect,
  • with timely correction about once every 2–3 months (using Italian technology, correction should be made up to two months), you can wear a haircut for up to a year,
  • easy and painless removal of attached tapes,
  • suitable for women with almost any type of hair.

There are drawbacks of tape build-up, but there are few of them, and this is, first of all, a thorough and expensive care, because it will take a lot of effort to maintain the shiny and thick “stacks”.

Another of the minuses - the number of hairstyles is sharply reduced, especially if we talk about high hairstyles. It is possible to make them, but the attachment points of ribbons with strands will be visible, and the hairstyle will not look aesthetically pleasing.

By cons can be attributed somewhat overpriced. On average, if you take the most popular length of donor hair 50 cm, the price starts from 7 thousand rubles, strands from 70 cm - from 9 thousand rubles, the approximate number of strands is up to 10 pieces. The price varies depending on the number of tapes - the more donor strands, the higher the cost.

The beauty industry is happy with all sorts of methods to improve the image, preserve attractiveness, and tape hair extensions - this is one of the helpers. Numerous reviews of women who have tried this method, and the opinion of most masters of hairdressing in the voice of voice about the safe and high-quality transformation.


Watch the video: Pros & Cons of Tape In Hair Extensions. (June 2024).