
Haircut options wolf for long and medium hair


One of the most versatile and successful hairstyles, which can only be performed by an experienced master - "she-wolf". At first glance, it shows a similarity with the mane of a dangerous predator.

Hair "wolf" appeared in the 90s of the last century. It bears the imprint of rock culture with its rebellious spirit, insolence and sexuality, and has many varieties. This "torn" haircut is often compared with the "cascade", and there are similarities between them, but the nuances are different. The peculiarity of the "wolf" is that the strands on the temples, the top of the head and the back of the head are cut so as to achieve similarity with the "barbed" wolf hair.

What does a wolf haircut look like?

The occipital zone is cut off by steps and consists of thin strands of different lengths. The hair is cut in layers along the entire length, starting with shorter strands at the top of the head, and gradually lengthened to the back of the head. The curls on the back of the head are noticeably shorter than the front, so that the silhouette resembles a hat, while it is quite clear, voluminous and does not require additional styling, which is very convenient. The effect of torn strands is achieved thanks to their stepped fine-layering of different depths. Visually creates volume at the top of the head.

Hair also leaves room for fantasy when styled, if the owner so desires.

How long is this haircut?

This hairstyle is applicable to hair of different lengths and looks different depending on their length and structure and on the type of face:

  • on long hair, it looks very feminine and elegant due to the cascading design of the strands, when the hairs are cut at an angle and lie in long curls. Unusually impressive and very natural at the same time, it looks like a “tail”,
  • on the hair of a medium length “wolf” looks best, as the hair length allows you to make a variety of styling and styling,
  • "Wolf" on short hair creates the most daring image. Particularly well, it falls on the slightly wavy hair. However, in this case it is necessary to visit the salon at least once a month so that the hairstyle does not lose its shape.

Therefore, the bangs are best milled and laid sideways - so the image will become more tender and graceful. It looks good "wolf" and with asymmetric bangs, vamp bangs, crossing the forehead and dropping a thick shadow on the face, as well as with the "cat" bang falling on the face with rare strands. And, finally, from the bangs, in principle, you can refuse.

How to properly care for this hairstyle?

This haircut is both very stylish and practical. It does not require special styling, there is no need to constantly make sure that the hair lies to the hair. It is enough from time to time to trim the tips of the strands in the cabin and make sure that they do not split. You can use your usual shampoo and use styling products, a hair dryer and a round brush at will and mood. And you can just dry your hair with a towel after washing and leave it as it is - the curls will fall down themselves.

"Wolf" is made hot scissors, but the use of a razor is undesirable.

To give the image a more romantic shade, strands can be laid to the face. And to give sharpness, boldness and informality - on the contrary, open your face, putting them outside.

Various types of artistic coloring very well in harmony with the "wolf": coloring, highlighting, contrasting colored strands, balayazh, brond and others.

Haircut looks great with a rim or a bandage, other hair accessories, in this case, it gives the appearance of a cute and playful look, especially when its owner is a teenager.

Unfortunately, Today, hair almost lost popularity, and few hairdressers know how to properly process hair under the "she-wolf".

Who is not very suitable haircut "wolf"?

No matter how beautiful this haircut is in itself, no matter how harmonized with the inner world outlook, there are cases when it is not objectively to face. Not suitable for the following conditions:

  • girls with curly hair You have to make a lot of effort to keep your hair cut. Perhaps, for the beginning it is worth making keratin hair straightening or daily use of the iron. But finely curly locks will not be able to reflect the beauty of this hair, expressed in sharp protruding strands. But a large wave of hair, by contrast, will give haircut more expressiveness and charm,
  • her hairstyle looks very advantageous when her owner has a round or square face and wide cheekbones, since outlines are optally shaped due to the volumetric top. therefore if the face is naturally elongatedThe silhouette of a haircut can break the harmony. However, an experienced stylist will help to find a compromise in this case: for example, he will suggest changing the hair color or its length, adjusting the amount of hair on the top and the back of the head, creating color highlights by coloring or highlighting, and so on.
  • girls with narrow triangular face The "wolf" will go only on long hair, or at least a little lower than the clavicle,
  • obvious face asymmetry - also a reason to listen to the stylist, if he would recommend another hairstyle with smoother lines.

If, in spite of any efforts, the haircut did not fit, does not harmonize with the face and does not please the soul, it will not be possible to remake it for those close to the silhouette of “cascade”, “debut” or “rhapsody” because of the shortened strands in the cheekbones, and position will save only a short haircut.

Haircut "wolf" looks good and thick, and very thin hair, straight and wavy, fluffy and smooth. It can be adapted to both young and mature age.

In general, the hairstyle is quite versatile and emphasizes the individuality of its owner, making it charming, attractive, a bit predatory and creating a stylish, free, relaxed and feminine image. Once having tried on this image, you will not want to part with it.

Feature Haircut

The result is a sharp haircut sticking in different directions. There are some common features with a cascade hairstyle, but this is only at first glance. A distinctive feature of the wolf is that there are steps on the occipital region, and the front strands are necessarily made short.

Haircut has many advantages:

  • the length and density of the hair does not matter
  • women can choose their hairstyle of any age
  • thin and loose hair looks bulky
  • allows you to model your hair in accordance with the situation,
  • does not require special styling
  • bright, expressive makeup only emphasize the image created by the hair,
  • fits perfectly with bangs of any shape and length,
  • On the basis of this haircut, you can do all sorts of hairstyles.

Hair makes youth and attractiveness, because its main characteristics are naturalness and ease. To achieve a greater effect, hot scissors or a hot razor blade are used with which the tips of the strands are processed.

The disadvantages of haircuts are the following points:

  1. If the hairstyle is not pleasant, an exceptionally short trimming will help to correct the situation.
  2. Only an experienced specialist will make a real Wolf.
  3. Frequent form adjustments are required.

Ideas for owners of long hair

Best of all, the shearing of a she-wolf is performed on the length of the hair below the shoulders. It is created by cascading the cutting of individual strands all over the head. Haircut starts from the top and continues to the tips. In the process creates a complex, unique silhouette.

Women who have straight, long hair, do not need their everyday styling to create volume. Haircut provides a beautiful, well-groomed appearance.

On the occipital region, the hair is formed in the form of various steps, which can differ in depth and design of boundaries, and the contour is milled.

As a result, the crown looks volume, and the torn curls fall down freely. The tips can be cut straight or at an angle.

Long strands do not need to be shortened to create the necessary silhouette. Hair can be dried in a natural way, curled curling iron, tuck the strands in different directions. There is the option of straightening curls with ironing.

Haircut for long hair allows you to further arrange various holiday and everyday hairstyles and use additional accessories (headbands, headbands, hairpins).

How does it look

The most ideal length for this haircut is medium. The hairstyle is formed by cascading, stepped sections along the entire length. But unlike the usual cascade, the "wolf" has shorter steps in the back of the head and sharply elongated strands from below. The top of the head is cut rather short, as in a Gavroche haircut. Longer strands fall on the shoulders.

A distinctive feature of the "wolf" are pronounced ragged steps curls and edging framing the face.

Often, to give a deep structure to this hairstyle, the masters use a blade and create a torn effect on all the hair. In this strand casually sticking out in different directions, creating for its owner the image of a wild predator.

Hair "wolf" has an age limit. It is unlikely that it will suit mature women seeking elegance. But on young girls looks more than impressive.
Highlight the structure and give it depth, help colorized strands. The very same haircut creates a small amount on the head and a kind of slight negligence.

To suit

Hair "wolf" will look good on any girl. The only restriction is the style of dressing. She will not be in harmony with the classics and modesty. For the "wolf" preferred a free lifestyle and styles of grunge, punk, street-kezhul. Of course, much depends on the styling, and the "wolf" can be "pacified", giving it a softer look. But is it worth doing this hairstyle if you have to constantly transform it?

If you want something between a classic and rebelliousness, the popular Italian haircut, which appeared in the 80s and caused a real one, would be best suited
a sensation -

"Wolf" and hair structure

This haircut can safely afford a girl with thin, not particularly thick, hard or slightly curly hair. But the owners curly curls do not make it.

All stepped haircuts have a special feature - they give lightness to thick hair, and thin volume.

Wolf and face type

An unpretentious hairstyle and face types, it fits almost everything - and chubby girls, and with a narrow oval, and those who have expressed cheekbones. In short, there are no restrictions.

If you want to correct the face with its help, then more attention should be paid to the form of a bang:

  • Girls with a plump, round face is better to do the "wolf" with a bangs diagonally. This will help stretch the outline slightly.
  • The fair sex with a square face and high cheekbones also fit oblique torn bangs,
  • Slim fashionable women with a narrow face can make an oval bang, smoothly turning into edge trimming haircuts,
  • For triangular and oval faces fit straight, oblique and torn bangs.

"Wolf" and coloring

If some haircuts look perfect in a single, even color, then the "wolf" will be even more extravagant, if you make a multicolor coloring on it.

The hairstyle perfectly harmonizes with the color strands, highlighting, coloring. This is one of those haircuts that goes very red and black hair. But also in
other colors look as good.

Technique haircut in the salon

  1. The hair is washed and left wet.
  2. The entire hair zone is divided into 2 main parts by a horizontal line - occipital and parietal. The haircut will start from the bottom, so the curls at the top are tipped with a clip,
    so as not to interfere.
  3. The master pulls the vertical strand from the back of the head, pulling the hair off at a 90 degree angle to the head, and makes a cut. This line will be the control.
  4. Further, the master tightens the hair from the entire back of the head to this curl and cuts it along the control line.
  5. Moving to the crown, the length of the slice is gradually reduced. The control strand will be a curl from the very center of the crown. Hair from the entire parietal zone is pulled to it.
    and cuts are made.
  6. Having finished with a hairstyle, the master combs hair and forms a fringing. Further filing is done. For thick hair, a blade is used to create
    torn vyschipy.
  7. Finish your hair with bang design.

Haircut "wolf" has one big advantage - it practically does not need styling. Simply dry the hair with a hairdryer, casually beat them with your hands
(you can use a mousse for styling) and fashionable hairstyle is ready. This is her charm.

general description

The name of the haircut was due to the association with the wolf’s bristled head. The fur of an enraged beast lies in ragged teeth. Hair disheveled, stick in different directions. The length of the wolf hair gradually increases from the top to the neck.

The association with the wolf is not accidental. It was this beast with bristled fur, a formidable grin that most often met in the form of drawings on the clothes and body of rockers. A mixture of freedom with aggression, inherent in the wolf nature, reflected in the name of the haircut.

Initially, the "Wolf" was made handicraft: the rockers independently or with like-minded people cut off the hair with torn strands. This gave the image of negligence. Later, the desire to imitate idols made the format of a haircut popular. They began to ask hairdressers to create a hairstyle similar to the withers of a she-wolf.

Professional execution of the haircut is based on the existing version of Gavrosh and ladder. Hairdresser greatly shortens the top of the head. The addition of the length occurs in steps. Multi-layered boundaries do not have even outlines. Ideally, the hairstyle looks ragged.

Hair Requirements

Haircut "Wolf" perform for hair of different lengths. The option is universal, it looks good in different versions. Classic rebellious hairstyle is called the average length. At the same time the crown is noticeably shortened, the total length reaches the shoulders or shoulder blades. Haircut speed. Definitely call the option long or short impossible.

Different hair textures are suitable for performing “Wolf” haircut: thin, thick, thick, sparse, slightly curly. Avoid the option only to owners of curly curls. Gradity of the model at the same time gives volume and thinning out the hair, creates a peculiar texture.

Bangs - optional addition haircuts. The hair framing the face is cut short.

Attention! If there are no bangs in the structure of the haircut, then the strands freely falling around the sides compensate for its absence.


To create "Wolf" need a certain length of hair. Haircut from pixie or bob will not work. The length and shape of the classic square will allow to work on the image. The desired length is taken into account. The master at the barbershop focuses on the ideal designated by the client.

The hair is pre-washed, left wet. Uniform moisturizing will allow you to create the foundation. For the procedure will need:

  • standard hairdresser scissors,
  • thinning tool or sharp shaving blade (not machine),
  • clamps to hold the strands.

Make a haircut on your own. It will be a truly rebellious hair, suitable for an informal image.Achieve moderation with the ability to give hair a soft look will be obtained only with the help of a hairdresser.

Execution technology

On short hair, "Wolf" is created without a bright structure. The total length does not allow to make a texture of step transitions. Perhaps the formation of asymmetry.

on short hair

on medium hair

Long curls are sheared on the classic technology. Ragged crown is preferable to draw a sharp blade. Permissible to form feathers, cutting off hair at an angle. The oblique elongated fringe will be a great addition to the stylish shape.

for long hair

Any of the options can not be done with a single cut. The master works each strand separately. This is the essence of a successful outcome.

Haircut "Wolf" is usually performed by a hairdresser according to the following technology:

  1. The occipital and parietal zone is divided by a horizontal parting.
  2. Work is being done below. Top curls fasten clip.
  3. On the back of the head a vertical strand is pulled out. The selected curl is placed at a right angle to the head. Here perform a control cut, which will help adjust the length.
  4. Hair from the neck area along the strands is sheared, focusing on the control curl.
  5. After the back of the head goes to the top. In this zone, the length is shortened. Choose a curl in the center of the crown, which will be the control. The cut of the remaining strands is “pulled up” according to the beacon curl.
  6. After complete treatment of the parietal zone, the edging is done, cutting off the strands in the face framing area.
  7. The final processing of the form will be the filing. Use special scissors or a sharp blade. It is necessary to achieve the impression of torn ends.
  8. Finish the job design bangs.

Ready hairstyle can be laid as desired. Ideally, a typical mess is induced by the hands with a small amount of gel or foam.

Note! Drying hair is optional. This is how the perfect hairstyle format is achieved.

Video of women's haircuts for medium hair using layers:

Video of creative torn haircut for long hair

Haircut Care

The undeniable advantage of haircut "Wolf": the ability to completely abandon the daily installation. To create a fashionable image, to maintain the freedom-loving image, it is enough to whip the hair with your hands, making a neat mess. Clean hair can be dried with a hair dryer, for fixing and working through hair, use gel on dry curls or foam before blowing air.

Using a hair dryer and brushing or iron to pull the strands, you can create a cute and romantic look. Curls framing face, you can wrap inside or twist out. Hair styling makes hair look like a well-known cascade.

Keep your hair in order will help regular updates. With a short length of strands, you should visit the hairdresser at least once a month. The variant for medium and long hair should be renewed once in 1-2 months. The haircut model does not allow the presence of split ends. Monitor the health of the hair should be regularly.

Comparison with a haircut cascade

Often "Wolf" is called a cascade. Despite the fact that both hairstyles are cut with step transitions, have an external similarity, the difference between them is noticeable. The first option is more vivid and extraordinary. The second model has smooth lines and transitions. "Wolf" is acceptable to leave without styling. Cascade this luxury does not fit.

"Wolf" and "cascade"

Advantages and disadvantages

A clear plus haircut "Wolf" is called the possibility of creating an informal image. The hairstyle is universal: suitable for any type of face, color, length of hair. The option is ideal for young, extraordinary personalities. The model does not go out of fashion.

The minus is often called the lack of solidity. On mature women hairstyle of such a plan looks silly. Poor performance on short hair is usually difficult to fix. The option does not require styling, but requires care and regular updates.

Celebrity examples

Notice haircut "Wolf" will turn on the head of most women from the rock environment. The peak of popularity hairstyles came in the 90s. In those days, many Russian stars wore the semblance of bristled wolf hair. You could notice the hairstyle on Alena Apina, Larisa Dolina and other singers.

Alena Apina and Larisa Dolina

Currently, the massive popularity of "Wolf" subsided. Among famous people, hair from time to time will be noticed by Jennifer Love Hewitt, Zemfira, Victoria Beckham, and Halle Berry.

Jennifer Love Hewitt and Zemfira

Victoria Beckham and Halle Berry

Create an extraordinary image, surprise others will turn with a haircut "Wolf". The option is universal and easy to maintain. Here, only courage and rebellious spirit impresses not every lady.

Who is the haircut for a she-wolf?

With this haircut for any length of hair, you can visually stretch a round face, hide wide cheekbones. This haircut in the style of rock culture will give a colossal amount to thin hair, and the master removes the extra density due to graduation, besides, this haircut does not require any painful styling.

Types of haircut wolf

Haircut wolf for long hair helps keep the length and volume of the upper part of the hair. On straight and wavy hair wolf will look very impressive.

Haircut wolf for medium hair - Perhaps the most popular version of this hairstyle with hair long to the shoulders, which creates a little cheeky image with sharp strands.

Haircut wolf for short hair Looks like a prickly hat length at least to the chin. The main body of hair looks very stylish and dynamic, if the hair is slightly curly.

Haircut wolf with bangs. Oblique torn bangs (long or short - depending on the length of the haircut) perfectly complement the haircut, but the straight thick bangs can give the overall picture of gravity.

Options for length above shoulders

Haircut wolf no less impressive looks at the length of the hair to the shoulders. In this case, the strands on the nape are trimmed as a shallow ladder, and the contours are only at an angle. Sharp tips create a well-groomed, original look.

Creating a hairstyle for medium hair goes through several stages:

  • the whole hair is divided into lower and upper parts,
  • at first, work is carried out with the lower curls - each strand is trimmed separately,
  • then cut the curls around the face.

Haircut for medium hair is suitable for owners of any type of person. But if the face is rounded, you will need styling.

The hair on the back of the head is lifted to visually stretch the shape. Hairstyle can hide flaws and advantageously emphasize facial features.

Hair can be done on short hair, but their length should be at least to the chin, revealing the neck. Here they cut so that the upper strands were longer than the lower. The tips are finely milled. Hairstyle for a long time retains the original look and shape.

In the case of short hair, several points should be taken into account, which suggest to dwell on another variant: a rectangular face, wide cheekbones, full body complexion.

To hairstyle looked stylish and fashionable, it needs to be adjusted every month, otherwise the look will be unattractive and sloppy.

Haircut in combination with other details

Haircut, made to any length of hair, looks great with bangs. But only oblique bangs emphasize the originality of the image. The long and short bangs, having ragged edges, smoothly passing into the side strands. Do not make bangs too thick. Hairstyle goes well with asymmetric bangs.

Coloring or highlighting will help to emphasize the image, which will visually increase the volume and emphasize the silhouette of the hairstyle. The tone of paint should be chosen in accordance with its natural color and be 2 tones lighter and brighter.

For easy styling, only a hairdryer and a round comb are needed. During drying, the strands are stretched along the entire length and twisted inward or outward. You can combine twisting: curls in front curls inward, and in the back - outwards.

To show the whole structure of torn hair will allow styling with the help of ironing. At the tips you can apply the gel to give sharpness and emphasize the silhouette of the hair.

If the hair is naturally wavy, it is enough to apply mousse on it, slightly beating the strands with your hands, and the hairstyle is ready.

It doesn’t matter what hair is the basis for a haircut - long or short, thin or thick. In any case, there is a volume and expressiveness of individual features.

What is she, wolf?

This haircut very often decorates the heads of popular actresses, models and show stars. But despite this, few have heard of her. The thing is, she is often confused with the famous hair cascade. And indeed, at first glance they look like. But a haircut wolf has a number of features, namely:

  • sticking, seemingly disorderly strands, creating the illusion of slight negligence,
  • shortened front strands - framing the face of an individual form.

Attention! To achieve the desired effect, the ends of the hair are cut with hot scissors or processed with a razor blade.

What to do if your hairdresser didn’t hear about such a model? And this happens often. Show him this video. Perhaps it will help him achieve new heights of skill.

Please note that haircut wolf looks even more spectacular if you allow yourself play with color. Highlighting or coloring strands puts an even greater emphasis on the unusual and interesting structure of hairstyles.

Editorial Board

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use.

A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer.

We advise you to abandon the use of funds that contain these substances. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems.

We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • Haircut wolf is universal and available for women of any age. On its basis, you can make almost any styling.
  • In combination with this haircut looks great all kinds of bangs: straight, oblique, asymmetrical, etc.
  • The technique of cutting allows you to perform it on hair of various lengths.
  • Minimal time required for daily installation.
  • The hairstyle gets fluffiness due to the creation of basal volume even on thin and weak hair.

Daring shape on long hair

For the bright extravagant girls who do not want to part with a long head of hair, but at the same time eager to look as modern as possible, the hairstyle is perfect wolf for long hair.

Strands are clipped from crown to tip in a cascade. In contrast to the usual classic cascade, the wolf allows the stylist to more boldly show imagination, creating complex unique silhouettes.

This hairstyle is just a godsend for owners. smooth hair. It allows you to create an interesting form of hair, which does not require special styling. Haircut wolf - it is an opportunity to walk with her hair and at the same time look stylish and attractive.

"Raisin" hairstyle is in the design of the back of the hair. They cut the ladder with different depths of the “steps”, creating a volume at the top of the head. At the same time, torn, loose curls keep lengththat is especially important for those who do not want to part with a chic head of hair.

The master, performing work, treats with thinning scissors strands around the contour of his hair. The tips of the hair, cut at an angle, provide additional volume.

Options for cutting short and medium hair

Haircut wolf is very interesting and attractive looks on hair medium length and even on short. In this case, the occipital part of the hairstyle is cut off in shallow steps, and the contour is formed by strands cut at an angle.

Experimenting with different forms of haircuts, you can choose the appropriate model. under any oval faces.

Haircut wolf is not limited to a clear contour. It is allowed to change the shape, which makes it possible to create a face setting individually in each specific case.

On short hair, this haircut leaves the neck open, and usually covers the ears slightly. It looks like a kind of hair cap.

The wolf is quite capable of keep in shape.

Styling options

You can give your hair a special style with pulling ironm. However, in this case we should not forget about the means of thermal protection of the hair. Otherwise, you risk getting faded, whipped lifeless curls over time instead of a stylish hairstyle.

You can simply, drying your hair after a hair dryer, use a round brush. Using it can be slightly curl strands out or in, depending on your preferences and face shape. You can use the combined option: when the strands around the face are twisted inward, and the occipital curls mischievously stick outward.

Haircut wolf made for long hair, allows you to wear almost any hairstyles: braids, tails, bunches and others, and also to use any accessories as decorations.

By and large, it does not matter at all whether you make a playful haircut on a wolf on short hair or give an elegant form to long strands. In any case, you will be able to provide hair volume and face expressiveness.

Haircut "Wolf", performed on short hair

On short hair, this hairstyle will look extremely advantageous, provided that the wizard works properly and there are no split ends.

Well lay down on the structural strands: wavy or smooth with the application of foam. The care in this case is extremely simple, because the “Wolf” haircut done on short hair does not need additional styling in the morning.

Cascading layers take a beautiful view with the easy use of a simple comb, so styling saves time, which is useful to those who do not have it in stock when collecting for work or just likes to sleep a little longer. The hairstyle is practical and does not require the special skills of a fashionable stylist. The main thing - do not forget to regularly cut the ends of the strands, visiting the hairdresser at least once a month.

Pay attention to the photo, how the haircut "Wolf" looks on short hair, emphasizing facial features and creating a general dynamic, flexible form, giving the style straightforward and openness.

Haircut "Wolf" for long hair: options with bangs and without

No less attractive this hairstyle looks on long well-groomed strands. Since such a haircut is a field for experimentation, it is also possible to create a mass of new styles with the haircut chosen. You can dry the strands with a hairdryer and straighten with a comb or curling iron, getting a very elegant look at your disposal.

Using skins and gels, haircut "Wolf", made on long hair, you can add additional texture, separating the individual strands.

If, after washing, apply a mask and allow the hair to dry naturally, then after combing you will get a somewhat disheveled touching look.

If you want to achieve a shade of romance and tenderness, you should use the iron, just curling curls along the entire length or twisting the ends of the strands inside.

If you twist them to the outside, the overall look will take on a more audacious mood.

Haircut "Wolf" on long hair can be seen in the photo, where all the advantages of this hairstyle in everyday wear are very obvious.

This hairstyle can be diluted with additional layers, for example, oblique bangs, which will give the hairstyle asymmetry.

It is preferable not to make the bangs too thick and straight, as this will add an already heavy hairstyle to excessive severity.

It is better to prefer oblique strands, which should be taken aside.

This will make the image more interesting and bright, suitable for any length. For example, a good haircut "Wolf" looks on long hair with elongated bangs.

Universal haircut "Wolf" for medium hair

Do not think that the choice of such a haircut should be carried out exclusively by the owners of "extremes" - either delightful long or bold short hair. It is worth remembering that it looks best at the average length, reaching the shoulders or shoulder blades.

Short strands at the top create additional volume, balancing large features that are well suited for owners of square faces.

Haircut "Wolf" on medium straight hair lays down in a natural, somewhat relaxed manner.

With minimal help from the hair dryer, the styling acquires a neat silhouette, necessary to look really stylish. On the one hand, such a length will not cause much trouble, but on the other, it will still provide the will of the hostess’s fantasy.

Indeed, unlike short hair, medium length strands can be straightened with a curling iron or curled at the ends. Longer strands will hide wide cheekbones, and short ones will add volume to the upper part of the hairstyle.

The photo clearly shows how the haircut "Wolf" on medium hair is universal and diverse in the matter of styling and creating different images.

Ways to put haircut "Wolf"

A good hairstyle that reflects the character of the owner and amenable to styling, emphasizing the advantages and smoothing not the most advantageous features. The hairstyle described above will suit those of the fair sex who want to look stylish, relaxed and attractive, but who do not want to spend a lot of time laying, getting ready for work in the morning.

To exclude the slightest misunderstanding in the matter of creating such an image, it is recommended to watch the video about the creation of the haircut "Wolf".

And as a result it is worth remembering such moments:

  • there are both lush variations inspired by incendiary rock and roll, and more modern variations that look neater,
  • the hairstyle is suitable for those who do not like compromises: boldly twisted strands to the outer side, leaving the face, will open their foreheads and give a direct look,
  • girls who want to feel romantic, but they don’t want to give up their favorite hairstyle, it’s enough to wrap the ends inside and add light waves,
  • The most important advantage is well suited for any length and volume of hair.

There are lots of ways to put a fashionable haircut "Wolf", and what is good: there is always room for experiment. An interesting effect is obtained with the use of a gel or foam: it is enough to apply a small amount of one of these cosmetics from the middle of the hair to the ends.

The strands will appear as if pointed, "predatory." This is a quick, but no less attractive option for a long hair. For shorter haircuts, you can apply the same gel or foam from the roots and put the strands in different directions, which will result in a visually interesting “randomness”, which, nevertheless, will not look careless.

In addition, you should not limit yourself to any one option and drive into a narrow framework. Enough to connect the fantasy and not be afraid of new images.

Hairstyle features

Stylists say that the technology of this hairstyle is a bit like “Cascade”. But the difference between them lies in the fact that in this case the strands on the crown, the occipital part and at the temples are cut off with steps and are much shorter than with cascade execution. And the remaining strands should be left long or elongated. It all depends on the desired length of hair.

The result will be a very original haircut with a bulky top sticking out. Strands stick out in different directions, and the remaining curls smoothly fall.

In order for the haircut to have a disheveled and unusual appearance, they should be processed in the parietal region and along the upper strands with the help of thinning scissors. If you do not, the image will be more romantic and relaxed.

Long hair cut

Haircut "Wolf" for long hair - this is the biggest option for the realization of their fantasies. Dry curls can be a natural way. In order to emphasize some strands, you need to put on the palm a couple of drops of hair oil and distribute it over the entire length. If the curling is used for curling, then the result will be feminine and romantic styling. Curls can be turned both outward and inward. Depending on how you put them, the hair will turn out to be either romantic or naughty. And in order to get an extravagant look, the curls must be straightened with the help of an iron.

One or another color can be perfectly emphasized due to a stepped base, while the haircut will have a unique and stylish look.

If the hair is straight and long, then to give them the volume they do not need to be laid daily for a long time. Haircut will give the image a well-groomed and beautiful look.

On the back of the head strands need to be formed in the form of steps, they may have different depths and border design, and the contour of the hairstyle should be filmed.

The crown of the head will eventually have a volumetric appearance, and ragged long curls will fall down. The tips are cut at an angle or straight.

To create the desired silhouette long strands do not need to be shortened. Dry the hair in a natural way, then curl it with a curling iron and tuck the strands in the right direction or straighten them with a flat iron.

Thanks to the "Wolf", made on long hair, you can use it to make different everyday and festive hairstyles with the use of additional accessories such as headbands, hairpins or headbands.

Hairstyle for medium length

This hairstyle will look very impressive not only on long curls, but also on medium-length hair. If they are up to the shoulders, they should be cut at the back of their heads like a shallow ladder, and the outlines are exclusively at an angle. The sharp ends will give the image a well-groomed and unusual look.

Haircut "Wolf" for medium hair is performed in several stages:

  • divide all the curls on the top and bottom,
  • first work with the lower curls and cut each strand separately,
  • at the end, trim the curls in the face area.

"Wolf" for medium hair is perfect for any type of person, however, if it has a round shape, the hair will need to be further styled.

At the back of the head hair should be raised to the shape of the face was visually longer. With this hairstyle, you will favorably emphasize facial features and hide flaws.

Haircut "Wolf" for short hair

This type of hairstyle is also suitable for short hair, but only if its length is at least to the chin and the neck is open. You need to cut hair like thisso that the upper strands are longer than the lower ones. The ends must be finely filmed. Plus hairstyles that she can keep the original look and shape for a long time.

However, if you have short hairthen “Wolf” should be abandoned in the following situations:

  • if you have wide cheekbones,
  • when the face is rectangular,
  • if the face itself is full.

The perfect version of the "Wolf" for short hair - a slightly wavy curls. If the hairstyle is made with high quality, then it will not be necessary to pack it additionally, and this is very economical and practical.

Such a haircut will suit young girls and representatives of creative professions. But if you are at work welcomed a strict and business style, then this hairstyle would not be entirely appropriate.

If you want your haircut to have an attractive and stylish look, you need to adjust it at least once every 4-5 weeks. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look unattractive and untidy, you also can not allow the appearance of split ends.

Combination with other details of the image

Regardless of the length, the haircut will have a particularly attractive look with bangs. It looks most original with a slanting bang. It can be short or long with ragged edges and smoothly move to the side strands. It is not recommended to make it extremely thick. Asymmetrical bangs are also good.

You can successfully emphasize your image with the help of coloring or highlighting, it will visually increase the volume of curls and emphasize the silhouette of the haircut. The tone should be chosen depending on the original color - about a couple of tones brighter and lighter.

Styling is done by ironing, gel, mousse and not only - it all depends on the structure of the hair.

Regardless of which hair you cut, short, medium or long, thick or thin, it will give them extra volume and make facial features more expressive. One way or another, the “Wolf” hairstyle will appeal to girls who prefer to look stylish, but at the same time like naturalness and do not want to spend a lot of time on styling.


Watch the video: Lydia Martin from mtv TEEN WOLF Braided Hairstyles. Holland Roden Tutorial (July 2024).