Eyebrows and eyelashes

Features and subtleties of hair tattooing eyebrows


In contrast to the old-fashioned eyebrow locking, in which the complete filling of the pigment occurs, the hair method involves painting individual hairs on the skin. On the one hand, this is a definite plus, since the result looks very natural, however, in order to block the old unsuccessful tattoo or scar, the method is not suitable. There are two types of such permanent makeup.

For clarity, we have collected for you a few photos that demonstrate what this kind of tattoo is in different techniques before and after the procedure.

But it is also called Japanese or Oriental. Performing such a tattoo, the master draws hairs of different lengths, slightly changes their direction, crosses between them, creating a slight mess that seems natural. These are mandatory conditions.

How do

Unlike microblading, which gives a similar effect, but is performed with the help of the finest blades, a special maniple with needles is used in the hair technique, which, through the puncture, injects paint under the skin. Another option is a hardware method in which each hair is drawn using a special machine. Follicles do not suffer at the same time, since the depth of their occurrence is greater than the needle can reach.

Stages of implementation

Creating a permanent eyebrow makeup, if we are talking about a good salon, necessarily includes the following steps:

  1. The first stage will be a discussion with the master of the technique of execution, shape and color of the picture. A qualified specialist will give his recommendations. I must say that he should have a good taste, not worse than any makeup artist, because the bad choice to correct after the procedure will be difficult and expensive.
  2. The skin is treated with a disinfectant to prevent infection in the body.
  3. The sketch, created with the participation of the client, cosmetic pencil is transferred to the skin. Under this scheme, perform a smooth tattoo will be much easier.
  4. Anesthesia is done frequently, but not always. It depends on the wishes of the client, the pain threshold, the depth of the skin puncture, etc. For this, external formulations are used, which usually include lidocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine, epinephrine. The most common ones are: Anestol, Xylocaine, AneStop, Golden Rose and EMLA. They can be in the form of a spray, ointment, gel or solution. By the way, some even have a hemostatic effect, that is, stop the bleeding.
  5. It takes 10-15 minutes for anesthesia to work. During this time, the master prepares the tool, the pigment, if necessary, mixes several to obtain the desired color. As a rule, needle thickness is determined according to the size of your hairs. Too thick lines look unnatural and striking.
  6. At the last stage, the procedure itself is carried out. The principle is simple: first, the main hairs that define the overall shape are applied, then the space between them is filled. To do this, a small amount of pigment is collected on the tip of the needle, which is inserted into the dermis through microprotools with a depth of 0.8 mm. The wizard makes a drawing from the head of the eyebrows towards the tail, imitating the hair. On average, the duration of the procedure is about one to two hours.

What it is?

Eyebrow tattooing is an innovative cosmetology session, the meaning of which is to apply a coloring pigment under the epidermis using a device with a sterile needle. The uniqueness of this type of eyebrow tattoo is that the specialist draws every hair with light strokes. Thanks to such a permanent makeup, the eyebrows retain their naturalness and give the look a special expressiveness.

This method is ideal for those who:

  • sparse and thin hairs,
  • uneven arrangement of hair growth,
  • irregular or asymmetric shape,
  • pronounced bald spots after illiterate use of tweezers,
  • scars and scars that can be hidden only by cosmetic means,
  • lack of free time for daily makeup creation.

The hair tattoo procedure is performed by two techniques.

  • The first technique is called European. The technology of execution consists in drawing identical hairs located in the same direction and at the same distance. The result is beautiful and voluminous eyebrows. The master's work will consist of two significant steps: first, he will inject a dark shade into a deeper layer of skin, then a light tone - closer to the outer part of the epidermis.

  • The second technique is called the eastern (or Asian). By choosing this method of permanent makeup, you can achieve the effect of the most natural eyebrows. This type of tattoo will suit the owners of a round face. Hair draws randomly, completely different lengths and thicknesses. The process, as in the European technology, will be carried out in two stages.

The difference between these two methods of permanent makeup lies only in the way of drawing strokes. Performing oriental hair tattoo, the master must have not only experience, but also artistic abilities.

If, when performing the usual type of permanent tattoo, the beautician simply fills the selected eyebrow area with paint, while using the hair method, he applies pigment, drawing each line. The result is such a natural result that with the best lighting it will be almost impossible to recognize the presence of cosmetic interventions.

What is the hair method of eyebrow tattoo?

Hair tattoo eyebrow - a cosmetic method that involves the introduction of the coloring matter under the skin from the superciliary arches. Moreover, this version of eyebrow correction involves drawing each hair separately.

Eyebrow tatooing can be painful

Braid tattooing of eyebrows is not an easy procedure, when performed by a non-professional, the attractiveness of the appearance and health of a person are subject to a high degree of risk. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct it with the master in a specialized cosmetology salon.

Advantages and differences from other techniques

Hair tattooing is not the only way to correct it. There are other methods, among which are the following:

  • hair removal with wax,
  • thread correction,
  • plucking,
  • simple tattoo

Eyebrow correction thread

Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. We will try to determine the pros and cons of hair tattoo relative to other methods of eyebrow correction.

Main advantages: compare the result before and after

The main advantage that the hair method provides is the natural look of the drawn eyebrows. This effect is achieved by drawing each hair separately, creating the illusion of naturalness.

Eyebrows before and after tattoo

Permanent makeup: a great solution for a democratic price

The hair method is a radical correction method that allows you to simulate the shape of the eyebrows in the most presentable form, taking into account the peculiarities of the shape of the face, with little or no restrictions. You can choose any color of eyebrows, which is important for women with dyed hair.

This method of correction allows you to create the effect of greater hair thickness than that of natural eyebrows.

Hair tattoo - a radical way of correction

Method disadvantages

Like any other method of correction, tattooing the eyebrows with hair has several disadvantages. The main ones are:

  1. Soreness of the procedure
  2. High price,
  3. Dependence of the quality of the result on the professionalism of the master,
  4. Possible harm to health in violation of the process technology.

The result of the procedure depends on the professionalism of the master.

The advantages offered by this tattooing method more than overlap the disadvantages and possible risks.

Who should do it: information based on professional reviews

Hair tattooing eyebrows should be done to women who want to experience all of its advantages described above.

It is recommended for women who want to look stylish and beautiful, spending a minimum of time on it.

Eyebrow correction procedure

It is important to determine the category of people to whom this correction method is strictly contraindicated. These include:

  • cancer patients
  • pregnant women
  • nursing mothers
  • people with epilepsy
  • people with poor blood clotting,
  • patients with cardiac and neurological diseases,
  • allergy sufferers.

The correction method is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

If you do not belong to any of the above groups of people, then if you wish, you can safely go to the salon to perform a tattoo procedure.

Types of hair tattoo techniques

There are two types of eyebrow tattooing techniques: European and Asian, or Japanese. The first one involves drawing eyebrows with small strokes of the same size, and the second is based on drawing hairs of different sizes, and sometimes directionality.

Japanese and European correction technique

The choice of a particular technique depends on what kind of image a woman wants to create: more perfect, like on the covers of magazines, or realistic.

Preparation for cosmetic surgery: how to make the session less painful?

Eyebrow tattooing requires preliminary preparation. Eyebrows should be dry and clean. Before the procedure, it is not recommended to apply makeup, because the process of tattooing is painful because of what tears flow, which in turn will wash the makeup. And it is impossible to wet eyebrows in the first days after the procedure.

Too vulnerable women of the weaker sex are encouraged to mentally prepare for the procedure. At the preparation stage, it is decided together with the master, on what technique the tattoo will be performed, what shape and color the eyebrows will acquire.

Tattoo procedure

Immediately before the procedure, the master suggests applying local anesthesia as desired by the client. It then processes the head area where the working operation will be carried out with a disinfecting agent.

The procedure may take place under local anesthesia.

At the next stage, a specialist makes a needle with a needle in the area of ​​an eyebrow with a depth of 1.5 mm, using a dye to draw each hair individually in the direction of growth of natural vegetation. On average, the procedure lasts from 40 minutes to 1 hour.

Subsequent care and correction: accelerate healing

Immediately after the procedure of tattooing is prohibited to wet the eyebrows. For several days, there may be bleeding in the area of ​​punctures, which should be soaked. In addition, use the specified bactericidal ointment and moisturizer.

The next correction is carried out 2 months after the tattoo, as during this time the paint is largely absorbed. In some cases, a repeated procedure may be required in a month if the client did not like the color or shape of the hair. Fully tattoo disappears over a period of 1 to 3 years.

Do not make corrections too often

Hair tattoo, made by a professional master who knows his business, will add to the woman's appearance additional charm, and trips to the beautician's salon will become less frequent. This explains the high popularity of this procedure among the modern representatives of the weaker sex.

Does it hurt

On the forums and in the comments to the articles you can find the most controversial reviews. Opinions differ from “it doesn’t hurt at all” to “barely survived the execution”. As mentioned above, it depends on the client's pain threshold, the skill of the linergist and their compliance with the technology of hair tattooing and the quality of the anesthetics used. It even happens that in a hurry, the beautician does not wait for lidocaine to work and begin the procedure. More information about how painful it is to do a tattoo of eyebrows is recommended to read in this article.

After the procedure

The work of a lonergist is not all that is needed for an excellent result. You will have to try to provide a comfortable environment for healing the skin.

At the end of the procedure, the master gives the client recommendations on how she should behave in the coming days. Tips in general terms are as follows:

  1. To protrude the protuberance of blood, sterile napkins or cotton pads.
  2. Treat with an antiseptic agent like Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.
  3. After that, lubricate the surface with cosmetic petroleum jelly with an interval of 2-4 hours.
  4. Until the appearance of crusts abstain from alcohol.
  5. Do not wet the eyebrow area.
  6. Do not rub them with a hard towel or scratch them.
  7. For at least three days, instead of washing your face, wipe it with wet wipes and a towel, with the exception of the tattoo area.
  8. You can not use any kind of cosmetics.
  9. Do not tear the crust.


From the day of the procedure until the correction of the result takes about a month. Conventionally, it can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Two or three days before the formation of crusts.
  2. Just over a week before they disappear. Immediately after this, the pigment is poorly visible, the client will be able to evaluate the final result later.
  3. About a month to complete healing and manifestation of color.

The first week will be the hardest, as pain is first felt after the anesthetic is discontinued, then crusts appear that look awful and itchy. But all this can be endured.

How much is holding up

The hair version of the eyebrow tattoo will look natural, but remains slightly worse than the classic with full filling or feathering. Its service life averages 2 years, but it is worth considering the nuances:

  1. Increased oily skin reduces the life of the tattoo, and dryness, on the contrary, increases.
  2. Frequent exposure to the sun or a visit to the solarium leads to burnout.
  3. Young girls, due to more active regeneration of the epidermis, the pigment goes faster than those who are over 40.
  4. The color of the paint also affects: dark lasts much longer than light.
  5. The high quality of the pigment that the master uses increases the lifespan of permanent makeup.

Taking into account all the listed conditions, the tattooed tattoo will last from one to six years. In any case, in order to maintain the appearance, it is recommended to make a correction at least once a year and preferably from the same master, who did the original drawing to you.


In the presence of at least one of the following conditions, the tattoo is not done:

  1. Poor blood clotting.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Epileptic seizures.
  4. Propensity for the appearance of keloid scars.
  5. Diabetes mellitus in an insulin-dependent form.
  6. Moles directly at the site of the alleged tattoo.
  7. Bronchial asthma.
  8. Acute mental disorders.


If the following conditions are present, the permanent is made after their elimination or with some restrictions:

  1. Allergy to pigments used in tattoo.
  2. Herpes sores, that is, the acute phase in the presence of a virus in the body.
  3. Period of menstruation.
  4. Alcohol intoxication, as alcohol expands blood vessels, which threatens bleeding and leaching of pigment.
  5. High blood pressure.
  6. Inflammation in the area of ​​permanent makeup and fever.
  7. The rehabilitation period after surgery or serious illness.
  8. Pregnancy and lactation.The possibility of the procedure, coordinate with your doctor. Usually, tattooing is not recommended in the first trimester.
  9. Taking antibiotics.

After the removal of the above conditions, permanent makeup is done without consequences and problems.

How to choose a master

Approach this issue very carefully, as a mistake can cost health, a spoiled appearance, nerves and money. What is important:

  • A plus will be the availability of a specialist artistic education and taste.
  • Diploma on successful training in the art of tattooing, certificates of advanced training, passing courses on color, permanent makeup in various techniques.
  • Desirable medical background.
  • Specially prepared, clean workplace. Masters who do tattooing in their apartment among carpets and dust are not suitable.
  • There must be a portfolio with photos before and immediately after completion of work, a month later and after correction.
  • Before the procedure must be signed an agreement for the provision of services. This will legally protect you in the event of damage to your health or appearance. If the specialist does not go to the conclusion of the contract, refuse his services - there is nothing to be afraid of a true professional.
  • Recommendations. The best advertising is word of mouth. If you can evaluate the result of the work of a cosmetologist with your own eyes - this is the most reliable option. Search among your friends, consult with them and choose.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hair tattoo, like other cosmetological manipulations, has positive and negative sides. Before you sign up to a specialist, you need to thoroughly examine all the nuances.

Consider the main advantages of this process.

  • With the help of this technique of permanent makeup, eyebrows of any length and thickness can be put in order. The beautician will select a form that will be in harmony with your color type of appearance.
  • A great opportunity to mask scars and scars in this part of the face.
  • It is no longer necessary to use a pencil and correct the make-up during the day. Now you can go to the bath complexes, swim in the ponds, without worrying that the cosmetics will be erased.

  • The result after permanent makeup is maintained for a long time, in connection with which there is no daily need to adjust the eyebrows. This saves time.
  • Appearance after the tattoo will be more expressive and well-groomed, but it will be as natural as possible.
  • Creating a visual effect of thick and symmetrical hairs.
  • Quick and virtually painless procedure.
  • Short rehabilitation period after manipulation.
  • The appearance of scars from the hair technique is reduced to zero.

Each process has a downside.

It is important to be informed about the possible consequences and drawbacks of the tattoo.

  • The risk of getting a bad result. The desire to save on cosmetic manipulations can play a cruel joke. Therefore, always carefully select salons and craftsmen in order not to waste time and money on removing unsuccessful consequences. Correcting the deplorable work, as a rule, with a laser, and this is a rather unpleasant process.

  • Fear of pain. Many customers are afraid of pain when pigment is injected under the skin. This is one of the circumstances because of which women do not dare to permanent makeup. Masters anesthetize the brow area with a special anesthetic cream. He removes most of the pain, and the client feels only a slight tingling or tingling during the application of the dye. The hair technique is a safe cosmetological process, but it is painstaking and time consuming. You need to endure a little discomfort, and the result will not keep you waiting.

  • Hairs become less frequent and grow more slowly. This happens due to damage to the bulbs.
  • If you increase the weight of the woman there is a risk of changing the shape of the eyebrows. This point also applies to women who are prone to the occurrence of severe swelling.
  • In the presence of chronic diseases there is a risk of increased pressure, glucose level in the blood, the appearance of tissue edema, and allergy to pigment components.

Prices for tattooing eyebrows by the hair method

The cost of the procedure in large cities:

  • Moscow: from 3000 to 14000 p.
  • St. Petersburg: from 2500 to 8000 p.
  • Krasnodar: from 3000 to 8000 r.
  • Novosibirsk: from 2000 to 6000 p.
  • Rostov-on-Don: from 3000 to 7000 r.

This amount includes: consultation, sketch, pigments, anesthesia and the procedure itself. The correction is done in about a month and its cost is about 50% of the first session.

Now you have enough knowledge to decide whether you need permanent makeup with hairs and, if so, you can easily choose an excellent wizard. We wish you good luck and beauty!

Preparation for the procedure

Cosmetologists advise you to follow a number of recommendations before a session of a hair tattoo of eyebrows.

  • Approximately a week before the procedure, start taking the medicine “Askorutin” and, before going to bed, treat the area of ​​the superciliary arches with the Troxevasin or Lioton ointment. These medications will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which is very necessary for the proper distribution of the coloring pigment and rapid healing.
  • Do not adjust the shape of the eyebrows independently on the eve of the procedure. In no case do not need to shave or pluck them with tweezers. The master himself will create a symmetrical shape and remove unnecessary hairs.

  • Do not schedule a session of permanent makeup during menstruation. Hormonal background influences how long the saturation of the dye is maintained.
  • Do not drink alcohol and natural coffee, reduce the consumption of tobacco products a day before visiting the salon.

  • The procedure of the hair technique can be planned only a month after the injections and beauty shots.
  • Chemical peeling is also undesirable to carry out at least 2 weeks before the tattoo. This is due to the fact that there is a risk of tissue damage by acid, which is part of the peeling.
  • With increased nervousness or feelings take sedatives, such as valerian extract or motherwort.

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight. If this is unavoidable, then it is necessary to apply a sunscreen with a maximum protection factor and sunglasses on the face. The ideal time of year to create permanent makeup is autumn and winter.
  • Be sure to verify the professionalism of the master, examine the real customer reviews and, if possible, talk with friends who have done any procedures with him before.

It is worth mentioning that there are a number of medical contraindicationsin which the procedure is permanently tattooed. These include: pregnancy, breastfeeding period, exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, hemophilia (coagulation disorder), tuberculosis, type 1 and 2 diabetes, venereal and dermatological diseases, papillomas and birthmarks in the superciliary arches.

In the presence of chronic diseases, be sure to inform the cosmetologist about this in order not to cause harm to health and to avoid negative consequences.

When taking medications, also try to notify the master, because some hormonal medications may affect the result of the work.

Application technique

The technique of performing hair tattoo is very similar to other modern techniques of permanent makeup, but has its own characteristics.

The process itself consists of several stages.

They should be considered in stages.

  • The girl comes to the consultation to the selected master. Together they select the right shape and brow color. This takes into account all the data girls, namely: color type, shape of the face, eyes, nose, forehead height. The preferred technique of hair tattoo is determined. The color of the pigment should be as similar as possible to the shade of the girl's natural hair, otherwise the result will look ridiculous, and the eyebrows will be pronounced. When choosing a dye for blondes, you need to remember that too dark and too bright colors will surely spoil this area of ​​the face. Blonde girls should choose the most scrupulous colors. Some professionals use several different colors of the dye at the same time. This method will visually add more volume and density. Master draws a contour with a pencil. If the sketch of future eyebrows like the client, then proceed to the next stage.

The essence of the method and types of application technique

Tattooing by the hair method consists in drawing lines imitating hairs and forming eyebrows.
There are two ways of applying the coloring composition: European and Asian methods.

  1. With the European technique, short parallel strokes are drawn, of equal thickness and length, directed upwards with slightly lowered tips.
  2. Japanese or Asian technology is more complex. The hairs are drawn very carefully, each of them is different in thickness, length and shape, drawn at a different angle, some intertwined with each other, which allows for maximum naturalness.

Master selection

To avoid infection with infections (including HIV, hepatitis C), you should not do permanent makeup at home, it is better to use the services of a beauty salon.

During the consultation you need to pay attention to the situation, accuracy and compliance with sanitary standards. It is important to ask to show how to disinfect the instruments, sterilize the cabinet, to make sure that the master uses disposable needles.

The criteria for professional approach are:

  1. availability of education
  2. positive feedback on the work of a specialist,
  3. work in sterile gloves, and sometimes in a mask,
  4. a portfolio where you can see the results of work,
  5. use of hypoallergenic natural paint.

What a tattoo is now in fashion

Now in a make-up the naturalness is actual. It is considered an ugly thick layer of gel on the nails, unrealistically large breasts, and overly tanned skin.

The manifestation of taste is the choice of natural, not fanciful.

Such tendencies and permanent makeup of eyebrows have touched, now awkwardly drawn eyebrows and other unnatural artworks do not cause positive emotions in anybody. Such an effect can be caused by the fact that the master does not understand the client and his desire, and does as he sees.

So now you can pay attention to the hair method of tattooing eyebrows to create natural and beautiful eyebrows.

Ways to tattoo eyebrows

Eyebrow permanent makeup can be done in the following ways:

  • hair methodwhen hairs are drawn through the whole territory of the eyebrow or separate areas by the master,
  • staggering. In this case, a part of the eyebrow or contour is filled tightly with paint, without empty spaces.

I.e, eyebrow hair tattoo - this is a kind of permanent tattoo, when each hair is drawn separately, so that eyebrows look natural. And after tattooing eyebrows, you can not use them for pencils, shadows.

With a hair tattoo, the master makes different strokes and an individual design for each woman. Compared to tattooing, hair tattooing is a safer method. The master uses very fine needles and the pigment in the skin does not pass so far. After some time, the tattoo fades and requires a second procedure or adjustment. This update is done once a year or two years.

Hair tattooing happens two kinds:

  • European,
  • Oriental.

With the European approach, strokes are made in one direction, at an equal distance from each other, and the eyebrow has a clear outline.

In the eastern method, strokes are made at different angles and different lengths. It turns out that they are intertwined with each other, which gives naturalness.

The result depends on the professionalism of the master, how the work was done, the effect can be natural and vice versa. But the hair method of tattooing eyebrows is more preferable if you need a natural, natural option.

When tattooing eyebrows to a depth of 0.7-0.9 mm, that is, in the upper layer of the epidermis is injected organic paint.

Whether a correction is needed depends on the quality of the paint, the depth of the tattoo, the method of application and the metabolic rate of the skin cells.

American paint is considered one of the best; it can last up to four years.

Contraindications for eyebrow tattoo

From the procedure of eyebrow tattoo will need to refrain in the following cases:

  • pregnancy,
  • during the menstrual cycle or three to four days before them, since the pain threshold is lower and severe bleeding is possible,
  • diabetes,
  • the presence of disorders in the cardiovascular system,
  • active form of herpes,
  • if there is a disturbance in the blood coagulation process,
  • infection of the skin with a fungus,
  • oncology,
  • epilepsy,
  • if there is a mental illness.

Care and correction

Heals everything during the week, but at the beginning there is a feeling of tightness, itching, swelling.

On the third day there is a crust that will go away in a few days.

You can not pick and tear off the crust, otherwise a bright spot may remain in this place.

After the procedure, it is necessary to apply an antiseptic on the eyebrows and not to wet it;

After the crust has gone, and everything has healed, you need to evaluate the result.

And if there is a need to add color or adjust the shape, then you can make a correction. It is usually carried out no earlier than a month after the brow brow, and care should be the same.

Hair method

With the hair drawing technique, eyebrows look very natural, from afar it is very difficult to distinguish them from those given to you by nature. Performing the procedure the master draws small strokes in order to imitate many hairs.

The work is quite painstaking, but the result is impressive. At the moment in cosmetology there are two techniques of hair tattoo:

  • European - when using it, strokes are made parallel to each other and are at the same distance. In this case, the master selects not one shade of paint, but several at once - dark and light,
  • East - in this case, an even more subtle and accurate work is being done. The master draws with a needle strokes of different lengths, the distance between them varies, some of them may intersect.

Shooting, or soft shading

Visually soft shading resembles a line drawn by an ordinary cosmetic pencil. Accordingly, the paint is applied over the client's natural eyebrows, due to which they look more voluminous, thick, bright.

Shooting is the perfect solution for those who have made permanent makeup, but were not satisfied with the result. With it, you can easily hide the shortcomings of the previous procedure.

Mixed 3D tattoo

A rather complicated for the master mixed 3D-make-up is a successful combination of the above two methods - soft feathering and hair permanent makeup. This also includes the 5D, 6D, 7D and other D techniques; this does not change the essence. During the procedure, light shades are used for the main background, and darker strokes are drawn deeper..

Sometimes you have to combine up to 8-10 pigments in order to get the color that perfectly suits the client. As a result, eyebrows look very natural and quite thick. To the naked eye, they are practically indistinguishable from the natural.


Manual tattooing, or microblading performed using a microneedle, which are drawn very fine hairs. From the master method requires perseverance, accuracy, talent to perform hard work.

The result - eyebrows, even after careful consideration indistinguishable from natural.

Used pigments

For permanent makeup, special pigments are produced, the highest quality of them have natural origin. They hold for 2-3 years, disappearing gradually.

In no case can one use the colors that the tattoo masters work with, since the consequences of the procedure done in this way are difficult to predict. In the worst case - the color of the eyebrows will change, for example, to blue or green, which will look completely unnatural.

Colors and shades

When choosing a pigment for permanent makeup, you need to take into account a number of factors - primarily the color of the eyes and hair, skin tone. In addition, it is important to remember that immediately after the tattoo eyebrows look darker. They brighten in about two weeks.

Collections of high-quality expensive pigments include many shades. Every woman will be able to choose for themselves the best option.

Light-skinned brunettes and brown-haired masters are advised to pay attention to the dark gray and chocolate shades. Many blondes fit brown permanent makeup.

Ladies with dark skin is better to stop the choice on the pigments of dark colors. Experts recommend red-haired young ladies to golden chestnut shades, and blond and gray-haired women gray and smoky.

What type of tattoo choose

If you are thinking about a tattoo, a correct understanding of the desired result and an objective assessment of the source data will help you choose the right technique:

  • When you need a shape correction, contour delineation and the optimal replacement of daily tinting eyebrows, fit shaking,
  • With thin and rare eyebrows, as well as in the presence of scars or bald patches are more often chosen hair techniques or mixed 3D tattoo.

Whatever technique you like, it is extremely important to find a highly qualified master with good reviews, many years of experience, high-quality tools and pigments. Only in this way you will get an excellent result, which will delight not one year.

What is the tattoo eyebrow hair method?

The hair tattoo technique eyebrows appeared relatively recently. To date, this is the most difficult and time-consuming process of all tattoo options, so mastering the basics is not so easy. The master must have experience in the field of tattoo, undergo individual training courses and have a high-quality apparatus for applying permanent makeup.

The main difference between the hair method and the usual eyebrow tattoo is that with ordinary tattoo, the eyebrow is simply drawn in the selected tone, and the hair method involves drawing a hair-like pattern on the skin. This creates the illusion of an ideal line of natural eyebrows, you just need to adjust the shape later, pulling out the extra hairs around the applied base. The created picture will look quite bright at first, but after a few days the color will approach the natural one, and stay in this position for about 2 years, and sometimes even longer.

There are two techniques for applying eyebrow hair tattoo:

  • European - drawing the ideal shape of eyebrows, when each hair has the correct shape and is located in the direction of the line of growth of eyebrows,
  • eastern - provides for more laborious work, which creates the most realistic picture, with hairs of different shapes and lengths.

The purpose of a hair tattoo of eyebrows is not just to give the eyebrows extra brightness and beautiful shape, but to create the most natural look that can be achieved with the help of individual hairs drawn. Thus, we can say that a hair tattoo is the best option to create flawless eyebrows for a long time.

Advantages of the hair tattoo method

Unlike the usual eyebrow tattoo, the hair technique has significant differences, both in the application technology and in the appearance of the finished picture.

  • Firstly, the ability to perform such a procedure speaks of the high qualification of the master, so you can be sure of the proper quality of the final result.
  • Secondly, high-quality apparatuses are used for hair tattooing, which allows for a clearer and more effective application.
  • Thirdly, the applied pattern is practically no different from ordinary eyebrows, so people around you will be sure that your eyebrows are natural.
  • Fourth, tattooed eyebrows do not lose their shape and color when in contact with water or high temperatures, so this is the best option for lovers of steam rooms and pools.
  • Fifth, the effect of hair tattooing does not last for a long time - up to 2-3 years, and with periodic adjustments it can last as long as possible.

Despite these significant advantages of hair tattoo, this technique has some disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the cost - it varies between $ 100-200, this is subject to the use of quality materials and equipment. However, compared to a regular eyebrow tattoo, the hair method differs slightly in price (for comparison, a regular tattoo costs about 70-100 dollars, a hair method - starting from 100), but the visual effect will be completely different.

It is also worth noting that the applied tattoo does not affect the quality, health and growth rate of natural eyebrows. For painting using natural dye compositions that do not harm human health.

How is the procedure

The day before the tattoo you should not drink alcohol, smoke, drink strong coffee, take aspirin and other blood thinners. Increased pressure provokes an abundant discharge of blood.
The master examines the face, selects the shape of the eyebrows, taking into account the wishes of the client, trying to choose the option that will be in harmony with the location of the eyes, the proportions of the face, as well as the shape of the forehead and the size of the nose.

Pigment is selected by applying it to the back of the client's wrist, which will allow you to see the final shade.

Photos before and after the procedure

The next step is cutting the excess length of the hairs, leveling the form with tweezers and disinfecting the skin.

Drawing eyebrows begins with drawing lines with a special pencil, after which the client can make his wishes if something does not suit him. If you like everything, then the specialist starts drawing the hairs with a needle using a tattoo machine with dyeing composition, which is inserted to a depth of 2 mm.

The whole procedure takes about an hour.

Care after the procedure

You can not touch the eyebrows and wet them.

  • with a cotton swab to carefully remove the blood, not letting it dry out,
  • apply tetracycline ointment that prevents drying of the eyebrows and promotes healing,
  • in 3–7 days a crust forms that cannot be peeled off - it will disappear by itself,
  • after the crust has dropped off, lubricate the eyebrows with Lioton or Troxevasin gel overnight.

Eyebrows fully heal within 2-3 weeks after tattooing.

Method contraindications

You can not do tattoo eyebrows in the case of:

  1. low blood clotting
  2. oncology,
  3. propensity for scarring,
  4. diabetes mellitus
  5. epilepsy.

It must be remembered that permanent makeup - is, first of all, the contact of the instrument with blood, so the risk of infection is always there. Not just the beauty of the eyebrows, but the health of the whole organism depends on the choice of the salon and the professional master. Serious attitude and preparation for the procedure will allow you to achieve the desired result and protect yourself from possible consequences.


Hair tattooing becomes a real salvation for women who want to emphasize their femininity and natural beauty or hide cosmetic and aesthetic problems, because this method has many advantages:

  • this is a beautiful, well-groomed eyebrow look,
  • creates the effect of natural thick eyebrows
  • hides scars
  • helps correct eyebrow asymmetry,
  • No need to worry about your appearance when visiting a pool or beach. This makeup does not spread either in rain or snowfall,
  • saving time - eliminating the need for applying and washing off makeup.

Types of hair tattoo eyebrows

There are two types of applying permanent hair tattoo:

  1. European - with this view, the hairs of the same length and thickness are drawn in one direction - from the root to the tip. This gives the effect of beautifully curved eyebrows.
  2. Oriental - this type is used to achieve the most natural look of the eyebrows. Drawing is carried out in the same way as in the European method, but the hairs can be of different lengths, intersect, stand out from the total mass. This type of eyebrow tattoo requires special skills from the master and is more difficult to work with, but at the same time it gives a longer result.

Performance technique

Master as a rule first study faceand also learns the preferences of the client. Perhaps creating a sketch of future eyebrows on paper. At the same stage color is selected. Sometimes the master has to mix several dyes in order to combine it with the color of the hair and the eyebrows look natural.

  1. With the help of a cosmetic pencil master draws future eyebrows on client's face. This stage lasts until the result obtained will not satisfy the client.
  2. Master must hold skin cleansing and disinfection.
  3. Since the permanent tattoo procedure is painful, use anesthesia. It may be an anesthetic cream or subcutaneous injection of lidocaine. After 5−10 minutes, when the anesthesia will work, you can proceed to the procedure of tattoo.
  4. How does this procedure happen? Master carries micro puncture needle with dye. For this ideal handle-handle with thin and short needles. Punctures are made no deeper than 0.8–1.5 mm, thus drawing strokes that mimic hairs. As soon as the main hairs are applied, the master and the client with the help of a mirror evaluate the result and if there are shortcomings, they are immediately eliminated. If everything suits the client, the procedure continues and ends with a complete transformation of the eyebrows.

As a rule, permanent tattooing by the hair method lasts 1−1.5 hours and most of this time is the discussion and drawing of the sketch, as well as the selection of color.


Watch the video: Divergent Hair, Makeup, Tattoo and Outfit Tutorial Dauntless (July 2024).