
The main decoration: why hair falls in spring and how to deal with it


During the winter, our bodies get tired, waste all vitamins that have accumulated over the summer. Spring avitaminosis and lack of sunlight affects, first of all, on the skin, nails and hair. Very many girls notice enhanced hair loss it is spring that is a natural pattern. This happens for several reasons:

1. Iron deficiency. It may not be enough in the body due to malnutrition (there is little meat in the diet), due to heavy and prolonged menstruation, due to a sedentary lifestyle or lack of oxygen. To solve this problem, you can eat hematogen for some time, known to us since childhood, and more often be in the fresh air, of course.

2. Poor intestinal condition. If you have problems with digestion, your hair may also suffer because of this. The fact is that the body gets rid of toxins in different ways, and if it cannot do this with the help of the gastrointestinal tract, it does so, for example, with the help of the sebaceous glands. Hair bulbs and, accordingly, hair suffer. Therefore, it is very important to eat such food that does not burden the stomach, but at the same time gives a feeling of fullness, for example, oatmeal, buckwheat, bran.

3. Hormones. When the imbalance of hormones in the body is disturbed, multiple changes occur, and hair inevitably suffers. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

4. Back problems in the neck. For example, cervical osteochondrosis, which occurs in most modern people, greatly affects the condition of the hair. Because of this disease, the vascular tone, blood circulation is disturbed. Insufficient nourishment of the scalp leads to such a phenomenon as hair loss.

5. Stress - the culprit of all troubles. In this state, the body does not produce the right amount of those hormones that are responsible for the growth and condition of the hair. The result - bunches of hair on the pillow and comb.
There are others reasons for which hair falls out. This may be taking antibiotics, diuretics, exacerbation of chronic diseases, improper care, excessive stress on the hair. But! They all mean the loss of nutrients by the body.

The main problems of the hair and scalp after winter

The lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids, mechanical irritation with headgear primarily affects the scalp. Disruption of the lipid balance leads to a feeling of tightness, discomfort, desquamation, hypersensitivity. The skin becomes the entrance gate for microorganisms and toxins, which leads to irritation, inflammation, allergic reactions and provokes dermatitis.

Solution to the problem. A broken epidermal barrier can be restored by mild cleansing with creams and masks containing a competent combination of moisturizing ingredients and lipids related to the skin. For example, in the Israeli hair treatment clinic IHC Clinic, trichologists use a unique biocapillary method aimed at simultaneously cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the scalp.

Another problem that girls face with the arrival of spring is the intense loss and violation of the hair structure. Dull, weak and brittle, hair needs the supply of vitamins and oligo-elements directly to the source of the problem.

Solution to the problem. Mesotherapy, based on the injection of natural components, hair growth stimulants - the main assistant in this case. Mesotherapeutic cocktails introduced into the hairy part of the scalp normalize blood circulation, accelerate metabolism at the cellular level, saturate hair with vital substances. The main thing is to consult a doctor who will be able to diagnose what kind of hair loss has a physiological or pathological one. In the same IHC clinic, after the initial treatment and diagnostic complex of the condition of the hair and skin, an individual course of treatment is selected to eliminate the underlying causes of hair loss.

How to solve problems with hair

The appearance of problems with hair in the spring is a marker that the body as a whole lacks nutrients and trace elements. First of all, in the period from March to May, people lose their hair due to beriberi. Vitamins such as biotin, panthenol, E, A and C are especially necessary because they ensure the normal course of vital processes in hair structures. However, both for the appointment of correct mesotherapy, and for the recommendation of vitamins, the trichologist will prescribe a blood test. After deciphering the blood test, the doctor sees which elements the body lacks and assigns the appropriate multivitamin complexes. In some cases, with hair loss are also recommended vasodilators, sedatives, immunomodulators.

And, of course, to make the hair luxurious and strong in the most romantic time of the year will help the use of properly selected hair care products. In order to more accurately determine exactly what protection and care products are best to use, it is advisable to conduct a professional diagnosis of hair and scalp. In the IHC clinic, doctors will prescribe a clinical line of drugs containing the most active concentrations of therapeutic components, and which is the basic series for maintenance therapy during and after treatment. In addition to the clinical line, the most trusted professional home care series will be recommended by the trichologist, combining the necessary “building” components, vitamins and specific enzymes to maintain their vitality.

If you follow a number of these simple but demanding professional advice, you can solve the root cause of hair problems, activate the body's protective and restorative functions, balance the psycho-emotional background and make your hair your main decoration this spring.

Why does hair fall out in spring? 4 reasons and 4 ways to deal with it

In the transitional period of the year, hair has a hard time, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that they can lose their shine and smoothness and fall out more than in summer. Why is this happening? Read about 4 common causes and 4 ways to deal with it.

1. You sit on hard diets. If you severely limit yourself in nutrition and count every calorie, most likely, your body will not receive enough vitamins and minerals. Eating a balanced diet is an important rule for those who dream of thick and shiny hair. In the diet should be meat, poultry, fish, eggs, seafood, dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

2. You paint your hair too often. Temperature drops and overdried air in rooms with central heating are already a rather serious load on hair that is rapidly losing moisture. And if you are a lover of aggressive procedures (dyeing, straightening or perm), your hair is even more difficult. It is necessary to abandon the procedures that can dry out or damage the hair, and if you can not do without staining, go to the sparing paints with oil and natural pigments.

3. You go on about bad habits. Smoking, alcohol, insufficient sleep, fatigue and stress - all these are enemies of shiny and thick hair. Want your hair to shine? Give up bad habits and go on a healthy lifestyle.

4. You do not pay enough attention to care. If the hair is in good condition, then in summer it is quite enough for a good shampoo and conditioner. But in the transitional season, the hair needs additional protection. Comprehensive care is needed - it is best to choose high-quality cosmetics that can provide comprehensive care for hair and scalp - for example, Selentsin.

The specialized cosmetic line Selentsin was developed by domestic trichologists jointly with specialists from French laboratories. Means for hair Selentsin designed to systematically address the problem of hair loss and to restore their density.

1. Your problem: decrease in density of hair. This is a fairly common problem that can get worse in the winter. For such cases peptide hair care products have been created.

Your choice: Specialized lotion for restoring hair density Selentsin Peptide Active "Save Your hair" based on the complex of peptides Capilectine and PROCAPIL®, a professional component DMAE, bioactive extracts dwarf palm and leaves ginkgo biloba designed to restore hair density with long-term loss and thinning.

- Restores hair density in just four months without withdrawal and without injections

2. Your problem:seasonal or reactive hair loss. Such a problem in the transitional period of the year faced by many girls. Temperature fluctuations, dry indoor air and other adverse factors can cause hair loss. Antioxidants and hair growth stimulants will come to the rescue.

Your choice:Selentsin Hair Therapy firming lotion and intensive mask based on the patented French component Anageline®, an antioxidant and natural hair growth stimulator — caffeine, traditional extracts from hair loss, caring components for the hair structure — keratin, collagen and vitamins.

- In just two months, hair loss stops

3. Your problem: slow hair growth.If you dream of luxurious long hair, and your hair seems to refuse to grow, pay attention to stimulants with caffeine, keratin and vitamins.

Your choice:Selentsin Active Pro Stimulating Lotion, developed by the Russian team of scientists in collaboration with the French laboratory Naturex. The secret of the lotion is the active component Seveov®, which is obtained from Peruvian maca plant tubers. This component will help your hair grow faster.

Selentsin Active Pro - stimulates hair growth by 93%

4. Your problem: hair looks dry, dull, not well-groomed.This is one of the most common complaints. Perhaps the fact is that during the cold season the usual means simply did not cope with their task. For the hair to be smooth and radiant, intensive care is necessary.

Your choice:Selentsin Hair Therapy Shampoo and Balm contain the unique patented component Anageline ®, derived from sweet white lupine, a powerful antioxidant caffeine and traditional extracts of burdock and nettle. This composition will make the hair healthy, shiny and strong.

Together with Selentsin cosmetics your hair will not need photoshop!

What if hair falls out?

If these nutrients are not enough, then you need to replenish their reserves. This should be done both outside and inside.

First, you need to balance your diet. Eat foods rich in vitamins A, B, E, C, selenium, calcium, iron, silicon, proteins and omega-acids. Nuts, lean fish, olive oil, mushrooms, meat, vegetables, fruits, salads, chocolate, eggs, dairy products, etc. should always be present in your diet.

Secondly, you need to ensure the hair proper nutrition outside. For this perfect folk mask, stimulating hair growth. You can prepare them from what you have in the kitchen.

Juice of onion and garlic against hair loss

This recipe is more suitable for those who are not afraid of sharp smells. If you risk still try this mask, then take equal quantities of garlic juice and onion, mix and rub into the roots. Leave the mixture on the hair for about 40 minutes, then rinse well. This procedure is repeated once a week.

And finally, thirdly! Learn to love yourself, be calm and enjoy life. Psychologists have found that most of our diseases are rooted in our attitude to life.

Disturbing signs

Doctors say that spring loss of a certain amount of hair is a normal physiological process, which should be treated calmly. It all depends on how long it lasts, and how many hairs fall out daily. If their number does not exceed 100-150 pieces (yes, it is necessary to do the calculations), then there is no reason for strong concern. Typically, after 1-1.5 months, losses are reduced to the norm: 20-50 per day.

But if the hair is thinning rapidly, on the comb and after washing, whole shreds are lost, it is impossible to leave the situation without attention. We must look for the causes that provoked such intense baldness and take urgent measures to eliminate them.

Moreover, usually the rate of hair loss increases gradually, so you should constantly monitor it and respond to changes in time.

Main reasons

There are several reasons why women begin to lose their luxurious hair with the arrival of spring. Conventionally (since everything is still interconnected in the body), they can be divided into internal and external.

Most of these negative factors are obvious and quite easily removable. Therefore, you should take a closer look at your own body and make small changes in your normal lifestyle.

In fact, negative external factors gradually destroy the hair structure all year round. But with the arrival of spring it becomes more noticeable. First, we part with headdresses. And secondly, weakened immunity and avitaminosis are connected.

Here is what you need to pay attention to in order to avoid intense hair loss in the spring:

  • Cap. We wear it for several months, so it is very important to choose it correctly. A small, tight-fitting and constricting head, like a hoop, a cap breaks blood circulation, can cause severe headaches and death of hair follicles. Synthetic does not allow air, and the head under it will sweat and overheat, which is also not good for the hair. Too thin will not protect from cold and wind. Choose hats in size, from natural hygroscopic materials and be sure to match the weather.
  • Weather. Weather conditions in the autumn-winter period are extremely changeable and rather unfavorable. Wind, cold and dampness affect the hair and scalp. And if the hair is not protected by a good hat or at least a hood, then they begin to break and fall out long before the arrival of spring. No less dangerous and sharp temperature contrast, which appears when we enter from a cold in a warm room.
  • Wrong care. Hair care in the autumn-winter period should be taken very seriously. If in spring and summer you can still afford to do without masks, then in winter the head of hair without such support will quickly weaken and will respond to you with intensive hair loss, their increased dryness and brittleness. You can not comb your hair in the cold - they become more fragile and break easily. Do not get involved in styling products - they remain on the cap, and then irritate the scalp.

Naturally, the cold season is not the best period for staining and other aggressive procedures. But if you decide to do it, then use the most benign formulations.


Eliminate the internal factors that trigger hair loss in spring for women is more difficult.But if it is not a chronic disease, then the problem can be handled on your own at home.

This is what can cause spring balding:

  1. Avitaminosis. Even if fresh fruits and vegetables are present on your table every day, after long-term storage and processing with preservatives (and this is often used in supermarkets), the amount of vitamins they contain is reduced by half, or even more. What to say about those who in the winter almost do not use them at all! Signs of beriberi in spring appear in 80% of the adult population.
  2. Anemia. Most often associated with iron deficiency, which is necessary for the transport of oxygen in the blood. The first shortage of this element are vegetarians and lovers of "hard" diets that limit the diet to several products. The main source of iron is meat and liver of animals. And they should be consumed in the winter at least 2-3 times a week. Otherwise, due to chronic lack of oxygen, the hair follicles will hibernate and the hair will simply stop growing.
  3. Reduced immunity. Beautiful hair is not in vain at all times considered an indicator of excellent health. The decrease in immunity in the autumn-winter period opens the gates for various infections, and with any active inflammatory processes in the body, the hair quickly loses its luster and falls out after a while.
  4. Hormonal background. Intensive spring hair loss is also triggered by changes in hormonal levels, and first of all by an increase in the concentration of sex hormones. It is so programmed by nature that spring is a time of intensive growth and reproduction. And, to encourage us to this, the body itself increases the activity of the reproductive system. Spring exacerbations of chronic diseases of internal organs such as the thyroid or pancreas, liver, and kidneys can provoke an endocrine imbalance.
  5. Depression. It often develops in women and is triggered by a lack of sunlight, due to which there is a deficiency of vitamin D, manifested in slowing down the metabolism and the general depressed state. Indeed, the number of sunny days in the autumn-winter period is almost twice less than in spring. And if at the same time you have poor lighting in your apartment or office, then chronic fatigue and signs of seasonal depression are almost guaranteed.

As you can see, it is quite possible to fight with these reasons. But to begin to do it better in advance, and not when external and internal factors, while simultaneously affecting, have already provoked seasonal baldness.

What to do

Prevention of spring baldness should begin in the winter. We have already told about how to deal with external negative factors: to buy and be sure to wear a good hat, make nourishing masks, try to avoid dampness, wind and sudden temperature changes.

Internal problems must also be solved from the inside. Proper hair care can only be a reliable helper. The main forces should be focused on the following:

  • Balanced diet. It is the most reliable source of vital vitamins and minerals, ensuring the proper functioning of the digestive tract. Take care not to overeat and not to eat a lot of heavy food - in winter the metabolism slows down and it is easy to gain excess weight.
  • Vitamin therapy. The spring course of good multivitamin preparations has not harmed anyone yet, and your hair will definitely be grateful for it. Choose complexes with selenium, zinc, iron or calcium.
  • Strengthening immunity. Reception of immunomodulators will help to better withstand viruses and infections that are particularly active in early spring.
  • Prevention of exacerbations. Try to follow the recommendations of the attending physician and avoid spring exacerbation of existing chronic diseases. By any available means heal!
  • Fight against depression. Do everything to stay in a good mood. Use every opportunity to stroll on a fine sunny day, play sports and ensure bright, proper lighting in residential and work areas.

Only such an approach can guarantee the excellent condition of the hair and the whole body at any time of the year.

What is the difference between trichological treatment of salon procedures?

The trichological treatment is prescribed by the trichologist, the salon procedures by the stylist. Now there are many quite competent and experienced stylists, but in the end they do not solve the problem and do not reveal its cause, but only put the hair in order.

An integrated approach is crucial! You can not remove the problem without working with the causes of its occurrence, otherwise, sooner or later everything will return to its original state.

What procedures should go to the salon

To prevent hair loss with the help of salon procedures, alas, it is hardly possible (if we consider the genetically determined hair loss or loss due to changes in health status).

In case of improper use of dyes or styling products or frequent extensions, loss can be prevented only through the use of high-quality paint and by following the procedure protocol, as well as through an individual approach when choosing the appropriate method of hair extensions.

Better pay attention to sprays, lotions, serums, mesopreparations, PRP-therapy, procedures that improve microcirculation (microcurrents). With their regular use, the condition of the hair will significantly improve, the hair follicles will strengthen, and half of the problem will be solved.

If you are not afraid of injections, then mesotherapy will help you to restore all disturbed processes in the hair follicle and scalp. And after a while you can again enjoy the luxurious silk mane.

Proper diet - the key to beautiful hair

A balanced nutritional and drinking diet is required. Any methods and diets that limit the intake of protein, amino acids and vitamins, harm the hair. Let me remind you, hair is 80% protein. Also, do not forget about supplements containing vitamins B, E, D and trace elements zinc and selenium.

Five factors that will help stop hair loss

  1. Lack of iron in the body

Experts believe that spring hair loss is immediately due to several factors. Wrong food ration associated with the lack of meat dishes or their small amount in the body, there is an iron deficiency. The lack of oxygen in the body, a sedentary lifestyle, and of course, heavy bleeding during menstruation affect the loss of iron from the woman’s body.

If, when taking tests, there really is not enough iron in the body, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe you drugs that contain iron, add nutritional supplements to the diet, make you a personal diet and the necessary food, you will have to include it in your diet.

  1. Hormonal disbalance

Most often in winter, but also at other times of the year - this can happen. Violations and changes in the hormonal background can even affect the structure of the hair and their color. You will need a consultation with a doctor and urgently get tested for hormones.

  1. Digestive problems

The body begins to remove toxins through the sebaceous glands. If the diet does not contain products such as buckwheat, oatmeal, bran, they must be included in the food system and eat every day for breakfast.

Strange hair loss can be caused by frequent stresses. Under stress, the body does not produce the right amount of hormones that are responsible for the condition of the hair. Drink soothing drugs, brew chamomile, tea with mint, they have a good effect on the nervous system.

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis

Back problems affect hair health. There may be impaired vascular tone and blood circulation.

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Causes of Seasonal Hair Loss

First of all, you must understand that hair loss in the spring is the norm. To understand why hairfall begins with the onset of March, let's look at the intricacies of our body's work.

Spring is the time when all nature as if comes to life after hibernation. It was during this period that most living organisms tend to leave behind posterity. Man, as part of nature, is also subject to its effects. Therefore, with the onset of heat in our body some changes occur. In the spring, obeying the call of nature, endocrine and sex glands begin to function intensively.

As well as in men and women, the level of dihydrotestosterone, a derivative of the male sex hormone testosterone, increases. In the female body, this hormone plays an important role, participating in the formation of estrogen. Dihydrotestosterone acts on the hair follicles, causing their dystrophy, which, in turn, contributes to hair loss.

It is no secret that in the spring many ladies (and not only ladies) tend to have time to “prepare” for the summer. In order to lose weight urgently by the beach season, women are ready to starve themselves and sit on mono diets, which, unfortunately, not only get rid of unwanted volumes, but also deprive the body of much-needed nutrients.

Deficiency of protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, as well as essential fatty acids is fraught with problems with appearance. If you notice that after a few weeks of strict diets, the condition of not only the hair, but also of the nails and skin has deteriorated, then it is time to reconsider your attitude towards nutrition. And to get rid of the bored during the winter should be, increasing the level of physical activity, and not torturing the already tired body.

Spring and autumn are traditionally accompanied by avitaminosis. So, a lack of vitamin A can cause dryness and brittle hair, and vitamin C plays an important role in the vital activity of the scalp. Also, do not forget about the assistants from a large group B, the lack of which threatens a whole list of unpleasant and dangerous diseases.

Other causes of hair loss in spring

  • Puberty,
  • postpartum period
  • abrupt climate change,
  • taking "heavy" drugs, in particular, antibiotics (read side),
  • hair can start to fall out after a few weeks (and sometimes months) after stress, sometimes this can be confused with seasonal loss,
  • regular hypothermia in winter.

How to help the hair "hang" from the spring call?

First you need to get to the truth. If you justified all the “suspects”, you should seek the help of a doctor for trichologist, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

However, if there is a seasonal hair loss, which is typical in spring for both men and women, you should pay attention to the care.

  1. Do not abuse the wash: in the spring it is worth washing your head no more than 2 times a week to help the sebaceous glands to normalize their work.
  2. Choose organic-based shampoos that do not contain aggressive detergents and deeply nourish the hair shaft.
    In the professional line ALERANA ® presented shampoo Intensive nutrition, designed to care for weakened and prone to hair loss. Its composition contains natural growth stimulants that increase blood microcirculation, as well as proteins that restore the structure of the hair shaft. Regular use of cosmetics will reduce even strong hair loss in men and women in the spring.
  3. Gently comb your hair, do not tear them in a hurry and do not use metal combs. It is better to choose combs with rare teeth from natural wood.
  4. Diversify the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, eat more greens and salad. On the table there must be at least the minimum required amount of protein (about 1 g per 1 kg of mass), as well as foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  5. Once a week, make nourishing masks for hair and scalp, and after each wash, use a balm conditioner. The latter should be applied only on the tips to avoid excessive fat content at the roots.
  6. It would be useful to rinse hair with decoction of healing herbs. Thus, the flowers of chamomile brewed with boiling water soothe irritated skin and soften the epidermis, and the nettle decoction has long been considered the main assistant in the struggle for strong and thick curls.

Proper care and healthy nutrition will allow you to forget about the problem of strong hair loss, even in spring.

However, remember that intensive hair loss can signal a serious systemic illness. If the hairfall does not subside even by the summer, you should consult a doctor.


Watch the video: Spring It On 2019 Collaboration#SpringItOn2019 (May 2024).