Useful tips

4 rules of preparation for washing hair


We regularly wash my head, but it’s likely that you’ve done it wrong all your life.

How you wash your hair, dry and style your hair can seriously affect the health and appearance of your hair.

If we do it wrong, hair color fades, greasy roots appear andhairlose volume.

If the condition of your hair does not improve, despite the fact that you buy the best hair care products, you may be doing something wrong.

Head wash preparation

To properly wash your hair, it is important not only to carry out the procedure correctly, but also to prepare for it. Preparation is not difficult, but it is necessary to do it so that the hair will not be damaged during the washing process.

  • Dissolve the hair, remove the hairpins and gum. If the strands were braided or braided, unravel from your fingers and lightly brush through your hands. If difficulties arise, untangle the strands carefully so as not to damage them,
  • Comb the curls. For owners of long curls, this process is most important. Start combing from the tips, gradually rising to the roots. Do not jerk, as you can damage them, do not make sudden movements. Combing the tips, hold the strands at the roots. You can use a massage comb or comb, depending on convenience, but the material should be gentle - plastic or wood, not metal,

  • If the hair has been richly treated with styling products, brush it with a brush with bristles or a frequent comb for the best cleaning from styling products,
  • Massage the scalp, but gently, so as not to confuse the tips. It activates blood circulation, promotes rapid growth.

After the massage, the skin will be in excellent condition. You can do it with your fingers, a special device or even a massage comb. Before wet hair, comb them again.

Shampoo selection

A head wash is very important. It must be selected correctly. For shine colored hair and preserve shade, choose a shampoo for colored hair. The bleached hair product is not the same. Separate shampoos are available for bleached and bleached strands.

Pay attention to the type of hair. For dry ones, the one that is intended for fat ones will not work, as it will dehydrate them even more. And on the contrary, means for dry, will make the strands inclined to fat content, even more fat. When the roots are greasy and the tips are dry and this difference is very strong, the masters recommend using two products, applying one to the tips and washing the roots to the other.

The choice of shampoo is important

Consider the condition of the scalp and the problematic, if any. For example, dandruff shampoos, can be produced in three types - for dry, oily or normal hair. Special attention requires sensitive scalp.

Recently, funds that take into account the structure and length of hair have become popular. Shampoos for curly curls and long hair facilitate combing, for straight hair they make hair more flexible and voluminous, etc. You can also consider color. Blonde shampoos contain yellowing pigment, for brown-haired women - can give a reddish, copper shine, etc.

Shampoo substitutes: household soap, tar soap and egg

Sometimes it happens that a cosmetic shampoo is not at hand. In this case it is necessary to manage with folk remedies. It is difficult to wash long hair with them, but for short or medium lengths the result will be excellent. Prepare such a composition of the funds that are in the kitchen.

Wash your head with soda in its pure form. It perfectly removes grease and mechanical impurities. Dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a glass of warm or hot water. Rinse the hair with a solution, massaging the scalp. After the procedure, rinse the hair thoroughly with water and rinse with a solution of lemon juice or vinegar to “quench” the alkali that has remained on the hair. Strands may lose their luster and after such a procedure they will need restoration.

Recipe with butter and yolk

Owners of dry hair will suit another recipe. If you have oil, suitable. for hair (jojoba, burdock, avocado, etc.), just mix it with the yolk in the proportion of 2 teaspoons to 1 yolk. Beat the composition with a fork and apply on hair. Wrap the strands under the plastic wrap and towel. Leave such a compress for half an hour, and then rinse with water, warm or slightly cool. This remedy is difficult to wash off, but the dirt will remove, and in addition, strengthen hair.

How to wash hair extensions

Properly wash long hair is difficult. Even more difficult to do with hair extensions. Conventional methods are not suitable for them, as they can increase the loss. In this case, you bring significantly less hair. They are also more confused than natural.

Developed several rules:

  1. The first wash is carried out no earlier than two days after the build-up,
  2. During the wash constantly combing curls rare comb,
  3. Do not tilt your head down
  4. Water should not be too hot
  5. You need to wash your hair with a specialized moisturizer,
  6. Care means are not used or only professional ones intended for extended curls are used.
  7. If the medium is thick, dilute it with warm water,
  8. Do not use shampoo for dry hair, it will lead to loss of strands,
  9. Apply the shampoo gently and rinse immediately,
  10. If the balm is applied, avoid the attachment areas.

We learned how to wash your hair, then for the cause!

Wipe gently. Drive terry towels from top to bottom. Do not twist, fold or pull them.

2 posts

A beautiful wedding hairstyle is just as important as a wedding dress. Brilliant, elegantly styled hair is an indispensable part of the magical image of the bride. Not even the most professional stylist can make you a beautiful hairstyle if you have dirty, poorly dried hair or untidy hair. For your wedding hairstyle to be perfect and last long it is important to observe the following rules:

1. It is necessary to cut and dye your hair 1-2 weeks before the wedding, so that there is time to correct mistakes.

2. Weak, dull, brittle hair should be treated. To do this, you need to make masks for hair 1-2 times a week. If you wish, you can make lamination - the hair after it not only looks amazing, it also keeps its shape perfectly, and this is important, because the wedding hairstyle should keep well and be perfect for almost the whole day.

3. It is better not to wash your hair on the wedding day, but in the evening, the day before the celebration. Because brides who wash their hair in the morning in the first place do not get enough sleep, and secondly, they do not have time to dry their hair well. And if the hair is badly dried, then the hairstyle will not keep its shape for a long time and risks quickly disband.

4. Before the wedding hairstyle when washing hair, it is better not to use masks, balms and conditioners, because They adversely affect the durability of the hairstyle. If the hair is well combed before washing, the hair will not get tangled and it will be easy to comb it even without using balm and other special means.

5. And most importantly - the hair should be well washed, because on dirty hair hairstyles do not hold.

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How often should I wash my hair?

Normal and dry hair is not recommended to be washed too often, daily hair washing is advisable not to practice. It is better wash hair 1-2 times a week. If the hair is excessively greasy, then they can be washed more often. If you use hair styling products every day, you should wash your hair daily, as products such as lacquers, gels and mousses make the hair heavier and the skin under them does not breathe. Before dyeing hair (especially before bleaching), the hair should not be washed, it is best to apply the paint on fairly unclean hair, which has a natural fatty layer that protects the hair and scalp.

What water to wash your hair?

Do not wash your hair with too hot water. The optimal temperature for washing normal hair is 38-40 degrees. Those who have oily hair, it is desirable to wash them with cooler water, because warming up the scalp stimulates the strengthening of the sebaceous glands.

For washing hair Boiled water works best because it is softer. You can also soften the water for washing your hair by adding a small amount of baking soda. If you have dandruff, you can add some aspirin powder to your hair wash.

Preparation for washing hair.

Before washing your hair, you must comb your hair to remove dandruff or products that were previously used for styling. Short and medium length hair is usually combed from the roots to the ends. Long hair is advisable to comb starting from the tips, gradually rising to the roots.

Means for washing hair.

To wash your hair, you can use not only shampoos (corresponding to a specific type of hair), but also balms, conditioners and their mixtures, it helps to soften the hair. A full range of hair and body care products can be found at Balms with this should not be applied at the roots of the hair, especially if the hair is oily. Hair is best not just passively soaping, and soaping, actively massaging the scalp with the fingers of both hands. It is better to lather hair twice, especially if the hair is thick. Secondary application of shampoo promotes better penetration of therapeutic substances contained in shampoos and balms into the hair, as well as their more thorough washing.

After washing your hair, you can rinse them with special rinses. These rinses really cook and independently. For example, you can make a decoction of nettle, mint, chamomile or burdock, strain it, and then rinse your hair with it. If the hair is too dry, it can be rinsed with water, in which a little vinegar is added.

Why wash your hair?

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, washing the head, first of all, is aimed not at maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the strands, but at maintaining their health. It is in vain to believe that the less often you resort to this procedure, the more beautiful and healthier the curls will be. Since not only strands, but also the scalp itself needs regular cleansing and care.

Every day, the epidermis layer produces about 2 grams of sebum., if we add to this figure the bloom from the use of sprays, mousses and hair sprays, then we get a very impressive plaque on the head. External factors should not be ignored either - pollutants and dust are deposited daily on the skin and curls.

The result is the "fatigue" of the hair, their sluggish appearance, split ends, thinning of the strands. Without care to be done, the curls look lifeless and sluggish, they become disobedient, and an increased loss begins. All this can be avoided if you know how to properly wash your hair.

6 golden rules for effective care of strands

  1. Photo: Hair Washing

take care of your hair even before washing - comb it,

  • use high-quality shampoos and soft water without chlorine,
  • apply shampoo to the curls twice and wash it thoroughly,
  • As an extra care, use balms, masks and oils,
  • wash off cosmetics with cool water to “close” the bulbs,
  • Give preference to a natural method of drying strands.
  • Determined with the frequency

    It is necessary to wash the curls as often as the condition of the hair requires. If you wash the curls too often, then you run the risk of washing off even the minimal amount of lipids that is needed to nourish the curls. It can also lead to the formation of a magnifying glass. Excessive chemical composition of shampoos is also alarming and makes you wonder.

    If you resort to using the procedure too rarely, then you risk clogging the pores of the scalp, “due to” which causes balanced nutrition of the locks, which will lead to the development of various problems.

    Trichologists recommend relying on individual characteristics when choosing the frequency of washing. The same type of approach to all the representatives of the fair sex will be fundamentally wrong. It all depends on the factors below:

    • hair type
    • season,
    • necessary nutrition of the epidermis of the head,
    • condition of curls and their length,
    • the type and composition of shampoos, the use of additional care products and styling products.

    Draw conclusions

    1. for girls with greasy hair type, wash every day or every other day. In this case, you will not harm the health of the strands, because the epidermis secretes an excessive amount of lipids, you will only wash off their excess, which will not affect the overall condition of the strands,

    Photo: Washing oily hair

  • for girls with dry and brittle hair type, you should choose to wash your hair no more than 2 times a week. Increased frequency will lead to hair loss, make them even less voluminous. There is often no need to resort to the procedure, because by its structure, the curls are not subject to rapid contamination, they retain a fresh look for 2-3 days,
  • time of year also affects the frequency - in winter we wear a hat, which leads to more rapid pollution. This season you can afford more frequent washing.
  • Watch what you eat - high-calorie and fatty food affects not only the shape, but also the external state of the hair. From this dinner curls instantly lose freshness, decrease in volume,
  • regular use of foams and varnishes makes you wash your hair more often. Otherwise, you do not allow the epidermis to breathe and feed the bulbs. It is necessary to remove plaque from styling products.
  • Focus on shampoo

    How to wash your hair with shampoo? Proper care relies on the type of hair. Therefore, tirichologists recommend choosing a shampoo based on this. Modern care products are divided into the following types: for fat, for dry, for normal strands, anti-magnifying products, shampoos for strengthening strands, for colored curls.

    As a rule, manufacturers indicate the purpose of shampoo on its packaging, so there is no problem with choosing the right care product. It is recommended to make purchases in proven places (pharmacies, large trade missions). Otherwise, you risk to get a fake, which obviously will not improve the appearance of the curls, or their health.

    An important aspect is the composition of the selected funds. The less chemical elements in it, the better and safer shampoo is. It is not recommended to choose universal products, which are both shampoo and balm at the same time. Since the action of these products can not be combined, otherwise the locks and scalp will not receive any high-quality cleansing or proper moisturizing.

    Trichologists advise regularly to change shampoo. No matter how good the tool is, the epidermis of the head gets used to it, and the former effect becomes impossible.You can from time to time resort to using other brands for a couple of weeks, after which you can return to your favorite line of care.

    Photo: shampooing

    Shampoo Analogs

    More natural and useful care products can be considered homemade shampoos. To create it you need the following components:

    • eggs,
    • lemon juice,
    • olive oil,
    • warm water.

    Mix the indicated ingredients until uniform. Use the mixture as a shampoo - apply to hair and rinsing after a couple of minutes.

    Some ladies prefer to care for curls with soap. To do this, you should choose household and children's models. Although they have a high content of alkali.

    Photo: Washing hair with soap

    The adherents of this method are confident that this method of washing makes the curls softer, obedient and silky. Use soap, grated and mixed with warm water. Thus, we get a soap solution. Wash off the soap shampoo very carefully, otherwise the curls can stick together and become covered with a fat bloom. The optimal end of the washing procedure with soap is washing the strands with water and lemon juice.

    Extra care

    Proper care of the strands is impossible to imagine without the use of balms and conditioners. They contribute to smoothing the scales of curls, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, make the curls softer and more docile. You should also use the following tools:

    All of them are used after shampooing. Some species do not need to be washed off. They are applied to dried strands.

    Water - does it affect the health of curls?

    Many girls desperately monitor the quality of shampoos, conditioners and styling products, but they completely forget about the water with which we wash curls. Water from the tap is extremely dangerous, as it contains an increased concentration of chlorine.

    Trichologists recommend choosing boiled, bottled or filtered water, which has a mild composition and favorably affects the appearance of the strands. If you still use water from the tap, then add to it decoctions of herbs or a small amount of soda.

    These components neutralize some harmful substances. Pay attention to the temperature of the water used. The best option is a temperature of 40-50 degrees. If you have oily skin, you can choose cooler water.

    Photo: Washing the hair with water

    How to wash your hair properly - effective technique:

    • prepare the necessary care products and a couple of towels,
    • comb the strands well before washing, this will allow you to better clean your hair and remove dead scales,
    • adjust the correct water pressure to the recommended temperature
    • wet hair over the entire length, evenly
    • squeeze the shampoo and rub it in your palms,
    • apply the remedy on the roots, smoothly spreading it over the entire length, use massage movements,
    • normal shampoo should be washed off immediately, if the product has a specialization for “recovery”, then hold the shampoo on the strands for a few minutes,
    • rinse off well by taking a few minutes to do this
    • repeat the washing procedure - this will help to eliminate the pollution completely, as well as affect the appearance of the hair,
    • when using a balm, apply the product to the already washed columns, wait for the indicated time and wash it off.

    During shampooing, you can use additional techniques that will improve the blood circulation of the epidermis. The most common option is a massage in the form of strokes (carried out with finger pads). Not less effective are the rubbing techniques (circular movements with the tips of the fingers), pulling (between the fingers should grab thin strands and gently pull upwards), tapping (light tapping with your fingers on the scalp).

    Actions after washing hair

    It is necessary to comb the strands, but doing so on wet curls is strictly prohibited. Under the weight of water, they easily fall out and break. For combing choose smooth combs, not comb. The best option is a wooden comb, which easily bends and does not scratch the epidermis of the head.

    A valid option are brushes made from natural bristles. It is recommended to use them with an increased loss of curls. Please note that combs can also collect grease and dirt, transferring them to curls after washing. Therefore, from time to time, clean them with a solution of alcohol.

    Long strands need to start combing from the tips, gradually moving to the roots. If you have short hair, then the movement pattern of the comb will be reverse - from the roots to the tips. If during washing the curls are too entangled, you first need to divide them into small strands and begin to scratch from the periphery to the center.

    Next is the issue of drying hair. Allow strands to dry naturally or use terry towels to speed up the process. To do this, take a high-quality towel, preheated on the battery. Wrap curls with their heads bent down, and begin to rub. The towel will absorb excess moisture and allow hair to dry much faster.

    It is necessary to use the hair dryer only in emergency cases, since thermal effects damage the strands, they become dry and are easily damaged. The best option is to use a cold mode hair dryer. You should also apply a variety of oils and sprays that protect hair from exposure to temperature.


    Watch the video: 10 CLEVER TIPS TO AVOID WASHING YOUR HAIR EVERY DAY (July 2024).