
Everything you need to know about deep bikini laser hair removal, as well as reviews of a modern hair removal procedure


Many women ask themselves: “Is laser hair removal of a deep bikini harmful?”. Laser bikini area epilation with the help of a laser is absolutely safe for women. The technology is simple, very effective. The session is painless. Hair becomes smaller after the first session. A lasting effect can last up to six years.

Many women know how painful the epilation in the bikini zone is, because the skin here is so soft, thin, hypersensitive. Laser epilation of the deep bikini zone, unlike traditional methods of depilation, does not injure the skin, does not cause irritation, inflammation. Not surprisingly, women prefer to undergo this particular procedure in order to remove unwanted hairs in intimate places.

Benefits of the procedure

Laser hair removal bikini has many advantages, in particular:

  • painless procedure, minimally noticeable discomfort during the session,
  • in 90 percent it is possible to do without additional anesthesia (anesthetic cream - it is applied forty minutes before the start of the session),
  • high performance
  • the safety of the procedure
  • security,
  • high efficiency,
  • non-hazardous
  • the ability to remove unwanted hairs even in the most inaccessible places (as a deep bikini area),
  • no post-treatment micro scars and micro scars,
  • instant result - after the first session,
  • the number of hairs is significantly reduced from procedure to procedure,
  • the ability to remove even ingrown hairs,
  • shown even for hypersensitive skin,
  • long lasting effect (five to six years),
  • the most hypoallergenic way.

Is it harmful?

This technique is very gentle, it allows you to gently and gently process the skin, while the epidermis is not injured. The laser only affects the hair follicles and the unwanted hairs themselves.

Therefore, to get injured, burn during the session is impossible. Also, this method will avoid the appearance of ingrown hair, irritation and redness.

And whether ladies need to remove hair in intimate places: male opinion

The “fashion” for depilation of intimate places was “instilled” in the whole world by America - in Europe they never considered that it is necessary to remove hair from the bikini zone. In France, smooth legs were considered the norm. In Japan, the issue of unwanted hairs was not in principle.

In ancient oriental cultures, a completely smooth intimate place was considered beautiful. Modern men believe that hair in intimate places should be, because it automatically speaks about the child-bearing age of a woman and her willingness to have sexual contact with a man.

According to the research, up to 80 percent of men think that hairs should be, but they should look well groomed and neat, therefore, it is worth making intimate hairstyles.

Unambiguous male opinion about the need to completely remove unwanted hairs from the bikini area is not. Psychologists believe, referring to the theory of the unconscious Sigmund Freud, that men (20 percent), who like completely shaved intimate zones, prefer to have relationships with very young girls, even girls.

The remaining 80 percent are negative for complete depilation of the intimate area.

Why laser hair removal is in demand among fans of intimate haircuts

The procedure of laser hair removal is very popular among lovers of intimate haircuts and intimate depilation, because:

  • after it black dots appear that appeared after shaving,
  • after the first procedure there is no ingrown hair,
  • skin regains tenderness, velvety, smoothness,
  • the irritation that was after shaving disappears.

The method itself is not complicated. After it, the patient does not aggravate the threshold of sensitivity, such as, for example, after the same shugaring, or wax depilation.

  • It is impossible to disregard the skin of the feet, Japanese socks for a pedicure can help.
  • It is good to make different masks out of blue clay for the face - it is not necessary to go to the salon for this, see more here.

What it is

Before you decide on this method, you need to figure out what is hair removal with a laser. During the procedure, a special apparatus with impulses acts not on the hair itself, but on the hair follicles. The laser on the hair sticking out above the skin sends impulses, reaches the follicle and destroys them.

Hair, while in the skin, ceases to receive nutrition and falls out within 9-14 days after visiting the cosmetologist's office. For an effective result, you need to go through about 4–7 procedures, since in one session you cannot process all the areas.

In the area of ​​deep bikini are very sensitive areas of the skin and exposure to them with a laser can deliver pain and discomfort. How the session goes will depend on the type of laser in the device.
There are four types:

  • diode - against ingrown hair, suitable for both dark and light skin types,
  • ruby - for dark-haired girls with fair skin,
  • Alexandrite - suitable for dark-haired and light-skinned,
  • Neodymium - suitable for all, but rarely occurs.

The difference between them is also the depth of the skin they penetrate. The ruby ​​laser has the shortest pulse, the diode and alexandrite have the average depth, and the neodymium pulse is the strongest. A diode laser is most often used to remove vegetation in sensitive areas, since it is best absorbed by melanin in the skin.


Women who have made themselves a deep bikini hair removal with a laser, forget about shaving, electric epilators, the impact of wax and other ways to get rid of vegetation. The main advantage of the laser after the end of the procedure is the absence of spines up to 5-6 years! The time interval between visits to the beautician each time gradually increases from one month to three.

Other benefits include:

  • minimal pain
  • the ability to remove vegetation in sensitive and hard to reach places,
  • after the procedure there are no scars
  • removing even ingrown hairs
  • suitable for sensitive skin
  • hypoallergenic,
  • safely.

The question of the need for this procedure, each woman decides for herself. If in intimate relationships she and her partner got used to the feeling of smoothness in the deep bikini area, and the usual ways are laborious and irritating, then the solution is obvious.

In more detail and clear about the benefits of laser hair removal deep bikini:


For this procedure, there are diseases and other nuances in which it can not be performed.

Contraindications for laser bikini hair removal:

  • any dermatological problems
  • the last stages of diabetes
  • periods of pregnancy and feeding,
  • hair in the form of a gun, gray, blond or red,
  • dark skin or strong tan,
  • acute infections,
  • oncology.

Monthly themselves are not a contraindication for laser hair removal in the intimate area. But a few days before they begin, as well as the first days during which the pain can be much higher due to increased sensitivity.

For those who are interested in what RF-body lifting is and how it helps to stay young and beautiful, we have a separate article on our website. Here you can see a video about the procedure.

Another rejuvenating procedure in cosmetology is laser-free laser biorevitalization, which is described in detail here.

Side effects

After the procedure of laser hair removal zone deep bikini and buttocks there is a chance to experience a number of unpleasant moments. This may be hyperpigmentation, which takes place within a month. It is harmless, but it does not look aesthetically pleasing, so for some women it can be a problem.

If laser hair removal is performed incorrectly in the bikini area, there may be other consequences. For example, with strong sensitivity or high laser settings, small burns occur. Anti-burn cream is used to combat them. Light burning and discomfort disappear in a few days.


Epilation in the field of intimate bikini for the first time - always moral stress for women. You need to live with the idea that the advantages of the procedure outweigh all the minor flaws. The position itself during the procedure should not embarrass you, it is practically a medical service where the beautician simply performs his work.

With each of his movements, you will be a step closer to velvety skin without annoying and spiky hair. How to prepare for a laser bikini hair removal so that the results are only positive?

The physical aspects of preparation include the following actions:

  • you can not pluck or epilate vegetation before the procedure,
  • categorically it is not recommended to sunbathe or go to a tanning bed a month before the procedure, since pigmentation will appear on the skin,
  • you need to shave the hair in the zone of the total bikini a day before laser hair removal, the result will be most successful during the active growth phase,
  • Before going to the beautician can not use any cosmetics for intimate hygiene.

How is going

Taking into account all the stages of preparation, the woman is in the office of a beautician. First, an expert evaluates the sensitivity of the skin and exposes a certain mode on the device. If anesthesia is necessary, then a special spray or cream is applied 40 minutes before the start of work on the epilation zone.

The skin in the area of ​​vegetation removal should be clean and dry. When you turn on the laser, the patient will feel light punctures.

In order to avoid irritation and pain, in between the work of the laser, the skin is cooled with special means. After exposure to the hair follicle, many hairs fall out immediately, some it takes several days.

Most girls use this service about seven times in one course.

Rehabilitation period

Epilation itself does not complicate the daily life of a woman. There are a number of recommendations for skin care - you can not use alcohol-based cosmetics. The first two or three hours after the procedure will be a burning sensation, a couple of days you must wear soft cotton underwear.

Day after the procedure is prohibited to take a bath, swim and walk in the pool. It is not necessary to touch the crusts, which sometimes appear at the site of lost hair, because of this, pigmentation may appear. For the same reason, it is necessary to avoid sun exposure and a visit to the solarium for a month.

If any hairs resist and remain growing, you need to go for a second session and say goodbye to them. With proper care of the epilation zone, you can forget about these problems for several years.

Look at the results of laser hair removal zone bikini, photos before and after the procedure:

Frequently asked Questions

Often, before the sessions a lot of questions arise - whether laser hair removal is harmful in the deep bikini zone, what is the price of this procedure, how long the session lasts - we will answer some questions below:

“How much does laser hair removal of a bikini area cost?”

“On average, from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles for one procedure, but prices vary depending on the salon, equipment and beautician qualifications. Also in the salons there are promotions and discounts on repeated visits or the consolidation of several zones. ”

“How long does one epilation last?”

“From 20 to 50 minutes depending on the type of the treated skin area and its sensitivity. In the bikini area, the average session duration is 30 minutes. ”

“Can I then get a tattoo on the epilated area?”

"Yes, it is possible, but only after the healing after the final session."

And for those who are interested to know what features and advantages of the facial photo-rejuvenation procedure, we suggest to look here.

No less interesting and effective procedure - RF-face lifting: what is the essence, what is the effect, the features of the session and the average prices can be found here.

What do those who have attended sessions say

If you first decided to use laser hair removal in the deep bikini zone, do not rush, ask for the reputation of the salon and read reviews about this method of hair removal:

“I recently completed a series of sessions on epilating a total bikini zone with a laser. The first time was quite painful, so during the remaining procedures I asked to apply an anesthetic cream. I have dark skin and immediately developed a strong pigmentation, bright spots disappeared a month after the final procedure.

It didn’t look very much, but this is not a zone that everyone can see, so I didn’t worry about that. The main thing is that 85% of the hair fell out immediately and the skin became much more pleasant to the touch. The remaining sessions did to consolidate the effect. "

“After the first procedure, I had scabs in place of lost hair. I did not touch them, as the beautician said. I did the procedure in the winter and did not violate any recommendations for caring for the epilated zone, so everything went very soon.

It is a pity that I need to achieve a full-fledged effect with several sessions, I needed to go eight times, as the hair is rather thick. Therefore, I advise you to start epilating from the beginning of autumn in order to bring everything to the end by summer. ”

“I went to the procedure very much afraid of pain, took a bottle of lidocaine with me and drank painkillers. All the same, there were moments when a break through on a tear, but suffered. The master was reassured by the fact that more sessions require less sessions, which means less money.

At first, I didn't feel the effect, but after two weeks most of the hairs somehow fell out themselves or broke off. Others in the treated area became less noticeable, brightened, but there was still a lot of work. When I pick up the remains, the irritation does not arise any more. I plan another 2-3 procedures, although you may need more. ”

Practical daily struggle with vegetation throughout the body gives girls a lot of inconvenience. It is a waste of time, pain and irritation on the skin. The most frustrating factor is the short-lived result.

It is especially effective when exposed to intimate areas, because there literally half a day after shaving spikes appear. If you follow the rules of preparation, you will not experience discomfort and after a few sessions will become much happier.

We offer to watch a video of how to do a laser hair removal of a deep bikini zone:

What is laser hair removal?

The procedure for hair removal is the impact of a special laser apparatus on the source of hair growth (hair follicles, which are their reproductive basis). While most of the available and well-known methods do not live up to expectations in terms of quality or time of action, such hair removal is very effective.

The principle of action is based largely on the content of melanin in the hair (coloring pigment). It is also in the skin, but in smaller quantities. Therefore, laser hair removal of the bikini area takes place with radiation of waves of a strictly defined length, whose energy is absorbed exclusively by the hairs. As a result of infrared radiation, the coloring pigment is heated, and the hair follicle is destroyed. From this it turns out that in this place the hair will no longer grow.

The fact is that girls know firsthand what efforts high-quality epilation costs in the intimate area: various cuts and irritations can noticeably spoil both well-being and mood, and such an option as waxing hair is equivalent to torture. If you are still in doubt, you need to remember: laser bikini hair removal is a painless and reliable procedure.

The skin in intimate places is sensitive enough, but even in the bikini area, the instantaneous heating of the hair and the destruction of the bulb will go unnoticed.

In some cases, anesthesia is still required, since everyone has a different pain threshold. If you have previously used a wax or depilator, laser depilation on their background is painless. However, if you want to protect yourself from unusual sensations, you only need to agree in advance on anesthesia (most often it is in the form of a special cream). A worthy competitor is photoepilation.

Epilation options bikini area

Since the tastes and needs of people differ, specialized salons and clinics for the most part can provide the following options for laser depilation:

  • pubic zone,
  • panty line bikini
  • "Extra", including the labia and folds,
  • deep bikini

The number of procedures for the complete destruction of hair

If you start from the fact that after one operation with a laser, the existing hairs die off permanently, then why in salons and special clinics insist on 4 or more sessions? An unprepared client may think that this is another “pulling” of money, but this is not at all the case.

By lowering the groove in the details of the stages of hair development, you can judge the following. Hair on the body grows unevenly, so during the first laser hair removal bikini only the first wave of hair is destroyed. After a certain period of time, those follicles that were at the sleep stage are activated, which means that the next wave will appear on the surface. Next, you need to repeat the procedure.

During the first and subsequent operations to remove unwanted hair, the activity of dormant bulbs also becomes dulled, which in turn speeds up and facilitates the process of killing them. With each session, the hairs will be noticeably thinner and lighter.

On average, experts recommend from 4 to 8 treatments. Therefore, laser bikini hair removal had negative reviews only when, in an effort to save time, the girls underwent only 1-2 sessions. Also, you can not trust ads and proposals for the complete killing of hair for 1-2 procedures, as this is impossible.

Laser epilation of intimate places

If the majority of men do not understand why women are so worried about their hair in the so-called “bikini zone”, the latter know very well how difficult it is to care for this part of the body. The skin is very delicate here, so standard vegetation removal options (for example, the same shaving) leave irritation and hair ingrowth..

Laser hair removal of the intimate area will help solve the problem. Its effectiveness has already been proven in practice by more than one representative of the fair sex. At the same time, men should take a closer look at this option, because an absolutely smooth skin will always be an advantage.

Bikini (shallow, deep, extra) for women

Consider the features of intimate laser hair removal for women. There are several options for this procedure: shallow bikini, laser hair removal in the extrabikini zone, total (deep) bikini. In addition, among the options for epilating intimate places is also worth highlighting the laser method of removing hair only from the pubic area, interdigital folds and buttocks.

In the first case (shallow procedure), the specialist removes hairs only along the panty line, which in most cases is the best option, especially if the client cannot overcome the psychological barrier.

Extrabikini provides for laser treatment of the labia and interjugular folds, but the most popular option today is considered a deep bikini, which combines all of the above areas and helps to achieve perfect smoothness in the entire intimate area.

All of these options are united by the very specifics of such a procedure: all visible hairs in the treatment area are removed using a laser beam. If we are talking about classic laser hair removal of intimate places, then you will need to spend about 20-30 minutes for one procedure, while a deep bikini will take at least an hour.

Most women choose deep laser hair removal of the entire intimate area, but there is still a category of girls who want to keep pubic hair. In this case, you need to shave the hairs in this area the way you want to see them as a result, that is, you can leave a triangle, a circle, or even make a bikini design.

Laser hair removal zone bikini for men

As noted earlier, the process of laser hair removal in the area of ​​the so-called deep bikini can be interesting not only for girls, but also for men. In the case of the representatives of the stronger sex, you will need 7-10 procedures to completely get rid of tired hair, after which you will forget that there is a problem of unwanted vegetation in such a delicate place.

The hair removal procedure lasts an average of 25-30 minutes, which is explained by the use of the most modern equipment and the high professionalism of cosmetologists.

To begin with, a man (as well as a woman) needs to consult a specialist, who, after examining the bikini area, will provide all the recommendations regarding the procedure and find out if there are any contraindications to using a laser.

In addition, the cosmetologist will give a detailed account of the necessary preparatory activities and help overcome the “psychological” barrier by describing in detail all the stages of deep bikini's epilation using a laser.

For 80% of men, such a laser hair removal of a full bikini area ends with 100% success, that is, complete removal of unwanted hair in this area.

Are hair removed after laser hair removal forever

For many people, both for men and for women, the course of laser epilation of a total bikini (with pubis and interglacial zone) ends with the desired result - hair from intimate places disappear forever.

However, this effect is not observed in each case, and often a year later it may take several more sessions. Nevertheless, the hair will never be the same hard again, and for the owners of light “vegetation” the grown thin hairs will become completely invisible.

Does it hurt to do the procedure in the bikini area

Some clients of beauty salons can not decide on laser hair removal only for the reason that they are very afraid of pain. Of course, there are many rumors about burns, irritation and other unpleasant consequences of laser hair removal.

In addition, prior to laser hair removal of the same total bikini, a special anesthetic cream is applied to the treated surface, which, combined with the protection of the laser handpiece (all the time the procedure is cooling the skin), will guarantee the absence of any unpleasant sensations. As a result, you will only feel the heat.

How to prepare

Preparation for the procedure of hair removal from the intimate zone through the use of laser equipment is in many ways reminiscent of standard activities carried out before a similar procedure on another part of the body. In particular, they include:

  • Limiting sun exposure to the skin as a result of a visit to the beach or a solarium (you should stop tanning at least two weeks before visiting a beautician).
  • Hair removal from the bikini area in a standard way (by shaving) several days before laser hair removal (hairs above the skin surface should not protrude more than 1 mm, because otherwise the entire energy of the laser emitter will be spent not on the hair follicle, but on hair shaft).
  • Applying an anesthetic to the skin an hour before the procedure.
  • Failure to use any creams, lotions or other cosmetics the day before and on the day of laser hair removal. This requirement is especially important because the use of creams just leads to the appearance of burns.

There are also a number of specific nuances characteristic of preparing for the procedure of laser removal of excess hair in the intimate area (it does not matter if epilation of the pubis or labia is planned). For example, if you have already had cases of genital herpes recurrence, then antiviral medications should be started a few days before the start of the course of hair removal from the intimate area., continuing to use them a few days after the session.

It is also better not to plan the first sessions of laser hair removal during menstruation or a few days before it starts, because it is during this period that the sensitivity of the skin increases.

When negotiating the first procedure, think, maybe it makes sense to start by signing up for a “classic bikini”, which will help you to check your pain threshold before affecting more tender areas.

The process of laser hair removal zones pubis, bikini, buttocks and other intimate parts of the body

The depth of laser hair removal in such a delicate area depends on the personal preferences of the client, but in any case it is worthwhile to think carefully before making a final decision, because it will be impossible to return the hair.

For example, you can limit yourself only to hair removal from the pubic zone (which is not popular with everyone), hair removal on the thighs (the classic version of bikini, when only 2-3 cm of vegetation protruding from the line of linen is removed from the body) or total hair removal cover: not only from the pubis, but also from the labia, and even between the interdigital area.

Anyway before the procedure, the intervention zone should be anesthetized by applying a special agent (cream), after which the client sits comfortably on the couch and puts on safety glasses.

With clear movements, the cosmetologist treats specific areas of the body with a laser (not a point, but immediately capturing a small area) and after the completion of the procedure, applies anti-inflammatory cream.

In fact, the process of laser hair removal of the pubis, labia, or even the interglacial area is likely to remain unobtrusive to you. However, if we consider the procedure from the technical side, then its whole essence lies in the selective influence of the laser beam on the pigmented cells, which contain melanin, as well as on the blood cells, which contain hemoglobin. As a result, the hair follicle is destroyed and the vessel going to the follicle is sealed.

The number of sessions for hair removal

Deciding to visit a beautician for laser removal of unwanted vegetation in the intimate areas, it should be understood that the matter will not be limited to one procedure. So, 99% of hairs are removed no earlier than after 5 sessions.

Also, do not exclude individual characteristics of your body, because depending on the structure and type of hair in the epilated area, you may need both fewer such sessions and a little more. On average, four to eight treatments will suffice for complete hair removal in the so-called bikini zone.

In addition, there are certain intervals between sessions (in more detail about how often laser hair removal should be done): between the first and second - 4-6 weeks, between the second and third - 8-10 weeks, etc. That is, after each next laser hair removal period "respite" is increased by two weeks.

How often do I need to repeat the procedure

Qualitatively carried out procedures of epilation with a laser for a long time will relieve you of hair in the zone of intimate parts of the body.

Of course, there are cases when the resulting effect of the procedure lasts a lifetime, but in most cases a few years later, the sessions will have to be repeated. True, a full course is most often not required, and everything is limited to a few corrective procedures.

Skin care after laser hair removal

After completing each individual procedure from the general course of laser hair removal, you will need some care at home. For example, for the next 24 hours it is prohibited to wet the treated area with water, and the use of washcloths and detergents should be excluded for 48 hours.

You will also have to use a special cream on the epilated area, the task of which is to soothe the skin and prevent possible inflammation. Visiting the sauna should be postponed for at least 3 days after hair removal, but when going to the solarium or to the beach, you will have to wait a little longer — at least two weeks.

The approximate cost of laser hair removal zone bikini in Russia

Do not hide the fact that the price of the procedure described can not be called too low, but if you consider how much you spend, for example, on waxing, you will understand that you will ultimately benefit.

As for carrying out a similar procedure in intimate places, the total bikini for men will cost about 4000-7200 rubles (deep bikini - about 3500-7500 rubles). In the female version, the classic bikini will cost 4,000–5,200 rubles on average, epilation in the crotch area –4,400–7,200 rubles, in the interyagic zone –– 4,000–5,200, and the total will cost 6,000–9,900 rubles.

Deep bikini

Extra-bikini, or in other words, epilation of a deep bikini implies almost complete, total hair removal from the intimate area, including pubis, labia and folds between the buttocks. To obtain the desired effect is not enough one procedure, so be prepared for the fact that you have to visit a specialist several times. One method of extra hair removal deep bikini can take an hour or more of your time.

Classic bikini

This is a more popular version of hair removal, which removes hair only from the visible area, that is, along the bikini line. Often it is chosen by those girls who for the first time decide on this method of getting rid of unwanted vegetation. The whole procedure takes 20-30 minutes. After the course of epilation, you can safely go to the beach in a new, even the most open swimsuit. You will get rid of the embarrassment that not all hairs are removed, as often happens with waxing or regular shaving.

Types of intimate laser hair removal

In addition to the fact that you definitely need to consult with a dermatologist and a beautician before going to the hardware procedure, it will not be superfluous to know about its varieties. Modern cosmetology is developing new methods to achieve perfection and smoothness of the skin. Electrolysis offers girls several types of lasers to completely get rid of unwanted body hair.

The most popular way to remove hair from the intimate zone is a diode laser photo laser. Light waves with a frequency of 2 Hz and a length of 800 nm are perfectly absorbed by the pigment inside the bulb, which allows the use of a diode laser on hair of any color at all. It is suitable for skin of any type, and the number of necessary procedures to achieve the desired result is minimized.

Epilation diode laser collects different reviews: someone is pleased with the result, someone did not like the side effects in the form of irritation. Since the skin of all people is completely different, then the reaction to the actions of the laser can not be compared with each other.Before taking, be sure to consult with your doctor to determine a more effective and safe method of hair removal.

Alexandrite laser

Bikini-removal with Candela alexandrite laser (Candela) is more suitable for owners of dark hair. The procedure is considered more efficient and is faster than the previous version. The laser operates at a pulse frequency of 1.5 Hz and is considered to be more benign than other options. Danger in the form of burns or irritation does not threaten you, but you should remember about the precautions after epilating:

  • sunbathing during the week after the procedure is undesirable,
  • the use of oils or flavored skin creams in the treated area is contraindicated.

Neodymium laser

If you were offered a hair removal with a neodymium laser in a beauty salon, be sure to consider whether you need to spend your time and money on an ineffective procedure. The effectiveness of a neodymium laser is considered best when removing tattoos or treating rosacea, but it is not absorbed by melanin at all. This indicates that it is necessary to spend much more time to completely get rid of hair, and the course of procedures will take several months.

Pros and cons of laser hair removal

The most important advantage of a laser procedure is that after several sessions it is possible to completely get rid of unwanted vegetation on any part of the body. 100% guarantee you hardly anyone will give, but depending on the individual characteristics of hair growth this possibility exists. Among the minuses worth noting pain during. In addition, hair removal can not be called a cheap way to make the skin smooth. If you want to achieve a result, then be prepared to fork out.

How much is

The best way to find a good place to perform the procedure is to ask advice from those who have already done their hair removal. Most likely they will give you recommendations or, on the contrary, they will warn you, because the skill of a specialist remains the most important in this matter. You can try to find a beauty salon or medical center that provides this service through the Internet. It is worth paying attention to:

  • reviews
  • the opportunity to consult online,
  • attitude of employees to potential customers.

The price range for laser hair removal is big. Depending on the chosen place, your city and the experience of the master, you can make yourself a bikini hair removal from 4000 p. per session. The price includes consultation, hair removal, applying a special cream after the procedure. Do not settle for cheap offers! Only an inexperienced technician with low-quality equipment can do this. Remember that you need healthy, beautiful and smooth skin, and not something similar.

Who should not do laser hair removal?

Before you decide on a radical hair removal, it should be noted that laser hair removal has contraindications. Contraindications are:

  • crayfish,
  • exacerbation of skin and viral diseases
  • open tuberculosis,
  • heart ischemia
  • hypertension,
  • varicose veins in the groin area
  • birthmarks, warts, papillomas in the groin area,
  • presence of pacemaker and endoprosthesis,
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • age up to 17 years.

Before going to the beauty salon should consult a doctor.

What are the options for deep bikini epilation today?

This type of depilation has its own varieties, namely:

  • There is an epilation of the bikini line (or underwear),
  • there is an extra bikini (interglacial folds and genital sponges),
  • There is an epilation of a deep bikini (complete removal of unwanted hairs in intimate areas).

What type of laser is suitable for deep bikini hair removal

According to this technology, only the most modern equipment is used, which is equipped with a special cooling system, therefore, patients do not feel any discomfort, pain.

Now cosmetologists use four types of laser equipment:

  • ruby - suitable for fair-skinned and black-haired,
  • Alexandrite - suitable for both black-haired and dark-haired light-skinned patients,
  • diode - and light-skinned, and dark, suitable for ingrown hair,
  • Neodymium - suitable for representatives of any type and color of skin, but there is not in all beauty salons.

Choose the laser you need, based on the predominant type of hair. If this is the Celtic variant (light-skinned, red-haired), then only neodymium will do. The bright red hair does not contain melanin, which is affected by the laser.

All procedures will not be successful and will not bring the desired result to patients. The Scandinavian type (light-skinned, light-eyed and fair-haired) also suits neodymium for the same reasons as Celtic.

The European type (dark-eyed, with brown hair) is a ruby, diode and alexandrite (if the skin is not sunburnt), neodymium is also possible - with strong tan. Mediterranean type (brown-eyed, with brown hair and olive skin) - diode and neodymium.

Asian type (dark-skinned, dark-eyed and black-haired) shows only neodymium. African (black-haired and curly, black and dark-eyed) is also suitable only neodymium.

How can I prepare for the procedure?

Cosmetologists advise women not to sunbathe for two weeks before the session, to refuse to visit tanning beds and to pull out hairs in the intimate zone. You also need to stop taking tetracycline antibiotics, fluoroquinolones.

Four to eight hours before the session, the bikini area needs to be thoroughly shaved, depilation creams applied to the depilated areas, and deodorants are prohibited.

Possible number of procedures

The result of laser hair removal of the bikini area will directly depend on the hair structure, the predominant skin type of a woman. Between sessions, be sure to take breaks. After the first, four to six weeks must pass, after the second, six to eight, and after the third, from two months. After each following procedure, the interval between sessions increases by two weeks.

Technology holding

The method is based on the action of the laser beam, which, acting on the hair pigment melanin, leads to a violation of the follicles, their loss. One pulse of the beam can immediately remove unwanted hairs from two square centimeters of skin.

  • Wrinkles around the eyes can be removed both by folk methods and by surgical methods.
  • To solve the problem of acne or acne, you can use laser polishing of the face, on the rest of the site.

Rehabilitation period

After laser hair removal of a bikini area, reddening of the skin may appear - this is a temporary side effect. After a few hours, the redness will subside.

A woman does not pass a special rehabilitation period after the procedure - she can immediately return to her normal life after the session. The only recommendation for skin care is that within two weeks after depilation, a woman should avoid direct sunlight and constantly apply sunscreen products with a high level of protection to her skin.

Also, three days can not wipe the skin with alcohol-containing tonic, lotion. During the day you can not swim, go to the pool, take a bath.

Laser hair removal of a deep bikini is especially effective for dark-haired patients with fair skin, but this technique is universal. With it, you can achieve a stable result that will last for many years - the skin in the intimate areas will be soft, delicate, smooth, velvety. Unwanted hairs will not be disturbed for a long time.

Features of laser epilation of intimate places

Despite the fact that cosmetologists constantly offer new ways to combat unwanted vegetation in the bikini area, laser hair removal is still the most preferred and effective. The uniqueness of this method lies in the ability laser affect hair follicles.

The melanin in the hairs absorbs laser energy, which is then transformed into heat flux and reaches the bulb.

Under the influence of heat bulb collapses. Also injured capillaries that feed the follicle, resulting in slowing its recovery. Due to this effect, it is possible to stop hair growth in the deep bikini area for 4-7 years.

Laser hair removal of intimate zones has some features. Since the epidermis in this area is highly sensitive, and access to some areas is difficult, the procedure should be performed by an experienced specialist with great experience.

Also, the client needs to keep in mind that the epilation of the bikini zone differs in such moments:

  • The final effect of the course depends not only on the experience of the master and the quality of the equipment used, but also on the individual characteristics and the hormonal background of the client. If a person has problems with thyroid, hair growth can be accelerated, which affects the duration of the effect,
  • for the skin to become completely smooth, you will need to undergo at least 8 sessions,
  • the interval between sessions is 45-60 days, so the course may take more than a year,
  • after the course is recommended to periodically carry out the correction.

After the first session it will be possible to eliminate not all the hairs, but only those that are in the growth phase. If after processing the hair will grow faster, you should not be afraid. This body reaction is natural and due to the fact that the laser awakens hairs that are in the stage of sleep. In the photo you can see how the bikini area will look after laser hair removal.

Does it hurt laser hair removal

Cosmetologists claim that this method of hair removal is painless, more than 80% of clients do not feel pronounced discomfort and do not require additional anesthesia.

Laser hair removal in the bikini area usually causes severe pain only in people with low pain threshold.

In the fair sex, the expression of sensations also depends largely on the day of the cycle.

During processing, most customers feel slight tingling and pinching, but their severity also depends on the power of the beam.

If a woman or a man has naturally dark hair, laser hair removal of the intimate zone will be more painful than clients with light brown or blond hair. This is due to the fact that to eliminate dark hair requires a more powerful luminous flux.

Reference! If a person has a lower pain threshold, do laser epilation of the bikini area better after pre-applying anesthetic cream.

How to care for the skin after the procedure

Within a few hours after treatment, redness may remain on the epilated area.

With increased sensitivity of the skin hyperemia may persist up to a day.

In most cases, this reaction of the epidermis passes on its own, without the use of medicines.

On the recommendation of the wizard, you can use a special regenerating cream. Usually, the treatment of the skin is carried out within 3-5 days.

In order to minimize the risk of complications, it is forbidden to take a hot bath for a week after treatment, to go to the sauna and solarium, as steaming can cause irritation, it is also forbidden to wear clothes made of synthetic linen.

During the recovery period, you can not sunbathe and be in direct sunlight without a protective cream.


Laser hair removal has a huge number of advantages, so most cosmetologists advise customers to carry out just such a treatment. If you go through a whole course, you can forget about hated hairs and shaving for a few years.


Watch the video: Edwards Aesthetics. Female Brazilian with Starsoft Hard Wax. Starpil Wax (May 2024).