Work with hair

Obedient long hair for half an hour: 2 ways to implement


Naughty hair that is difficult to style is a problem familiar to many women. If this is relevant to you, then we inform you of the good news - you can tame them! How? All you need to know is the reason why your hair has become naughty. So that the hair does not have big problems, you need to pay attention to them regularly, providing them with appropriate care.

Unruly hair? You are not alone! If you look around yourself on the street or at work, it may seem to you that only you have hair that is not so easy to apply. But it is not.

On the hair and the complexity of their perm complain many women. Their main complaints are related to the fact that the hair is coarse and difficult to stack. Some say that the hair lacks a healthy shine (by the way, here are our tips on how to restore shine to hair at home). More women complain that creating an ideal hairstyle is quite problematic. Many ladies with problematic hair wonder how to change this?

What to do with naughty hair?

Of course, many women wondered hundreds of times why some people have to fight every day with their hair, while others can enjoy impeccable styling? Hair that is naughty, a woman may have for a variety of reasons.

Causes of unruly hair

1. Some women are simply genetically predisposed, so they have obedient hair that can be curled easily. Others have unruly hair, therefore, in order to create something attractive on their head, they have to try. Making the hair smooth is actually a difficult task, but quite solvable, and there are not complicated ways to straighten hair.

2. Your hair is influenced not only by the care, but also by the way you treat it. Coloring and regular treatments with hair do not in the best way affect their condition. For curling often use the method of hot styling, resort to drying. Many women do the hair straightening procedure. All this can destroy the hair, as a result, they will look coarse and ugly.

3. It would seem strange, but a change in the state of our hair is not for the better can occur under the influence of such a factor as high humidity. It is not surprising when your hair sticks out in all directions during the rain or when you come to the sauna, or when you are on holiday in a country with a humid climate.

4. The sun's rays in turn dry the hair. As a result, installation problems may occur. And besides, they can get a matte shade.

When you were a little girl, a lot of people probably told you that you look amazing with disheveled hair. But growing up you do not give much joy. To give your hair a presentable look, you have to spend many hours in front of a mirror to regain control of them. Solving hair problems is a rule that every woman who has unruly hair should know.

5. The process of artificially drying hair is completely unpredictable, because you never know what the final result will be. Therefore, they should not be abused.

What to do if hair is naughty

Now we will give you some useful tips on caring for naughty hair, following which you will cope with this problem.

1. Do not use volume injections. The fact is that the scales on the surface of the wavy hair are located in different directions (due to which the hair curls), means for the volume will open and “fluff” them even more and then surely you will not understand the styling product without half a liter.

2. Choosing a serum for hair (additional care product). Pay attention to the composition - in the list of ingredients preferred dimethicone. This is a silicone that “seals” the exfoliated scales and makes the waves smoother. By the way, Estel Hair Serum “Instant Recovery” is not a bad product for this.

3. Real salvation for unruly and curly hair - hemp oil. It eliminates the effect of dandelion, gives hair strength and elasticity, perfectly moisturizes and helps to give a neat hair style. There are many options for its use:
- you can apply heated oil over the entire length of the hair for half an hour before washing your head, cover with polyethylene and a warm cap,
- if simple ways are not for you, then after washing your hair with shampoo, apply the following mixture on your head: 2 parts of hemp oil, 1 part honey, carrot juice and 5 drops of rose essential oil. Keep on the hair for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and then - the usual scheme: balm / conditioner / cream, etc.,
- it is also possible to add some oil to indelible fluids for hair, conditioners and styling products (1 tsp). But provided that your hair is not prone to high fat.

4. If you prefer ready-made hair care products, choose products containing coconut oil extract, jojoba oil for hair or licorice, extracts of cornflower, white lotus, witch hazel.

5. If the hair is tough enough, then make friends with colorless or white henna (meaning not blondie, but natural colorless henna. Some call it white). Masks based on it will make hair softer, and curls more elastic and resilient.

6. Pink clay is also good for curls. Take 2 tablespoons of pink clay. Mix it on strong coffee, add low-fat sour cream and apply for 15-20 minutes on clean hair.

7. Herbs will help:
- chop dry bay leaves, add rosemary flowers and parsley. Pour boiling water, insist 40 minutes, then drain the infusion, mix it with shampoo and wash it with your head,
- A decoction of nettle and parsley works wonders with unruly hair. They become more alive and smooth,
- Pay attention to aloe vera. It is also a necessary ingredient for wavy hair. Aloe juice is useful to mix with base oils and apply to hair before washing.

8. Hair will be easier to comb, if you wash them with decoction of burdock root. In addition to hemp, base oils that are useful for curly hair - coconut, jojoba, wheat germ, olive.

Mask for hair: warm wheat grains (1 tbsp. L.) Mixed with olive oil (2 tbsp. L.), Add coconut and lavender essential oil. Apply to hair before washing.

10. An excellent tool for curls to become smoother and more shiny, and lay beautiful waves - apple cider vinegar.

Shampoos for unruly hair

1. Shampoo Liss Thermo Technology restores the structure from the roots to the ends, making hair docile and smooth. A technology that smoothes hair when exposed to heat. Due to the polymer of plant origin, which covers the hair with a flexible film that protects the hair from moisture, the hair becomes a natural smooth and shiny look.

Shampoo for unruly hair Liss Thermo Technology

2. Shampoo for dry and unruly hair "Satin strands" from GLISS KUR. This new formula accurately restores the hair structure, filling the damaged areas with liquid keratin, identical to the natural keratin of hair. Obedient hair with a smoothing effect - even in wet weather.

Shampoo "Satin strands" GLISS KUR for unruly hair

3. Shampoo for smoothness of curly and unruly hair Wella SP Smoothen Shampoo. The shampoo is based on an active cashmere complex, for smoothing unruly and curly hair. It perfectly looks after hair, smoothes their structure and surface, keeping smoothness, elasticity and elasticity of hair, providing them effective protection against excessive moisture.
The active cashmere complex nourishes and smoothes the hair, makes it silky, contributes to shine, restores the structure of the fibers, and protects it from the negative effects of the external environment. It is recommended for all types, from slightly damaged, normal to strong hair.

Shampoo for unruly hair Wella SP Smoothen Shampoo

In order to make the hair look beautiful, and with their styling there were no big problems, you should take care of your hair using professional cosmetics. Begin to care for them and you will quickly notice how their condition begins to change for the better. They will be smooth, shiny, healthy and obedient. That is, as you want.

Why do you need and whether to do it yourself or trust a professional?

Let's see who and why hair extensions are needed.

    First of all, artificial strands are required for people who have undergone chemotherapy and other heavy procedures, as a result of which their own hair has become less common, in some places balding hair appeared, and in the worst case, if the hair fell out completely. Then the extension to short hair solves an important problem for a person - it returns an aesthetic appearance and allows you to calmly grow your own hair without fear of curious looks on the street.

If several years ago all these problems were intractable, then today every girl can increase hair for a short haircut or long curls, besides, beauty salon masters will be able to offer you several ways to carry out the procedure, among which you can find the right one for you.

The first way - cold or tape building in the studio

Cold procedure is carried out in three ways.

  • The first of them - tape building. This procedure is considered the safest and fastest, it takes 30-60 minutes to attach the strands. During the procedure, the curls, matched to your natural hair color, are attached with a special adhesive tape or glue to the native hair roots. Artificial strands come in different widths, which allows them to grow as imperceptibly as possible.


Disadvantages tape procedure: visible when creating some hairstyles, may eventually disappear.

It is worth noting that hair extensions for thin sparse hair can be dangerous, since it is more difficult to work with such hair. Careless work can cause the bulbs to be damaged and this will cause the hairs to fall out.

Capsular Capacity - Hollywood Effect

The extension of the strands on short hair is carried out in a hot way. This procedure is called “Italian extension”, due to which you can lengthen the shortest strands - from 2 cm.

Inexpensive way to lengthen short curls at home using forceps

For the Italian procedure using strands at the ends of which are attached capsules with keratin or a special adhesive substance. During the build-up, the capsules melt and attach to the strands. The procedure is harmless and reliable, besides most of the capsules are colorless and invisible on natural hair.

# 4: Easy negligence

This hairstyle looks pretty gorgeous on women with long and medium hair. To implement it, you will need a special structuring spray. You can buy it, and you can cook it yourself by mixing a spoonful of coconut oil, a spoonful of sea salt, a spoonful of styling gel and warm water. Spray it all on slightly damp hair, distribute the product with your hands, and get a slightly wavy hairstyle with the effect of wet hair.

# 8: Sexy beach curls

Apply a heat-protective spray to your hair, twist curls into braids or pigtails and iron over it, holding the iron in one place for a few seconds. This method is suitable for girls with thin and sparse hair.

Slightly wet hair treat mousse strong hold, blow dry their hair "from the face." Then take some hair wax and comb the hair back. To hairstyle looked neater, and was safer, use the invisible.

# 10: Teasing bouffant

Classic bouffant is the basis of most retro hairstyles, so if you like the fashion of the 60s, use it. To make the surface of the hairstyle smooth, before making bouffant, separate a few wide strands with which you will cover it later. Kill them so as not to interfere. Separate the strand with a thickness of 1-2 cm and move it perpendicular to the surface of the head. Insert a thin comb into your hair and start moving towards the base of the strand. Perform a few energetic but careful movements on the inside and outside of the curl. Fold the processed strand to the side so as not to interfere. Treat the whole head according to this scheme. Cover your combed hair with strands, smooth the hairbrush with a natural bristle and lightly spray it with varnish.

# 11: Textured French Twist

Dry well-washed hair with a strongly fixing styling agent (preferably a foam). After applying a special textured wax for the hair, and curl the invisible hair with left and right sides, while leaving loose strands near the face. Wrap the rest of your hair in a “snail” and fasten well with hairpins. This should be done freely and easily, so that the beam is not tight.

# 13: Boho Spit

Comb the hair on the side parting. Hair, not quite fresh or only after waking up, have the texture that is best suited for this style. First, make three more sections on one side of the head, and then start braiding your hair - first thing on top and gradually moving down towards the ear. Continue weaving down past the ear and around the back of the head just above the hairline. When you reach the other side of your head, braid your hair in a regular braid, then leave it hanging from your shoulder. Fasten it with a rubber band for hair of the same color as your own hair.

# 15: Tall half horse tail

Just divide the hair into two parts - top and bottom. Make sure the upper part is 1/3 smaller than the lower half. Just hold the first half and make a high horse tail, securing it with a rubber band.

Look ... you no longer need a professional to make super stylish hairstyles with your naughty hair!

Experiment and create something new every day, and our hairstyle ideas will help you with this!

Obedient long hair for half an hour: 2 ways to implement

"Perhaps!" - the master of beauty salons will answer you unanimously. In modern fashion, long, feminine beauty is again being returned. It is not surprising that the demand for hair extensions is increasing every day, as well as the number of ways to carry out this procedure.

Hair extensions allow you to lengthen hair

Technology of extension of natural and artificial hair

Every day the options for how to get the perfect hairstyle, it becomes more and more. To date, there are three ways to increase strands.

The extension procedure can be done in the salon or on your own.

Capsular Capacity - Hollywood Effect

The extension of the strands on short hair is carried out in a hot way. This procedure is called “Italian extension”, due to which you can lengthen the shortest strands - from 2 cm.

Advantages of the Italian method

The most popular among girls is the bang extension procedure, which has several advantages:

    Build-up will help you to understand whether this hairstyle is coming to you, you can experiment with different bangs and find the right one for you.

Artificial strands make it possible to experiment

  • If you already have a bang, you want to grow it, but do not want to engage in constant stabbing and hair styling, then artificial strands will help to remove the bang in half an hour. Thanks to this, you will also be able to evaluate whether your oval of the face has a closed forehead or not,
  • In addition, by increasing the hair entirely or just a bang, you can experiment and try contrasting strands, curl curls, make the effect of highlighting or toning.

    Artificial hair can be laminated or dyed

    Short course on the basis of care masters

    If you decide on hair extensions for very short hair, read the rules of care for new curls:

    1. Avoid water treatments in the first day after the hot procedure. Otherwise, the capsules may soften and the strands will shift,
    2. It is required to carry out washing the head carefully and without sudden movements, trying not to touch the fastenings of new strands,

    Wash your hair should be careful

  • Give up time for masks - they can damage the capsules,
  • Comb strands no more than 3 times a day,
  • Once in 1,5-2 months visit your master to adjust the increased curls,
  • These simple recommendations will noticeably reduce the need to attend the wizard for adjustments and will keep the appearance of the hair for a long time.

    Price: for how much can you buy a Slavic type ribbon in an online store?

    The average price of hair extensions for short hair depends on the type of procedure. So, the tape procedure can cost you 7000-10000 rubles, taking into account the materials and work, and capsular extension will be 1.5-2 times more expensive.

    The cost of the procedure depends on the type of capacity.

    Do not forget that a visit to the master for the correction will also require funds, because the hair care itself will require considerable investments.

    Thin sparse hair: the rules of care and creating styling

    Approximately 25% of women are owners of thin hair. This type of hair delivers a lot of hassle to their hostesses, they require special care, and when creating styling all efforts should be directed at getting the missing basal volume.

    However, do not despair if you are tired of searching for ways to improve the state of hair and attractive haircuts, because there are many options, about the best of which we describe below.

    Rare strands bring many problems to their owners and require particularly careful care.

    Rules care and create hairstyles

    Different and, it should be noted, successful images for thin curls

    Communicating with their customers, many hairdressers hear complaints - “I have very thin and sparse hair, it is difficult to style and my hair looks awful,” in this case, many masters advise you to use proper care, which will improve the situation. Below we will tell about the most elementary rules that any girl can adhere to.

    Caring for fine hair correctly

    1. Various nervous disorders can cause deterioration of the hair. Try to avoid stress and overwork.

    Calm, only calm!

    1. If the hair is sparse and thin, and such a problem appeared in a short period, then you should pay attention to your diet.. Watch for a balanced diet - lack of calcium, silicon, sulfur, iron, and vitamins A, H, C, E, can cause this problem. Eat more often cottage cheese, sour cream, shrimp, meat, avocado.

    Balanced nutrition - the key to healthy hair

    1. Before washing, do a light scalp massage to increase the blood supply to the bulbs.
    1. Be sure to feed the curls with different masks - it can be tools made with your own hands, as well as purchased ones.

    Masks contribute to the preservation of healthy hairstyles

    The following mixture is very effective - mix 3 tbsp. liter of olive oil and the same amount of vegetable. Heat everything in a water bath and add the juice of one lemon. Rub the mixture into the roots and leave for a couple of hours.

    Tip! Choosing a purchase mask for fine hair, pay attention to its composition. It is great if the ingredients include keratin, apple pectin, almond milk, an extract of germinated wheat and bamboo grains, various amino acids. This composition thickens and strengthens the curls, it feeds them wonderfully and protects.

    1. Wash strands under running warm water, it is better to use filtered or boiled, because it is free from harmful substances. At the same time, shampoo plays an important role. It is better if it contains proteins and keratins.

    Water should be at a comfortable temperature - not hot and not ice

    1. Do not apply balsam and conditioner along the entire length of the strands, as this may make the curls heavier, which will interfere with the creation of volumetric styling.
    2. Use different hair conditioners. - carbonated mineral water with a diluted calcium tablet, various herbal decoctions, apple vinegar diluted in water or lemon juice favorably.

    Rinsing with herbs to significantly improve the condition of the hair

    1. If your hair has become sparse and thin, then pay attention to how you comb them. You should not do this if the hair is still wet, while using a rough comb-brush. At first, comb the strands with a comb with wide teeth, and then, after necessity, comb a comb with fine teeth made of natural material.

    Careful care with combing from natural materials is provided.

    1. Apply orange or ylang-ylang oil on the tips to revitalize your hair and make it shine.

    Feed the locks with various oils

    1. Try as rarely as possible to resort to blow-dry, if it is extremely necessary, then do not use too high a temperature.. When laying, apply styling products that thicken the hair, creating a thin film. Due to this, additional volume will appear, and the hairstyle itself will be smooth and durable.

    Hot air dries curls, use a hairdryer only when necessary.

    1. Going under the burning sun, try to protect the strands, because thin curls are very suffering from drying, if possible, spray on the strands of thermal water. In winter, the curls should be covered with a headdress, since the frost contributes to their weakening, as well as the appearance of dullness and fragility.

    Take care of your hair: in the winter from frost, in the summer from the scorching sun

    Hairstyles and haircuts for fine hair

    Asking the question - how to cut your hair - if the hair is thin and sparse, we want to note - here, first of all, you should be guided by the fact that future styling and haircut visually impart volume to the hair.

    Consider the following points, if you have rare strands, you always want to look attractive:

    • When choosing a haircut, always stop at multi-layered ones - this can be a cascade, multi-level asymmetric or geometric rvanka. Looks great on the square for thin and sparse hair, as well as bob haircut with a long bang.

    Multilayer haircuts without filing is a reliable way to add volume

    • To give the illusion of thick curls, you can make highlights on thin strands, but here you should take into account that you need to use at least two tones.
    • You can also hold hair extensions for thin and sparse hair, which will help to gain density in a matter of hours. It is better to use capsular extension, which is hardly noticeable and is considered one of the most harmless.
    • Will increase the thickness of the hair and the procedure of lamination, through which the strands are covered with a thin protective film.
    • When styling, use a hairdryer, a round comb of large diameter and a styling tool.

    Photo: hair extensions - a quick way to increase the length and thickness of hair

    • Always look profitable in the forehead area, which can be combined with curled strands and with horse tail.
    • A little loose spit on its side, will also give pomp to the hair. It can be braided on pre-curled strands - the effect is stunning, and in addition to the lush braid, by chance the curls that have fallen will give tenderness to the uniqueness of the image.
    • For evening styling, you can curl curls - small curls will give thickness.

    Tip! Having a thin head of hair, for her curling is better to use curlers. It is better to allow curled curls to dry naturally. The use of curling is very harmful to soft and rare strands - high temperature can dry them, and this will lead to their fragility.

    Do you have sparse hair? Highlighting will visually increase their number!

    Caring for rare strands is really difficult, but if you want to have an attractive look, causing envy of the owners even of thick hair, then you should do your hair closely. The video in this article will acquaint you with additional information on the care of thin curls.

    Girls, with very thin and sparse hair, and you tried to build?

    Girls, with very thin and sparse hair, have you tried building up? What happens to your hair after removing the artificial? Is it worth building up and which one is better? And then I have already been tortured with my thin and sparse hairs (Thank you all in advance for the answers!


    Girls, with very thin and sparse hair, have you tried building up? What happens to your hair after removing the artificial? Is it worth building up and which one is better? And then I have already been tortured with my thin and sparse hairs (Thank you all in advance for the answers!

    The employee has increased. She has her hair thin, paint-hardened and very naughty. Two days after the hairdresser was beautiful. But then. His hair still remained naughty and stuck out in all directions. Not their strands, respectively, stood out. I walked for two weeks and took it off.

    a guest

    Yeah, so that their fell off? Same on them, and so weak, still additional loading! See, see! Do chemistry, now there is such a thing that, like a sheep, you will not and will seem to be lush.


    Yeah, so that their fell off? Same on them, and so weak, still additional loading! See, see! Do chemistry, now there is such a thing that, like a sheep, you will not and will seem to be lush.

    My sister did, I do not like. But thanks for the advice.


    I use hair on hairpins, I have a whole collection. At work I fasten and braid a scythe when I have time with a curling iron and wind it with my own. Directly well look, if strands are new and your hair is ironed.


    The employee has increased. She has her hair thin, paint-hardened and very naughty. Two days after the hairdresser was beautiful. But then. His hair still remained naughty and stuck out in all directions. Not their strands, respectively, stood out. I walked for two weeks and took it off.

    My hair is very straight and does not stick in different directions, but rather hang like icicles. Maybe it will suit me then?


    My hair is very straight and does not stick in different directions, but rather hang like icicles. Maybe it will suit me then?

    Well, with thin and sparse hair there is a risk and that. that there is damage .. On the hairpins all the same it will be better in your case


    I use hair on hairpins, I have a whole collection. At work I fasten and braid a scythe when I have time with a curling iron and wind it with my own. Directly well look, if strands are new and your hair is ironed.

    Do you walk with loose hair or hairpins will be visible? Like in front of a boyfriend? Do not hesitate to remove hair or he does not know?

    a guest

    Do you walk with loose hair or hairpins will be visible? Like in front of a boyfriend? Do not hesitate to remove hair or he does not know?

    And do not run away, as he sees this? Yes, and how not to know, this is also seen upon close examination.

    Beech tree

    It is necessary to care for them, but not to increase. Mask did not try?


    It is necessary not to increase the hair, because then it will become quite rare. It is necessary to examine the body and take a vitamin for hair growth, more precisely heal the body. Another try folk remedies, masks with egg, onion or brandy, even with pepper tincture. Familiar very tormented with sparse hair. Then I got angry and began to drink vitamins, dietary supplements, I made masks with an egg for a year. Now she cannot be recognized, such beautiful hair, she does not even paint them, her color is wonderful, and she is already 45 years old, gray hair is not even there.

    a guest

    It is necessary to care for them, but not to increase. Mask did not try?

    Take care, do not care, thin hair - this is genetics.
    It's like trying to shorten a long nose with creams.

    A roll

    Girls, with very thin and sparse hair, have you tried building up? What happens to your hair after removing the artificial? Is it worth building up and which one is better? And then I have already been tortured with my thin and sparse hairs (Thank you all in advance for the answers!

    There are more or less gentle hair extensions when strands of hair are sewn to pigtails braided on the head. I did, although my hair is also not the thickest in the world. When I took it off, I didn’t see anything terrible, the hair was the same as it was. And the main thing that I liked was that you can take it off at home, I shot it with the help of my mother, you cut the threads and that's it.


    It is necessary not to increase the hair, because then it will become quite rare. It is necessary to examine the body and take a vitamin for hair growth, more precisely heal the body. Another try folk remedies, masks with egg, onion or brandy, even with pepper tincture. Familiar very tormented with sparse hair. Then I got angry and began to drink vitamins, dietary supplements, I made masks with an egg for a year. Now she cannot be recognized, such beautiful hair, she does not even paint them, her color is wonderful, and she is already 45 years old, gray hair is not even there.

    I have already tried everything: and masks from butter, onions, eggs, for the last time I used Kerastaz for six months, a series for fine hair, well, nothing helps. I have mum, dad, sister, thin and sparse hair, so I don’t think that some means will correct genetics. She took vitamin complexes, but I have allergies to many of them. I eat right.

    a guest

    I did chemistry + I wound on large heated hair curlers — it was very natural and the volume was unreal.

    a guest

    Do you walk with loose hair or hairpins will be visible? Like in front of a boyfriend? Do not hesitate to remove hair or he does not know?

    The surest option is the malvina hairstyle, stabbing a pair of thin strands from the temples at the back of the head, then there will definitely be no hair clips.
    Boyfriend in the know, we live together, says that I and without hairpins well.


    No no and one more time no! No matter what your hair is, you should not build up! I have been building my hair for three years, because burned their lightening and became very short. Firstly, hair extensions slowed down the growth of their own hair, and secondly, if the strands fell off, then with their hair, as a result, there is a bunch of short hairs on the head that are in the process of regrowth. Once removed, the hair began to grow quickly.


    Here girls recommend chemistry! And I dissuade you! The fact is that I am also the owner of very fine hair. New for 21 years my hair was elbow-length. I loved to twist hair on spiral curlers. In the end, my hair looked like a Barbie doll. In the same way, my friends pushed me to do chemistry. After all, it was beautiful, I was after the curlers. so, I will tell you that when the chemistry was washed off, my hair fell into locks in a sink. All the staff ran away to look at this horror. As a result, I was trimmed with a short car and I went home! Thin hair can not withstand chemistry. Mine, for example, couldn’t stand even the milling on dark hair, they just broke off and that's it. Do not increase in any case. It will also hurt your hair! But as one girl advised you to build on braided pigtails, maybe this is a more benign way. They have long been African women use. But do we do it qualitatively?

    a guest

    I also have thin and sparse hair, but I am against extensions and perm. Otherwise, you can lose the last hair. You can simply wind it up with hair curlers or pick a good haircut. And of course apply special means for volume.


    There is such a drug Mega NFC (Mega NFC). It has a high content of silicon dioxide, which is present in our genome. He (silicon dioxide) is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, the condition of the hair, the condition of our joints and bones.The technology of preparation of this drug allows to achieve full absorption of organisms of silicon dioxide. I tried and the state and the amount of my hair has noticeably changed for the better. And rose and eyebrows and eyelashes, unexpectedly. Previously, you had to dye your eyebrows every 2-3 weeks to give a visible thickness, but now I practically do not paint. And my husband even disappeared gray. The drug is German, if you are interested, write, I can connect with people who bring it. email protected

    a guest

    My hair is very straight and does not stick in different directions, but rather hang like icicles. Maybe it will suit me then?

    I have been with a woman for a year now, my very rare thin, brittle ones. naughty. I like, hair does not spoil. If you care! And straighten your own!


    I have been with a woman for a year now, my very rare thin, brittle ones. naughty. I like, hair does not spoil. If you care! And straighten your own!

    And how often do the correction?

    a guest

    Well, that when I got my hair, I did not read the forum
    in December 2006 decided to build up capsules
    its not so liquid but it grows bad
    first made 70 capsules and I liked
    but now only 30 and no longer want
    when they remove me I think well all my hair is gone
    but no, everything is fine, it even seems that your hair has become better
    Well, they didn’t become worse
    zena pleasures30 pcs 3 $ 10 for teas
    I change every 4-5 months
    grow 5-6 cm
    don't get confused
    advised her friend, she has 3 hairs on her head
    she does on hairpins, so she doesn’t like that she says why she hasn’t done before
    I saw her without her hair and decided that she had just riveted a little, but it turned out she was without them
    and it looks decent head, its hair industry and it became more

    a guest

    I read it now I doubt-build up or build up
    kind of like a test word growth
    do not swear and do not rush slippers
    forgotten rules

    a guest

    I read it now I doubt-build up or build up
    kind of like a test word growth
    do not swear and do not rush slippers
    forgotten rules

    a guest

    I read it now I doubt-build up or build up
    kind of like a test word growth
    do not swear and do not rush slippers
    forgotten rules

    increase, grow, grow, etc.)) if there is a _st_ then it is written A)) excl germ, height meter and some other

    a guest

    GuestApps are now doubt-escalate or escalate
    kind of like a test word growth
    do not swear and do not rush slippers
    forgotten rules
    forgive, grow, grow, grow, etc.)) if there is a _st_ then it is written A)) excl germ, height meter and some other

    exceptions: Rostislav, usurer, industry, the rest were forgotten already9 (

    a guest

    The employee has increased. She has her hair thin, paint-hardened and very naughty. Two days after the hairdresser was beautiful. But then. His hair still remained naughty and stuck out in all directions. Not their strands, respectively, stood out. I walked for two weeks and took it off.

    I have thin and weak hair, I did neno-wiggling, there’s no way that I’ll get any worse and I’m right, very good. This is a completely different life! Do not listen to anyone try. The only time - do not save on the number of strand and hrshem salon, it’s yourself and watch the hairstyle, it's worth it!


    But what about the biowave? It doesn’t seem to spoil the hair at all, but on the contrary. Anyone did? I barber advised


    I have short hair, thin thin hair is just awful, I made myself a capsular extension of 60 cm, at first I liked it, and then I got tired of it. I want to go to tape building it is the safest hair.


    Girls, and someone tried to twist thin hair on large curlers spiral. They say it turns out a large wave, due to this larger. Someone tried it?


    There is such a drug Mega NFC (Mega NFC). It has a high content of silicon dioxide, which is present in our genome. He (silicon dioxide) is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, the condition of the hair, the condition of our joints and bones. The technology of preparation of this drug allows to achieve full absorption of organisms of silicon dioxide. I tried and the state and the amount of my hair has noticeably changed for the better. And rose and eyebrows and eyelashes, unexpectedly. Previously, you had to dye your eyebrows every 2-3 weeks to give a visible thickness, but now I practically do not paint. And my husband even disappeared gray. The drug is German, if you are interested, write, I can connect with people who bring it. email protected


    It is not by chance that the pre-porat which costs 25,000?


    It is not by chance that the pre-porat which costs 25,000?


    I have already tried everything: and masks from butter, onions, eggs, for the last time I used Kerastaz for six months, a series for fine hair, well, nothing helps. I have mum, dad, sister, thin and sparse hair, so I don’t think that some means will correct genetics. She took vitamin complexes, but I have allergies to many of them. I eat right.

    if the hair is sparse and thin, then nothing will help either, nor what means .. At the very rare one .. already reread everything. I have a friend in my family, everyone has thin and sparse hair, and her parents shaved her hair all the way from year to year 2, and now she has thick hair. And I heard it from many) Here, too, I’ll make my head shave for her) so what if I’d been a boy as a child, but then I’d be walking all my life with chic hair)


    if the hair is sparse and thin, then nothing will help either, nor what means .. At the very rare one .. already reread everything. I have a friend in my family, everyone has thin and sparse hair, and her parents shaved her hair all the way from year to year 2, and now she has thick hair. And I heard it from many) Here, too, I’ll make my head shave for her) so what if I’d been a boy as a child, but then I’d be walking all my life with a chic head of hair)

    Unfortunately, the number of shaving hair bulbs will not increase. Checked on me) Mom shaved me to three years, but the hair did not become gorgeous. They are generally sooooo rare and thin.


    Better your own in order, try to bring your own still better. Masks with oils, vitamins, perfectil in capsules, for example, helps well, hair becomes denser, respectively, thicker, and undercoat appears. And also, try to wash your head with hot water, as much as you can withstand, of course you need to rinse with cold, but without touching the roots, it stimulates blood circulation well, as well as masks with mustard, pepper tincture, etc.

    a guest

    But what about the biowave? It doesn’t seem to spoil the hair at all, but on the contrary. Anyone did? I barber advised

    In no case do not do Biozavivku! It's like chemistry. Dries hair, they break. I made myself, then cried crocodile tears. for six months I washed my hair and watched my hair float to the drain. Girls, take care of your hair.
    But about hair extensions! Now I read the reviews, I will increase the trac method! At work, there are many colleagues who build up this way; after removing the hair, it looks good. Minus build. This is the difficulty in washing hair. Everything))

    And bath

    Hello. I have very sparse hair too. Constant problems were, no hairstyles, nothing really done. Has increased and walked with already 4 years. I do microcapsule capacity. I really like. I chose a master for a very long time - I was looking for half a year. I watched reviews on the Internet, photos, etc. For a proper build-up, a good master is IMPORTANT. For those who have problems after the buildup, it’s the master’s fault or the wrong behavior with the hair. You need to comb your hair gently - this is the main thing that is required. And the master should understand that capsules-logs should not be made on thin hair, be cautious with the build-up at the temples and at the crown, the build-up should be level and neat. My first master made the capsules very neat, but was unfair about the money. I changed it - in Kiev there are enough excellent craftsmen at a good price. Also, if you walk for a very long time with hair extensions without correction, the capsule naturally breaks off the hair over time. Because the correction must be done on time. I still continue to strengthen my hair with oils when building.


    Fully agree with the previous post! I have very thin and liquid hair (I don’t even have a tail to do it - no gum holds it), I’m only saving myself with a microcapsular extension for several years!
    After I changed a bunch of masters (good in St. Petersburg, they have a huge choice) - I found my own and go only to her - and the price is like a private master (when I only came to her she still had her own beauty salon) and the quality of work (and hair, if you buy from her) - just super!
    I was surprised to read here that hair extensions inhibit the growth of my own (for me they only grow faster under them - this can be seen from the grown roots (lightened) - on the crown the roots grow much slower than where it is enlarged).
    Another surprise of mine is that someone has strands falling off — from me — if only I tear myself off with a comb.
    The fact that on the removed strands you can see your loose hair - so we lose them every day, they are simply attached to the strands and do not fall on the pillow / carpet / drain in the bathroom - and there are really few of them.
    Correction with proper extensions (and I have something to compare with) I do once every 2-3 months - it depends on how I take care of my hair.
    And they do not require special care, the only thing I bought is a comb-brush for hair extensions.
    In general, for me it is just a salvation! And everyone is wildly surprised when I say that hair is extensions (they think that they are their own) - and this, again, the merit of my super-master)

    a guest

    I saw the discussion and decided to write about myself, I’ve been building my hair already for 2 years, only in the instahair salon on the taganka, capsular build-up with very high-quality hair, I am so pleased! Before I found the salon instahair on taganka, I increased it in another one time, my hair turned bad! It was scary to go on doing more, but I am very glad that I got into the salon on taganka) I advise everyone to them, their prices are also adequate for the initial build-up and subsequent corrections) Here's a phone if you need +79055834118 and http: // instahair .ru / narashivanie /


    Fully agree with the previous post! I have very thin and liquid hair (I don’t even have a tail to do it - no gum holds it), I’m only saving myself with a microcapsular extension for several years!
    After I changed a bunch of masters (good in St. Petersburg, they have a huge choice) - I found my own and go only to her - and the price is like a private master (when I only came to her she still had her own beauty salon) and the quality of work (and hair, if you buy from her) - just super!
    I was surprised to read here that hair extensions inhibit the growth of my own (for me they only grow faster under them - this can be seen from the grown roots (lightened) - on the crown the roots grow much slower than where it is enlarged).
    Another surprise of mine is that someone has strands falling off — from me — if only I tear myself off with a comb.
    The fact that on the removed strands you can see your loose hair - so we lose them every day, they are simply attached to the strands and do not fall on the pillow / carpet / drain in the bathroom - and there are really few of them.
    Correction with proper extensions (and I have something to compare with) I do once every 2-3 months - it depends on how I take care of my hair.
    And they do not require special care, the only thing I bought is a comb-brush for hair extensions.
    In general, for me it is just a salvation! And everyone is wildly surprised when I say that hair is extensions (they think that they are their own) - and this, again, the merit of my super-master)

    do not throw a reference to the master?


    I have already tried everything: and masks from butter, onions, eggs, for the last time I used Kerastaz for six months, a series for fine hair, well, nothing helps. I have mum, dad, sister, thin and sparse hair, so I don’t think that some means will correct genetics. She took vitamin complexes, but I have allergies to many of them. I eat right.


    I have already tried everything: and masks from butter, onions, eggs, for the last time I used Kerastaz for six months, a series for fine hair, well, nothing helps. I have mum, dad, sister, thin and sparse hair, so I don’t think that some means will correct genetics. She took vitamin complexes, but I have allergies to many of them. I eat right.

    As I understand you! I remember myself as much as I am suffering with this problem. Strongly complex, since high school. Of course, when I look at children's photos, it seems that there are more of them than they are now. Well, it is understandable, because with age, any hair becomes thinner, and the amount suffers. I have the same situation as you, also genetics, dad awarded) And that I just didn’t try, from home masks with onions, eggs, pepper, castor, burdock oils, to heavy artillery - mesotherapy, ozone therapy, darsonval, scalp massage, well, and of course without internal vitamins, too, did not do. NOTHING HELPED. I'm on the verge of being humbled. At the moment I go with the increased. My girlfriend is stepping up, my hair knows Pts well, so it makes a lot of strands, purely for visual volume, so that three hairs do not hang) And I don’t advise you at all on hair clips, firstly they will be visible, secondly it’s hard for hair.


    Girls, with very thin and sparse hair, have you tried building up? What happens to your hair after removing the artificial? Is it worth building up and which one is better? And then I have already been tortured with my thin and sparse hairs (Thank you all in advance for the answers!

    Do not listen to anyone! nonsense mask treatment if nothing is laid at the gynetic level! too, thin icicle hair is growing all super important with ribbons not to build up, now microcapsules are generally not noticeable! And from barrettes only you will pull out more hair! I didn’t have strong hairpins on my hair that didn’t hold on and I was dying in them for a day, I had capsules looking very good and the icicles didn’t hang


    I have straight and thin hair, I increased it on the cracks and the capsular method, everything is fine, the capsular is not noticeable at all and those who saw me for the first time wondered how cool my hair is. But at the temples my hair is very thin and a couple of capsules burst out with their hair, they could not bear the weight (but it was not visible and then they found a solution with the master)


    Hello. I have very sparse hair too. Constant problems were, no hairstyles, nothing really done. Has increased and walked with already 4 years. I do microcapsule capacity. I really like. I chose a master for a very long time - I was looking for half a year. I watched reviews on the Internet, photos, etc. For a proper build-up, a good master is IMPORTANT. For those who have problems after the buildup, it’s the master’s fault or the wrong behavior with the hair. You need to comb your hair gently - this is the main thing that is required. And the master should understand that capsules-logs should not be made on thin hair, be cautious with the build-up at the temples and at the crown, the build-up should be level and neat. My first master made the capsules very neat, but was unfair about the money. I changed it - in Kiev there are enough excellent craftsmen at a good price. Also, if you walk for a very long time with hair extensions without correction, the capsule naturally breaks off the hair over time. Because the correction must be done on time. I still continue to strengthen my hair with oils when building.

    Long hair in 3 hours? Easy! If you find a good master!))

    At the time when I was growing my hair, I didn’t have such an obsession about hair. Just on a warm summer evening, I drove by to a friend, who is an excellent hairdresser and with hair does all sorts of wonders, for a cup of coffee.left after 3 hours with hair to the waist)

    And why? Because, quite unexpectedly, 150 strands of hair of absolutely my color were found in her hair bins !! Well, how could you pass by?

    I apologize in advance for the photo, last year I could not even imagine that I would write reviews anywhere) Therefore, all that remained in the archives.

    I came to her about this:

    hair slightly below shoulders, cascaded.

    And after 3 hours I left this:

    After building your hair was NOT tinted and NOT repainted! Here is a wonderful 100% color match!

    The procedure is painless, only long in time. I did not feel hemorrhoids with washing and styling. At first it was just not usual, but the extensions along with my own hair “ate” the oils very well and, in structure, in a month they completely ceased to be different from my own!

    They also succumbed well to styling! But with my family and stubborn special meaning was not, because the extension part continued to hold curls, while my hair was already straight.

    Building up I did July 2, 2013, and filmed September 5, 2013:

    on the left a bunch of combed out, when removing the capsules, my own hair

    By the time I took it off, I had time to gather about 5 strands that had fallen out, which for two months seems to me to be extremely small. The basic rule of care is that DO NOT apply balsams and conditioners to the capsules, as well as anything containing oil !! After checking “why not”, 2 strands came out of me) Another one fell on the “Invasion”, when upon arrival there I discovered that I hadn’t taken a comb with me at all. O_O And I had to supposedly comb my hands) Well, another 2 near the end of the 2nd month of the usual comb burst.

    The next 3 weeks after the extension, I very rarely touched my hair, because after 150 strands on my head, in addition to my own, the lack of extensions made me think that I was bald.

    immediately after removing the hair extensions. :(

    I did not remove my length, as many do after building up. Somehow for 2 months she was not completely killed and did not require much recovery.

    I hardly ever will be able to increase it again, but I recommend everyone to try it at least once in my life !! The main thing to choose a good master who knows a lot about building!

    Hair extension

    Good day to all! By nature very thin and sparse hair. I perm once a year, otherwise there is no volume at all. I want to try to grow hair. Who passed this procedure, what are your feelings and how often do you need to make a correction? Is it possible to build with thin hair and how to tint the roots? I will be glad to any reviews, especially if you recommend a good master or salon in Moscow.


    I would recommend not to do this, but I will recommend the salon: Beauty Studio in Gazetny Lane, master Irina (super-master), salon bodies - 495 629 37 95. She is a good stylist, maybe she will recommend something else to you, always listens to to the client. Prices are not exorbitant compared to the heaped salons


    ramp up bald stay!
    with your thin need to comb once a day

    Welder's wife

    it's not fashionable already, don't do

    a guest

    it is fashionable to walk with 3 hairs) it is not necessary to build up to the waist, I have thin and sparse hair I have been building up for 3 years and nothing!


    Alvage, thanks for the info. Guest 5, how often do you make a correction?


    all individually - someone grows bald and someone walks for several years and nothing! I know many girls - they increase it specifically for density - it looks very nice! She herself increased the year - made 4 corrections, took it off - everything as it was and remained! hair grow faster!

    a guest

    I have been increasing since 2006, everything is fine, the correction should be once every three months, but it is all individually, if the hair grows quickly, then more often, if not, you can do it once every six months, the main thing is not to use hair balm when washing and using a spray for easy combing (without hitting the capsules) and a special comb for extensible hair, then your hair doesn’t damage much as regards dyeing, it is absolutely like doing it now, but ideally with correction


    Marina, hello, my name is Elena, I am a master stylist, and I’ve been building hairs for several years, I have clients with the same thin molosikas, we make microcapsules as large as a drawing and everything is fine, they go for years, you can be satisfied and painted and the sauna too )) 8 916 574 3584, if you decide)


    Much depends on hair growth, voice shape, quantity, etc. I believe that the capsular is better, but the master should really do it so that it is not visible. I have long been with extensions, I buy in Volosy24, they have southern Slavic hair, it is great to increase them! This is not Chinese nonsense ..


    Which year already I take Slavic hair from Hair24. I order in capsules, the quality is excellent! Hair after washing is not confused, the structure is preserved, the ends are tight and not split. And the capsules themselves are always plump, and when combing the hair, it climbs no more than the natural.

    a guest

    I saw the discussion and decided to write about myself, I’ve been building my hair already for 2 years, only in the instahair salon on the taganka, capsular build-up with very high-quality hair, I am so pleased! Before I found the salon instahair on taganka, I increased it in another one time, my hair turned bad! It was scary to go on doing more, but I am very glad that I got into the salon on taganka) I advise everyone to them, their prices are also adequate for the initial build-up and subsequent corrections) Here's a phone if you need +79055834118 and http: // instahair .ru / narashivanie /

    Whether to draw hair for volume

    All my life I have dreamed of a thick head of hair, as I have rather thin, very soft and absolutely straight hair. On the skull crumble, as they do not lay down! Recently, the idea of ​​growing hair has lain, not for the sake of length, but for volume. Is it possible? Has anyone done this and is it worth it? I am afraid to remain without hair at all) Thanks in advance for any answer!


    I have been building up for 2 years, they did not get any worse) at the very 3 hairs by nature.


    Of course available. And if the straight dream of a lifetime - do it!
    I give good :) I'm generally for any kipish, except the hunger strike))


    My acquaintance has increased the volume in a crass way, and because of the insufficient thickness of her hair, the “mount” of the accrued ones stuck out. Jeesti


    My acquaintance has increased the volume in a crass way, and because of the insufficient thickness of her hair, the “mount” of the accrued ones stuck out. Jeesti

    Capsular build-up is not noticeable on thin and sparse hair. Unless of course clean hair)

    Little sun

    Of course available. And if the straight dream of a lifetime - do it!
    I give good :) I'm generally for any kipish, except the hunger strike))

    Oh yeah.
    In general, Marusya Klimova is my nickname. about three years ago. abidelas).

    a guest

    Not! Better not to risk it. Not the fact that you get to the good master, now most self-taught Krivorukov. Therefore, you may grow too thick strands, from which you will then have your hair fall out in clumps, incorrectly extended hair can easily become tangled and form terrible tangles. By the way, even if you increase quality, your hair will deteriorate in any case, it is only a matter of time. It is better to use the overhead strands on the hairpins, it is very convenient and in fact acts the same as building, but if you really want to increase, build on French technology, tressing is a more benign method.

    a guest

    I have been growing for 3 years already and I am very pleased. Author, just look for a good master. And do not settle for tressy, barrettes or tape building is a complete w. Only exhausted. Only capsules.

    a guest

    their thin weak hair can not stand as a rule
    the acquaintance increased, and then all the time she was afraid that the capsules could not see her hair much, i.e. you couldn’t just wash your hair and go loose with it, you need to do the styling, fix the hair at the roots so that with each tilt / turn of the head the hair does not fall apart. Well, styling in conjunction with capacity will finish your hair.
    I see how girls with autoscopically doped hands on the head - check whether the capsule sticks out .. in short, this is a hemorrhoid in my opinion, even though it is well done. And if they do it badly, it’s all a guard.


    January will be the year I’ll add hair! There are no problems at all! I decided to do this because I wanted to let go of my natural hair color (it was lightened before). With every correction I add a natural color with a howl! Everything is super! do not require special care, as well as mine and land)) my master is excellent) So if necessary, do it)

    a guest

    I have increased hair just for volume! All the friends are delighted, although they themselves discouraged me, saying that there is no hair left at all, you spoil everything for yourself (and I have healthy beautiful long but very thin hair (I myself began to doubt whether I needed this extension when I read forums like girls the hair falls out and the capsules are visible. Nothing like that! The author, the main thing is to find a good master, and he will do everything perfectly. I couldn’t look at my hair) I adored them, brought them six months and now took them off for a month and a half, let them rest) and their not nearly changed, whatever Do thin such and remained: D only grew noticeably!)) so do not be afraid! Build up if you want!


    And I, as a master, will say, you can grow micro capsules on thin and liquid hair, they are not even visible in the tail. Hair with proper extension and with care will not be affected. I have been working in this direction for about six years, a large portfolio of my work, so if you want to increase hair quality, contact 89260284108, Moscow, M. O south.


    I do not know, I have a good shampoo for volume, withstands immaculately 2 days, despite the fact that it does not contain silicones. Volume Up MG is called.

    Need some advice. Distressed hair and extensions.

    Girls, I really need your advice!
    Given: thin, sparse hair, quite actively falling out. Increased fat content of the scalp. All this is due to hormone problems. For many years I have been working on solving this problem (OK, trichologists, dermatologists, expensive tools, etc.), but there are almost no results ((
    I'm thinking of making bob-kare hair extensions. I understand that most likely it will aggravate the problem, but now there is such a nightmare on my head that it is disgusting to look at myself in the mirror.
    Who did build or just in the subject, tell me what to expect? If the hair itself is very greasy and sparse, how will it look along with the extensions?
    Or maybe there is some kind of alternative to building?
    Tell me!


    Imagine that on your rare hair that is actively falling out, it will increase for some time an additional load in the form of hair. And imagine a picture of what you will do with your hair after a week of wearing such hair?)


    I can be mistaken, but in my opinion the most advantageous version with such hair is a short haircut. And it's easier to take care of, and your hair will look better, and there will be no additional weight on your hair.
    But this is my purely subjective opinion.


    buy chain straps on hairpins and that's all!

    By the way, a great option.


    I did build up, if you have a good master, everything will be fine. I also have very thin hair that does not grow longer than my shoulders. Of course, some fell out, but almost invisibly, 5 months passed. Here by the summer I am going to increase again.


    And do not take pictures yourself, only from the master. My friend decided to save money and she did it. I will not even describe


    And at the expense of problems with prolapse (I understand androgenic alopecia?). Try placental shampoo.


    Girls, I really need your advice! Given: thin, sparse hair, quite actively falling out. Increased fat content of the scalp. All this is due to hormone problems. I’ve been working on solving this problem for many years (OK, trichologists, dermatologists, expensive tools, etc.), but there are almost no results ((I’m thinking of bob-caret hair extensions. I understand that it’s likely to aggravate the problem, but now there’s a nightmare on it, which is disgusting to look at yourself in the mirror. Who did the extension or just in the subject, tell me what to expect? If the hair itself is very oily and sparse, what will it look like with the extensions? Or maybe there is some alternative to the extension? Tell me!

    Be prepared for what long hair has other needs.

    Long curls need special care. As a rule, they are much more prone to the appearance of nodules - especially if we are talking about dyed or just thin hair. In addition, they are more strongly affected by the environment - strands are confused in clothes, they need to be carefully removed during training. The longer the hair, the more fragile they become, so you need to handle them carefully. Simply put, long hair is special, should treat them accordingly. Think about whether you are ready to pay attention to them every day, even before you begin the process of growing.

    Regularly trim tips

    Of course, each owner of long hair cautiously refers to a hairdresser - yet I want to keep the length of the strands the same. Nevertheless, regular haircuts will help you get rid of damaged and split ends. Try to go to the hairdresser every ten to twelve weeks if you dry your hair naturally, without exposing it to excessive heat. If you are painting your hair or regularly putting it on with a hair dryer or ironing, you should arrange to visit the hairdresser a little more often, namely every six to eight weeks.

    Daily untangle hair

    Long hair is more prone to nodules. Carefully comb them every day so that they do not fall into tight knots that cannot be unraveled. For proper care, you need to find the optimal comb. Find one that combines two types of material - natural fibers and nylon. In this case, you can easily distribute the natural oils in the hair. Remember that there are no universal brushes that fit all - for each type of curls there is a separate option, which you should find.

    Brush as gently as possible.

    Long strands tangle faster, so you need to comb them as carefully as possible. If you brush your hair while it is still wet, lightly blot the strands with a dry towel, and then apply a light disentangling spray that will ease the whole process. Use a large brush with sparse teeth. Move from the tips, gradually climbing the strands above, up to the roots. Thus, you gently unravel all the nodules without stretching the hair and without damaging the scalp. This is the only correct way.

    Fight split ends

    If you have long hair, you need to be especially careful about the problem of the appearance of split ends, because because of them your hair will seem less thick. Do you know that there are a lot of common mistakes when laying, leading to the appearance of split ends? For example, the habit of dry hair and daily hot styling often become a problem. Apply a special repair agent that will help you to cure damaged tips and prevent further hair destruction.

    Use shampoo less often

    There is an extremely common stereotype, according to which the head must be washed every day. In fact, you should not do this at all. Both hair and scalp require a certain amount of natural oils in order to keep them healthy and beautiful. It will be enough to wash your hair every three days, unless you attend intensive training, which you sweat a lot. In this case, you still need to wash your hair more often. In addition, many people simply do not know how to properly wash their hair.Never apply shampoo to the ends of your hair! Every hairdresser will tell you that this is not worth doing. Fat and dirt accumulate at the very roots, so it is on this area that you should focus your attention. In addition, the tips of the hair are drier, so they do not require additional cleansing. Simply apply the shampoo to the scalp, whip it into foam and spread it over the entire length. Remember that the detergent should always be selected according to your hair type (what is ideal for a friend is not always the best solution for you).

    Do not forget about air conditioning

    One of the secrets of the beauty of long hair, their radiant appearance and silky texture, is the usual conditioner. Applying conditioner allows you to moisturize, soften hair, restore them after damage and make it more docile. Apply conditioner whenever you wash your hair with shampoo, from the middle of the hair and to the ends. Never apply it on the scalp, because it weights the hair and it will not seem too neat.

    Choose the right care products.

    If you have thin hair or you just want to take care of them, without visiting for this shower, try indelible conditioners - there are suitable options for various cases. Pay attention to the fact that the tool was created specifically for thin and long hair. Long hair requires food, but without weighting, otherwise the strands will seem dirty and not too thick. This is not the effect to strive for! Choose lightweight products that moisturize and protect your hair from the heat if you pack it. Thermal spray will help create a barrier between the hair cuticle and the elevated temperature of the curling iron or hair dryer.

    Arrange weekly grooming procedure

    Do you do daily facials, but forget about hair? It is not right! Try every week to make a mask and hair, choosing the right option for yourself. Another excellent option is the treatment of hair with warm oil. Applying coconut oil or jojoba oil is great when the hair and scalp seem especially damaged. Apply it from root to tip, leave for twenty to thirty minutes, rinse with cool water, and then use shampoo and conditioner, as you usually do. In summer, you can also apply conditioner before going to the pool or to the beach - this way you protect your hair from salt and chlorine. After you swim, you will notice that your curls will remain soft and well-groomed.

    Do not put hair too tight

    A high ponytail or a graceful bun is an excellent way to remove hair from your face, and it also looks very beautiful, however constant tension can cause an overstressing of the scalp. The more freely the hair is laid, the less its cuticle suffers. For example, a braid is a great way to demonstrate the beauty of long hair. A sloppy wisp is a timeless classic, it always looks elegant. You can also try the stylish half-assembled version, when only a part of the hair is in the beam. Use soft elastic straps for hair - they are more gentle than rubber or metal.

    Change your styling

    Professional stylists are advised to regularly change the styling, so as not to create stress for certain areas of the scalp. Do not do a bunch daily, try to make the tail lower on the back of your head or side. You can just dissolve the hair! In the end, don't you want to show how beautiful and long they are?

    The first way - cold or tape building in the studio

    Cold procedure is carried out in three ways.

    • The first of them - tape building. This procedure is considered the safest and fastest, it takes 30-60 minutes to attach the strands. During the procedure, the curls, matched to your natural hair color, are attached with a special adhesive tape or glue to the native hair roots. Artificial strands come in different widths, which allows them to grow as imperceptibly as possible.


    Watch the video: The Way Of Escape. Pastor Steven Furtick (June 2024).