
Details about beard alopecia


Alopecia on the beard is a focal hair loss. Baldness can appear in the region of the whiskers and lower jaw, on the chin. Usually they have a rounded shape. This type of alopecia occurs in about 15 out of 10,000 men and can develop at any age. Often young people under the age of 21 suffer from bald spots. In older people, the disease is lighter and more short-lived.

In any case, do not lose vigilance. First, the disease itself, if it is launched, can backfire. Secondly, most likely, it is a signal that not everything is in order in your body, then comprehensive care will be required.

Launched alopecia beard looks unaesthetic, which can affect both self-esteem and the attitude of others. Therefore, if you notice its local manifestations, first of all, consult a specialist and pass an examination. The course of treatment is individual and depends on the causes of the problem, as well as the characteristics of the organism.

The most common causes of hair loss on a beard in men:

  • effects of various infectious diseases
  • stresses and depressions, prolonged lack of rest, which leads to constant tension of the body,
  • re-treated syphilis,
  • all kinds of skin diseases,
  • mechanical damage to this area of ​​the face,
  • drug effect.

Depending on the key factor that caused the appearance of baldness, there are several types of beard alopecia. In most cases, the disease is effectively treated. But, if the bald spot appeared due to mechanical damage, most likely, it will be impossible to eliminate it, it is better to shave the beard.

Types of beard alopecia

  • Medical alopecia. Most often it occurs because of hormone therapy and steroids, especially if a person does not use drugs systematically, without the supervision of doctors. In this case, multivitamins can help eliminate the disease. Growth stimulants should be avoided. And, of course, you need to consult with a specialist.
  • Alopecia areata due to ringworm. Ringworm - a fungal disease that can lead to hair loss on the beard stained. The disease affects the skin of the lower part of the face, where clear red circles are formed because of it. Infection occurs through contact with the patient or his clothing. In order to treat such baldness, it will be necessary to first remove the fungus, and then proceed to the restoration of hair.
  • Alopecia areata from ringworm. The disease is manifested by the appearance of small, inflamed areas in which hair loss is observed. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the cause is really deprive, antifungal therapy is carried out during the treatment of the disease and a few more weeks after recovery, it is necessary for prevention. During the procedures, it is recommended to completely shave the beard.
  • Seborrheic alopecia. Seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis) is one of the most common causes of hair loss on the head. The disease is characterized by itching in the centers of hair loss, redness, and the appearance of a moist or dry crust in the inflamed areas. In the treatment of seborrhea, it is very important not only to use specialized external means, but also generally to strengthen the body. Usually in the complex, doctors prescribe a multivitamin and nutritious diet.

Treatment of focal alopecia beard

In some cases, baldness is temporary in nature and goes away on its own, such images do not require external intervention.If the disease progresses, be sure to contact a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary therapeutic measures that will help eliminate the causes of alopecia in men with a beard. In addition, in order to finally recover, you will most likely need to take additional measures:

  • observe a special nutritious diet, thanks to which all necessary substances for the full activity of the body will be ingested,
  • make a little rest, try to get rid of stress,
  • take vitamins
  • Supplement drug treatment with folk methods - use herbal infusions and so on.

It must be remembered that an important part of any treatment will be a healthy diet. When alopecia is necessary to ensure that the body received enough iron and protein. It is recommended to eat sea kale, meat, liver, buckwheat, beans, chocolate.

Features of the treatment of hair loss on a beard stained

As mentioned above, the methods of treatment of alopecia in men vary depending on the reasons for its occurrence. If the provoking factors are diseases of the thyroid gland, then first of all the treatment should eliminate the root causes. If alopecia caused taking drugs, then first they should be replaced by others, which should also be used under the strict supervision of doctors. In addition, you may need tests that will identify which substances the body produces a reaction.

For the treatment of skin diseases there is a wide list of various drugs:

  • Antifungal drugs, which specifically - determines the specialist. For a positive effect usually requires a long course of admission.
  • "Griseofulvin" helps to minimize the risk of recurrence of alopecia, the treatment lasts until there is a visible effect.
  • "Ketoconazole" is also used before the onset of the visible effect, but it is not recommended to use it for more than seven days.

With point baldness several scenarios are possible:

  • If you find only one center of a small size, most likely you will not need to take additional measures - the body will cope. Although consultation with a doctor, as well as general strengthening activities will not be superfluous.
  • With strong manifestations, it is necessary to use corticosteroids, which can be in the form of ointments or subcutaneous injections.

In addition to drug treatment, doctors recommend that you follow the rules:

  • Do not turn to untested methods that are so often offered online. Fraudsters often play on the desire of men to quickly restore the beauty of their beard. But it must be clearly understood that alopecia is a disease that requires careful and long-term treatment.
  • It is necessary to treat not only the affected areas, but also the entire beard area, since, for example, the fungus can easily spread to the entire lower jaw. In some cases, to increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is necessary to shave the beard.
  • Hair growth depends on whether the body receives enough vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, doctors often recommend making a subcutaneous injection of vitamin Bb in an infected area.
  • Stress along with infections and fungus are a common cause of alopecia. Therefore, the appearance of bald patches can be an alarming signal that the body is under too much stress and you need a quality rest.

We noticed bald patches in the beard - do not panic, for a long time, the practitioners learned how to effectively cure alopecia. It is fairly common and is treated relatively simply, although not always as quickly as you would like.

Additional tips

  • Be patient, the first results usually appear after four months of treatment, even if the disease was detected in the early stages of development.
  • Do not be discouraged and do not fall into depression, it can only worsen the situation. It is best to relax a bit, take a few relaxing massage sessions or have other soothing activities.
  • Do not forget about vitamins, proper nutrition and good sleep, they will help you strengthen the body and more effectively cope with the disease.

How to accelerate the growth of the beard after alopecia

When the underlying causes that contributed to the development of the disease have been eliminated, and the symptoms have ceased to torment, it is time to rebuild the beard. Hair does not always grow evenly immediately, often requires additional care for the scalp.

First of all, no matter how sad it may sound, you will have to completely shave off the beard. Moreover, it is necessary to continue shaving for several weeks until the cover becomes even and the bald spots disappear completely.

Hair growth can be accelerated. To do this, you will need drugs with a 5% content of minoxidil in the composition. Typically, these tools are sold in the form of foam or spray. It is very simple to apply them - it is enough to put on the affected areas. Such therapy should be carried out within 4 months.

Ketoconazole is prescribed for fungal diseases, but even when they are cured or not, this remedy will still be useful. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, which allows quick healing of minor injuries on the skin, the restoration of damaged areas occurs faster.

To speed up hair growth, you can apply natural remedies. In some cases, trichologists advise to put on the affected areas pepper tincture diluted with water or a herbal solution in a ratio of one to two. This remedy will not cause irritation, but will help to significantly speed up blood flow, leading to faster hair growth.

Vitamin and mineral complex ALERAN

To make your beard more beautiful and lush, drink the vitamin and mineral complex ALERANA. It will provide hair with necessary components for their development and growth, improve skin condition and give them a healthy attractive look. In addition, the complex has a general strengthening antioxidant effect.

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Etiological factors of disease

Alopecia beard is rare, but men who have had the opportunity to face this problem experience marked physical and moral discomfort. To determine the correct treatment strategy, you need to identify the exact cause that led to hair loss. Alopecia on the beard in men appears due to:

  • acute or chronic psycho-emotional stress,
  • drug treatment with pharmaceuticals that cause alopecia,
  • traumatization of the beard and mustache area (severe bruises, cuts),
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • dermatomycosis,
  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • poor nutrition, which led to a lack of important nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
The appearance of areas of intense hair loss may be associated with any of the above pathologies. Alopecia stubble requires timely and proper treatment.which is impossible without establishing the etiological factor of the disease. That is why the doctor conducts a thorough survey of the patient with alopecia of the beard and mustache, paying particular attention to the predisposing factors (endocrine diseases, heredity) and the intensity of hair loss.

Classification and clinical manifestations

Alopecia is characterized by hair loss throughout the body, that is, the head, eyebrows, inguinal and axillary areas, and any other areas of the skin on which hair grows can be affected. The disease is divided into diffuse, focal or nested, as well as cicatricial forms. Alopecia in the area of ​​the beard often has a focal or diffuse nature. Cicatricial alopecia occurs after injury in violation of the integrity of the skin of the face, as the scars are connective tissue that does not have hair follicles.

With a diffuse form of alopecia, patients complain of uniform hair loss, not only on the beard, but throughout the body. The occurrence of this type of alopecia indicates a serious malfunction in the work of the whole organism. Hair begins to fall out due to a violation of neurotic and mental activity, diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as against the background of taking antibacterial drugs, antidepressants or drugs with a neuroleptic effect.

Focal alopecia on the beard is often marked with fungal infections of the skin, but it can also occur due to any other reason that can cause hair loss. Men with this form of the disease complain about the appearance in the beard of the rounded areas of full or partial hair loss.

If, in addition to this, the patient is worried about itching, peeling of the skin and rash, then ringworm or seborrheic dermatitis can be suspected.

Ringworm refers to infectious diseases of the skin of the fungal etiology. You can become infected by contact with a sick person, an animal or an infected object. Both smooth and hairy areas of the body are affected. If alopecia in men with a beard is triggered by infection with a pathogenic fungus, then in addition to hair loss in the beard and mustache zone, round itchy red plaques will form, and the skin around them will begin to peel off.

When seborrheic dermatitis disrupts the normal secretion of the sebaceous glands, which is manifested in excessive production of sebum. Because of this, the skin becomes irritated, there are areas of flaking and inflammation. An important role in the development of the disease is metabolicmost often affected areas are the richest with sebaceous glands, including cheeks and nasolabial triangle.

How to diagnose a disease

Diagnosis and treatment of beard alopecia should be done by a qualified specialist, first of all you need to contact a dermatologist or a trichologist. During alopecia of the beard, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination of the whole organism, since the disease can occur in the pathologies of many organs. They are sure to find out whether the man has recently experienced an acute stressful situation, whether he is eating properly.

If the psychological factor is excluded, then laboratory methods of research are prescribed.If you suspect a fungal infection of the skin, be sure to send a scraping from the affected area to the laboratory. They also assess the hormonal background of a man and check the main indicators of the activity of the whole organism.

Principles of treatment

It is more difficult to treat alopecia, which arose as a result of the disease of other organs and systems.

In such situations, the treatment of the underlying disease is carried out, and the hair loss stops on its own as it recovers. To achieve the desired effect and achieve the restoration of hair, it will take quite a long course of therapy, so the man must be patient. Also cancel or replace the medication that could provoke hair loss.

During treatment of alopecia on the beard in men, the patient is advised to follow the correct regimen and diet. You should avoid nervous and physical overstrain, eat right, eliminate bad habits. To improve metabolism and the general condition of the body, vitamin therapy and moderate exercise are indicated. To treat the disease was effective, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner and not to self-medicate.

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Features and symptoms of the disease

Most often, this type of alopecia is affected by the representatives of the stronger sex at the age of up to 30 years. If a hair fall out of a beard touches an older man, then he will pass in a lighter form and complete faster. As a rule, the disease is focal. This means that the hairs fall off not totally, but in certain areas, forming bald spots of different sizes.

You can notice the development of alopecia on the beard by symptoms that are difficult to confuse with another ailment:

  • facial hair has become more sparse
  • the hairs are effortlessly separated from the skin. Some may stay in the palm of your hand, if you run a hand over your face,
  • places of intense hair loss become noticeable. The skin on them is smooth, pinkish,
  • depending on the cause and type of the disease, itching, burning sensation are possible.

Attention! Definitely need to see a doctor if the radius of the bald area is constantly increasing.

Causes of

Various factors can influence the beard baldness, which partly influence the definition of the type of disease. Alopecia most often occurs due to such reasons:

  1. Various diseases - from inflammations in the oral cavity to re-treated syphilis. High risk of developing the disease in men suffering from diabetes or other disorders of the endocrine system.
  2. Taking medicine, usually hormones or steroids. In this case, hair loss is a side effect, and vitamin complexes will help eliminate the effects of this. Such alopecia is called medical.
  3. Autoimmune diseases, including vitiligo, myasthenia.
  4. Genetic predisposition.
  5. Stress, permanent nervous disorders.
  6. Fungal diseases of the skin - ringworm, ringworm, and others.
  7. Seborrhea is one of the common causes of beard alopecia. It is also based on the spread of the fungus, but in some classifications, seborrheic alopecia is classified as a separate species. In areas of hair loss, red areas appear, itching, covered with crusts. Seborrhea can affect the entire scalp, face, shoulders, back.
  8. Mechanical damage - abrasions, cuts and others.

If a partial bald patch is caused by the appearance of a scar from a burn or injury on your chin or cheeks, you will not be able to resume hair growth in this area. We'll have to shave off the vegetation to disguise bald places.

As in the case of other diseases, good immunity will be a powerful help in the fight against alopecia on the beard. Want to get better soon - follow a diet, adhere to a healthy lifestyle.Provide your body with enough vitamins.

Together with the doctor carefully analyze the possible causes of the development of the disease. This will help solve the source of the problem and eliminate its consequences. To get rid of alopecia on a beard, you can combine different treatment methods, including salon procedures.

Attention! Treat all the hair in the lower part of the face, not just the bald spots. If baldness is caused by a fungal infection, pathogenic microflora can easily spread throughout the beard.


The doctor will prescribe medication after receiving tests and examination results. Diagnostic methods include trichogram (microscopic examination of hair), biopsy, skin scraping. If it turns out that the fungus has become the cause of the bald spots, the doctor will prescribe an antifungal ointment or tablets. It can be:

  • Griseofulvin - available in the form of powder, suspension, tablets, ointment. Designed to treat mycosis of the skin, hair, nails, mustache, beard and more. The cost depends on the volume, dosage, form of the drug and starts from 200 rubles,

  • Mycozoral or other ketoconazole ointments / creams - The active ingredient is effective against various fungi. The cost is about 330 rubles,

  • other drugs with a similar effect.

In addition to this You can drink a complex of vitamins and minerals. Their choice is great, the price range is extensive. In particular, for hair, including on the chin, zinc and silicon are useful - keep this in mind when choosing a drug. Not superfluous will be the means that will accelerate the growth of bristles. They will not save you from alopecia on the beard, but will help to quickly hide bald spots after treatment. AT

Choose what you like more and fit into your budget: from burdock oil to expensive products (Professional Hair System spray at a price of 1200 rubles and others).

Folk ways

Choosing homemade recipes, remember the main thing: they will not solve the problem as effectively as correctly selected medicines will. In folk methods, many of its advantages, but they should be used in complex therapy against alopecia on the beard. With the help of homemade products you will make the hair on the face beautiful, thick, shiny, improve their structure.

In addition, home remedies have almost no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components or a local allergic reaction.

To cope with the loss and improve hair growth on the chin will help these recipes and tips:

  • Several times a day, rub aloe, onion, burdock or hot pepper juice into bald areas. But when redness appears, itching, immediately stop the treatment or reduce the intensity of the procedures.
  • Prepare an ointment that activates the hair follicles and stimulates hair regrowth. Mix 2 tablespoons of burdock and castor oil, add half the mustard powder. Note that the remedy burns the skin.
  • Conduct aromatherapy against alopecia on the beard. Mix oil of cedar, rosemary, thyme and lavender in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1. Rub in the bald spots, after conducting a test for allergies (to do this, put a little mixture of the ear).

Council Against alopecia on the beard, you can try cryomassage, darsonvalization and other salon procedures that are used for hair loss.

What causes beard hair loss?

Alopecia is not an independent and definitive diagnosis. In most cases, this is either an additional sign of a more serious disease, or the result of a failure in several body systems. However, you can identify the most common causes of beard hair loss in men:

  • heredity and genetic predisposition,
  • autoimmune diseases (vitiligo, thyroiditis, myasthenia),
  • depression, nervous and physical strain, regular stress,
  • mechanical and chemical injuries of the skin (cuts, scratches, burns, etc.),
  • taking certain medications
  • previous diseases caused by infections
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, asthma, ringworm, ringworm, fungal diseases, etc.),
  • diabetes,
  • HIV diseases and AIDS
  • personality disorders, mental illness,
  • bad ecology.

How to identify alopecia beard at home

It is quite simple to do this, although the manifestations are individual for each individual man. Externally, the disease is reflected in the image and manifests itself by the sudden appearance of hairless areas on the beard. They are possible in different sizes and shapes, but more often rounded or oval. The skin on such “bare spots” may acquire reddish tint, and also to differ in special smoothness and softness. In the worst cases, mustache and beard may disappear completely, but this is extremely rare.

Sometimes alopecia produces a burning sensation or itching at baldness sites and changes in the nail plates (roughness, tuberosity, loss of color or external deformation).

To clarify the diagnosis trichologists or dermatologists appointed the following examinations:

  1. tests for the detection of fungi, depriving, of dermatitis,
  2. urine and blood count
  3. Ultrasound and thyroid hormones,
  4. X-ray of the skull
  5. immune status
  6. blood chemistry,
  7. study of hair structure,
  8. observation and consultation of related medical specialists.

Win the disease - you can!

The success of treatment depends on how well the diagnosis is made and the treatment is started in a timely manner: the sooner the better. Most members of the strong half of humanity ignore the first signs of pathology and seek help in the midst of illness. Therapy in the early stages significantly increases the chances of restoring normal hair growth on the beard.

Eliminate the visual manifestation of the disease can be a simple shave.

For more effective treatment, experts give the following tips:

  • If the lesion is one, it is small and its size does not increase over time, then it makes sense to wait - perhaps the bald area itself will grow without interference,
  • It is necessary to process the entire beard completely, and not just the affected skin,
  • Positive psychological attitude, relaxation, massage, behavioral correction and positive emotions,
  • Long-term therapy and consistency
  • Reception of multivitamins and improvement of a diet.

Why do haircuts appear?

Doctors do not give an unequivocal answer to the question of why hair on a beard is thinning. There is an autoimmune theory of the origin of the disease: for a number of reasons, the immune system attacks its own hair follicles and produces antibodies to them. There is a genetic predisposition to the appearance of bald spots on the beard. If your close relatives had similar episodes, you are at risk.

Immunity failure can provoke various factors:

  • prolonged stress and emotional turmoil
  • hormonal disbalance,
  • diabetes,
  • pathology of the liver and kidneys,
  • taking certain medications
  • infections (recurrent form of syphilis) and parasitic invasion.

Diseases of the skin (mycoses, ringworm, seborrheic dermatitis) are also common causes of the formation of pathological foci. Often a thinning beard appears after injuries, cuts, abrasions. Scar tissue is formed in places of damage, which leads to the formation of bald areas.

When men have a sprain on a beard, the disease is called focal alopecia. This clinical form rarely turns into total baldness, in which the hair disappears not only on the face, but also on the body.

The onset of the disease can be determined by the following features:

  • the beard loses its former thickness, thinned areas are noticeable,
  • when stroking and brushing on the palm, a few hairs remain,
  • a roundish spot appears, the skin in this place is usually not changed.

Sometimes alopecia in men develops as a result of ringworm, a fungal infection of the skin, with red-colored ring-shaped spots on the face. Dermatomycosis is characterized by desquamation and itching of the affected area, which is due to the inflammatory process.

Another fungal disease, seborrheic dermatitis, also causes hair thinning. In this case, the fungi get inside the sebaceous glands and change the acid-base balance of fat secretion. In these places, itchy, reddened areas may appear.

Recommended drugs

Drug treatment of beard alopecia always involves complex therapy.

In order to eliminate hair loss on the mustache and beard, the following preparations are recommended:

  • daily hormonal cream based on corticosteroids or monthly injections of steroids and B vitamins,
  • 5% minoxidil - to stimulate hair growth,
  • anthralin ointment,
  • low dispersed griseofulvin - to prevent recurrence,
  • various antifungal drugs.

Use these medicines can be combined.

For best results, use a solution containing iodine, ketoconazole, shampoo with tar, zinc or antifungal additives.

Traditional methods of treatment

Unlike medical drugs, which often give a strong adverse reaction (and sometimes even irreversible), folk methods of treatment have virtually no negative effects. However, one should not believe in miracles and adequately assess the condition of the body. We should not forget about the individual characteristics of the skin of a particular man.

A good result is given by outdoor use in equal proportions of a mixture of cedar, rosemary, lavender and thyme oils. Before applying, you need to test for an allergic reaction, applying a little of the drug behind the ear.

There is another popular recipe. Finely chop horseradish, onions and garlic. Add honey and vitamin A to gruel. Then, for one hour, make applications on empty beards.

Also, the affected skin can be wiped with the juice of burdock, onion and aloe or tincture of red pepper, but now these treatments are used very rarely.

For blood flow and stimulation of hair growth due to the awakening of the hair follicle twice a week, it is recommended to use a mixture of 2 tbsp. l burdock and castor oil and 1 tbsp. l mustard powder. There will be a strong burning sensation.

Practice shows that traditional medicine in the treatment of alopecia only briefly eases the symptoms of the disease and makes bald patches on the chin less noticeable. Often the disease continues to progress.

We advise you to read:

  • Recommended remedies for improving hair growth in men:
  • Is it not only the beard that falls out, but also the hair on the head? Read this article.

Why there is a problem

Alopecia on the beard in men always has a clear round or oval shape. The cunning of this disease lies in the rapid formation of a bald spot in the absence of other symptoms. What are the reasons for baldness?

The main cause of focal alopecia on the beard are considered autoimmune processes in the body. Often this problem can be traced in men in the same family, so the hereditary factor is also important.

In addition, some provoking factors can lead to intense hair loss and the formation of smooth lesions on the beard.

  • Presence of autoimmune diseases,
  • Allergic processes
  • Diabetes,
  • Viral infections,
  • Severe stress
  • Hiv
  • Skin diseases such as ringworm, ringworm, seborrheic dermatitis,
  • Use of certain medications.

Main reasons

When hair falls out on a beard, the reasons are most likely the following factors:

  • stress, stress, depression,
  • recent infections,
  • re-cured syphilis,
  • various skin diseases
  • effects of drug treatment,
  • mechanical damage to the skin.

In order to cure a bald beard you need to eliminate the appropriate cause. If infectious diseases are treated with medicines, then mechanical damage is unlikely to be repaired by traditional methods.

Focal alopecia in men with a beard, as otherwise called bald spots, or focal absence of hair, may begin for various reasons. A symptom can affect one area on the chin or a beard can grow with many bald spots, and the same disease can cause a different type of disturbance in the appearance of hair on the head.

Often baldness, or alopecia, in men is able to appear for autoimmune reasons. Diseases that can cause baldness or the formation of bald spots:

  1. Vitiligo or leukoplakia. The cause of the disease is not clear. Its main symptom, in addition to possible baldness, is depigmentation of the skin. In the place where the skin color will be changed, the hair may be missing, that is, a bald spot will appear.
  2. Myasthenia gravis A rather rare disease of an autoimmune nature, which, in addition to baldness, has other characteristic symptoms: muscle weakness, ptosis (stragogia), damage to facial muscles and torso muscles.
  3. Autoimmune thyroiditis. Thyroid disease, including alopecia or hair loss, as well as signs of thyroid hormone insufficiency.
  4. Systemic scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatological diseases. The causes of loss in each situation are individual.

Lead to alopecia on the beard in men can genetic defects, such as Down syndrome. In addition to the beard growth disorder, the guys will have characteristic external signs of the ailment.

However, a genetic defect is not always a sign of a disease. Sometimes a bald patch is regarded as a feature of a man, and it can be traced throughout the male line.

A bald patch on the head, beard or mustache sometimes appears as a result of prolonged stress, with chronic fatigue, to become a result of depression. In this case, with the help of alopecia, the body shows the man that not everything is in order with health, and if you do not give yourself enough attention, soon spiritual distress can turn into physical and lead to ailments more serious than baldness.

Pathology may appear due to prolonged stress.

Alopecia may occur after a certain treatment. Alopecia occurs after radiation or chemotherapy, and is also the result of medication.

As a rule, in a medical product there are indications of the ability of a drug to cause the appearance of a bald spot, therefore, it is easy to establish the cause.

Sometimes a beard falls out or becomes less, with bald spots, due to the banal lack of vitamins or trace elements. Particularly sensitive hair to a lack of vitamins A, E, C and group B.

No less important for the growth of hair trace elements are calcium, zinc, etc. Also, protein deficiency can lead to baldness.

Plesh can be the result of dermatological diseases. Their range is quite wide: atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ringworm.

A number of skin ailments are contagious, so if you suspect any skin disease, you need to see a doctor and get specialized treatment.

The most common theory why focal alopecia appears is autoimmune disorders, which often include vitiligo, thyroiditis or myasthenia.

In addition to them, emit more and minor:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Down syndrome,
  • Diabetes,
  • Strong stress, which smoothly flows into depression:
  • Viral infections,
  • Aggressive treatment
  • Atopic dermatitis,
  • Poor environmental conditions
  • HIV disease.

From what reasons led to the disease, you can find out the clinical picture of alopecia:

  1. In most cases, it has a rounded shape.
  2. The skin in this area is soft and smooth, with redness.
  3. Itching and burning sensation.
  4. Deformation of the nail plate.

If we consider the disease from the point of view of medicine, then you can fix a drop in the level of lymphocytes, which also indicate a failure in the immune system or the presence of syphilis.

Trichologists are assigned tests to identify fungi, depriving dermatitis. After receiving the results, they will be able to make a correct diagnosis to the patient and determine which type of alopecia they are dealing with. Most often focal.

The main thing is to understand that baldness is often not the diagnosis itself. In many cases, it is an additional symptom in various diseases, for example, thyroid dysfunction, various inflammations, and organ pathologies.

Thus, alopecia causes an overall decrease in the efficiency of the immune system, which can be a consequence of stress, depression, poor ecology.

The next factor is mechanical damage to the skin, for example, cuts, scratches, injuries, in which the work of the hair follicles was disturbed due to the growth of scar tissue.

Alopecia on a beard in men can appear as a result of a previous infectious disease or as a reaction to the use of medicines that weakened the immune system. An important cause may be skin infections, such as:

  • ringworm (a consequence of the spread of the fungus in the body),
  • ringworm,
  • seborrheic dermatitis, etc.

Beard alopecia can also be caused by a genetic factor, but if you keep prophylactic norms, you can avoid this violation.

In most cases, focal alopecia is associated with autoimmune diseases. So called various violations in the work of immunity, because of which the body begins to perceive its native cells as alien and begins to get rid of them.

With alopecia, hair follicles are taken for other cells. The body begins to get rid of them.

The impetus to the development of an autoimmune disease, as a rule, is a serious transferred stress. Most often in this case, hair loss occurs on the head, but bald patches can appear on the beard.

The second most common cause is infectious skin diseases. This may include dermatitis, lichen, dermatomycosis, etc. In this case, in places of the focus, as a rule, redness and irritation are formed.

Itching is possible. In some cases, alopecia beard becomes a reaction to taking certain drugs.

In this case, the lesions are most noticeable in the area of ​​the lips and chin. Lack of vitamins and minerals can also cause hair loss on the beard and mustache, but more often it is a contributing factor.

For example, taking a certain type of medical drugs often leads to consequences in the form of alopecia when combined with a lack of useful substances.

Various skin injuries can also cause hair loss, but only in this case, the problem can no longer be attributed to alopecia. With full healing, as a rule, the scalp is restored.

Symptoms of a bald beard

Symptoms may vary depending on the nature, stage and severity of the disease, but most often the following symptoms indicate alopecia that has begun:

  1. the beard began to thin and lose its thickness.
  2. Hair is easily separated from the skin, often individual hairs remain on the palm, if you hold your hand over the face.
  3. There are areas on which there is intense hair loss. Most often they are rounded, the skin on them is smooth and pinkish.
  4. In rare cases, with alopecia of non-infectious nature, itching and burning appear in areas of baldness.
  5. If the cause of alopecia is damage to the skin of the face with a fungus, there are large round or ring-shaped spots completely devoid of hair, the skin on them is of an intense pink color, since an inflammatory process occurs in the lesion focus. Burning and itching are often felt.

All these symptoms are quite individual for each patient, and they can manifest themselves with different strength.

Carefully observe the condition of the hair around the pathological area. If the radius of the loosening zone is constantly increasing, you need to think about the visit to the doctor.

Stage focal alopecia

Focal alopecia is a type of disease characterized by the appearance of separate foci of hair loss. As a rule, these areas are rounded. Focal alopecia occurs in several stages, differing in symptoms and condition of the skin and hair:

  • progressive stage - the stage of origin and spread of the outbreak. Appears zone of loose hair, easily separated from the hair follicles. Often there is itching along the edges of this area and redness is observed.
  • Stationary stage - the center is formed and stops its expansion, the zone of loose hair disappears. Intensive hair loss begins and the formation of the area devoid of vegetation. The color and general condition of the skin does not differ from normal.
  • Regressive stage - on the bare area appear thin fluff hair, which eventually thicken and fill with pigment. This is the stage of gradual disappearance of alopecia and overgrowing of baldness.

Why does facial hair fall out?

Why does baldness occur? Beard alopecia is a disease with a fairly diverse etiology.

Causes of bald spots can be very different, and the main ones are as follows:

    diseases - cause flowing of the beard can both leaking and suffering diseases.

The occurrence of alopecia can signal the presence of the following pathologies of the body:

  • thyroid disease,
  • diabetes and other diseases of the endocrine system,
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity,
  • syphilis, especially its relapses,
  • Separately, it is worth noting infectious diseases of the skin, in particular mycoses - the defeat of the skin by pathogenic fungi,
  • Some sources report that parasitic diseases (for example, helminthiasis - worm infestations) can also cause hair loss.
  • Side effects of taking medication - hair loss on the face may occur as a response of the body to taking certain medications.

    No one is immune from this. Heredity - The genetic factor also often plays a role in the appearance of beard alopecia.

    If you have close relatives who have hair fall out, you are in a potential risk group. Nervous disorders - constant stress, neurosis, depression and other nervous diseases are a very common cause of hair loss, including on the face.

    You need to protect yourself from bad thoughts. Mechanical injury - Cuts, cuts, facial bruises can lead to the formation of scar tissue in the injured area.

    In the area of ​​the scar, hair growth stops or weakens, resulting in a special, cicatricial type of beard alopecia.

    Diagnostic methods

    This must be done in order to adequately assess the state of the skin tissue and find out the cause of the pathology. Different diagnostic methods are aimed at identifying various diseases that cause hair loss on the face:

      general clinical research and analysis.

    Biochemical and complete blood count, feces and urine analysis are performed to exclude from the list of diseases anemia (anemia) and helminthic invasions.

  • Trichogram.
    Along the edges of the affected area take a small amount of hair (usually 20-30 pieces) and carry out their microscopy to determine their current structure.
  • Scraping the skin.

    Such research is carried out in the event that the presence of mycosis is suspected.

    Taken from the skin surface, the scales are examined under a microscope to determine the presence of fungal spores in them, and often the sample is sown on a nutrient medium. Tissue biopsy.

    Skin samples for histological analysis are taken if the patient has a pathological form of cicatricial alopecia.

    This may serve as a signal of the occurrence of lichen planus, atrophic skin pathologies or rare autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus.

    Drug treatment

    Clinical methods of getting rid of beard baldness are based on the use of drugs that stimulate growth and improve the structure of the hair, and also aims to eliminate the root cause of alopecia.

    1. First of all, after identifying the patient with acute or chronic diseases that can lead to alopecia, they are treating precisely these diseases. As a rule, combating the symptoms of the disease without eliminating the causes has a very weak effect.
    2. If the cause of hair loss was a fungal infection, hair restoration procedures will not be performed until the mycosis of the skin is cured by medication. This treatment is carried out only under the watchful supervision of a dermatologist and mycologist using special antifungal ointments.
    3. In the presence of autoimmune dying off of hair follicles, anthralin ointment is used, which is used to treat psoriasis.
    4. For the treatment of beard alopecia, the same drugs are often used as for the treatment of baldness in other parts of the head. So, Generolone and Minoxidil have proven themselves well.
    5. Widely used drugs local irritant stimulating hair growth. These include turpentine and naphthalan ointment.
    6. To strengthen the hair and give it a healthy natural structure used preparations of zinc and silicon.


    Physiotherapeutic methods are very widely represented in the treatment of baldness.

    The most common and effective include:

    • electrophoresis of aminophylline solution.
    • Photochemotherapy.

    This method is based on irradiating a skin area with an ultraviolet lamp.

    It is applied to a special chemical substance that increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

  • Cryomassage. Massaging the pathological area with the use of cooling agents.
  • Darsonvalization. A common and very effective method of treating the skin with high-frequency electric pulse currents.
  • Ozone therapy. The effect of ozone on the skin has a beneficial effect on the regeneration of tissues, including hair and hair bags.
  • It must be remembered that many methods of physiotherapy have contraindications to use. Only a dermatologist and a specialized physiotherapist should prescribe physiotherapeutic treatment.

    Folk methods

    Folk medicine has long been accumulating in its arsenal means of helping to defeat alopecia, including facial hair loss.

    Recently, exotic methods of Oriental medicine and modern preparations based on the biological activity of natural materials have been added to the traditional methods of our grandparents.

      Irritant drugs are very widely represented in traditional medicine in the fight against alopecia. These include preparations based on black and red pepper, mustard, garlic juice and burdock root, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and freshwater sponge badyagi.

    It helps not only to restore the vegetation on the bald area, but also to give the hair a healthy structure. Chilibuch extract is also an irritant. It is much more exotic, but no less effective.

    It is worth noting that chilbuhi drugs are toxic. In no case should they be allowed to get into the mouth or mucous membranes. Hirudotherapy - leech therapy is a good method that requires a thorough serious approach.

    • First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the patient allergy to substances contained in the saliva of leeches. Also, this method is not suitable for people suffering from bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia.
    • Secondly, such a treatment can only be a cosmetologist or a hirudotherapeutist using exclusively sterile medical leeches.
  • In the absence of the possibility of visiting sessions of hirudotherapy, the use of ointments and creams with leech saliva extract is possible.
  • Acupuncture - the way that came to us from esoteric Chinese medicine.

    The effectiveness of acupuncture has not been proven by scientific methods, however, this procedure often has a positive effect on the patient’s psychological state, which is very important in the treatment of alopecia.

    Tips for men

    When treating beard alopecia, it is extremely important that the patient maintain a positive attitude and believe in the positive outcome of the prescribed treatment. However, it is often quite difficult to keep yourself in a cheerful state, given that the appearance of baldness on the face greatly affects the aesthetic appearance of a man.

    To improve the psycho-emotional state should follow some rules:

    • First of all, you should always keep in mind that alopecia of the beard does not pose a threat to life (except for cases of skin infection and serious autoimmune diseases).
    • Do not focus on your appearance. Be sure: people around you appreciate not only the presence of a beautiful beard. Many are likely to not even notice major changes on your skin, provided that you shave regularly and prevent the bristles from growing back.
    • Avoid stress and nervous tension. The emotional factor is one of the most common factors leading to the development of alopecia. So you need to deal with stress at the stage of preparation for treatment.
    • Use all methods that allow you to relax. Get enough sleep (this is necessary, because lack of sleep always has a bad effect on health), listen to your favorite music or read books, take a walk before bedtime. You can do yoga.
    • Be patient. Usually it is not necessary to count on a quick restoration of the beard. A visible result at best will appear in two months, and usually a tangible effect of treatment appears after three months.
    • Think about changing your appearance at the time of treatment and recovery. After all, it is possible to give masculinity and attractiveness to your image with a clean-shaven face.

    Complications and consequences

    1. First of all, even the most common alopecia with constant expansion can lead to the spread of foci of hair loss to other parts of the face, scalp and even the rest of the body. In this case, you risk to be completely without hair.
    2. It is dangerous to drop a beard baldness due to a fungal infection. This can lead to the penetration of the pathogen into other tissues and the occurrence of systemic mycosis. With fungi joke is very dangerous.
    3. What to say about autoimmune problems, such as psoriasis and lupus. If in addition to alopecia you have other signs of these diseases, in no case do not leave the disease to go on as usual. Be sure to consult a doctor!


    For any man, a collision with beard alopecia is highly undesirable, let alone self-respecting bearded men. For them, such a seemingly trivial problem, like hair loss on the face, turns into a nightmare.

    It is quite possible to cure this ailment, and the sooner you seek help, the sooner your beard will recover. Therefore, do not neglect the help and advice of doctors, do not be discouraged, keep a positive frame of mind, and then you will soon again be able to flaunt a fashionable beautiful beard.

    Treatment of alopecia in men

    If symptoms of alopecia on the beard occur, men should undergo a comprehensive examination with the appropriate specialists so that they can find out the cause of the disease and make the correct diagnosis.

    Treatment methods for alopecia on the beard in men depend on the diagnosis as a result of examinations. Since in practice there are a large number of varieties of this disease, we will pay attention to the treatment of only the main ones.

    It often happens that Alopecia on the beard is just a symptom of the presence of other diseases in men. For example, diseases of the thyroid gland, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity or chronic diseases of other organs. After the treatment of these diseases in men, all the signs of alopecia on the beard stop.

    Alopecia in the area of ​​the beard and mustache may begin as a result of the body's response to any medication. Sometimes it is enough to replace a drug that was used by a man to treat another disease in order to resume hair growth in the damaged areas and fully restore the beard and mustache hair.

    Alopecia in the area of ​​the beard and mustache may occur due to ringworm. This is a fungal infection that is characterized by damage to the beard's hair with superficial ring-shaped foci and edema of the affected areas. The diagnosis is determined by the results of biopsy or seeding.

    For treatment is used:

    • low dispersion griseofulvin, for the prevention of relapse, the treatment should be continued for 2-3 weeks after apparent recovery,
    • ketoconazole, the treatment is continued for 1 week after an apparent recovery,
    • other antifungal agents.

    Ringworm of the beard and mustache is characterized by the appearance of pinkish spots of a weak inflammatory nature. The final diagnosis is made after examining the hair and skin scales for the detection of fungus.

    The treatment consists in applying to the affected areas tincture of iodine mixed with fungicidal ointments. Local treatment should be combined with the intake of antifungal drugs.

    Before lubricating the affected area with iodine solution, the remaining hair is removed using Arievich ointment. Then the affected area should be washed with a special shampoo with antifungal additives (betadine, nizoral, friderm-tar).

    Treatment of ringworm of a beard and mustache is rather long, so it should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

    Alopecia in men’s beard can be caused by seborrheic dermatitis. This disease affects the areas of the developed sebaceous glands, which include the nasolabial triangle, and is characterized by itching, peeling and inflammation of the affected areas.

    The treatment consists of washing the inflamed areas of the beard and mustache twice a day with shampoos containing ketoconazole, tar and zinc. After recovery, these procedures should be repeated twice a month for prophylaxis.

    In difficult cases, topical hormonal ointments and oral antifungal drugs such as ketoconazole, terbinafine, etc. are prescribed.

    Focal alopecia on the beard in men occurs infrequently and is characterized by the appearance of one or several foci of rounded shape. If the lesion is single and small in size, then it can grow independently and without special treatment.

    For large areas of beard and mustache lesions, corticosteroids are used as creams and injections. Also practicing rubbing in the area of ​​the beard and mustache juice of garlic, burdock root or alcohol tincture of bitter pepper.

    I advise you to purchase the best tool for beard growth Professional Hair System

    What else can advise men with this disease?

    1. Treatment is best done in the entire surface of the beard, and not just its affected areas.

    2. Be patient, because positive changes are usually observed only three months after the start of treatment.

    3. Hair growth contributes to the intake of multivitamins. With a protracted course of the disease, injections of B vitamins are recommended.

    4. Equally important for the effectiveness of treatment is the positive attitude of the man, since most of the diseases are related to psychological factors. To improve the emotional state of the patient, you can use sedatives, massage, relaxation, etc.

    Now that the causes and methods of treating alopecia on the beard in men have become known. You can not be afraid of this disease, and contact the appropriate specialist to establish the true cause and the appointment of a qualified treatment.

    The main causes and symptoms

    The symptoms of baldness in men are quite a few, so they are difficult not to notice. Immediately after identifying the thinning of the hair, it is important to consult a doctor who, after the diagnosis, will prescribe a treatment that can save your own hair and not resort to extension methods.

    Symptoms of baldness on the chin are:

    • Gradual thinning, forming large gaps.
    • The appearance of bald patches on the chin of any shape.
    • Slight itching or redness.
    • No hair growth in the affected area for 7-14 days.
    • The spread of baldness, affecting all large areas of the chin.

    It is worth noting that not every male representative likes the formation of clearances and pockets of baldness on the chin, which look very ugly and unattractive.

    However, it is not recommended to shave off the rest of the bristles, since it will not play a special role and will still show pockets of complete baldness on the skin. Immediately after identifying the symptoms, you should not hesitate, because in the treatment of alopecia is important every day.

    Depending on the type of alopecia, appropriate treatment is prescribed, conducted in different ways:

    • Reception of preparations and vitamins.
    • Proper hair care.
    • Healthy food.
    • Lack of bad habits.
    • Massage and special treatments.

    With proper and timely treatment, the hair on the chin will grow back to full growth within 3-6 months. However, it is not necessary to start the treatment, because in this case, these periods will significantly increase.

    Alopecia areata, which is also focal, is characterized by uneven hair loss. Instead, clear lesions, round or round, are formed in thinning areas.

    Unlike focal alopecia of the hair of the head, there is usually no area on the beard where the foci appear most often. The skin in places of foci most often remains smooth.

    In rare cases, redness or the appearance of dead skin, crusts. Such symptoms are already talking about the type of alopecia associated with skin diseases.

    As a rule, beard alopecia alopecia does not bring irreparable consequences. With the right treatment, you can get rid of its symptoms in a fairly short time.

    Diagnosis: what you need to know

    Alopecia on the beard in men requires first of all a thorough diagnosis, because the cause of the problem may be hiding in anything. Therefore, first we need to go through a series of studies:

    • pass urinalysis,
    • do a blood test (general, biochemistry and cortisol),
    • eliminate syphilis by performing a blood test,
    • check if thyroid hormones are normal (to conduct an ultrasound examination),
    • if necessary, systemic treatment with immunosuppressants, examine the immune status,
    • a radiography of the head and rheoencephalography.

    Also, you can not do without hair microscopy from the affected area and consult some specialists (endocrinologist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, psychotherapist and oculist).

    Treatment of focal alopecia on the beard is most successful with the early detection of the problem. However, men often begin to worry about this when the affected areas are already very visible.

    Since in case of focal alopecia, in most cases, the hair follicles do not die permanently, hair restoration is possible.

    Anamnesis is important for diagnosis, the study of a man’s medical record in order to obtain information about diseases and medications. Treatment is conducted in several directions.

    The most important thing is to get rid of the cause of alopecia, if possible. If hair loss provoked medication, they should be canceled or replaced by others.

    The therapy of existing diseases can give a good effect.

    With stress today is difficult, as we have become accustomed to blaming them for the problems. The right response to a stressful situation, the development of abilities in oneself to effectively resist stress contribute to the restoration of hair growth during focal alopecia.

    An important factor in overcoming the effects of alopecia and restoring hair growth is the stimulation of hair follicles. It is carried out with the help of various drugs, the effect is often external.

    Injections are resorted to only in severe cases with baldness of large areas of the beard. At the same time corticosteroids are used.

    Means of stimulating hair growth:

    • Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender Essential Oils,
    • Bitter pepper tincture
    • Juice burdock and garlic,
    • 5% minoxidil.

    All these tools are used externally by rubbing into the beard and mustache. You should not be limited to rubbing only in problem areas, you need to treat all the skin on which mustache and beard grow, then the effect will be faster.

    In the process of treatment, consistency and regularity are important. Do not expect a quick result, as hair bulbs take time to recover.

    The effect of the treatment, that is, the beginning of hair restoration on the beard in the foci of baldness, may be noticeable only after 3 months. Full hair restoration takes about six months.

    Treatment for beard baldness

    Alopecia in men is treated differently depending on the reasons. When the provoking factor is a disease of the thyroid gland, an infection of the oral cavity, the treatment is carried out by applying drugs aimed at eliminating the root cause.

    Griseofulvin and ketoconazole - recommended drugs in the treatment of alopecia

    In cases where hair loss on a beard on a beard is the result of the side effects of various medications, it is likely that these medicines should be replaced.

    Choose other means will help the attending physician. For this, you may need additional tests to identify precisely those components of drugs that affect the state of the beard.

    For diseases of the epidermis there is a very large list of drugs that are suitable for treatment:

    • "Griseofulvin" with low dispersion properties. In order to minimize the risk of recurrence, prolonged treatment courses are recommended, lasting even after the onset of the visible effect,
    • another remedy is ketoconazole. The course of treatment depends on the onset of the visible result. Not recommended for longer than a week afterwards,
    • Any antifungal agents can give a positive effect with long-term use.

    When the face becomes covered with pinkish lichen, then an effective drug is tincture of iodine in combination with fungicidal agents. Apply the drug to the spot depriving. It is advised for the face to use special antifungal shampoos.

    In the presence of point baldness on the face there are several options:

    • if the focus is one and not large, then, most likely, treatment is not required and the body itself can cope with the ailment,
    • for other manifestations, it is necessary to use corticosteroids, which are presented in the form of ointments and subcutaneous injections.

    Beard alopecia requires treatment and, as mentioned above, it is necessary to begin it with a diagnosis. A series of studies will show the cause of the pathology and will allow you to proceed to effective elimination.

    For example, if a disease manifested itself as a result of a thyroid disease, first of all a course of taking medications to maintain the endocrine system will be prescribed. Having treated the underlying disease, you will get rid of baldness, after a while the hair will begin to grow again.

    The study may show that the reason is banal - a side effect of taking medical devices. In this case, the treating doctor will simply replace the drugs with others, after a while there will not be a trace of your problem.

    If the areas subjected to alopecia are affected by a fungus or other harmful microorganisms, then it is necessary to begin with antibacterial therapy. Sowing, biopsy and hair diagnosis will allow the specialist to organize the correct treatment.

    If earlier, with full baldness in the mustache and beard, men greased their face with pepper or garlic tincture, today they don’t remember about alternative medicine. In this case, corticosteroid therapy will be more effective.

    Depending on what causes have become the initiator of the disease, a complex of drugs is selected by the doctor.

    Beard alopecia involves a comprehensive treatment:

    1. Every day, use a steroid ointment, or injections of steroids, but for half a year every 5 weeks. You should not forget about side effects - complete hair loss on the face.
    2. Apply 5% minoxidil, in order to activate hair growth. Quite an ambiguous drug, because it helps only in some cases.
    3. Combining method. The union of the two previous medications enhances one another’s action, which leads to excellent results.

    In most cases, timely treatment returns beauty to a man. Sometimes the reasons lurk so deeply that it is impossible to cure them.

    Beard alopecia is a disease that requires an integrated approach, so you can resort to traditional medicine:

    1. Finely chop garlic, horseradish and onions. In the mixture, add a spoonful of honey and vitamin A. Apply to the "islands" of the beard for an hour.
    2. Do a massage using black pepper oil, this will increase blood circulation to the voids.

    Whatever the causes of the disease, treatment should always begin with yourself, from the inside. Only by adjusting the work of the body from the inside, you can succeed.

    It has already been proven that local alopecia is a genetic disease that is inherited. This is important for those representatives of a strong half of humanity, in whose family there is a problem of beard baldness in other family members (father, grandfather).

    The most important stage in the treatment of local focal alopecia areata is not stimulating agents that restore hair growth, but rather the elimination of the root cause of hair loss. Only in combination with primary therapy can stimulants be used.

    Treatment of beard alopecia due to a reaction to medication

    As a rule, such a loss can be a side effect of taking potent steroids and hormone therapy. Most often this occurs when a person takes them without special appointments of the attending physician.
    In this case, the treatment will be the most simple. It is enough to replace the drug, which began an allergic reaction. Also, therapy to eliminate alopecia includes taking multivitamin preparations for faster hair regrowth.
    It is not recommended to use other stimulants in this case, because the symptoms of such alopecia disappear rather quickly.

    Treatment of beard alopecia areata due to ringworm

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    Effective remedies for therapy

    The treatment of men for this disease will take place according to different schemes and depends on the characteristics of each individual case. One of the most effective methods to restore normal hair growth is the use of a cream with steroids on areas that alopecia areata has already managed to hit.

    One alternative to this method is the use of steroids in the form of injections. They are held once every 6 weeks for six months. Such treatment may have side effects in the form of skin thinning and its sensitivity increase. In this case, hair loss will be irreversible.

    In some cases, doctors also treat alopecia in men with minoxidil. The effect is rare, because ginger alopecia often does not disappear. The maximum effect was shown by the combination of these two methods. This is due to the increased effect of steroids under the influence of Minoxidil.

    Folk remedies are another popular method used to treat baldness in men. But they are not very effective, and in most cases focal alopecia will continue to progress.

    Remember that you should not believe in miracles! Alopecia alopecia requires decisive action, because treatment should begin now.

    Methods of traditional medicine

    To treat a baldness on a beard with traditional medicine methods is necessary only after identifying the cause of alopecia. The attending physician must approve the combined use of medicinal and herbal medicines.

    Make sure that the skin on the face has no scratches or other damage, as most of the recipes are applied externally in the form of masks and compresses.

    Doctors of traditional and alternative medicine recommend that men make masks based on burdock and castor oil. In the tool is useful to add dry mustard or tincture of red pepper.

    In this case, irritation of the receptors of the skin and a rush of blood to the place of baldness occur. As a result, the bulbs in the zone of baldness awaken and release the hair shaft.

    Focal baldness of the head and beard is often not an independent disease, but a symptom or complication of another disease. Therefore, you can not begin treatment for baldness without a comprehensive diagnosis of the causes of hair loss.

    After that, the doctor prescribes an individual treatment regimen and controls the healing of the hair.

    Disease prevention

    If there is a genetic predisposition to the disease, then it is advisable to engage in prevention:

    1. The main thing to pay attention to when alopecia beards in men - is food: it must be complete. It is necessary to enrich the diet with foods containing vitamins and protein.
    2. The psychological state is very important, since any stress can weaken the protective function of the body.
    3. And of course, we must not forget about hygiene: watch your skin (especially in summer), so that there is no favorable flora for the development of microorganisms.

    Remember: baldness on a beard is a treatable ailment.

    For recovery, it is only worth staying positive, choosing the appropriate treatment methods. and hope for a speedy cure.

    Useful videos

    Types of baldness (alopecia) on the head, beard, eyebrows, eyelashes.

    What is alopecia, its types and causes.

    Stages of the disease

    Alopecia beard proceeds in several stages:

    1. Progressive stage, characterized by the formation and expansion of the focus. A zone of "loose" hair appears when the hair at the edges of the hairline is easily pulled out.
    2. The stationary stage at which a center devoid of hair is formed on the mustache and beard. The skin color above it is not changed.
    3. Stage of regression. In place of lost hair, a light "downy" grows, then the hairs gradually thicken and accumulate pigment.

    Sometimes a bald patch in the area of ​​the beard is formed suddenly and passes on its own without any treatment. However, one should not hope for a miracle; when these symptoms appear, it is advisable to visit a doctor and make a diagnosis.

    Research methods

    It is necessary to treat the disease with a specialist - a dermatologist or trichologist. A presumptive diagnosis is made during the initial examination. To clarify the causes of pathology are used:

    • Blood and stool tests (to rule out anemia and worm infestation),
    • Trichogramma: the attending physician takes several hairs for microscopy; during the study, the disease phase, skin condition, the presence of scar deformity are evaluated
    • Scraping the epithelium from the outbreak - allows you to identify a fungal infection, and near the hairless hair spots, the material is sown on a nutrient medium,
    • Biopsy - a histological examination of tissue from the hearth. It is used if the patient has a cicatricial form of alopecia.

    When a small bald spot on a beard does not increase in size, there is no change for the worse, the man should not worry. Most likely, the focus will spontaneously disappear in a few months.

    A progressive form of the disease requires drug therapy. When hair falls out of a beard, all drugs are selected individually, taking into account the stage and prevalence of the process.

    Treatment begins with the elimination of the causes that led to alopecia. Canceling medication that causes complications such as baldness. Sometimes this is enough to regrow hair. In case of nerve overloads, a course of sedative medications is prescribed, relaxing techniques are additionally recommended.

    If during the diagnosis revealed a general disease of the body, therapy is aimed at eliminating it. For example, treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland, oral cavity or worm infestation allows you to remove the symptoms of alopecia.

    In case of fungal infection, bald areas are treated with an antimycotic drug. For this purpose, Ketoconazole cream (analogues - Nizoral, Mycozoral) is used. It is rubbed into the affected places for 3-4 weeks. At the discretion of the physician, an antifungal antibiotic may be administered orally.

    For microsporia and trichophytia, treatment of the affected areas with tincture of iodine is used in combination with a fungicidal ointment. Arievich ointment is used to remove affected hair, which is washed off with antifungal shampoo.

    Anthramine ointment, a drug used in psoriasis, helps to eliminate autoimmune damage to the bulbs.

    Treatment of the disease is carried out by means of local irritation. They stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and increase hair growth. This is naphthalan, camphor ointment, homemade products based on mustard, hot pepper. Used rubbing juice of onion, garlic, aloe.

    Due to the loss of facial hair, the appointment of hormonal ointments and injections is rare. They cause a number of side effects and can aggravate the course of the disease.

    General recommendations

    A balding beard requires long-term treatment. The man will have to be patient, since the formation of the hairs begins only after 3 months from the start of therapy.

    With topical treatment, the entire surface of the beard is treated, not just the hairless areas. Prim vitamin preparations will help speed up the process, for this purpose shown injections of vitamins of group B.

    How to prevent baldness on a beard?

    Preventing loss is necessary especially for men who have relatives with a similar problem. If there is a genetic predisposition to this disease, then the following recommendations should be followed:

    • complete diet, enriched with protein foods, vitamins, iron and zinc,
    • mental health promotion, emotional care,
    • thorough hygiene of the skin of the face (especially in the warm season).

    So, baldness on a beard is a rather unpleasant, but curable disease of the representatives of the stronger sex. His appearance is not a cause for panic. Beauty will return to the man, if he is positive, will balance his lifestyle and in time to turn to the doctor for help.

    Treatment should always begin from the inside, because only the harmonious work of the body guarantees success. And, of course, you need faith in healing!

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