
Applying peach oil for hair care


Peach oil is suitable for any type of hair. Masks, prepared on its basis, can eliminate excess fat and dryness. A massage using this product will allow you to quickly grow healthy and long curls.

Peach oil is a cosmetic product.which is in wide demand in hair care. Such popularity is due to the absence in the composition of chemical components and preservatives. Regular use of peach oil restores damaged hair, strengthens the roots and makes the hair groomed.

Oil benefits

The composition of the product contains vitamins B, E, A, trace elements and fatty acids. Due to B15, the extract from peach pits is a unique elixir with a powerful rejuvenating effect. Provides intensive nutrition to the roots, eliminates dandruff, restores damaged tissue.

A high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids allows the product to be used even by a child. The reason is hypoallergenic oil. The only contraindication is allergy. So before applying, apply a small amount of the product on the skin of the elbow and wait 30 minutes.

Useful properties of the product for hair:

  • suppresses inflammation,
  • has a slight antioxidant effect,
  • nourishes and moisturizes hair
  • accelerates the growth of strands
  • tones and rejuvenates the dermis of the head,
  • Cures bacteria.

How to apply hair oil in its pure form?

The easiest way to use peach oil is to apply it in its pure form. On damp hair, distribute a little product before washing your hair. Apply oil is evenly along the entire length of the curls. Wrap with polyethylene and walk for 1 hour. Remove the oil mask with shampoo.

For greasy hair


  • oatmeal - 40 g,
  • peach oil - 40 ml.

To prepare the mask, pour flour with warm water and add other products. All mix thoroughly to obtain a mass of homogeneous consistency.

With regular use of the mask, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized and the fat content of the hair goes away.


Mix all the oils, warm to room temperature. Useful components included in the products, awaken "dormant" follicles and accelerate the processes of regeneration at the cellular level.

Moisturizing mask


  • peach oil - 49 ml,
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • mayonnaise - 20 g

To begin to separate the yolk from the protein and whip. Heat to 40 degrees, add the remaining ingredients and stir until smooth. The mask perfectly moisturizes the dermis of the head, relieves dandruff, itching and peeling.

Vitamin mask


  • peach oil - 40 ml,
  • banana - 1 pc.,
  • chamomile, burdock root, thyme, nettle.

For a start, make a decoction of herbs. 40 g of raw material 200 ml of hot water. Insist 2 hours, reheat. Send in a blender to grind a banana. Add to it 100 ml of infusion and the remaining ingredients.

For shine


  • peach oil - 40 ml,
  • coconut oil - 20 ml,
  • glycerin - 20 g,
  • lemon - 1 pc.,
  • vinegar - 20 ml.

Combine all the oils, heat in the microwave, add glycerin and 40 ml of lemon juice. Dilute vinegar in 1 liter of water, but do not add it to the mask, as the resulting composition is used for rinsing. Such a tandem will add shine to the curls and make them smooth along the entire length.

Is oil used for head massage?

Peach oil can be applied in its pure form to massage the head. Procedure:

  1. Spread the product on dirty strands. First, rub the head into the dermis, and then massage the hair roots.
  2. Spread the oil over the entire length of the strands using a comb.
  3. Now lightly massage the skin for 2-3 minutes. This massage will enhance blood circulation and improve hair growth.
  4. Heat all polyethylene and a towel. Leave for 2 hours. To maximize the effectiveness of such a manipulation at bedtime.
  5. Remove oil in 2 stages: moisten the curls and apply shampoo. Thoroughly foam and rinse. Then repeat the manipulation with the shampoo once again and apply conditioner or balm on the strands.

Cosmetic Peach Oil Brands

Buy this useful hair product today at a pharmacy or in any cosmetic store. To do this, refer to the well-known brands:

Peach oil is a unique cosmetic product that can be used to restore and treat hair of any type. Masks based on it effectively cope with problems such as fragility, cross-section, loss and dandruff. In addition, the product can be applied in its pure form to massage the scalp to activate the growth of curls.

Composition and use

Peach oil contains organic acids that are beneficial for the hair: oleic, palmitic, linoleic, stearic, which strengthen the hair and help get rid of split ends.

Vitamins of groups A, E, B and microelements - potassium and phosphorus, nourish the bulbs, as a result of which the curls grow faster and their appearance improves.

Hair application

Peach hair oil is used for such problems as:

  • dry and brittle hair (most effective),
  • cure dry dandruff
  • fight with split ends.

Since the concentration of active ingredients in peach is very high, it is used together with other ingredients and added to the mask. Peach oil can be used in food, but it will not bring a special effect to the hair, because of the presence of glycosides in the composition, it can be used only in a small amount.

Use in pure form:

  • If you have dry dandruff or you want to strengthen curls, then rub the peach oil into the hair roots.
  • Split ends should be lubricated overnight, 1 time per week, for 1 month.
  • The tool can be used in windy weather, simply adding it to a portion of the air conditioner.
  • Oil promotes easy combing of hair, which is especially important for long curls.

The effect of applying pure peach hair oil is somewhat lower. It has a rather delicate texture, so it can be used for any type of hair.

To strengthen brittle and split ends

For its preparation, it is necessary to pour 50 grams of dried wheat germ flakes with hot water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, then add 15 drops of peach oil, and then mix thoroughly.

Apply the mixture on the hair, gently massage the head, put on a shower cap, wait 5-10 minutes and rinse with water. Head do not need additional washing.

Effect: Curls will become elastic, resilient and shiny. The presence of wheat germ, enhances its moisturizing ability. Use a mask once a week, replacing it with one hair wash.

Nourishing mask for dry hair

Unrefined oils will be needed:

  • 1 tbsp. l vegetable (it is better not to use sunflower, since the long hair retains a specific odor after it),
  • 1 tsp peach butter
  • 1 tsp mustard.

Mix all ingredients and beat with a fork (to enrich with oxygen) until the mixture brightens. Apply a mask with peach oil on the hair, paying particular attention to the roots and tips. Massage the scalp and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with hot water with a mild shampoo.

Use the recipe no more than 1 time in 2 weeks, so as not to affect the work of the sebaceous glands.

Result: The mask contains many vitamins and microelements, phytoncides and glycosides, it perfectly nourishes the hair and reduces the number of split ends.

Against hair loss and dandruff

The recipe should not be used for people with sensitive skin.

  • 1 tbsp. l fine sea salt
  • 1 tbsp. l rice flour,
  • 1 tsp peach butter.

All ingredients mix. Then dip the fingers moistened with water into the mixture and massage the head.

Result: thanks to salt and rice flour, the mask plays the role of a scrub, helping to remove dead skin particles. In addition, it improves the blood supply to the skin, reducing hair loss.

Peach oil mask can be applied to the hair no more than 1-2 times per month.

How to choose a quality product

The best is considered the first cold-pressed oil. For hair it is better to use peach oil, which is allowed to be eaten (written on the product packaging).

Note that it is bottled in dark glass bottles. Otherwise, you risk to buy a spoiled product. A good oil has a faint peach smell and a light golden color. For better preservation, it should be stored in a dark cool place.

The benefits of peach oil for hair

The benefits of peach oil for hair due to its rich composition.

Natural remedy cares for brittle and damaged hair, accelerates growth and strengthens, reduces hair loss, protects and restores structure.

The composition of peach oil includes:

  • retinol - “solders” split ends and gives hair elasticity,
  • ascorbic and folic acids - protect from the negative effects of external factors: ultraviolet radiation, sudden changes in temperature, poor ecology,
  • tocopherol - improves collagen synthesis, restoring natural hair shine,
  • Niacin - makes hair smooth and shiny, prevents the appearance of gray hair,
  • Thiamine - reduces the risk of inflammation and disinfects the skin, treats seborrhea,
  • Riboflavin and vitamin K - moisturize the skin and hair,
  • Pantothenic acid and cobalamin - strengthen the hair follicle, reduce hair loss, “awaken” new bulbs, thereby increasing the volume of hair,
  • Pyridoxine is a vitamin against brittleness and loss, which will help in critical situations - in the initial stages of baldness.

In addition, phospholipids are part of the peach oil. They accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level and stimulate hair growth.

It is important that in peach oil and many minerals:

  • iron - improves blood circulation so that cells receive portions of oxygen,
  • phosphorus - gives hair elasticity,
  • calcium is involved in cell regeneration and repair of damaged tips,
  • Potassium - prevents moisture loss at the cellular level and moisturizes the hair and skin.

Complex hair care with the help of peach kernel oil complements the fatty acids - palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, arachnic.

They cover each hair with an invisible film to protect against external factors, moisturize well and quickly restore the hair structure to the very tips.

The use of peach oil for hair

As in most cosmetics, the beneficial substances of peach oil activates heat treatment, so before use it is better to heat it up to 40 degrees in a water bath.

Do not do this if there are eggs or essential oils in the mask - the first ones will curl up and spoil the product, while the latter will lose useful properties.

Simply remove the oil from the refrigerator a few hours before the procedure so that it warms to room temperature.

The easiest way to use peach oil in its pure form, while not necessarily pre-wash your hair. The method of application depends on the goals:

  • if you want to make a relaxing massage to moisturize and nourish the roots, accelerate hair growth, dandruff treatment, lower your head down and rub small portions of warm oil with your fingertips in the scalp,
  • if you need to give your hair shine and strength over the entire length, then continue the procedure - apply more oil on the roots, and gently distribute its excess using a comb with frequent teeth - regular aromatherapy for 5-7 minutes will make the hair shiny and healthy.

The final stage in both cases is aimed at creating a thermal effect and activating the beneficial substances of peach oil. To do this, cover your head with a plastic cap and then a towel.

The duration of the oil also depends on the problem you are struggling with. If you carry out preventive courses, then wash off the oil after 30 minutes. When treating the remedy, you can leave at least 2 hours, at least for the night.

But the mask with peach oil should be washed off after 20-40 minutes (the exact time is indicated in the recipe). With serious problems, masks are made 2 times a week, for prophylaxis - once a week, while the general course is at least 15 sessions - only in this case the result will be noticeable.

Do not refuse peach oil because it is too difficult to wash off after application. Just do not try to remove the agent with water that the oil will repel. Lightly moisten your hair, apply shampoo on your hair, foam it well, and then wash your hair with warm water.

Fix the result will help rinsing with herbal infusions of nettle, St. John's wort, chamomile, burdock, birch leaves, as well as vinegar or citric acid. Dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar or citric acid in a liter of boiled chilled water and rinse your hair with it.

Peach oil hair masks

Strengthening the effect of home use of peach oil helps treatment and recovery masks. The recipe is chosen taking into account the existing problem.

Peach oil mask for dry hair


  1. High fat cottage cheese - 2 tbsp.
  2. Peach oil - 1 tbsp.
  3. Honey - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Heat the oil in a water bath. Without removing from heat, add honey to the oil and mix thoroughly. Remove the bowl from the heat, add the curd, stir.

How to use: Apply the mask for 20 minutes - first on the roots, then along the entire length. Rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Result: The mask moisturizes dry hair, helping to retain moisture inside. The treatment is ideal for those who perm or often use a hair dryer to dry hair.

Peach oil mask for oily hair


  1. Oatmeal - 2 tbsp.
  2. Peach oil - 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Fill the flour with warm water, add the butter and stir until smooth.

How to use: Apply gruel to the scalp and rub it into the roots for 10 minutes.

Result: The mask stabilizes the sebaceous glands and reduces the fat content of the hair.

Peach oil growth mask


  1. Peach oil - 2 tbsp.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - 1 tsp.
  3. Castor oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix three types of oils and heat them to a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees on the steam bath.

How to use: Apply the product first on the roots, rubbing it on the scalp for 5 minutes, and then spread it over the entire length. Leave for 40 minutes.

Result: The beneficial components of the three oils accelerate hair growth by awakening dormant follicles and speeding up regeneration at the cellular level.

Peach oil mask against falling out


  1. Peach oil - 1 tbsp.
  2. Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
  3. Vitamin A - 1 ampoule.
  4. Vitamin E - 1 ampoule.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Massage gently into the roots for 10 minutes. Leave on for 2 hours and then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Result: The mask strengthens hair follicles and reduces hair loss.

Peach oil mask for tips


  1. Peach oil - 1 tbsp.
  2. Burdock oil - 1 tbsp.
  3. Rosemary essential oil - 5 drops.

How to cook: Mix peach and burdock oil. Add rosemary to the mixture.

How to use: Apply the mixture on damaged tips. Wash off after 30 minutes or leave overnight.

Result: The mask nourishes dry tips and prevents their section.

Peach oil moisturizing mask


  1. Peach oil - 2 tbsp.
  2. Egg - 1 pc.
  3. Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Separate the egg yolk and whisk it. Heat up to 40 degrees on the steam bath. Mix butter, yolk and mayonnaise until smooth.

How to use: Gently rub the mixture for 7-10 minutes into the roots with light massage movements. Leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and shampoo. Rinse with herbal infusion.

Result: The mask moisturizes the scalp, reduces the amount of dandruff, eliminates itching and flaking of the skin.

Vitamin mask with peach oil


  1. Peach oil - 2 tbsp.
  2. Banana - 1 pc.
  3. Collecting herbs - chamomile, burdock root, nettle, thyme.

How to cook: Make an infusion of herbs. Pour 2 tbsp. dry or finely chopped fresh herbs with a glass of boiled water. Insist at least 2 hours. Then heat the oil in the steam bath. Grind the banana in a blender. Mix half a glass of infusion, butter and banana gruel.

How to use: Rub the mixture into the scalp for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo or leave for 2 hours if the hair requires enhanced vitamin replenishment. You can use any collection of medicinal herbs, buying ready-made mixtures at a pharmacy or collecting plants during a field trip.

Result: The mask is especially good in the spring, when the hair, like the whole body, suffers from vitamin deficiency.

A weekly procedure helps prevent dryness and brittleness.

Peach oil mask for shine hair


  1. Peach oil - 2 tbsp.
  2. Glycerin - 1 tbsp.
  3. Coconut oil - 1 tbsp.
  4. Lemon - 1 pc.
  5. Vinegar - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix the oils, heat the mixture on the steam bath by adding glycerin. Remove the container from the heat, add 2 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Dilute the vinegar in a liter of water, but do not add to the mask, and leave to rinse.

How to use: Apply the mask to the roots, and then with a comb spread over the entire length. Hold for 40 minutes and then rinse with warm water and shampoo. Rinse with vinegar.

Result: The mask in combination with vinegar rinsing gives the hair shine and makes it smooth over the entire length.


Before applying a mask or using peach oil in its pure form, make sure that you are not allergic. Individual intolerance is the only contraindication that will prevent hair restoration with peach seed oil.

To test for allergies, do a test — put some oil on your wrist. If after 15 minutes you do not feel a burning sensation and you do not see redness, you can use a natural hair product.

If you have chronic skin diseases, and your scalp is badly damaged, consult your doctor before using any folk remedies.

Where can one buy

You can buy oil at any pharmacy - this is where it is more difficult to run into a fake or low-quality product.

The price in a pharmacy depends on the manufacturer - peach oil is cheaper for Russian companies than for foreign ones.

The cost is also influenced by the volume: 50 ml of Italian medicine costs 60 rubles, and a bottle of 250 - 200 rubles.

Reviews with photos before and after

Katerina, 28 years old

Peach oil is ideal if you need to restore the hair along the entire length. I forgot about lamination, and my hair looks even better. Of course, a single mask will not restore hair. It will take at least two months, but now I’m delighted with my hair. It became easier to comb, and even after the usual drying with a hairdryer, they are smooth and not thick.

I always wanted long hair, but peach oil helped me. I rub it 3 times a week in the roots, and here, look what the result is. Hair not only grew, but also became denser, increased in volume. I am very pleased!

Peach oil made my hair thicker and silky. I don't need expensive care anymore. I used the oil separately, and I added it to the shampoo, and I made the masks. The result, frankly, struck - did not think that natural products can work such miracles.

What to remember

  1. Peach oil is rich in fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements, which have a beneficial effect on the hair structure.
  2. Regular use of peach seed oil eliminates many problems - split ends, dandruff, high fat content or dryness, loss. The main thing is to choose the right care option.
  3. The low price of peach oil in the pharmacy makes it affordable for everyone.
  4. Contraindications for admission - individual intolerance.

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The healing properties of peach oil

If we talk about the beneficial properties that bears peach oil for curls, then they are simply unique. So, what does peach oil consist of? It is created on the basis of a valuable peach seed extract, which contains a huge amount of useful elements. So, it contains:

  • linoleic and palmitic acid,
  • B vitamins,
  • carotenoids,
  • oleic and stearic acid,
  • vitamins P, A, E, C.

Vitamins of group B contained in oil are very important and even necessary for full health and nutrition of curls. In addition, vitamin B15 contributes to the rapid growth of hair.

Peach hair oil has nourishing, regenerating and softening properties. It is widely used in the care of damaged, dry, and brittle strands. Regular use of peach oil brings at least the following results:

  • heals and strengthens the roots
  • restores weakened curls,
  • noticeably improves the hair structure.

Application tips

Reasonably affordable peach oil, the use of which is priceless for hair, will significantly save you time and money. Let's look at some helpful tips on caring for curls.

  • Using undiluted, pure peach hair oil, it is necessary to remember that before applying it on curls or directly on the scalp, it is important to warm it up a little in a water bath. For the greatest convenience, you need to moisten the curls before applying, carefully squeeze them with a towel, and then tilt your head. This procedure will greatly simplify the application of peach oil to the hair.
  • If you have dry, cut and brittle tips, peach seed oil for hair will be a “lifeline”. All you need to do is carefully apply the oil on split ends. Even if peach oil does not “resurrect” the lifeless part of the hair, it will be able to effectively protect the curls and prevent the appearance and development of such a problem.
  • In addition, a massage for dry scalp with peach oil is very useful. To do this, apply a small amount of warm peach pitch oil to clean scalp, actively and carefully massaging the skin. It is easily absorbed, and also perfectly moisturizes and softens, relieves itching, dryness and dry dandruff. With a regular massage of the head, you will strengthen the hair follicles, prevent electrification and accelerate their growth.
  • If you are the owner of long strands that need deep rehabilitation, it would be very useful for you to lubricate the curls with a large amount of this oil. To evenly distribute this tool, you need to use a comb with rare teeth. This method of application is best done just before bedtime, and in the morning you need to wash it off using shampoo (by the way, it’s better to wrap your head at night with plastic wrap), but you can even half an hour or an hour before washing your head (on dirty curls).

The course of such treatment-and-prophylactic masks should be at least two or three months, applying them once or twice a week.

Recipes for effective peach masks

  1. For shine and strengthen. To prepare this mask, you need to take on one yolk or one tablespoon of mayonnaise about two tablespoons of peach seed oil. Then, as already mentioned, this mixture should be slightly heated in a water bath and thoroughly rubbed into the scalp and roots (if there is not much left, you can evenly distribute this mask throughout the rest of the length). Next, hold it under plastic wrap or a bag, carefully wrapped with a towel on top, about half an hour and rinse with warm running water with a shampoo and conditioner balsam.
  2. To improve the structure. If you are the owner of dull, split, brittle curls that have lost their natural luster as a result of frequent dyeing, this mask will be indispensable in the deep recovery of your curls. For its preparation, you need to take one teaspoon of any cosmetic oil, be it burdock, almond, olive or coconut, one teaspoon of peach oil, and in the same amount the drug Dimexide (you can buy it at any pharmacy). All components are mixed thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass, rub into the roots and evenly distribute along the entire length. To improve and speed up all the processes that take place with your expensive curls, it is important that the surface of the head is warm. Therefore, you need to properly wrap up with plastic and a towel. Hold for at least an hour. Next, rinse with warm running water and rinse with diluted lemon juice. The course of this kind of masks is at least a month, applying them twice a week.
  3. Regenerating. Using peach oil for hair, the use of which is very simple, you can fully enjoy beautiful and healthy hair. Pay attention to another very easy recipe that will help you to achieve the desired result.

To prepare this mask, take:

  • One tablespoon of peach seed oil,
  • One egg yolk,
  • A few grams of brandy.

All components are thoroughly mixed and rub into the scalp, making a kind of massage.

Do not forget the tips! Further, as usual: wrap a hat, a towel, soak for one hour and rinse with warm water. Believe me, with regular use of this mask, the result will not take long!

Of course, much can be said about the unique properties, whose peach hair oil possesses, the reviews of which eloquently testify to this. If you wander through the expanses of the Internet, you can find a huge number of grateful women who literally saved their precious curls with the help of this oil. Why don't you try the amazing power of peach kernel oil on yourself? Be sure that your curls will surely say thank you!

Peach oil application

Peach oil can be used even in the easiest way. The heated product is applied to clean scalp and an active massage is done, which helps stimulate hair growth. Then the oil is distributed over the entire length of the strands, the head wrapped with plastic and a warm towel. Allow at least one hour, then wash your hair with shampoo. It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a week.

It should be noted that peach hair oil can be a part of various masks using other useful components.

Peach seed oil masks

Mask for dry and damaged hair. For this you will need 1 teaspoon of liquid vitamin A, olive and peach oil. First, the mask is applied to the roots, the head is massaged, then distributed over the entire length of the strands. The head is wrapped with polyethylene, wrapped with a towel and left for one hour. 2-3 times a week is enough.

Hair growth mask. For the preparation, you will need 1 teaspoonful of the drug “Dimexid”, peach and any other cosmetic oil (burdock, almond, olive, coconut). The mask is applied to the roots, an active massage is performed, then distributed over the entire length of the hair. Left under the plastic and towel for one hour, not more. The mask should be washed off several times.

If the hair is oily, then you need to add 1 tablespoon of brandy or 1 yolk. The mask is recommended to be done in combination with the preliminary peeling of the scalp with salt twice a week.

Oil well helps to cope with split ends. Means is applied on tips 2-3 times a week for the night.

With regular use of peach oil, weak, over-dried and damaged hair will once again become strong, flexible, thick and shiny. Be sure to try, and this wonderful tool will be one of the most beloved!

How to get peach butter

Contrary to popular belief, the raw material for obtaining a healthy oil is not the pulp of the fruit - but their hard bones. As a rule, they are processed by the method of cold pressing - that is, they are flattened under strong pressure under a press, and then carefully filtered.

After this procedure, only pure oily liquid of a pale yellow hue remains. The aroma of the product is pleasant, almost imperceptible, the consistency is very tender and light.

The chemical composition of peach oil

The benefits of peach oil are determined by the composition, which includes the mass of the most useful substances. In particular, the product contains:

  • vitamins, the most valuable for human health vitamins - B, C, A, E and P,
  • several valuable acids at once - including stearic, linoleic, oleic, palmitic,
  • mineral components - potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium,
  • antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the cellular renewal process,
  • carotenoids,
  • bioflavonoids.

Useful and healing properties of peach oil

Saturated with valuable substances, the product has a beneficial effect on the body. It has the following useful properties:

  • anti-inflammatory - the product fights against skin and internal inflammations, has an antibacterial effect,
  • healing - faster damage to the lungs of the epidermis,
  • pain reliever - the product slightly softens the intensity of discomfort with various injuries and diseases,
  • antioxidant - squeezing peach helps fight cell aging and protects them from cancer,
  • firming - the product has a beneficial effect on the body with regular use, improves immunity,
  • cleansing - with internal intake, the product helps to excrete toxins, slags and toxic substances from the body.

The extract is beneficial in gastric and intestinal disorders, and also improves metabolism.

Peach oil for face skin

The main field of application is cosmetology. Most often the product can be found in the compositions of creams, lotions, masks and scrubs. The benefits of peach oil for the skin of the face is that, depending on other components, the preparation dries or moisturizes the skin. The properties of the product help to cleanse the epidermis, rejuvenate the face and give the skin smoothness, relieve inflammation and remove wrinkles.

Several masks can be made even at home.

Wrinkle masks

There are many compounds that help tighten the skin and eliminate the first wrinkles. For example, you can:

  • mix 1 large spoonful of fruit oil with 1 large spoon of low-fat cottage cheese,
  • mix thoroughly until smooth,
  • spread over the face for 20 minutes.

If you distribute the peach oil around the eyes, it will help smooth out fine lines and remove the "blue" under the eyes. The mask nourishes the skin with valuable elements and, moreover, improves its elasticity.

Another good and effective recipe looks like this:

  • 1 large spoonful of peach butter mixed with 2 small spoons of cream and 2 large spoons of peach pulp,
  • the ingredients are thoroughly stirred,
  • mask applied to clean skin for 20 minutes.

The use of peach oil for the face from wrinkles will bring the fastest effect, if you do the mask at least twice a week.

Anti-acne remedy

Since the product has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, the properties of cosmetic peach oil will perfectly help with skin irritations and pimples. It is necessary to conduct a two-step procedure, namely:

  • mix 2 large spoons of cosmetic clay with 4 drops of bergamot, tea or lemon essential oil,
  • dilute 1 small spoonful of pure water
  • apply on the skin for 20 minutes, and then gently rinse with warm water,
  • after drying your face with gentle blotting movements, apply a little peach on it,
  • after 8 minutes, remove residues that have not been absorbed into the skin with a napkin.

The task of cleansing the skin is assumed mainly by clay with essential oils. Peach extract enhances the beneficial effect of the mask, promotes full absorption of valuable substances - and restores the epidermis.

Acne lotion

The use of peach oil in cosmetology helps fight acne. Cleansing lotion is prepared as follows:

  • means pour 200 g of rose petals,
  • the mixture is heated to steam until the liquid becomes colorless,
  • lotion for a day cleaned in a dark place, in the cool, to insist,
  • then filtered and wiped daily face, paying particular attention to problem areas.

Peach Butter Scrubs

The main benefit of scrubbing agents is that they remove dead skin particles, make the epidermis smoother and softer. But it is important that the scrub itself does not harm the skin.

  • Fresh peach can be peeled from the velvet skin, grated on a fine grater and mixed with 1 large spoonful of bran.
  • In the mixture, you also need to add 1 large spoonful of butter.
  • Scrub is applied on the face, gently massaged gently, hold for another 15 minutes and wash off.

Particles of bran cleanse the skin, removing horny particles, and make it smoother. Peach squeeze has a softening effect and warns of possible harm from irritation.

Peach oil for hair beauty

Useful properties of the product are valuable not only for the skin, but also for hair. It makes stronger hair follicles and restores the internal structure of curls, cleanses and nourishes the scalp with vitamins. Benefit from peach hair oil and in the treatment of dandruff.

The product can be simply added to the shampoo twice or thrice a week in the amount of a few drops. And you can make a simple and useful mask.

Peach oil hair mask

The use of peach oil for the ends of the hair and for the scalp may consist in the use of the following mask:

  • 2 large spoons of peach extract mixed with egg yolk,
  • the mixture is thoroughly whipped until complete homogeneity,
  • The resulting mass is distributed over the entire length of curls for 40 minutes, then washed off using a light shampoo.

In addition, from time to time, you can simply rub the peach squeeze into the scalp shortly before washing - a few hours before it or at night. It is necessary to do the procedures at least twice a week for 2 - 3 months in a row. It will be useful peach oil for dry hair, as well as it will help adjust the fat content.

Body peach oil

With a home remedy, you can treat not only the face, but also the skin of the whole body. Properties will have a moisturizing and nourishing effect, help get rid of skin defects. Useful substances contribute to the production of elastin and collagen, therefore, significantly improve skin elasticity.

Using peach oil for stretch marks and cellulite is quite simple - you need to lubricate their thighs, abdomen and chest on a daily basis. After the procedure, the squeeze is not washed off, but allowed to be fully absorbed.

Hand Peach Oil

The product perfectly helps to protect hands from cracking and peeling in the cold season or in low humidity conditions. You can add it to your regular hand cream - or you can simply lubricate your skin with a clean look. Before going out, it is recommended to apply the product in half an hour so that it can be absorbed.

Peach oil for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows

In order to make the eyebrows thicker, and the eyelashes are more expressive, it is not necessary to resort to extensions or special cosmetics. Peach squeeze can be used - it promotes hair growth and strengthens its roots.

As a rule, to care for the eyelashes, the composition is applied to a clean brush from the mascara and perform several "tinting" movements. Eyebrows can be treated with a moistened cotton swab. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening, shortly before bedtime.

In both cases, eyebrows and eyelashes after the procedure, you need to get wet with a cotton disc to remove excess.

Peach massage oil

Useful properties of the product help to cope with cellulite and flabbiness of the skin - peach squeeze nourishes the epidermis, gives elasticity, and starts the process of active splitting of fats.

Massage can be performed twice or thrice a week. Before use, the product should be warmed to room temperature, and then applied with strong, but neat massage movements. Flush it is not necessary - the extract must be completely absorbed.

Peach oil inside

Suitable peach oil for internal use. The product is often used for the treatment of certain ailments, as well as taking prophylactically - to cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system. The product with internal administration eliminates constipation and has a diuretic effect, normalizes the work of the stomach and protects blood vessels from cholesterol.

To prevent harm to the body, it is necessary to take the remedy in the amount of not more than 1 large spoon — about an hour before meals. It is better to warm up the product a little before use - at room or steam, up to 25 - 35 degrees.

Peach oil treatment

The product and its beneficial properties are used to treat certain diseases. Since the extract has a soothing, anti-inflammatory and firming effect, it helps well for colds - and illnesses of an inflammatory nature. Often used peach oil for burns at the stage of healing, to quickly restore the health of the skin.

Peach butter in the nose from the common cold

With a strong nasal congestion, it is realistic not to use expensive pharmaceutical drops - you can drip peach oil into your nose. Pairs of drops in each nostril will be enough to get rid of the feeling of congestion - and at the same time do not harm the mucous membranes.

Per day it is allowed to instill no more than 6 times - otherwise the body will be harmed. Also, at the initial stage of a head cold, it will be beneficial if you simply lubricate the nose from the inside with the extract.

How to take peach throat oil

Peach oil with laryngitis and other catarrhal ailments helps to quickly get rid of sore throat. In the initial stages of a cold, you should either lubricate the throat with a cotton swab soaked in natural extract, or dilute 10 drops in a glass of water and rinse the throat several times a day.

You can also bury peach oil in your ear with otitis - it will help relieve inflammation and pain.

Peach oil for newborns

Infants often have diaper rash on the skin. Peach squeeze will benefit in combating the problem, as it effectively disinfects, softens and heals damage. It is enough to put a few drops on the palm of your hand, and then gently rub the skin of the baby.

How to make peach oil at home

It is rather difficult to repeat the manufacturing technology at home - after all, the product is obtained not from the pulp, but from solid bones. However, you can try to prepare the extract as close as possible to the cosmetic oil in its properties.

It does not make sense to use the pressing method, but extraction can be applied. For this you need:

  • take enough peach fruit
  • peeled peach pits should be crushed and then poured into a small bottle with a tight stopper or lid,
  • pour ethyl or sulfuric essential oil - they do not harm, quickly evaporate and dissolve fat well,
  • close the bottle and shake well,
  • insist about 15 minutes
  • filter the contents through gauze and squeeze the sediment,
  • The resulting solution is poured into a separate open plate and wait for the weathering of the ether,
  • place the finished oily liquid in a glass jar.

Possible harm of peach oil and contraindications

A unique feature of the product is that it causes almost no harm and has very few contraindications. Drinking oily squeeze is not recommended only when:

  • allergies - before the first use of the product is to test for the presence or absence of intolerance,
  • increased nervous excitability - the product has pronounced tonic properties and in this case may cause harm.

How to choose and store peach oil

Fake extract comes across not so often. However, before buying, you should still make sure of the quality.

  • On a good cosmetic product it must be indicated that it is 100% peach seed extract - without adding other oils.
  • The container in which the product is placed should be glass, ideally dark and opaque.
  • The expiration date should not come to an end, this point should be checked before purchase.

As for storage, then you need to keep the peach extract in the fridge on a dry shelf. After the container is opened, the shelf life is no more than 18 months.


The benefits and harms of peach oil depend on whether you are allergic to this product. If the body tolerates the extract normally, the oil will bring significant cosmetic and therapeutic benefits.

Useful properties of oil

Peach oil is the source of all the useful substances needed by our hair. It fights dandruff and split ends, moisturizes the scalp, fills hair with strength, promotes their growth. In addition, gives the volume, which is so important for a spectacular styling.

Peach oil for hair is obtained from pits, which are rich in all sorts of vitamins, trace elements, organic acids, antioxidants. It contains iron, potassium, phosphorus, and fatty acids necessary for the human body.

The effect of this effective remedy can be compared with expensive keratin treatment, but it costs much less than a fashionable procedure. And if you can not see the difference, why overpay? Make a mask of peach oil at home, without resorting to the services of the salon. To do this, you do not need to have any special skills and abilities - just stock up with some ingredients besides the oil itself.

Masks to strengthen brittle and split ends

Oil-based masks at home

Some dilute peach oil for various ingredients: burdock or olive oil, honey, chicken yolk, others prefer pure product. The choice depends on personal preference. But in order to have a noticeable effect, it is recommended to feed the curls at least twice a week.

Knowledgeable people slightly warm up this invaluable elixir, thereby additionally revealing its beneficial properties. Of course, it is important not to overdo it, but to make the product slightly warm so as not to burn the scalp.

Well, if simultaneously with the rubbing of the product you will gently massage the head, thereby strengthening the hair follicles. In addition to therapeutic effects, you will receive a lot of positive emotions from an unusually pleasant procedure. Lightly rub the oil into the roots of the hair, but do not forget about the strands themselves - they also need care. Gently spread the product over the entire length using a comb, massage your head for about 3-5 minutes. I must say that such a procedure is extremely beneficial effect on the hair.

For an extra peach-like effect, hide the curls in a plastic cap, then cover with a towel. If we are talking only about prevention, then the mask can be washed off in half an hour, but if we are talking about hair treatment, then it is better to leave it for 2-3 hours. In especially problematic cases: with intensive hair loss, dandruff, split ends, oil is better left overnight. Worse will not be worse!

Mask with vitamins

After this mask, you simply do not recognize your hair: they will thank you with brilliance and a healthy glow. Make a mask a couple of times a week, soon the hair will be much thicker.


  • 1 liter of peach oil
  • 1 liter burdock oil
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B6,
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B12,
  • 1 l of honey
  • 1 liter of air conditioning.

Carefully mix the ingredients, do not rush, rub the mixture into the hair roots. Apply the rest of the mass to the entire length of the strands. By the way, burdock oil can be replaced with olive oil, which Sophia Loren loves to use so much, and only someone who is, and this woman knows a lot about beauty and self-care! After two hours, wash off the mask. It will be easy for you to do this thanks to the conditioner. If necessary, if the condition of your hair is not very good, you can leave the mask on for the night.


  • 1 liter of olive oil,
  • 1l peach oil.

Mix these two wonderful ingredients together, evenly apply on the head. In this light massage will only enhance the magic of the mask. We wrap the head for 1-2 hours, and then wash off well. You will have to use shampoo at least two times so that the mask is completely washed off, the conditioner is also required.

Do not forget to make this mask as often as possible, your hair will be shiny, elastic and silky. You should not stop the choice on this food owners oily hair. This is the only contraindication.

Mask with honey and brandy


  • 1 liter of peach oil
  • 1 egg yolk,
  • 1 l of honey
  • 1 l of brandy.

Mix all the ingredients, carefully apply the mixture to the hair, while carefully massaging the head. Do this until there is nothing left in the cup with the mixture. Keep the mask under the cap and towel for 1 hour, longer, then rinse thoroughly. This mask is washed off thanks to egg yolk and brandy very easily. Hair after it looks healthy, well-groomed, shiny.

Properties, composition and effect of oil

Peach oil is obtained from peach pits. It is made by the method of mechanical pressing of nuclei in order to save all useful substances. After that, the resulting liquid is filtered, purified from impurities.

A high-quality product has a liquid consistency, a light yellow shade, a pleasant taste and a weak characteristic aroma.

Peach seed oil is often used to make homemade cosmetics. But what effect does it have on the hair? The study of the chemical composition will help to answer this question:

  • The oil is rich in vitamins A, C, B, E, P.

Their deficiency in the human body is the main cause of baldness, thinning and dryness of the strands. The systematic use of this natural remedy helps to quickly and effectively solve these problems.

They stimulate the cells, which leads to intensive hair growth. Glycerides of fatty acids (oleic, arachidic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic, etc.) protect strands from aggressive environmental influences and at the same time retain precious moisture inside the hair shaft.

  • A set of macro and micronutrients.

They normalize blood circulation, supplying the hair follicles with oxygen and various beneficial substances. As a result, the hair grows faster and looks healthy and strong.

When buying oil, first of all you need to pay attention to the bottle. It must be made of dark glass or other non-transparent material. After all, under the action of sunlight, the product oxidizes faster and the healing properties of such agents are lost.

On the label, manufacturers are required to specify the date of manufacture, composition, shelf life. Imported products must be accompanied by annotations in Russian. Keep an open bottle is recommended in a dry and cool place.

How to use?

Peach seed oil is an amazing tool given by nature itself. It is able to revitalize hair, return them beauty, youth and strength. But it is worth remembering that only the correct application is the key to an excellent result.
Natural oil can be used both in undiluted form, and in combination with other products (egg, cottage cheese, brandy, honey, mustard).

On the basis of it they create masks, massage mixtures and other means of home cosmetics.

To enhance the effect of the tool is preheated in a water bath.

It is also used to enrich the finished cosmetics of industrial production. To do this, a few droplets of funds are added to the cream, mask or balm, and then thoroughly mixed.

Increased growth

Peach seed oil penetrates deep into the skin and improves the function of the follicle. Therefore, it is often used in the composition of many masks to accelerate hair growth.

To make a medicinal blend, you must mix the peach oil with mustard powder in different proportions. The composition is carefully applied to the roots, and after 20 minutes, washed off.

Since this mask has a warming effect, it is important to ensure that the mixture does not hit the strands.

Structure recovery

Peach seed oil is excellent for restoring damaged structures.

Wraps are most often used for this purpose.

The tool is applied to clean strands and left overnight.

Although with this method, the mixture is washed off quite hard, but the next morning the curls will look like they are saturated with healing balm.

Salvation from dryness

Vegetable oils are used to treat dry hair. They not only nourish the cells, fill them with useful substances, but also help to retain moisture, as if sealing it inside the strands.

A special mask will help restore the vital force to dry and damaged curls. For its preparation mix 2 tbsp. l Peach seed oil, 1 tsp. glycerin and 1 egg yolk. Apply the mixture on wet hair, after 30 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Getting rid of fat

As a rule, masks from natural oils are not recommended for owners of greasy hair. But the peach is able to get rid of excess greasiness, to give extra smoothness and elasticity to the strands.

To do this, just mix 1 part of the oil with 2 parts of oatmeal. Mass is distributed over the strands, and then washed off.

Precautionary measures

The tool has no contraindications. It is allowed to use and children, and people with sensitive skin. The drug does not cause allergic reactions.

Very rarely individual intolerance is possible. A simple test will help to avoid unpleasant consequences. A drop of oil is applied to the inside of the elbow. If redness, itching and burning appear at the site of application, then it is not recommended to use the product.

Proven recipes of natural cosmetics

Peach oil can be used in any combination with other ingredients.

It can be either other types of oils or healthy foods that are applicable in home cosmetology.

Oil mask with honey

A simple mask consists of only two components, but it copes well with many problems. Naughty hard strands become smooth and soft, dandruff disappears.

How to cook such a miracle mask? To do this, you need the following ingredients:

Bee honey mix with oil, after which the mixture is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Apply a warm mass to the hair roots, gently massage and then evenly spread over the strands using a rare plastic comb.

The head is wrapped with a plastic bag and covered with a towel on top. An hour later, the mixture is washed off. Shampoo is applied to the wetted strands, churned, and then rinsed with plenty of warm running water. Repeat the procedure should be twice a week for 1-2 months.

Peach oil mask with egg

Regular use of the mask will make the curls shiny, silky and very soft to the touch. In addition, this mixture is perfectly washed off, without requiring additional use of shampoo. You will need:

  • 1 chicken egg yolk (can be replaced by two quail),
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil.

Components whisk until smooth consistency. The resulting mass is applied to the hair. Cover the head with a warm scarf or towel. The duration of the mask is 30 minutes. After this time, the mixture is washed off.

Mask with curd

The mask consists of the following components:

  • 1 tsp peach seed oil,
  • 2 tbsp. l fresh cottage cheese,
  • 1 tsp Linden honey (optional).

In a small bowl, carefully stir the ingredients. To obtain a more uniform consistency, you can use a mixer.

Curd mixture is applied to clean hair. Cover with a bag or plastic wrap, and on top of a towel or a warm scarf.

Mask hold 30 minutes.

Then you should wash your hair and rinse with water acidified with vinegar. In a month, the strands will look healthy, strong and well-groomed.

Dimexid Mask

This mask is recommended to use with hair loss and slow hair growth. To prepare a cosmetic, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l peach oils
  • 2 tbsp. l sea buckthorn oil,
  • 1 tsp Dimexidum.

Oils mix with dimexidum. A means of massaging movements rub into the roots of the hair and skin. After that, wrap the head with cling film and cover with a towel. After 40 minutes, wash off the mask using your favorite shampoo.

Can peach oil moisturize hair ends?

Peach seed oil is considered to be the most effective way to moisturize the dry ends of hair. The fatty acids that make up the product create a special protective film.

It protects cells from the adverse effects of the environment and the loss of life-giving moisture. Daily lubricating the strands of this healing oil, you can quickly restore and moisten split ends of the hair.

Want to know more about the properties of peach oil? Get a lot of useful information you can from the following video, which correctly talked about the benefits of this wonderful tool.

Reviews on the use of funds

The healing properties of peach seed oil make it an indispensable hair care product. The unusual effect of the masks show numerous positive reviews.

“After an unsuccessful perm, my hair became lifeless, dull and tow-like. I tried a lot of money to restore. All to no avail. And the budget peach oil from the nearest pharmacy returned the shine and healthy look to the curls.

I put a few drops on the tips after washing, the effect is noticeable even after one application. Threw all the expensive masks and balms. "

Alina Kuzmina, 25 years old.

“Who said that in order to look luxurious, you need a lot of money? After all, more expensive - does not mean better! Peach seed oil helped me to get straight and shiny hair without going to fashionable salons and buying expensive tools. Besides, I completely forgot what split ends are. ”

Oksana Gavrilova, 22 years old.

“I used to use peach oil only for face care. It helps a lot from mimic wrinkles. But once she put it on the roots and left it all night. She was afraid that her hair would not wash out and would be hung in icicles.

My fears were in vain. The next morning, my hair looked great. Now I do such oil wrappings every week and recommend this simple procedure to all my friends. ”

Zhanna Martynyuk, 36 years old.

Gentle peach oil is one of the most popular means for restoring and strengthening hair. Regular use of the remedy will make the curls resilient, shiny and healthy.

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Watch the video: Peach Kernel Oil Face Serum Recipe (July 2024).