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Shampoos Clean line: 6 benefits, 2 drawbacks


A clean line .. various types of this shampoo can be seen on the shelves of supermarkets: with nettle, and chamomile, and wheat, and a lot of others .. The particularity of these shampoos is of course that it consists of 80% healing herbs decoction, which according to the manufacturer very well affects the hair as a whole, helping to keep them in a healthy state. And what do people say?

Shampoo Clean Line Reviews

So, people generally like this shampoo. First, the price of any kind of this shampoo will be approximately 100 rubles for 400 ml (unlike Elseve it is very cheap). Secondly, with its function of washing out, the shampoo fits just fine + in addition, sometimes it sometimes strengthens the hair. Of the minuses, not a natural composition is noted either - there is still some chemosis. Well, everything is also individual, some people have dry hair after applying the shampoo, others have difficulty combing their hair, some even have dandruff in general .. But these negative reviews fade against the background of positive ones.

So, with the overall assessment of the shampoo Clean line, we figured it out. Let's now touch on the most popular types of this shampoo.

Types of good shampoos “Pure line”: strength of 5 herbs, firming with nettle, birch, phytobath, burdock oil, chamomile for dry hair, wheat and flax for volume, clover for oily hair, hops

Shampoos The clean line comes in a large assortment, and it continues to grow and grow. Here are the most relevant types that meet different needs and help to solve specific problems:

Shampoo A clean line with chamomile restores dry and damaged curls.

Shampoo Clean Line with Chamomile for dry and damaged hair

  • A remedy with clover cares for colored hair, giving it shine and silkiness.
  • "Wheat and flax" gives strength and volume to a long hair.
  • "Calendula, sage, yarrow" suits oily hair.

"Burdock" will help in the fight against dandruff

  • "Fitobanya" from the Pure line, containing essential oils, is suitable for all types of hair. Strengthens, nourishes curls and accelerates their growth.
  • "The power of cedar" will help to cope with hair loss. Contains in the composition of burdock oil.
  • Universal "Birch" is suitable for all and contains birch sap in its composition.
  • The hops and burdock cleanser provides shampooing and subsequent easy combing thanks to its 2-in-1 formula.

This is not a complete list of product range, and it continues to grow.

Separately, there are series for men and "Impulse of youth" for women. Each of the series includes several items that allows you to choose the most appropriate means.

And “Smart Shampoo” products based on oak bark decoction make it possible to solve the problem in a complex way by choosing a product for your hair type.

"Smart shampoo" based on oak bark decoction allows you to solve the problem in a complex

Benefits and composition

Shampoos of this series have positive and negative sides. Here are their advantages:

  1. Low cost of the product.
  2. Responds to the declared properties.
  3. Are made on a natural basis.
  4. Means does not contain dyes.
  5. Well copes with the task - to wash hair.
  6. It has a pleasant aroma and economically consumed.


  • Despite the stated 80% decoction of herbs, there are a lot of chemicals in shampoos. Therefore, it is hardly possible to call this remedy “natural”. A decoction of herbs is also present there, but due to the saturation of the composition with chemicals, the benefits of decoction are questionable. Can cause unpleasant reactions, such as itching, burning, irritation of the scalp, dry hair and their section.

Shampoos based on decoction of herbs

Shampoos Clean line does not differ from normal. Value for money is justified: the low cost of the product justifies its shortcomings, and therefore one should not expect a miraculous effect from the product. But they received recognition, because they cope with their tasks: they wash their hair well, depending on the destination, take care of the needs and requirements of hair.

In general, the Clean Line is a good inexpensive shampoo. The series includes rinses, conditioners, masks, sprays, which makes the hair care complex and quality.

The composition of detergents

Produces a popular product of the Russian concern "Kalina". In the market "Clean Line" for over 10 years. Means have earned the love of buyers, are gaining increasing popularity among the Russian women.

The main detergent components of the shampoo can be considered sodium laureth sulfate. Substance use because of its low cost. It has an irritating effect, a deep cleansing of the epidermis of the scalp and hair from dirt. Other softening components reduce the negative impact, make the product neutral.

Due to the main active ingredient, the product is excellent for oily hair, normal hair. Dry curls shampoo may overdry slightly, but this fact is dubious, it all depends on your strands, their original state.

Natural Ingredients

As stated in the advertisement, “Clean Line” shampoos include natural decoctions of herbs, flowers, and essential oils. Components have a healing, nourishing effects. Often used decoctions, ethers or extracts of Hypericum, chamomile, nettle, celandine. Each line includes various components.

Find out the best recipes for hair masks against split ends.

Details on the procedure for lamination of hair in the salon, read this address.


Modern products can not do without additional elements. Due to this, the effectiveness of basic substances is enhanced, the shampoo is stored longer, it foams better, it acquires new properties. Auxiliary components:

  • lemon acid. It has the effect of conditioning, straightening strands,
  • ethanol. Helps to dissolve fragrances, almost does not affect the washing process,
  • polyquaternium 10. The substance helps to improve the structure of the hair, makes the strands more docile,
  • disodium salt of disodium salt. A very useful ingredient, it softens the action of magnesium, calcium in water, makes it less rigid, on the curls after washing does not form white scurf,
  • various antistatic components, thanks to which the effect of "fluffiness" disappears,
  • benzyl salicylate. The tool effectively protects the hair from the effects of the environment, in particular ultraviolet rays. If the skin is too sensitive, the product may cause an allergic reaction.
  • aromatic substancesShampoo gives a pleasant smell.

Impact on hair

Regular use of the Clean Line shampoo has a positive effect on strands:

  • the growth of new strands is activated, the process of hair loss stops,
  • hair follicles are strengthened, so each curl becomes stronger, thicker from the inside,
  • The natural components of the product take care of the strands, moisturize them effectively and nourish them with nutrients. The epidermis of the head also receives all the necessary vitamins, trace elements,
  • the hair gets a healthy shine, smoothes, takes on a natural look,
  • dandruff, flaking, irritation disappears.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each shampoo has its advantages and disadvantages. Today we carefully examine both sides of the products.

Positive sides:

  • low price. On average, any shampoo costs - 65–80 rubles per 400 ml. This is very little money for a useful product.
  • 85% of respondents are satisfied with the result. Shampoo really meets all stated requirements,
  • the product is very economical, a small amount is enough to wash fairly long hairs,
  • perfectly cleans hair, eliminates fat, normalizes the production of sebum,
  • does not include dyes, parabens. This plus is very important, because many consumers want to use only natural hair care products.

Lovely ladies say that the products of the Pure Line meet the golden value for money. Therefore, the goods quickly dismantled from the shelves.

Any product has its own nuances:

  • quite liquid consistency. Some want shampoo to be thick. But this is not an indicator of quality, so supporters of the “Clean Line” do not pay any attention to the consistency,
  • about 7% of consumers with frequent use note the appearance of split ends, dandruff itch. This is due to some allergic reactions due to too sensitive scalp,
  • dry strands can be even drier. About 3% of respondents complained about thinning of the strands. In this case, after washing it is worth putting a special mask or balsam rinse. If the problem persists, then the product should not be used.

Look at the photo of the Cies hair dye color palette.

The application of sage essential oil for hair is written on this page.

At read reviews about vitamins Priorin for hair.

Instructions for use

Proper use of detergent products - 50% success. We suggest that before using to familiarize yourself with a simple instruction for obtaining the desired result:

  • apply the product on wet curls,
  • squeeze a small amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand, massage it into strands with a massaging movement,
  • to improve the result, it is recommended to make a light massage for two minutes,
  • after the required amount of time, the product is washed off the hair with warm water. Hot use is not recommended.

Even with daily washing, shampoo does not lose its beneficial properties, it has a positive effect on strands. The product is stored for three years.

Overview of popular rulers

The company took care of different types of hair, has developed many interesting lines of shampoos "Clean Line". The line may include a mask, balsam, spray. For complex hair care is to use a full range of tools.

The Pure Line shampoo collection is represented by the following products:

  • for greasy hair. Shampoo regulates the sebaceous glands, eliminates excess sebum, hair becomes less contaminated, has a neat appearance. The main components: yarrow, calendula, sage,
  • "Clover". Designed to restore dyed hairs, maintains the resulting color, helps restore strands,
  • with ginseng. Helps to restore the structure of damaged, weakened hairs, has a powerful moisturizing effect,
  • Wheat and Flax. It gives the strands an amazing volume, actively moisturizes and nourishes the curls. The product contains wheat protein, flax oil, vitamin E. The combination of substances retains moisture inside the hair, preserves its natural pH,
  • "Hops and burdock oil". Includes properties of shampoo and conditioner, the tool is aimed at comprehensive care for hair, helps get rid of dandruff,
  • "Burdock". The product is designed to combat dandruff, can relieve itching, peeling with seborrheic dermatitis of the head,
  • "The power of the cedar." The shampoo contains burdock oil, helps to increase the growth of new hairs, moisturizes the epidermis of the head,
  • "Taiga berries". The product helps to quickly cope with broken, brittle tips. The composition includes raspberry juice, cranberries, cloudberries,
  • "Aloe vera". Suitable for dry, normal hair,
  • "Black currant". Shampoo is designed for thin, weak hair. Helps cope with tangled curls, makes them obedient,
  • "Fitosbor 7". Suitable for all types of hair. The tool includes extracts of such plants: sage, coltsfoot, oats, yarrow, rose hips, ginseng, St. John's wort,
  • "Nettle". The shampoo is suitable for all types of hair, has a tonic, anti-inflammatory properties, gives the locks strength, shine, beauty, accelerates the growth of new hairs.

Any lady will find a suitable product. Each shampoo is useful in its own way, has healing properties.

You can buy Pure Line products at any supermarket, cosmetic store, on the Internet. Pay attention to the date of manufacture, select the product for your hair type.

Other hair products

Strengthen the effect of using shampoo can be, if you use more and other means to care for curls. It is advisable to choose products from one line.

Healing blends have deeper nutritional properties, unlike shampoo. They contain vitamins PP, groups B, A, E, nettle extract, chamomile, yarrow. Thanks to the healing components, the mask shows good results after the first application. The hair becomes smooth, silky, is restored after a perm, dyeing.

Produce products with a volume of 200 ml. The average price of the mask is 80 rubles. Means cost-effective, one tube is enough for many uses.

Sprays include the same nutritional ingredients as the rest of the products. But most of all funds are aimed at moisturizing dry, split ends, have antistatic effect, have a pleasant aroma, light texture, do not weigh down the hair.

You can buy the product for 80-100 rubles (160 ml). Enough spray to get a reliable thermal protection, giving the strands a sense of moisture. The product facilitates the process of combing and styling.

Balsam - conditioner

The tool includes the properties of shampoo and mask. It is not necessary to put two products separately, because of this balm is very popular. After all, the modern rhythm of life leaves no time for full care. But the manufacturer took care of the busy ladies, giving a universal detergent, fortifying agent.

Video - review of shampoos and other hair products from the Pure Line series:

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With all the wealth of choice

But there is one problem that can introduce a woman in the cosmetic department of a retail outlet into a kind of stupor. Although at first glance, it does not look like a problem at all - it is a huge wealth of choice. Yes, it is really difficult to stand, looking at these shelves from floor to ceiling, filled with a variety of bright bottles of shampoos and balms for them. A small fraction of them, you may have had time to try on your hair. And in view of the fact that they did not cope with the promises made on the label, you are standing here again and again thinking about what kind of shampoo you should get this time.

Own - always near

If you are tired of throwing money to the wind in anticipation of a miracle that should have happened to your hair, but it never happened, turn your attention to the products of the Russian manufacturer. Shampoo "Clean Line" will help you and your hair become more beautiful, well-groomed and healthier. These products originated in the cosmetic laboratories of the famous cosmetics group Kalina, and more than a dozen people have long and demandingly connected and tested them in action.

A variety of shampoo lines to satisfy even the most demanding customer. They were created for different types of hair, for their different needs, based on herbal infusions and decoctions. They embraced all the wealth and all the beauty of Russian nature in their products.And now, two decades later, Pure Line shampoos help our beauties to look after their chic curls. To last so much time and go forward, developing, the products really need to be useful and loved by users.

Let's conduct a small review of this brand of shampoos, call for help the opinions of different women using this product, consider most of the advantages, and possibly minuses.

Main cast

The first thing you should pay attention to in the store is the composition of the shampoo "Clean Line":

  1. A decoction of herbs "made friends" in a bottle of citric acid, able to soften the hair, and along with the water, stuffed with chlorine and metals. The second benefit of this component is that the acid acts as a conditioner, which means that your hair will definitely become soft and stop accumulating static.
  2. The substance that washes the hair and skin directly is sodium laureth sulfate. Thanks to him, this brand of shampoos are available to a wide range of buyers. The element itself perfectly removes impurities and, perhaps, would be tough for your hair, but it will not allow it to make substances that complement the shampoo.
  3. Isopropyl alcohol will give an excellent antibacterial effect, disinfects microscopic wounds on the scalp, resulting from dry skin. At the same time moisturize the hair from the keratin core itself to the tips.
  4. Additional supplements in the form of extracts and extracts of wild herbs, tree bark and their leaves.
  5. Aromatic components - giving a pleasant aroma.
  6. Herbal ethers and other beneficial substances are introduced into each product line.
  7. Benzyl salicylate saves hair from the aggression of the sun's radiation, from frost and dry air. In people prone to allergies, after using it, a reaction may occur.

Nettle strength

Shampoo "Pure Nettle Line" - shampoo that helps hair of any type revive to life. Restorative and anti-inflammatory properties are complemented by visual confirmation of utility, such as shine of hair, strength, ability to keep well styling and additional bonus - improved curls density due to accelerated growth of new small hairs.

Defeated fat

Shampoo "Clean Line" for oily hair soothes the sebaceous glands, therefore, oily shine and untidy appearance no longer dare to cause problems to you. Excellent dissolves sebum and quickly rinses the roots and the hair itself. Calendula with sage and yarrow save hair from rapid pollution after washing. Appearance with a clean and shiny, and most importantly - not fattening curls, will be much more pleasant.

Dandruff is no more

Clever dandruff shampoo "Clean Line" perfectly foams, soothes irritated scalp, fights itching and burning - unpleasant companions of dandruff. Disinfects microcracks in the skin. Refreshes hair, gives them vitality and shine. Useful extract in the form of strong oak broth, well strengthens your curls.

Burdock oil strength

Burdock shampoo "Clean Line" - also a great fighter with dandruff. And this product is able to restore the keratin layer of the hair and strengthen its bulbs in the scalp. Additionally, by applying this option of the “Clean Line” shampoo, you will notice that your hair has become shiny and attracts admiring and sometimes envious glances of those around you. The effect gained from washing with this agent is fairly decent time.

Shampoo "Clean Line": reviews

  • Enjoys good fame line of shampoos "Burdock". Partly because of its small price range, but in most cases due to its properties it is excellent to get rid of dandruff and related problems, such as itching, greasiness and lack of volume. Many users notice that after a few applications the problems recede noticeably, the appearance of the hair improves significantly.
  • Some users especially emphasized that these shampoos adore not only because the products are able to cope with many of the problems of their curls, but also because they have a pleasant aroma. They smell of meadows, forest foliage, bark and flowers. All due to the fact that the composition of the shampoo "Clean Line" includes natural aromatic substances.
  • Someone would like to use the products of this brand, but it was the smell that became an obstacle to this. Each person's sense of smell is individual, individual, and in some cases it does not work in favor of the funds of this line.
  • For someone in the initial period of using products for washing hair, the consistency of shampoo seemed not very pleasant. Often they write that it is liquid, although they further add that they have learned how to use it in the right amount and are used to it.
  • Some have deteriorated the hair shaft after using such a shampoo, becoming more dry and brittle. But since I liked the general impressions very much, it became possible to continue using the “Clean Line” shampoo, only by adding it with the balm of the same manufacturer.
  • One of the undoubted advantages, according to customers, is that each product line has a shampoo for use by people with any type of hair. Such a universal product like the whole family, it is convenient and economical.
  • A small percentage of respondents said that after using shampoos, the hair on the contrary deteriorated. They are hard to comb, itchy and annoying. But this happens if the curls have a weak and sensitive texture of the keratin layer of the hair.
  • Some inventive beauties purchased shampoo for a specific purpose — to flush out oily caring compositions. And shampoo for oily hair types copes with its responsibilities in this procedure just great.
  • Price - impresses a large part of buyers. I am glad that such a budget product line has proven itself so well. With its low price (from 100 rubles), shampoos show decent quality of washing and hair care.

Types of shampoos

Concern "Kalina" offers consumers a wide range of shampoos for hair hygiene series "Clean Line". The domestic product is famous for its high quality and is not inferior in efficiency to global cosmetic brands. Regularly there are new items - the range is constantly expanding, today there are more than 20 types of shampoos in the collection. According to manufacturers, the composition of the funds for 80% consists of natural ingredients, and instead of water, a decoction of medicinal herbs is used.

The shampoo of the “Clean Line” series is represented by the following types:

  1. Shampoo "Wheat and flax" for the volume, strength of hair. Contains flaxseed oil, wheat protein, vitamin E.
  2. Intensive care for weakened hair - shampoo with ginseng.
  3. Deep moisturizing - Aloe Vera shampoo for normal and prone to dry hair.
  4. Shampoo "Chamomile" restoring for damaged hair.
  5. Natural shine and silkiness - Clover shampoo for dyed curls.
  6. Shampoo that regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands "Calendula, sage, yarrow" for oily hair.
  7. Strength and intensive growth - stimulating shampoo for all hair types "Nettle".
  8. Obedient hair - Black currant shampoo for thin curls, prone to tangling.
  9. Shampoo with conditioner 2 in 1 "Hop and burdock oil" - provides comprehensive care for all types of hair.
  10. Shampoo from the manifestations of dandruff "Burdock" for all types.
  11. Shampoo "Birch" - a family option for men, women, children. The main ingredient is natural birch sap. The novelty has received numerous reviews and appreciated by consumers.
  12. Nursing shampoo, a novelty based on herbs "Herbal collection 7". Contains herbal extracts: yarrow, ginseng, oats, coltsfoot, dog rose, St. John's wort, sage.
  13. Shampoo-care "Power of the cedar" for thin, falling hair. Contains burdock oil.
  14. First aid for securing, brittle, hard hair is the novelty “Taiga berries” with cowberry juice, cloudberries, and forest raspberries.

New from the concern "Kalina"

Recently, the concern “Kalina” presented the following collections of new products: the men's series (not only men, as the reviews say), “Youth Impulse” for women of different age categories, “Smart shampoo”.

A series of products for men presented in the range:

  1. Shampoo hair loss "Hops and burdock oil."
  2. Dandruff "Juniper and Mint".
  3. Strengthening men's shaggy "Ginseng and burdock oil."
  4. Shampoo-shower gel for every day "Taiga herbs".

From the “Impulse of Youth” collection there are “Clean Line” products:

  1. For ladies who are over 45 with a vegetable complex (iris, marshmallow, nettle, St. John's wort, celandine, maize and wheat proteins), vitamin C.
  2. Herbal shampoo for women from 35 years. The main structure: calamus, nettle, corn, chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine.
  3. Herbal shampoo for women from 25 years. Active ingredients: chamomile, lupine, chicory, yarrow, St. John's wort, celandine, wheat protein.

From the Pure Line series of shampoos from the Smart Shampoo collection, you can select:

  1. For fatty curls "Strengthening and freshness" based on the decoction of oak bark and buckwheat.
  2. Care for normal hair based on oak bark and echinacea.
  3. Care for dry hair on the basis of decoction of oak bark and mulberry.

On the basis of shampoo "Birch" we try to understand the number of ingredients, their effects on hair and skin. At first glance, the composition is replete with incomprehensible names, abbreviations that are written in Latin. So, the main part of the Birch shampoo:

  • plant extracts: birch, yarrow, St. John's wort, chamomile, celandine, nettle,
  • Surfactant: sodium lauryl sulfate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA,
  • alcohol - contains no more than 0.005%, which does not affect the properties of the shampoo,
  • antistatic components
  • salt,
  • water hardness softener - sodium EDTA,
  • propylene glycol - contrary to the opinion of the majority, this component in the shampoo does not affect human health,
  • citric acid to maintain acidity
  • Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone preservative, which can cause skin irritation, allergies,
  • UV protection - benzyl salicylate, a potential allergen, can cause swelling, skin rashes,
  • aromatic substances (fragrances) Hexyl Cinnamal is an allergen.

The composition of the shampoo "Birch" for the whole family, as well as other means of the series "Clean Line", is replete with unnecessary chemicals, which can cause severe allergies. In addition, the Birch shampoo contains components, the possibility of which use in cosmetics does not abate scientific discussions. Therefore, for people with sensitive skin, allergies, children, and those who are attentive to the choice of cosmetics, it is inappropriate to recommend the Clean Line series.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using the Berezovy shampoo as an example, we have compiled a list of the advantages and disadvantages of hair hygiene products from the Pure Line brand. What can Kalina concern be proud of:

  • low price,
  • corresponds to the declared properties - 80% of respondents,
  • pleasant aroma,
  • economical
  • does not contain dyes,
  • well softens, washes hair.

Disadvantages of birch shampoo:

  • liquid consistency
  • a large number of chemicals in the composition,
  • causes itching, irritation, dandruff appears - 15% of consumers,
  • hair becomes like straw, ends split - 7% of consumers,
  • hair falls out - 3% of respondents
  • dries the skin, the tips - 60% of respondents.

Despite the "rich" chemical composition, Birch shampoo from Pure Line is very popular - in a short time many Russian women tried it. The average rating was 3.9 points out of 5 - 161 reviews left. You can think of the Pure Line cosmetics as appropriate for the needs of the majority of Russians at a price, quality, but, unfortunately, cannot be called natural.

"Clean line"

Seventeen years ago, a group of cosmetologists and phytotherapists joined forces to create a unique laboratory “Clean Line”. Four years later, thanks to a series of successful research, a scientific institute appeared - the only center in the country that studies the unique properties of plants in Russia.

The main focus is the creation of cosmetics, because each recipe is a complete scientific development. High-performance formulas derived by the experts of the Pure Line are protected by patents. In addition, the creation of new cosmetic products is going on continuously - safe and at the same time effective.

Body care products, phytodeodorants, balms and cosmetics for styling, as well as any clean hair shampoo undergo strict dermatological control.

Source of inspiration

As recognized by the experts of the brand, the main sources of inspiration remain nature and female beauty. It is nature that initially gives us health and beauty, and then gives everything necessary to maintain them.

Even today, in the manufacture of cosmetics “Pure line” more than thirty plant species are used. Add to this the patent for an innovative way of making a decoction of seven healing herbs, and you will understand that the words about herbal medicine and health benefits are not just another marketing ploy.

For greasy hair

In the morning, clean head, and in the evening a complete lack of volume - about half of girls and women face a similar problem. Can help shampoo “Clean line” for oily hair. Buckwheat and strong oak decoction are the main vegetable components.

Broth oak bark - a great natural remedy that can improve the health of hair. The active substances help to cope with germs and bacteria, and also eliminate inflammation on the skin. There are no contraindications to the use of oak bark, on the contrary, there are a number of advantages for hair:

- elimination of hair weakness,

- giving a well-groomed look,

- treatment of seborrhea and fragility of the tips,

- getting rid of excess fat.

A strong decoction of oak bark is a part of many cosmetic products of the “Pure Line” brand. Shampoo, reviews of which give a product a positive assessment, perfectly washes hair, foams well and does not dry. Especially good tool manifests itself after the use of oil masks.

“Strengthening and freshness“ Clean Line ”- shampoo, whose composition is enriched with a decoction of herbs and extracts of yarrow, sage and calendula. Due to this, there is a regulation of the sebaceous glands and a decrease in fat content. The feeling of cleanliness and freshness of the hair lasts much longer.

According to customers, both products for oily hair have a pleasant aroma and texture, but they do not have a pronounced effect on the frequency of washing.

The effect of the bath

One of the latest innovations of the company was the “Clean Line of Fitobanya” shampoo based on the strong oak broth already familiar to us and the perfectly selected complex of essential oils.

As you know, essential oils have a special structure, thanks to which they are able to penetrate the scalp and activate metabolic processes. The manufacturer promises intensive nutrition, restoration and detoxification of cells, as well as incredible softness and shine.

Shampoo is suitable for all types of hair. The fragrance is popular with many buyers because of its freshness and incomparable coniferous notes. "Clean Line" recommends using a Fitobanya shampoo with balsam mask.

For the whole family

Graceful and very touching birch has long been a kind of symbol of Russia. Meanwhile, this tree has an incredible amount of useful substances for humans. Birch leaves and buds contain:

- valuable essential oils,

A unique complex of trace elements can strengthen hair, prevent baldness, relieve dandruff, and make curls elastic, soft and shiny.

You can prepare the birch broth by yourself, after collecting the young leaves of birch. Another option is to purchase the shampoo “Clean line“ Birch ”, which is made on a mild detergent base.

The shampoo does not contain dyes and is suitable for frequent use. In addition, the manufacturer claims that the product does not dry the skin. Approximately half of the girls and women who left reviews of the Birch shampoo speak of the appearance of dryness and dandruff. Perhaps, in this case individual intolerance of components is manifested.

Unconditional Favorite

Nettle since childhood leaves a lot of not very good memories: it grows everywhere, and it burns. And only by growing up, we learn that it is an incredibly useful plant, which is used to treat beriberi, in dietology and cosmetology.

Brittleness, excessive greasiness, dandruff, tip section and hair loss are just some of the problems that nettle can cope with. This plant restores the activity of skin cells, thereby having a positive effect on the health and growth of curls.

Shampoo “Clean Line“ Nettle ”is the undisputed leader. Nettle in combination with a decoction of healing herbs (St. John's wort, yarrow, celandine and chamomile) creates real miracles. A pleasant green tint, herbal smell and a noticeable reduction in hair loss are what customers note most often.

Burdock oil + hops

To restore dry and damaged hair trichologists advise using burdock oil. Buy it is quite simple, but it is much more important to find out the correct method of application. A lot of girls faced with the fact that they could not wash off this tool. So, what's the use of burdock oil?

  1. Vitamin E - increases the production of collagen fibers, makes curls elastic and shiny.
  2. Vitamin A - accelerates recovery and growth.
  3. Vitamin PP - helps to avoid the premature appearance of gray hair, prevents hair loss.
  4. Vitamin C - neutralizes the effects of UV rays, improves blood circulation.
  5. Oleic acid - moisturizes.
  6. Linoleic acid - helps in the fight against seborrhea.
  7. Stearic acid - restores split ends.

Another equally useful plant for hair is hops. It nourishes the hair from the inside, has anti-bactericidal properties and effectively cleanses the scalp.

The experts managed to combine two unique plants and create a shampoo “Clean Line“ Hops and Burdock Oil ”. This product is suitable for all hair types.

In general, customers give a positive assessment, but note that the action of the balm, which is part, is not enough. As practice shows, shampoos “2 in 1” are not as effective, and “Clean Line” is no exception.

Extra care

If you are interested in “Clean Line” (shampoo), reviews of regular customers will help you choose the most suitable cosmetic product. In addition, on the official website of the brand, the “Extra Care” series is presented, within which you can purchase:

- Phytomasks: “The power of cedar”, “Taiga berries”, “Beauty and strength”, “Restoration and volume” and “Radiance of color”.

- Hair oil “Burdock”, equipped with a convenient dispenser.

- “Caring Fito”: “Beauty and Strength”, “Shining Color” and “Restoration and Volume”.

In addition, in each series of shampoos, bottles of two volumes are produced (250 ml and 400 ml), as well as a balsam-rinse.

In the line for men are shampoos for hair loss and dandruff. However, the most interesting is the means for the shower “3 in 1” - shampoo, conditioner and gel. “Energy + Clean“ Clean Line ”- shampoo, which includes mint, St. John's Wort, and a special vitamin complex.

Well-thought-out care and a feeling of freshness are promised by marketers of the brand to the representatives of the stronger sex. Pleasant smell, texture and versatility - most men appreciated the novelty.

The whole truth about the “Clean Line”

The indisputable advantage that any clean line shampoo has is price. In large hypermarkets, the cost of a large bottle is approximately 80 rubles, the balm will cost 75 rubles, and the mask costs 90 rubles. At the same time, low prices discourage some customers because of assumptions about low quality, and the composition does not quite correspond to the ideas of naturalness.

Recently it has become fashionable to read labels and understand what should not be among the ingredients in cosmetics. The main enemy is SLS - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. This substance is widely used for the manufacture of various detergents and contributes to the formation of nitrates, which then enter the blood.

How harmful is SLS? Or is it just another marketing move to ruin global corporations? In almost every well-known brand shampoo there is the notorious SLS or its “encrypted” counterpart. The exception was not the “Clean Line”. Shampoo, reviews of which were presented, contains sodium lauryl sulfate - in the composition is the second ingredient after water.

The second rule for reading the label: the content of substances is decreasing. In other words, if the product is with avocado oil, but it is mentioned at the very end, then its amount is minimal. Shampoos "Clean Line" 80% consist of plant decoctions, and in the composition they are indicated in the middle - it turns out that the information is reliable.

From Russia with love

The environmental situation in the metropolis should scare us much more than the presence of SLS and parabens in cosmetics, and even the transition to natural products is unlikely to reduce the risk to your health.

“Clean Line” offers high-quality hair products at an affordable price that are suitable for many customers. Negative reviews relate to the composition and allergic reaction, which is manifested in isolated cases. Indeed, in the presence of sensitive skin it is better to pay attention to organic shampoos.

In general, Pure Line cosmetics are not inferior in quality to the popular Elseve or Pantene, so why not trust your beauty to a Russian manufacturer?

Features shampoos Clean line

Regular use of products allows you to get excellent results after several weeks of use.

They have a positive effect on strands:

  1. Improve hair growth by strengthening the roots.
  2. Resists falling out.
  3. Moisturize and nourish the strands over the entire length.
  4. Give the head of hair a pleasant healthy shine and strength.
  5. This is an excellent anti-dandruff remedy. and other problems of the scalp.

A feature of shampoos for hair care series Clean Line is a natural composition, they are created on the basis of decoctions of herbs.

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In the descriptions of the brand Pure line, the main emphasis is placed on the high content of natural decoctions of herbs in them. Manufacturers claim that the shampoo contains up to 80% of this ingredient. In fact, this is nothing more than a marketing ploy, since it is simply not possible to find all-natural remedies. And what can be more natural than the natural component?

However, the chemical composition is also impressive. The detergent components are sodium laureth sulfate, PEG-7 glyceryl cocoate, cocamidopropyl betaine and diethanolamide.

Sodium laureth sulfate surfactant is used to create inexpensive budget-grade cosmetics because of the low cost of the component. In itself, this substance is quite tough, but in combination with PEG-7 its action softens. Diethanolamide has the ability to stabilize and thicken the composition.

Neutral washing composition is created by these softening ingredients, it allows the use of shampoo for oily and normal hair. But for brittle and problematic dry strands such a composition is not suitable.

Polyquaternium 10 and citric acid are used as conditioning and softening components. There is in the composition of ethyl alcohol, but in such a small concentration, it does not cause harm.


The product line of the Pure Line series offered by Kalina concern is quite wide, new products regularly appear.

Currently, the collection has about 20 different types, the most popular are the following options:

  1. With nettle. Possesses pleasant aroma, well washes and strengthens hair.
  2. The power of the five herbs. A popular brand containing broths of yarrow, chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, celandine.
  3. Hops and burdock oil. Perfectly foams and washes the curls, strengthens the strands.
  4. Birch. It has a strengthening and healing effect, is the most popular for the whole family.
  5. Aloe vera. Suitable for dry and normal curls, moisturizes and nourishes.
  6. Wheat and flax. Allows you to get extra volume, designed for weak and thin hair. Well strengthens the strands, making them elastic.
  7. With ginseng. Proper care for weak hair.
  8. With chamomile. Restores the hair structure when damaged, suitable for dry strands, gives them shine and strength.
  9. Clover. For dyed curls, makes hair silky.
  10. Fitobanya. Effectively washes away pollution. The aroma is pleasant, the consistency is thick. Overall, the reviews are positive.
  11. Calendula, yarrow, sage. For greasy curls.
  12. Black currant. For thin strands that are easily confused. Gives curls obedience.
  13. Burdock A good dandruff shampoo for all hair types.
  14. The power of cedar. Helps with hair loss. Strengthens the roots, in the composition there is burdock oil.
  15. Taiga berries, herbs. For brittle and tough strands.
  16. Fitosbor 7. For regular care, contains the collection of herbs ginseng, oats, yarrow, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, sage.
  17. Juniper and mint. Excellent cure for dandruff.
  18. For greasy hair. Removes pollution, allowing the curls to stay clean longer. Regulates the sebaceous glands.

Many shampoos are designed for all types of hair and can be used by the whole family.

Price and reviews

The average price for shampoos of the Pure Line series is 60-90 rubles per 400 milliliters.

Product reviews concern Kalina generally positive:

Veronica, 26 years old

“Used constantly expensive hair care products. But once I did not have time to make an order, I had to go to the store and buy at least some shampoo. At a cost, the Clean Birch Line was chosen, as the seller advised.

I want to note that the price-quality ratio is excellent. I didn’t expect that for such a price I would find something decent, the curls after use are smooth, obedient, easy to comb. Previously acquired shampoo at a price 10 times higher. While there are no complaints, I will buy further this series. In addition, like a mask for the hair. "

Alina, 22 years old

“My favorite shampoo is with chamomile. At first, I did not risk buying this tool for a long time; the price was frightening. I did not think that for such a sum you can buy something worthy, but it turned out the opposite. On the one hand, the usual shampoo, copes with its responsibilities for five! I have good hair by nature, so I do not need any additional treatments.

Moreover, I do not consider it necessary to spend a fortune on funds stuffed with chemicals, but here it is mostly a natural composition. ”

Vladimir, 36 years old

“Wife bought shampoo for men with clover. There was always a problem with dandruff, which means I did not use. Expensive remedies from this problem helped well, but as soon as the shampoo was changed, dandruff appeared again. This shampoo liked the price and quality. I can recommend it to everyone. By the way, we use it with the whole family! ”


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