
Keratin hair restoration: the pros and cons, the subtleties of the procedure


In the modern world, hair is affected daily by a huge number of adverse factors that do not improve their condition or appearance at all. And often even the most publicized tools do not help solve the problem and put them in order. However, the solution exists! His offers Belarusian cosmetic company Belita. Keratin hair restoration with the help of their product line creates real miracles.

What is this tool and what is its use?

A series of Belarusian brand Belita "Keratin recovery" - these are preparations for hair care, saturated with active keratin. They help restore hair structure and form a protective layer that prevents the harmful effects of external factors: unbalanced nutrition, insufficient nutrients, hard and excessively salty water, dyeing and chemical perms.

Keratin is a natural protein that is part of human nails and hair, is one of their main components. As part of cosmetics, he compensates for the lack of protein, acting like shingles, making up a dense structure and providing protection for hairstyles from:

  • exposure to the sun, wind, cold and dry air,
  • blow-drying, using curling, styler, etc.,
  • damage to the structure as a result of dyeing or perm,
  • use of rubber bands, pins and hairpins.

As a result of the Belita products of the keratin series, the hair gains a healthy appearance, durability, stops breaking and splitting at the ends, a more elastic structure and healthy shine. Laying out of punishment turns into a pleasant pastime.

The company has released not one, but a whole line of miraculous products:

  • shampoo for dry and damaged hair,
  • mask-recovery, which allows, among other things, to stop the loss,
  • burdock oil for use before shampoo,
  • biphasic solution to give a healthy shine,
  • deep recovery serum

Attention! All products are suitable for any type of hair and can be used as a daily care. Each of them contains hydrolyzed keratin, supplemented with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients to achieve the greatest result.

According to numerous reviews on the network, all products of the series have a pleasant, delicate smell.

Instructions for use

The first thing that needs to be done to save the hair and turn it from an object of embarrassment and uncertainty into a source of pride is to find the cherished means. For the best result, it is recommended to approach the treatment in a complex, However, the use of even one tool can give a noticeable result in just a couple of applications.

  1. Shampoo It is applied on wet hair, after which it is necessary to lather it carefully, paying special attention to the roots. After use, a feeling of smoothness appears, the hair becomes softer and more pleasant to the touch.
  2. Mask It is recommended to be used in combination with shampoo, applying to clean and damp hair. The mass is distributed over the entire length - from the roots to the tips, gently enveloping the hair with a protective layer. After 40–50 seconds, you need to thoroughly wash your hair. This time is enough to achieve the desired result, giving lightness and freshness. The mask does not make the hair heavier, restores them and makes them more docile.
  3. Burr oil It is recommended to use for those who want to make curls less dull, restoring their structure after drying or dyeing. It is applied to the hair before washing. Rubbed it should be in the roots, and also abundantly applied to the tips. It is recommended to wrap the head with a towel and leave for 20-40 minutes, then wash thoroughly.
  4. Biphasic solution ideal for daily use, if the curls have lost their natural shine and become dull, it also simplifies combing, protects the hair from the harmful effects of sunlight and cold, makes them more docile, soft and “alive”. Apply the lotion can be on wet and dry head, rinsing is not required. From a distance of 10-15 cm it should be distributed over the entire length. Greasy-haired girls should be careful when spraying at the roots - this can make them greasy and require more frequent washing.
  5. Indelible Serum used after washing hair and applying washable balm. On a consistence reminds ordinary whey and shows the action after several uses. In addition to eliminating the effect of "fluffiness", the tool protects the hair from exposure to the external environment, and therefore is recommended especially during periods of active sun and strong cold. You can use it daily, if necessary twice in the morning and evening. In addition to healing, it gives the hair a natural shine, and also protects the tips from the section.

When using the Belita Keratin series in a complex, you can restore hair, make it more docile and shiny, get rid of the common problem of split ends. Thanks to natural ingredients, the products have a long-term effect, which does not disappear even after you stop using cosmetic preparations.

The composition of the drug and the properties of the components

One of the main substances that make up this line is keratin, which gave the name to the drugs. His “superpower” consists in embedding a hair into the structure, like bricks, forming a wall of a house.

The development of any cosmetic product brand Belita is the result of research in laboratories. Through experiments, a large number of formulas are used to select 2–3 those that give the most noticeable positive result. Only after a sufficient amount of feedback has been collected and comprehensive tests have been conducted, the product is released to the market.

Important! When creating products Belita used only proven raw materials, cosmetic materials and innovative developments. At all stages, technological, hygienic and sanitary standards are observed, which guarantees high quality of the finished product.

Means have no contraindications.However, manufacturers recommend carefully reading the composition in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in case of individual intolerance of one of the components of cosmetic products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Belita products and, in particular, the keratin recovery series are popular with girls. On the Internet you can find a large number of reviews on the company's products. So, Considered drugs girls appreciate for:

  • Low cost. The cost of any of the listed drugs does not exceed 100 rubles, which is much cheaper than the products of the professional series, however, the quality approaches the best shampoos, masks, sprays and serums.
  • Ease and ease of use. There is no need to resort to hairdressers or contact the salon. All procedures can be easily performed at home without assistance.
  • Pleasant, gentle and not cloying smell of means which is to the taste of even the most fastidious girls.
  • Lack of allergies and irritation.

At the same time, as with any remedy, Belita Keratin preparations cause some complaints from users. So, the action does not manifest itself as clearly and quickly as in the case of professional drugs of more expensive brands. Another point in doubt beauties - too light consistency of masks.

But as they say, tastes do not argue and everyone has the right to their preferences and doubts. To decide how justified they are, you can only try the products on yourself.

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