Eyebrows and eyelashes

Firm arguments: all the features of the tattoo, about which you need to know


Tattoo is a very popular type of eyebrow shaping around the world. This procedure has many advantages and disadvantages, but the quality of the work done allows the girls not to spend a lot of time every day on applying makeup. Many ask the question: "Is it necessary to do a tattoo of eyebrows?".

This word is associated with tattooing on the body. There is a common thing between them, but the pigment is injected into the upper layer of the skin, which reduces pain. Another difference - the paint burns out and disappears after a few years. If unsuccessful, it can not be removed with the help of cosmetic or folk remedies. Should I do a tattoo eyebrow? Reviews say that many girls are at risk of falling into the hands of an inexperienced master.

The usual design of the eyebrows with a pencil or shadow can not boast of high resistance and saturation. The big advantage of this procedure is that it does not cause severe pain, as it is performed under local anesthesia. While deciding whether to do a tattoo of eyebrows, reviews of girls show that you first need to decide on the technique of registration.

Modern technologies in cosmetology do not stand still. They are constantly evolving and offer several methods of applying pigment to the skin. Decide on the technique is necessary before the procedure. This will avoid unsuccessful results. Today, there are the following types of eyebrow tattoo:

  1. Hairy. This is the most popular type, which involves the application of pigment in the form of hairs for a more natural look. With a highly qualified master, the result will be difficult to distinguish from natural eyebrows. The disadvantage is that the procedure takes a large amount of time, since each hair is drawn by hand.
  2. Powdery. According to reviews, whether to do a tattoo of eyebrows in this technique, we can conclude that it is not the most successful. Pigment, which is injected under the skin, blend, and eyebrows are unnatural, saturated and sloppy.
  3. Combined includes the two previous methods. Thus, the pigment is shaded only at the base of the eyebrow, and the result is very beautiful and natural. Mostly masters and customers prefer this application technique.
  4. Watercolor. The method involves the use of several shades of paint for a smooth transition and create a natural look of eyebrows. It lacks drawing clear boundaries, which, if unskilled, the wizard will make them sloppy and smeared.

These techniques are presented in almost all beauty salons, where they do a tattoo of eyebrows.


Any cosmetic procedure involves the pros and cons. It is they who help the fair sex to decide on its necessity.

Due to the presence of several advantages, you can easily answer the question of why the eyebrow tattoo is done:

  • Persistence - under the influence of many factors (lifestyle, individual characteristics of the body and the amount of paint) attractive appearance and saturation of the pigment can last from 1 to 5 years. It is not exposed to sunlight, water or other external phenomena.
  • Convenience - no need for daily eyebrow shaping.
  • Naturalness - with the right choice of method and highly skilled master.
  • Attractive appearance - eyebrows give expression to the look and image as a whole.


Cons are everywhere, and this procedure is no exception. They are not many, but to know about them before visiting the beautician is necessary. According to reviews, whether to do a tattoo eyebrow, you can highlight the obvious shortcomings of the procedure:

  • Painful sensations - with high-quality pain relief discomfort is reduced several times.
  • Care - after the procedure, eyebrows require special care.
  • Difficult to remove - since the pigment is injected under the skin, it cannot be erased with the help of cosmetic and folk remedies. This can only be done in the cabin with a laser.
  • The result - with a lack of qualifications masters eyebrows may look unnatural and sloppy.
  • Price - the procedure is not budget and requires correction after a certain time.


When deciding whether to do a tattoo of eyebrows, reviews of cosmetologists and clients show that it is important to get acquainted with a number of contraindications. If available, this procedure is contraindicated. Tattoo cannot be done with:

  • diabetes
  • oncological disease
  • Hiv
  • diseases of the circulatory system
  • herpes
  • conjunctivitis,
  • susceptibility to allergic reactions
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • hypertension.

Before visiting the beauty salon, you should consult a doctor to exclude all diseases and ailments. Individual consultation of the master is necessary - he will prompt the full list of contraindications for each client. Failure to follow the recommendations can lead to complications and unsuccessful results.

Preparatory stage

First of all, it is necessary to include such an important point as the choice of the master. The procedure should be carried out in beauty salons or specialized offices with a qualified technician. It is important to make sure you have the necessary education, take good courses, and get feedback from its customers.

The highly skilled master necessarily conducts an individual consultation with each client, at which all the nuances of the procedure are discussed.

When preparing for eyebrow tattooing, it is necessary to abandon any peels, facial cleansing, tanning beds, blood thinners, as well as the use of alcoholic beverages.

To obtain a stable, natural and accurate result, the duration of the preparatory stage is 7 days, during which all recommendations of the master must be followed. Many girls wonder what time of year it is best to carry out the procedure. Eyebrow tattoo can be done in the summer, but subject to the rules of care for them. The first time after registration on them should not fall direct ultraviolet rays. It is very important to preserve saturation, speedy healing and prolong the durability of the pigment.

After complying with all the recommendations of the master, you can proceed directly to the design of the eyebrows. The first thing the master does is test for an allergic reaction to the pigment injected. Next, you need to choose the color of the pigment. Experts and ordinary customers recommend to give preference to all shades of brown, which is suitable for any appearance and hair. After that, a special agent is applied with anesthetic and freezing effect to reduce the client's pain.

After a time determined by the effects of anesthesia, the procedure for eyebrows begins:

  1. Correction of the form. The wizard removes excess hair and gives the eyebrows the desired shape, which is previously agreed with the client.
  2. Treatment. After plucking the hair, an antibacterial solution is applied to the skin for disinfection. Instruments must be completely sterile and printed immediately before the procedure in the presence of the client.
  3. Borders. The wizard draws the lines of the future eyebrow by the selected method. For a more saturated and lasting result, the pigment can be injected into the deeper layers of the skin.
  4. Sketch. Once the boundaries are outlined, you can begin to fill the entire surface of the eyebrow. This stage is repeated several times for a brighter and more saturated result. During the procedure, leftover pigment and blood may show through, which the highly skilled master removes immediately. This reduces the risk of complications and inaccurate application.
  5. After the introduction of all layers of pigment, the skin is treated with a special lotion with antibacterial and soothing effect. Next is applied means for rapid healing of wounds.

After the end of the procedure, the master should advise the client about the further care of the eyebrows and tell when they make the eyebrow tattoo correction. The average duration of registration is from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the technique and professionalism.

What can not be done after tattooing eyebrows? During the rehabilitation period, it is not recommended to drink alcohol and visiting a solarium, baths and saunas is completely contraindicated. It is important not to use scrubs, peels, not to clean the face. If you follow all the recommendations of the master, the process of eyebrow healing is rather fast and the risk of complications is reduced.

At this time, crusts form on the skin that cannot be peeled off, as they protect against infections. For several days, eyebrows can not wet and use cosmetics in this area. You must wait until the crusts disappear on their own. During the rehabilitation period, the skin in this area is treated with wound-healing preparations. If any complications appear, you should immediately contact the master.

It is very important to immediately clarify after how much to do eyebrow tattoo correction. In fact, this is quite an individual moment. Correction is made after complete healing of wounds. There are several reasons for the procedure:

  • the first - during the rehabilitation period, the pigment settles under the skin, may fade and change the shade,
  • the second - in the case of unsatisfactory work of the master or to correct an incorrectly selected form.

On average, correction is carried out 30–40 days after the tattoo. Experts recommend not to change the master, as he knows the color of the pigment in the eyebrows and the possible individual characteristics of the client.

The next correction is carried out if necessary in a few years. If the result is unsuccessful, the correction procedure will consist of several stages, which include the removal of pigment and the re-shaping of the eyebrows.

Since this procedure is very popular around the world, you can find out the opinions of customers. Should I do a tattoo eyebrow? Reviews of millions of female representatives show that a good result can be achieved only if there is a highly qualified master.

The girls note that the described method of eyebrow shaping allows you not to waste time on daily makeup. With it, the face becomes attractive without makeup. The tattoo helps to correct the irregular shape of the eyebrow with bald patches and to make them saturated.

Many clients note that a professional master helps to minimize the degree of pain, and the procedure goes almost unnoticed. The girls in their reviews claim that the tattoo really removes the need for make-up, and also consider it a great advantage for long-term effect.


Tattoo - an incredibly popular way to design eyebrows around the world. When making a decision and conducting this procedure, it is very important to choose a good specialist and follow all his recommendations. It is very important to exclude all contraindications and responsibly go to the rehabilitation period. Listening to these tips, you can get a natural and neat eyebrows after tattooing.

Why in the tattoo important quality pigments

Some careless masters are dishonest and save on the product, using low quality non-certified pigments, or even dyes for tattoos. The most stringent quality standards (and they are the whole of Europe) - in Germany. The second leader in the rigorous selection of ingredients for pigments is Italy. But we can safely say that all European pigments are very high quality and safe. Do not inject yourself into the skin dyes of Chinese and some American manufacturers. It is categorically not suitable for permanent makeup pigments for tattoos, they are very allergenic and sometimes carcinogenic.

“All pigments that are applied to the dermis are registered in Russia as cosmetics for tattooing, which confirms that the pigment has a certificate of state registration of the cosmetic. It would seem that there is nothing to complain about. But in the technical regulations "On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products" clearly states - "without breaking the skin." That is, in fact, not a single pigment on the Russian market can be applied to the dermis, there is no legal basis for this. Therefore, just in case, after the service, it is better to get a document confirming the name and composition of the dye. If you suddenly have to delete it, this information will facilitate the work of laser technology specialists, ”warns Elena Moskvicheva.

How long does permanent makeup hold

As for the permanent makeup extract, then each patient has its own. “The tattoo lasts from one to ten years or more. This plug has several reasons, ”explains Anna Savina. — First of allThis is the area of ​​application. For example, on the eyebrows the pigment is subject to strong fading and lasts no more than one and a half years, but on the eyelids dark color can live up to ten. On the lips permanent makeup stand a maximum of five years.

SecondlyPigment contrast plays a big role. The darker it is, the longer you will not part with it.

ThirdlyMuch depends on age. Younger epidermis with an active metabolism will quickly bring out the pigment, and older clients will have the same color longer. ”
"The pigment leaves the body as follows: over time, it migrates to the deeper layers of the dermis and is absorbed by the immune cells of the skin, after which it enters the lymph and is excreted from the body naturally," states Julia Chebotareva. “Light shades leave the skin faster than dark ones, but the decay process looks much more natural.”

Something about microblading

“Recently, cosmetic tattoo techniques are beginning to be divided into tattooing and microblading. The difference lies in the method of introduction of the pigment into the skin - by puncture or incision. There is no “microblading” service in any of the official documents, so legally, the same requirements will apply to its implementation as to the tattoo, ”states Elena Moskvicheva.

With microblading, the pigment also penetrates the skin, but only into the upper layer of the epidermis (and not into the dermis), which is why it lasts much less. The dye here is not driven by a needle, but fills in micro-cuts, which are obtained with a special tool that looks like a scalpel, but instead of a blade - a series of thin needles.

The effect of the procedure is amazing: the eyebrows look perfect and as natural as possible. But what will be the result depends only on the professionalism of the master.

As in the tattoo, there are also unsuccessful work. For example, after a while, clear hairs blur, become gray, and due to too deep cuts, scars can form. The percentage of such a sad finale is small, but forewarned is forearmed.

Conclusion: microblading, like a tattoo, requires a long practice from the master, skill and deep knowledge about the structure of the skin.

What to look for when deciding to do a tattoo

To be confident in the quality and safety of the procedure, pay attention to what kind of specialist conducts it.

“The qualifications of the masters who are engaged in cosmetic tattooing services are still a matter of dispute. On the one hand, the Ministry of Health insists that it is a medical service, and in the Nomenclature of Services it really exists under the code A17.30.001 as “Dermopigmentation” (permanent tattoo). On the other hand, by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development dated December 22, 2014 No. 1069n “On the approval of the professional standard“ Specialist in the provision of household cosmetic services ”, this service is authorized for use by specialists without medical education who have a diploma of“ cosmetics ”, states Elena Moskvicheva. “For the sake of objectivity, I’ll say that the regulatory authorities most often side with the Ministry of Health.”

The consumer needs to clarify whether he chooses this service as a medical one (and will be performed by a cosmetologist or a nurse for cosmetology) or as a household service (the procedure is performed by “cosmetics”). ”

Why is all this a client? In all cases with a permanent make-up, the master works with very sensitive areas of the face, and so that the patient does not have to endure the pain, gritting his teeth, he will be given local anesthesia. And here the law is merciless. “Cosmetic tattooing is performed with pre-anesthesia of the skin. It should be noted that anesthesia is undoubtedly a medical service; it is not allowed to provide it to the master, “cosmetics”. There is a clear violation of the law, and the consumer of the service should be aware of this, warns Elena Moskvicheva. - Also, the master "cosmetics" has no right to independently provide medical assistance in case of an allergic reaction. All he has to do is to carry out pre-medical measures: stop the introduction of pigment, put the patient in a comfortable position, undo the straps and buttons and give access to fresh air. Next - wait for the ambulance brigade. But if the procedure had been carried out by a health worker, he would have taken the measures himself and immediately to eliminate the allergic reaction. ”

Is it possible to fix a bad tattoo

Unfortunately, unsuccessfully made tattoo is not uncommon. Who is to blame, we have already figured out, but what to do with all this?

“In my daily practice, 90% of cases are reworking other people's work,” says Anna Savina. - If the problem is in the uneven introduction of pigment in good shape, this error can be resolved with the help of re-permanent makeup. But only lasers can fix the unfortunate form. And after complete or partial removal on the site of an old tattoo, you can create a new masterpiece.

In my practice, the most memorable case in which only removal could help was ... sideburns. The woman turned to the tattoo artist with a request to disguise the scars on the temples after plastic surgery. The master approached the process creatively and drew a spectacular “tribe” on his temples.

To date, there is only one way to qualitatively remove unsuccessful works of permanent makeup (like tattoos) - these are lasers.

Under the influence of the beam in a pulsed mode, a physicochemical reaction occurs, as a result, the pigment particles are destroyed and excreted with the lymph flow.

One session is enough for someone, and five is not enough for someone. The deeper the color particles in the skin, the more procedures will be needed to remove them.

The number of such procedures also depends on which laser device is in the hands of the doctor. Lasers are divided into nanosecond and picosecond (“cold”). “The difference between them is in the duration of the pulses,” says Julia Chebotareva. - At the first they are longer, and if you increase the power, the response of the skin in the form of a burn is not excluded. In picosecond pulses are shorter. Their heat energy is absorbed only by pigments, but the skin cells do not have time to heat up. Therefore, high power is absolutely harmless here, and besides, it guarantees faster pigment removal. ” There is only one option to avoid the laser: immediately choose a good master.

“Laser tattoo removal is a medical service, its Service Nomenclature code is A16.01.021“ Tattoo removal ”. That is, only a specialist with a higher medical education has the right to perform these manipulations, ”warns Elena Moskvicheva.

How long does it last?

Girls, who are pondering over whether this procedure is worth doing, often wonder how much eyebrow makeup and how often do you need to make a correction of such permanent makeup?

The duration of the effect of tattoo also depends on the materials used and the individual characteristics of the organism - in all women the permanent keeps itself differently.

It is important to consider 2 nuances:

  • Before the procedure, it is important to know that a quality tattoo will last a long time, and over time will change the volume, color and shape.
  • It is also important to bear in mind that after the first procedure of applying permanent makeup, a correction may be required in order to correct the eyebrow lines or their hue.

The method is completely harmless, as long as the specialist is qualified and responsibly approached his work. A true professional will never save on tools and pigments, will not use only black (which will eventually acquire a blue tint).

Permanent tattoo removal

If the result of the procedure does not suit you, or for some other reason you want to remove the eyebrow tattoo, you can do it in several ways:

  • Laser removal.
  • Cream technique.

The easiest and safest way is to remove a tattoo with a peeling cream. True, it is less effective in contrast to the laser. The composition of creams to remove permanent makeup includes trichloroacetic acid, which is used in the median peelings.

A better result can be achieved with the help of laser removal - it can be nominal that it can eliminate all the consequences of an unsuccessful brow tattoo.

In just a few procedures using a laser, the master will be able to completely remove the tattoo or correct the negative effects of permanent makeup.

Care should include protecting the skin from exposure to UV radiation, so experts recommend removing the tattoo with a laser in the fall or winter, when solar radiation is less active.

The laser technology itself is harmless, provided that it is correctly carried out and the rules of care after it are followed, which will be offered by a specialist.

There are several techniques for performing eyebrow tattoo:

  • Feather eyebrows using watercolors or shotirovaniya.
  • "Hair" technique.

For owners of rare and thin eyebrows is recommended to use the method of feathering. The essence Shooting consists in drawing the eyebrow line clear and visually complete. When stitching eyebrows look as if held in pencil. The method is suitable for blonde, brunettes and redhead girls. Contraindications to this technique is pregnancy. You will also need to perform competent care, which will offer the master.

In the hair method, a specialist between natural hair brows draws hairs so that the eyebrows look more natural and neat.

Execution process

The procedure for performing eyebrow tattoo includes the following steps:

  • The skin in the eyebrows first thing you need to thoroughly clean: remove makeup and degrease.
  • Then the cream is applied with an anesthetic effect, which begins 10 minutes later.
  • After that, the master draws the contours of the future eyebrows with a pencil.
  • Further, with the help of a special apparatus with a needle, an expert makes a tattoo - injects pigment under the skin.

Do not be afraid that after the tattoo the first few days painted eyebrows look too bright - this is normal. In the first week after the procedure, it is very important to lubricate the eyebrows with a cream or gel, which will help the skin recover faster.

Biotatuage technique

Biotatuazh is the most suitable option for those who do not want to use needles for the introduction of pigment or is afraid of this procedure. Henna is used for biotatuage, which has been used in India since ancient times to create traditional patterns on the body.

In addition to India, henna tattoos are also popular in Asian countries and in Egypt. In addition, in addition to Iranian henna, alternative types of dyes can be used to perform biotatuage.

List of contraindications

Any cosmetic procedure has a list of restrictions and contraindications, and brow tattooing is no exception.

It is not recommended to do the procedure in the following cases:

  • With inflammation of the skin.
  • With high blood pressure.
  • With allergies.
  • During menstruation.
  • When herpes.
  • If possible, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy to do a tattoo is not recommended. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, as well as during breastfeeding, permanent makeup can be done only with the permission of the attending physician.

After applying a tattoo of eyebrows, it is necessary to treat damaged skin of the face very carefully and regularly use an ointment or cream for quick healing of wounds.

Remember that after tattooing it is necessary to carry out high-quality skin care.

It will not be superfluous to read the reviews and advice of those who have already done permanent makeup before the tattoo, because thanks to these reviews you will be able to orient in choosing a technique, weigh the pros and cons of this procedure.

Possible consequences

Immediately after the procedure, swelling and redness appear on the treated areas. These symptoms persist for several days until the damaged skin heals. Then a crust appears, which makes the color of the dye brighter and more saturated. It will disappear only after 5-7 days.

Sometimes the tattoo provokes the formation of a hematoma. It is not dangerous to health. This symptom disappears in 2-3 days. In addition, there is a risk of rejection of the pigment.

This complication is very rare and is associated with the presence of certain pathologies. In such a situation, performing a tattoo is useless.

Permanent eyebrow makeup allows you to transform the appearance in a short time, making it more vivid and expressive. In this case, the decision on the need for a tattoo can be made only after a detailed analysis of all the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure.

The advantages of eyebrow tattoo

Eyebrow tattoo refers to permanent makeup, when using a needle to the surface layer of the skin is applied pigment. It is very important to find a highly qualified master, because this is a complex procedure that requires accuracy and a sense of taste. When searching, you should not focus on the pictures before and after work, but on the result in a few months. An experienced master will choose the type of tattoo for you, the appropriate color and shades of paint, and do your job so that your eyebrows will look natural.

To achieve the most natural effect requires five to six shades of paint.

  • If the nature of the eyebrows are light or rare, then their drawing takes a lot of time. With a tattoo of eyebrow makeup, you can forget for a period of six months to several years.
  • Tattoo allows you to adjust the shape of the eyebrows or correct asymmetry. The correct form makes the look expressive, and the face younger. You can also fix only the tip of the eyebrows or places where hairs rarely grow.
  • Permanent makeup is an art, and it does not stand still. New techniques allow you to get volumetric eyebrows that are difficult to distinguish from the natural.

Video: How is the procedure of laser pigment removal?

I did a tattoo of eyebrows exactly a week ago, I did it near the house in the salon in Stoleshnikov Lane. Beautiful girl quickly picked up the shape and color. Absolutely not painful. Did the hair effect, the first 4 days constantly treated with a special ointment. And I didn’t even notice the crusts or something like that, with the hair effect, the crusts were very small and it was imperceptible how they left. Happy and beautiful, and what you want!


I did permanent makeup a month ago in the tattoo parlor, which I now regret very much. Although I went there exactly on the recommendation of my friend, who made her eyebrows there. I liked the result, especially since the price was the lowest in the whole city. After healing, I saw that one eyebrow is shorter than the other and besides split. As they say, the miser pays twice, so yesterday I went to a normal salon where I redid everything. It was very painful despite the anesthesia. Conclusion: do not save on the face.

a guest

I was forced to turn to the master of tattoo, the only problem was the daily tint of very light, almost invisible eyebrows. Its natural eyebrows are quite thick, but different in shape and are at different levels. The procedure itself took about 40 minutes, plus 20 minutes picked up the form. I picked up a mixed technique - microblading plus filling. In general, I left it pleased. I went to the correction in a month, but since I am very picky, I insisted on the second correction, in another month. I was not completely satisfied with the fact that one eyebrow looked empty. It turned out more or less. Over time, the intensity of the pigment has become less.


Should I do a tattoo of eyebrows, each girl should decide for herself, after weighing all the pros and cons. More success depends on the experience and qualifications of the master. Carefully approach his choice, so as not to sacrifice his beauty.

Oncology and colds: is it worth doing

Contouring has a number of advantages over conventional cosmetics and the use of decorative cosmetics. Firstly, it is convenient and economical in time. Eyebrows look perfect at any time of the day or night, while the time for applying decorative cosmetics is significantly reduced. No weather will spoil the well-groomed look.

In addition to convenience and beauty, this procedure will bring a long aesthetic effect. Permanent tattoo, of course, is not eternal, as compared with the usual tattoo, the pigment is injected only into the upper layers of the dermis, so over time the color fades. But with proper application, permanent makeup can hold more than 5 years, which later also needs to be adjusted.

Some with the help of tattoo can emphasize the eyebrows, which are not

Whether it is necessary to do a tattoo of eyebrows is an individual decision, but definitely this makeup will give an open look, emphasize the depth and beauty of the eyes. For women who naturally lack their own eyebrows, this will be a salvation.

What the opponents say tattoo: you can or can not

Opponents of such makeup argue that such a procedure is harmful.

First, tattooing eyebrows harms the eyelids, respectively, and vision suffers. The procedure itself is accompanied by pain, and the rehabilitation process takes time. Also during this manipulation nerve endings are damaged, which leads to a violation of facial functions and sensitivity of the skin.

In addition, permanent makeup causes swelling of the arcuate brow region, peels will appear in the healing zone. The disadvantage is the possibility of infection. It is not recommended for everyone to do a tattoo of eyebrows, as there are a number of contraindications:

  • Patients with diabetes.
  • Severe lung disease.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Severe skin diseases.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.

Pain and its absence: make a correction

The procedure is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but compared to the makeup of the eyelids and lips, this manipulation is painless. In addition, today used anesthesia, through which the girl does not feel anything.Women with a weak pain threshold, easily tolerate the application of the figure. For sensitive persons apply lidocaine, cream "Elma" or obestezin.

Again, there are a number of contraindications to the use of anesthesia, so a competent specialist, before injecting anesthetic, ascertains whether the client has a negative reaction.

Rehabilitation period

How quickly the eyebrows heal depends on proper care. For rapid rehabilitation it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Do not touch the place of healing with your hands and do not wipe it with a towel.
  2. Do not go to public baths, saunas and swimming pools.
  3. Refuse makeup before healing.
  4. Abandon peeling and scrub until healing.
  5. To exclude hit of an ultraviolet on the injured zone

Fashion sentence after botox

Today, girls with cosmetic services, such as permanent makeup, change their appearance. This procedure originated in Italy, from where it spread around the globe. With tattooing, women forget about birth defects and look great at any time of the day.

Thanks to this procedure, you always follow the fashion and style, choosing the desired shape of the eyebrows. Eyebrow tattooing is definitely worth it, because cons are a human factor that can be ruled out.
Olga, 30 years old

Made a tattoo and do not regret. This and time savings, and savings on cosmetics and eyebrow adjustment. For those who doubt - the tattoo is worth doing!
Elena, 25 years old

At first she doubted. But deciding, did not regret. The pain is tolerable, and the result is worth it.
Victoria D.


Watch the video: 3 ways to spot a bad statistic. Mona Chalabi (July 2024).