
Cryotherapy as a treatment for the scalp


If you want to improve the condition of the hair, but you have already tried all the usual means, then it’s time to apply the cryo-massage of the head. This procedure takes very little time, is pleasant in sensations and brings great benefits.

When using cryomassage

Cryomassage in its essence is the effect of cold on the body along the massage lines. Cold is produced using liquefied nitrogen. The temperature of nitrogen in the liquid state reaches –196 ° С. When heated, it turns into steam, but still this steam has a very low temperature. It turns out that cryomassage is a procedure for cooling with liquid nitrogen.

The doctor may prescribe a cryomassage of the head for you in such cases:

  • dandruff,
  • focal baldness,
  • severe itching
  • section of the tips of the hair,
  • general poor hair condition.

The procedure takes place with the help of a special stick or a more complex device that provides cold gas. As a result of exposure to cold, bacteria die, dead skin scales disappear, which clogged the sebaceous ducts, and blood circulation increases.

All this has a very positive effect on the condition of the scalp and, as a result, on the condition of the hair. Cryomassage is especially suitable for people with oily hair, who often have to wash their hair, constantly struggle with oily dandruff and acne.

If the hair falls out due to poor blood supply, after cryomassage, they begin to grow much better and become shiny.

Results of action

In the process of exposure to cold vessels are compressed, the blood flow slows down. But after a while the reverse reaction begins. Muscles relax, blood vessels dilate, the movement of blood and lymph increases. The skin gets more oxygen and the necessary elements, metabolic processes proceed more intensively.

Is the cryomassage of the scalp dangerous? Does it lead to skin damage and other unpleasant consequences? Responses are patient reviews.

Reviews are most often positive or neutral. If there is a negative result, it is due to the fact that the person turned to a poor specialist or a clinic with a dubious reputation.

With the help of cryomassage, focal and diffuse alopecia (hair loss) is treated. The cold also makes it possible to get rid of dermodecosis, a disease caused by a subcutaneous tick. If there are papillomas, warts and other undesirable formations on the head, then they can be removed by acting on a chill point.

To effect was persistent, it is necessary to do cryomassage at least 10 times. The interval between procedures can be 2-3 days. Sometimes they do a massage once a week, stretching the treatment for 2 months. Some diseases are treated for fewer procedures.

General issues

The price of a head massage with nitrogen is quite affordable, although you can find beauty salons in which it reaches significant sizes. The procedure can be carried out by itself or combined with other methods of treatment.

Please note that there are contraindications to massage with nitrogen. It is not recommended for people suffering from hypertension, frequent migraines, infectious diseases. Do not carry out cryotherapy for patients with mental illness, epilepsy, and those who are allergic to cold.

How does cryo massage work? At the very first stage, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or trichologist. This will allow to solve the problem in complex and to achieve maximum results.

  • When you come to the cryotherapy room, you are seated, combed and divided into two parts.
  • A stick wrapped with cotton (a cryoapplicator) is dipped into a vessel with liquid nitrogen, where it is cooled.
  • After that, the cryoapplicator is brought to the parting and carried out parallel to the surface of the head.
  • Then make the next parting, spend along it with a stick, and so on.

The applicator does not touch the skin, but there are procedures in which a touch is necessary. In this case, it is carried out with a quick movement. Instead of a stick, a special device, a cryodestructor, can be used. It delivers nitrogen in small portions, evenly spraying it over a small area of ​​the body.

General treatment of the hair part lasts 10–15 minutes. Together with her you can do face cryo-massage. In this case, the face will be exposed to cold. Such a massage will allow the skin to return freshness, blush, eliminate fine wrinkles, pimples, even the oval of the face. It is important to complete the full course prescribed by the doctor. At the end of the procedure, you should listen to the recommendations of a specialist in skin care of the scalp.

The essence of the method

Hair cryotherapy is one of the types of physiotherapy procedures, consisting in the short-term effects of cold on skin receptors. It refers to a local type, which, unlike the general, requires much less effort and effort (there is a cold treatment of the whole organism, and not just its individual parts). In turn, cryomassage is one of the parts of cryotherapy.

Low temperatures, acting on the skin receptors, promote activation of metabolic processes in the epidermis and cell regeneration, which has a positive effect on the growth and condition of the hair.

Cryotherapy head is carried out in two ways:

  • hair treatment with liquid nitrogen - usually used in specialized salons or clinics,
  • exposure to the scalp through ice.

What does the procedure give?

The popularity of cryotherapy is due to its high efficiency. This procedure allows you to count on such results:

  • acceleration of hair growth and their strengthening,
  • "Awakening" of hair follicles, which contributes to the density of the hair,
  • normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands,
  • dandruff removal
  • improvement of the overall condition of the hair and their appearance (curls become more elastic, break and split less, acquire a healthy shine).

After cryo-massage of the hair, the capillaries sharply narrow, and then rapidly expand, which leads to a strong blood flow. Thus, cells receive a maximum of nutrients and oxygen, which explains the high result of the method.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of such a method as cryomassage of the scalp are:

  • androgenic alopecia,
  • dandruff and seborrheic processes,
  • limp, thin, lifeless hair,
  • problems with hair, caused by diets and nerves,
  • too sensitive scalp
  • feeling of constant itching on the skin of the head,
  • low hair growth.


Among the contraindications for cryotherapy head therapy are the following:

  • pustules, wounds and other lesions on the scalp,
  • allergic to cold
  • Acute respiratory viral infections and other colds,
  • chronic migraine,
  • epilepsy,
  • pronounced hypertension,
  • atherosclerosis.
  • simultaneous phototherapy, thermotherapy or laser treatment.

Procedure progress

As noted above, cryotherapy can be a hair treatment with nitrogen or with ordinary ice. In the first case, a wooden stick with a cotton swab attached to it is taken, which is dipped into liquid nitrogen. Then the applicators are driven along the massage lines of the head or along problem areas that need to be processed from all sides. At the same time, light point massaging of the skin is carried out.

First, the patient feels a slight tingling, and then a surge of heat. The whole procedure takes a maximum of fifteen minutes, and a minimum of five. It is recommended to spend it twice or three times a week. The course consists of approximately ten to fifteen sessions.

Cryomassage of the head with the help of ice is carried out as follows: specially prepared in advance ice cubes (it is advisable to freeze mineral water, and even better - herbal extracts for hair) are carried out through massage lines. Touches should be gentle, soft and intermittent. More than five seconds in a row in contact with the skin of the ice should not. One dice is usually enough for a couple of minutes, then the next one is taken. Ice must be kept with a napkin. The number of sessions and their frequency are the same as in the case of nitrogen.

The procedure itself is completely safe. Various complications can be associated with the lack of professionalism of the specialist conducting the procedure. For example, a tampon with nitrogen will linger over the skin a little longer than it should be - this can lead to a slight frostbite.

Advantages of the procedure

Many believe that cryotherapy for hair is a real salvation. In this case, the procedure has virtually no side effects. She is as safe as possible. Among the advantages of the method are also:

  • its painlessness
  • high efficiency,
  • simplicity,
  • short duration
  • if negative reactions and appear, they are localized in the place of the procedure and do not apply to the whole body.

The price of one procedure in Moscow and St. Petersburg can fluctuate quite strongly. Minimum rates - from four to seven hundred rubles. In some specialized clinics, the cost can reach 2500-3000 rubles for one procedure.

After the first procedures, temporary fragility is often observed. However, this quickly passes and immediately begins an enhanced growth of hair. The method of cryomassage of the scalp reviews, as a rule, is positive and is recommended by trichologists. But before resorting to this procedure (especially at home), you should consult a doctor.

What is the basis for cryomassage?

The main principle of the procedure is the cooling of soft tissues, not exceeding the edge of their cryostability, while the process of thermoregulation is practically unchanged. When the body is affected by cold, it includes two-phase protection.

During the procedure, the following processes occur:

  1. Precapillary sphincters begin to contract, small blood vessels and arterioles narrow the lumen, blood viscosity increases and its current slows down. Due to this, tissues consume less oxygen and nutrients, metabolic processes slow down a bit. This is necessary to preserve heat in the tissues and reduce heat transfer.
  2. Further, a significant expansion of precapillary sphincters occurs. This is facilitated by neurohumoral and reflex formation in the tissues of many biological elements that lead to vasodilation. This helps to reduce muscle tone, the manifestation of the ascon-reflex, redness (hyperemia) of the skin. This reaction is needed to increase the flow of arterial blood, cleaning the body of bad metabolic products due to the active stimulation of venous blood and lymph.

The procedure significantly speeds up the process of delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, the formation of heat and the process of metabolism occur faster.

During the procedure, the patient begins to feel cold, which is gradually replaced by a sensation of burning and a slight tingling. There is a narrowing and expansion of blood vessels, due to which they are more actively received useful elements that helps to get rid of inflammatory processes and ischemia. When this occurs, the strengthening of the tone of the walls of blood vessels. The process of blood circulation of the skin on the scalp, the process of fat and sweating comes to normal.

To restore hair growth a key point is to create stress for the hair follicles, which contributes to their activation.

The regeneration of follicles and skin cells is accelerated, dandruff and itching disappear, and hair gets healthy shine.

Indications and Contraindications

Cryomassage is necessary for:

  • the presence of itching and dandruff,
  • if the skin on the head is sensitive,
  • depression, chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • focal alopecia,
  • baldness circular type
  • early baldness, the causes of which are stresses, frequent psycho-emotional stress, lack of trace elements and vitamins, poor nutrition,
  • early stages of development of diffuse androgenic alopecia associated with endocrine disorders, age-related changes,
  • brittle, dry and thin hair,
  • fat seborrhea.

The cryomassage procedure is often performed to prevent hair loss.

Cryomassage is contraindicated in:

  • sickle cell anemia,
  • epilepsy and other diseases of a mental nature,
  • frequent migraine,
  • coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, cerebral arteriosclerosis,
  • pustular rash,
  • exacerbation of herpes infection, respiratory viral diseases,
  • individual intolerance cold.


Even during the session, the person begins to feel a pleasant warmth. After a certain period of time, the process of hair loss is noticeably reduced, a visible thick hedgehog from new hair appears. Oily seborrhea becomes less pronounced, in almost all patients skin itching disappears right before full remission.

  • the patient does not feel discomfort at the touch of cold,
  • if all the rules are followed, there are no side effects
  • noticeable cosmetic and health effects,
  • The procedure can be combined with other therapeutic and cosmetological procedures, such as cryolifting, cryolipolysis, cryo-massage of the skin of the face with liquid nitrogen.

Cryomassage of the scalp

In most clinics and salons, cryomassage is performed with a special applicator made of a cotton swab spun on a wooden roller.

The progress of the procedure:

  1. Before you start a session, the hair is carefully combed and divided into partings.
  2. Cotton swab dipped in a thermos, where there is liquid nitrogen. Further, without touching the skin, it is transferred locally or along certain lines to where there is a problem. Depending on the cooling method and the neglect of the problem, the procedure lasts from 3 to 15 minutes.
  3. Sometimes the method of point short-term tampon with nitrogen is used. At the same time, the specialist performs sharp jerky movements. At first, the person feels a slight tingling, which is replaced by pleasant warmth, satisfaction and relaxation. This method mainly treats nesting type baldness. In this case, the effect of cold on foci Do not exceed 2 minutes.

Side effects and complications

Unpleasant consequences, as a rule, appear in the case when the patient himself goes to the procedure ignoring contraindications or if the specialist does not adhere to technical rules.

If the contraindications are ignored, complications may be associated with the patient’s underlying disease.

The course of the cryomassage of the scalp

This trichological procedure involves performing from 10 to 15 procedures.

It is important to understand that for good efficacy and noticeable results it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment. Otherwise, there is no guarantee of a stable therapeutic effect!

Cryomassage is recommended to perform every 3 days. But even if you do it 1 time for 7 days the result will also be positive, however it affects the duration of the course itself.

Does the time of year affect the effectiveness of the procedure?

There is an erroneous opinion that during the cold season the efficiency will be weaker. Cryomassage is performed regardless of weather conditions and temperature conditions.

But trichologists say that in summer, patients comfortably and easily tolerate cold influence due to the feeling of mild coolness in hot weather.

Although the procedure has a minimum duration, it is highly effective. Thanks to this, cryomassage has gained immense popularity all over the world.

Features of the procedure

Cryotherapy is a short-term exposure of the skin to very low temperatures. To do this, use liquid nitrogen, which is non-flammable, inert and hypoallergenic gas with a boiling point of –196 ° C. Massage allows you to quickly cool the fabric without violating its integrity.

During therapy, the body has a reaction that occurs in two phases:

  • The first phase. The precapillary sphincters contract, the vessels narrow, the blood circulation slows down and the blood viscosity rises. Metabolic processes and oxygen supply are inhibited. This reaction allows the dermis to keep warm.
  • Second phase The capillaries and vessels are significantly expanded after the exposure to nitrogen is completed. There is a so-called axon-reflex, when muscle tone decreases, and the tissues begin to redden. The current of lymph and blood accelerates at this time, in comparison with the normal state, which leads to the active elimination of toxic metabolic products. The blood flow to the skin is faster, increasing the saturation of cells with oxygen and nutrients, activates metabolism and heat production.


Due to the activation of metabolic processes, cryomassage eliminates many problems. Cooling with liquid nitrogen irritates the receptors of the dermis, from which the patient first feels very cold, and then - a surge of heat.

The procedure regulates the rhythmic expansion and contraction of the vessels, protecting the tissues from ischemia (lack of nutrition) and “training” the vessels. After treatment with a low temperature, their elasticity increases markedly. As a result, blood circulation and oxygen exchange are improved in the scalp, and the sebaceous glands are regulated.

In addition, inflammatory foci are quickly eliminated, dormant hair follicles awaken, itching and dandruff disappear, curls become healthy, their accelerated growth starts.

Cryomassage is used as an additional or independent component of therapy for problems with the dermis and hair. It can also be an excellent preventive measure for people who care about their health and beauty hairstyles.

Especially useful to undergo treatment in the offseason, when the body needs additional nutrient saturation. Exposure of the skin to low temperatures significantly increases the effectiveness of other hair restoration measures, such as masks, ampoules, salon care, etc.

Trichologists prescribe a procedure in the presence of pathological changes:

  • greasy dandruff and seborrhea,
  • exhaustion, dryness, loss of strands,
  • the initial stages of balding,
  • circular baldness,
  • hypersensitivity of the dermis, its constant itching and irritation,
  • the presence of chronic fatigue and depression.

Technology holding

Before the massage, an allergy test is always done. For this purpose, various tests are used, including with the use of computer technology.

The most common option is to apply an ice cube to the inside of the patient's forearm. If after treatment a pronounced swelling or redness appears, treatment cannot be carried out. In the absence of negative reactions, you can immediately begin therapy.

Nitrogen application

The procedure requires medical knowledge from the medical staff. First, determine the zone of exposure to nitrogen. In order not to harm the patient and not cause frostbite of the skin, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of the massage. You can do it in several ways:

  • locally, affecting only a certain part of the head,
  • all over the hairy part
  • pointwise.

Nitrogen is applied using a special wooden rod, on the tip of which a cotton swab or gauze cloth is wound in several layers. The technology has been called the “reed method” because the tool really looks like a marsh plant.

The applicator is dipped into a cryocamera, then it is placed parallel to the surface of the head. Massage lines apply liquid nitrogen by rapidly rotating the rod. At the same time, the skin whitens sharply, then also quickly acquires its original color.

Contactless methods

Massage can be done without touching the skin to the applicator. In this case, the rod is kept at a distance of 2-3 mm from the dermis and rapidly rotate. The patient at this time feels a slight tingling. On each zone no more than 5 seconds are delayed, a section is worked out 2-3 times to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

Turned massage

The local impact on certain points is somewhat different from previous methods. The procedure is carried out in the same way along the massage lines, but nitrogen is applied not to the entire surface of the treated area, but to the numerous points that are located on it.

They linger on each of them for 3-5 seconds, while the applicator is held not horizontally but vertically, so that only its tip is in contact with the dermis.

A course of treatment

One course of cryomassage consists of 10-15 sessions, each of which takes 10-20 minutes, depending on the treatment zone. It is recommended to carry out procedures in 2 days.

In the intervals between visits to the doctor, the patient may experience side effects such as redness of the scalp, which sometimes lasts up to one day. Also, in rare cases, there is a slight peeling of the dermis.

The benefits of treatment are noticeable at the very beginning, but it may take 2-3 courses to achieve a stable therapeutic effect. The price of one trip to a specialist ranges from 1000 rubles.

In conclusion

Cryomasage is a time-tested procedure that has proven to be highly effective in the field of cosmetology and dermatology. Consumer reviews confirm that after the first course there is a significant improvement in the condition of the locks and scalp. Therapy allows you to get rid of not only cosmetic defects, it is aimed at awakening the follicles and stopping hair loss.

In the absence of contraindications, you can use this service and feel its healing effect on you.

Performance technique

Massage done with a wooden rod with a cotton swab. The hair is pre-combed, then divided into parting and the scalp is treated, bringing the applicator to it. The tampon is brought closer to the surface at a distance of 2-3 mm, or briefly applied at the desired points. Movement in a straight line can alternate with rotational. Then a new part is formed next to the previous one and the procedure is repeated. The applicator as necessary immersed in a container with liquid nitrogen.

Preparing for cryomassage

The duration of the session is from 5 to 15 minutes. During the procedure, warm sensation, even a burning sensation and sometimes a slight tingling, replaces the sharp sensation of cold. If a headache and other adverse reactions occur, it is recommended to interrupt the procedure and consult with your doctor about the advisability of continuing this type of treatment.

With seeming simplicity, the technique requires a certain dexterity, experience in handling liquid nitrogen and compliance with safety regulations. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct it in specialized clinics and salons.

Those who wish to practice cryomassage at home can be advised to use as a tool ice cubes made from ordinary or mineral water, tea, herbal tea. In this case, there is no risk of accidentally freezing the skin. The skin is treated with ice, moving along the massage lines, lingering on the active points.

The number of sessions and results

The required number of procedures is determined individually. They spend from 1 to 3 per week. Usually the doctor prescribes from 10 to 15 sessions to obtain a lasting effect.

By the end of the course, the following improvements in hair condition appear:

  • the process of falling out slows down or stops, the roots strengthen,
  • Intensive growth begins, new hair appears,
  • structure improves, strength and brilliance appear,
  • excessive fat content or dryness disappears.
Photo: carrying out the procedure in the salon

In the state of the scalp can achieve the following changes:

  • anti-dandruff
  • cessation of itching, healing of minor injuries,
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands.

The cryotherapy procedure, according to many clients, is relaxing and pleasant. It helps relieve stress, get rid of the effects of stress. Thus, there is not only physio, but also a psychotherapeutic effect.

Used devices

Massage exposure to cold on the scalp can be made in several temperature regimes, the use of which determines the choice of apparatus for this cosmetic manipulation. It:

  • Moderately low temperatures of about zero degrees. In this case, the scalp is treated with crushed ice, placed in a small bag.
  • Low temperatures (from -15 to -20 degrees).

For this type of massage, special cryotherapy machines are used. For example:

Apparatus are used for local cryotherapy, the operation of which uses cold, dry air. It:

  • "Cryo Jet", which provides the procedure by cooling the skin with a jet of air. During this manipulation, the patient does not experience negative emotions and pain. The process itself has a short duration and a good therapeutic effect. The sensations from the procedure are pleasant.
  • CrioJet Air S600, generating nitrogen from the air. At the same time, the patient’s skin is exposed to an air-nitrogen mixture having a temperature of up to –60 degrees. The device is controlled by the built-in touch panel. For cryomassage, various nozzles are used that are worn on a flexible hose. The probability of frostbite and cold burns when using it is completely excluded.
  • Ultra low temperatures (-110 ... -160 degrees).

    For carrying out therapeutic manipulations of this type, specialized equipment is used that is allowed for use only in specialized institutions (clinics, hospitals and hospitals). For this purpose, the cryotone-2 cryode technical device is used, with a temperature range of about -170 degrees.

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    How is it done?

    The procedure for cryomassage of the scalp is most often performed using an applicator, which is a conventional cotton swab twisted on a wooden stick. It happens as follows:

    1. The hair before the start of the session is combed and divided into partings.
    2. The applicator is quickly dipped into a thermos with liquid nitrogen, after which it moves, without touching the skin, along massage lines or locally, along problem areas in this zone. The duration of the session is from 5 to 15 minutes.
    3. Short-term, point-on application of the applicator with nitrogen to the skin with quick, quick movements is also allowed. At this time, the patient feels a slight tingling, followed by a rush of heat, accompanied by a feeling of relaxation and satisfaction. This technique is used to treat nesting alopecia. The impact time on the lesions in this case is not more than 2 minutes.

    Complications and side effects

    Despite the fact that cryomassage does not have pronounced side effects, and it is absolutely safe and harmless to the patient, this statement exclusively applies to cases when it is performed in specialized institutions by qualified and experienced specialists.

    In addition, as a side effect of the procedure, you can specify short-term brittle hair, in some cases occurring during the first sessions. However, this disadvantage is successfully offset by their rapid and steady growth.

    Frequently asked Questions

    Despite the fact that cryomassage of the head is one of the most popular and sought-after cosmetic procedures used in salons, you can hear a lot of questions related to the effectiveness and safety of this technique. Here are the most common ones:

      “Is it really safe? "

    "Surely! After all, the liquid nitrogen used in the massage process is absolutely explosion-proof, does not cause frostbite and burns, does not lead to the development of colds. ”

    “How soon will the results of the procedures be visible? "

    “The effect of cryomassage can be seen after completing the full course. At the same time, along with this method, it is necessary to use other cosmetic and restorative procedures in conjunction with the intake of appropriate drugs and vitamins recommended by the attending physician. ” “Is it possible to make such a massage for a person with weak vessels? "

    “Yes, you can. Moreover, the alternate effects of cold and heat will help to strengthen them, providing a beneficial effect on the body's thermoregulation processes. ” “What can be used to combine cryomassage of the head? "

    “This procedure gives the best effect in combination with therapeutic masks and firming products for hair. On the same day, any cosmetological manipulations are allowed with the exception of laser, light and heat treatment. ”

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    Clinic selection and prices

    Cryomassage of the head is among the paid cosmetic services of many medical centers and clinics. From this variety of proposals, you can choose the best option. At the same time, when choosing a clinic or a specialized center where cryotherapy will be conducted, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

    • Availability of licenses and permits to carry out activities of this kind.
    • Reputation of the selected medical institution. Inquiries can be made through friends who have previously used the services of the clinic or read reviews about it on the Internet.
    • The qualifications and experience of the doctor conducting the procedure. The good effect and safety of its implementation directly depend on this factor, therefore it is better to inquire in advance about how competent the doctor is in this area.
    • Apparatus for cryomassage. It must have a certificate of conformity, be in good and working condition.
    • Availability of warranty service. A good clinic will always provide guarantees for its services and will respond promptly to any problems and complaints.

    The average cost of the procedure is from 300 to 500 rubles per session. Plus, you need to pay for the primary appointment with a trichologist (about 1000 rubles). When you re-apply for consultation, its price will be about 800 rubles.

    Thus, the full course of cryomassage of the head of 10 procedures with a visit to a specialist will cost about 6000-7000 rubles.

    With its sparing impact and safety, it gives very tangible results, which, subject to the recommendations of specialists and the correctly chosen method of treatment, improve over time.

    The result of this procedure is thick, shiny and "live" hair, as well as getting rid of problems such as dandruff and seborrhea. Therefore, it can be recommended to anyone who wants to improve their appearance and make their hair even more beautiful and healthy.

    Principle of operation

    Cryomassage is a physiotherapeutic procedure aimed at the treatment or rehabilitation of a certain part of the body, a characteristic feature of which is the use of cold chemicals as the main physical factors affecting the cells of the body. A special feature of cryomassage is the instantaneous cooling of skin cells, permissible by their cryostability, without changes in the process of thermoregulation (frostbite).

    When the body is exposed to cold, a defensive reaction occurs, expressed by two factors:

    1. The initial slowdown in blood flow and increase its viscosity. Under the influence of cold, small capillaries, arteries and vessels narrow, blood becomes more dense and unable to circulate rapidly. Due to this, metabolic processes are significantly dulled, the process of absorption of nutrients and oxygen is suspended. This reaction helps the tissues reduce heat transfer and retain heat for much longer.
    2. The recovery process in the usual state. When freezing the upper layers of the epidermis, the main brain gives the command to produce a large number of biologically active substances aimed at expanding vascular tissue. Such a reaction of the body can be observed in the form of strong redness of the skin by reducing muscle tone, the so-called axon reflex. When the body temperature is restored, the access of oxygen to the tissues and the transportation of useful substances is doubled, which helps to improve metabolic processes and normalizes the function of the endocrine glands.

    Consequently, blood circulation in the tissues is improved, and, accordingly, transportation of all the necessary substances for their health and youth. If we are talking about the scalp, hair growth is stimulated due to the active saturation of the hair follicles with nutrients.

    Note! Cryomassage helps to restore the acid-base balance of the skin pH 5.5.

    A liquid nitrogen

    It is the most common and popular, this service is available in almost all modern cosmetology centers and beauty salons. The principle of this procedure is very simple.

    First, it is necessary to conduct a cold sample of the patient's skin in order to establish the body's response, to determine the threshold of cold. This test is called ice breakdown.

    If a person does not feel discomfort, there is no redness on the skin, there is no itching, it means that there are no contraindications for cryotherapy. No prior preparation of hair and skin is required!

    The procedure can be performed both throughout the head area and locally. The master takes a special applicator and dip it in a container with liquid nitrogen. Smooth, but dexterous movements of liquid nitrogen is applied to the scalp along the parting lines, avoiding contact with the hair itself.

    If a large amount of nitrogen gets on the curls, they can freeze and break off. This application is repeated 3-4 times on each massage line and lasts about 5-7 seconds. In total, the whole procedure will take about 15–20 minutes.

    Contactless aero-massage

    It has the same principle of action and is no different from the contact method, except as a technique of execution. The cosmetologist installs a special nozzle on the apparatus (nitrogen bottle) and sprays nitrogen through the massage lines.

    An important role is played by the technique and experience of the master, because an excess of nitrogen can adversely affect the skin and hair. The procedure also consists of 3-4 repetitions on each line.

    Features of the course of treatment

    Hair treatment with liquid nitrogen involves a certain course consisting of several procedures that are carried out with a certain interval. It all depends on the severity of the disease, as well as on the individual characteristics of the person (such as skin and hair). The trichologist will be able to choose the optimal course, taking into account all the factors of the disease and the recommendations of the dermatologist.

    The minimum course consists of 10–12 sessions that are performed at intervals of one day after each procedure. Cryo massage of the head with liquid nitrogen is an affordable procedure, the average cost of which in the regions of the Russian Federation is 900–1000 rubles.

    Attention! Most clinics and beauty centers make discounts on treatment courses, due to which the cost of one procedure is significantly reduced. Thus, the full course will cost about 8-9 thousand rubles.

    What effect can be achieved

    Under the influence of cold temperatures, the superficial vessels narrow considerably, slowing down the blood flow. After some time, the reverse process begins, as the brain gives the command for a more active blood supply to the chilled areas.

    Muscle tissue relaxes, there is a pronounced dilation of blood vessels, the transport of blood and lymph increases significantly. Due to this, the skin is able to absorb more oxygen.

    After the procedure, all the metabolic processes of the skin become more intense, the work of the sebaceous glands and endocrine glands is normalized, and the flow of nutrients to the hair follicles increases.

    Cryomassage of the head is an excellent therapeutic procedure for the scalp and hair, Evidence of this is the positive feedback from satisfied patients. Also on various forums and sites of cosmetology clinics you can see the photos before and after the cryomassage.

    Physiological basis of the method

    Cryotherapy is based on the rapid cooling of the tissues within their cryostability and without significant changes in the thermoregulation process itself. In response to the effect of the cold factor, an appropriate protective two-phase reaction of the organism occurs, which is expressed in the form:

    1. Initial reduction of precapillary sphincters, narrowing of the lumen of arterioles and small blood vessels, slowing down blood flow and increasing its viscosity, resulting in a local decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes and tissue consumption of nutrients and oxygen. This reaction is aimed at reducing heat transfer and the preservation of tissue heat.
    2. Subsequent significant expansion. It is caused by reflex and neurohumoral formation in the depths of the tissues of the whole complex of biologically active substances with vasodilating action, which manifests itself in the occurrence of axon reflex, decrease in muscle tone, redness of the skin. The mechanism of such a reflex reaction is aimed at increasing the rate of outflow of lymph and venous blood, removing harmful metabolic products, and increasing the flow of arterial blood. This contributes to an increase in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, an increase in the intensity of metabolism and the formation of heat.

    Cooling for treatment purposes that irritate skin receptors causes such subjective sensations as (at first) a feeling of cold, then a feeling of burning and tingling. Cryomassage of the head allows you to adjust the rhythmic changes in the lumen of the vessels (narrowing and expansion) of the treated area, which protects the tissue from damage due to ischemia (lack of nutrition), and also quickly suppresses the development of inflammatory processes. In addition, such rhythmic changes are trainees for the vascular walls.

    Thus, normalization of innervation and blood circulation in the scalp, its nutrition and metabolism, the normalization of fat and sweating processes takes place. In addition, due to a peculiar stress situation in the form of cooling, the non-functioning hair follicles are activated, the skin and hair follicle cells regenerate more quickly, the hair acquires normal shine, itching and dandruff disappear.

    Technical execution

    Prior to the beginning of the first procedure, it is recommended to conduct a cold test to determine the individual response of the body to low temperatures. A reliable way is to conduct tests using a computer system, but the simplest tests are the pressure-cold tests and the ice test.

    The latter is carried out by applying a 2-3 cm 3 ice cube on the skin of the inner surface of the forearm. Cryomassage therapy is contraindicated if a hyperergic reaction occurs in the form of pronounced redness and edema.

    In cosmetology salons and medical trichological institutions mainly liquid nitrogen is used as a refrigerant. There is no need for any special preparation of the patient and the implementation of rehabilitation measures. Cryomassage of the head with liquid nitrogen requires that the personnel performing the procedure have only clear movements and certain skills.

    The procedure can be carried out in various ways - over the entire surface, locally, in the area of ​​small restricted areas or pointwise. To do this, use a simple applicator, which is a wooden rod, at the end of which is fixed a cotton swab or gauze (in several layers) napkin - the "reed" method.

    The applicator is dipped in a container (dewar) with liquid nitrogen. After that, the rod is placed parallel to the surface. Fast light rotational movements liquid nitrogen layers applied to the surface of the skin along the massage lines before the appearance and the rapid disappearance of its whitening.

    Massage can be carried out not by applying directly on the skin surface, as well as by rotational movements, but at an insignificant (2-3 mm) distance from it and in such a way that a sensation of a slight burning sensation appears. This massage is repeated 2-3 times (3-5 seconds) for each massage line.

    This procedure can be carried out in the form of point effects - also along the massage lines, but lingering on multiple individual points for 3-5 seconds. In this case, the rod is positioned vertically to the surface and again (2-3 times) placed for a few seconds at points above the required section.

    The duration of one session depends on the cultivated area and on average is about 10 - 20 minutes. Immediately after it or after several hours, persistent reddening occurs, which sometimes persists up to 1 day (depending on the exposure exposure). On the third day it is possible peeling of the epidermis in the form of small plates. Procedures are carried out every 3 days, and the entire course of therapy consists of 10 - 15 sessions.

    Is it possible and how to do cryomassage of the head at home?

    The most accessible for self-massage is ice. To obtain it, you can use hydrophilic pads, moistened with water, plastic bags with water, frozen in the freezer, cryo-packs or bags filled with pieces of crushed ice.

    But the most convenient way is a massage using ice cubes, which can be made in the freezer. To do this, pure or with the addition of aromatic oils, simple or mineral water, infusions or decoctions of parts of medicinal plants, as well as fruit, berry, citrus and vegetable juices (cucumber, tomato juice, cabbage), crushed in the form of a mushy mass of fruits, berries or vegetables and etc. placed in special containers for freezing. You can also use frozen fruit, berries or vegetables.

    It is necessary to choose them depending on the properties of herbal remedies and the goal set (hair growth, an irritating effect for improving blood circulation, reducing itching and oily hair, improving their nutrition, etc.).

    Massage at home is carried out by the method of stroking or pointwise along the massage lines, in the field of acupuncture biologically active points, as well as locally, massaging a limited area. For these purposes, an ice cube is used, wrapped in a napkin so that part of it is open.

    Currently, cryotherapy massage, as an effective and safe method of treatment and prevention, is widely and successfully used both independently and in combination with other medical techniques in beauty salons, dermatological clinics and cabinets.

    Other treatments for hair growth and strengthening:

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