
Lj magazine


  • Loose hair or hairstyle - what to choose?
  • How to find out what hairstyle you go in 2018
  • How to choose the perfect hairstyle

Hair Style Tips:

1. With fatigue and lack of mood, it is advisable to lift the hair up (to bundle up, pin it with a hairpin), or simply dissolve if your hair is not too long.

2. If you wish to focus on new accessories, you need to act as follows:

  • attention to the earrings - a high hairstyle,
  • attention to the brooch, beads or necklaces - loose hair, which falls smoothly on the shoulders, will be more suitable.

3. To create a business style is best to collect curls in a bun, smoothly combing them beforehand. Also suitable option - the braid of the original weave or high tail. The main thing is that the hairstyle should not distract people's attention, give solidity and authority.

4. If the hair is not cut or not washed, the best choice is to comb up the tail or a bun. Hair can be decorated with the need for a bright hairpin.

5. If you have a beautiful neck, the best option is a high hairstyle that will emphasize your elegance.

6. For a solemn event or a secular reception, hair that falls freely on the shoulders will do. In this case, it is desirable to curl them in curls and decorate the head with a decorative hairpin.

7. If there is a need to hide your true age a little, in that case loose hair will definitely make the appearance much younger and sexier.

8. To maintain a relaxed or sporty style, you can use hairstyles that correspond to clothes (tail or bun) in terms of negligence.

9. After painting, highlighting or tinting is best to dissolve the hair. Thus, the surrounding will easily appreciate the bright changes in your appearance.

With the help of the above tips, you can easily choose a hairstyle that would be appropriate in a particular case. But it is worth remembering that the hair at the same time should always be in good condition - well-groomed, clean and healthy. Only then can you impress others.

Hair - dissolve or pick up?

I never thought much about hair except from a cosmetic point of view, although I felt a lot of things intuitively - there was no contact with people with a certain type of hair, with a certain haircut. And yesterday I came across a discussion on this topic in my friend feed. I copied the topic in order to reread it more closely, but I don’t know from whom, So - the authors - sorry! (smile).

Further - from LJ discussions with my comments inside:
“The fact that hair is a conductor is understandable.
Different hair structure matters:
Thin hair speaks about the versatility of man in connection with Heaven, i.e. opportunities to catch a wide range of waves.
Hard, thick hair in a more simple man with a constant "range."
Therefore, people with thin hair are more often mistaken, they are easier to confuse, but then they are easier to recover after any tests.
In curly hair, the possibility of "noise", twists, is great, with the result that their owners are characterized by increased emotionality, spontaneity. But curly people are never fans, unlike people with straight hair. It is believed that if a person has straightened hair, then at best he went on a more direct road (It turns out why I didn’t have contact with curly hair - they have twists, and I am Capricorn, a very down-to-earth person, without twists!)

But I am dragged from shaven men (only - correctly shaved). Well - and a short hedgehog.
Such power from them!

And when balding quiveringly shaking over its disappearing vegetation, I want to pull him to her, wipe his bald spot 'Well, that you are poor, so worried. Get a haircut on hair - all the girls will be yours. "
And as our military director used to say at school (giving 20 kopecks and sending the boys to cut their hair, “The shorter the hair, the longer the mind” (chemical and military humor).

Well, and from the appearances: “A woman without hair, it’s all the same - that a man with hair” (this does not apply to artistic natures, they don’t appear to be bald. And again, antenna hairs catch inspiration ideas (smile! )

..As for gray hair, if they appear before the age of 30, then the time of karmic correction is accelerated, there are obviously some flaws.
When graying changes the structure of the hair, they become more coarse. It is believed that as long as a person does not turn gray, he lives his own life, but as soon as gray hair appears - resonance with other people turns on.
There is nothing accidental about a person’s appearance. Even hair styling opens the attentive eye knowledge of the world and man. ...

Normal parting for men - left, for women - right.
Direct parting is a sign of submission and humility. At best, this hairstyle indicates people who knew the laws of the universe and could share good and evil.
Haircut "under the pot", hair, covering the forehead - a symbol of a warrior, vigorous activity.
The combed back hair is a sign of saddhana, submission to some attitudes, purposefulness, but also an appeal to the past.
Collected in a bun on the nape of the hair in women indicate a concentration of power for someone specifically, in particular, for husbands. Previously, it was the usual hairstyle for married women.
By the way, and wigs with pigtails introduced at the beginning only for married people. The girls' braids kept their strength in anticipation of their betrothed.
But loose hair speaks of a spray of energy, including sexual. Hence the word "promiscuity" (well, this is the reasoning in the style of Zadornov, who likes to sculpt the Russian word and consider it from the point of view do not understand what)
In Russia, the habits associated with hair, persisted for a very long time.
About baldness - for example, in Zoroastrianism, it has never caused reverence. Most often, people start to go bald from the top of the head, where the Fravashei hill, ancestors, is located.
Consequently, they lose energy and communication with their ancestors, becoming karmically unprotected. Usually this loss is compensated by increased fussiness, one-sided efforts, fanaticism. Having lost contact with Cosmos, bald people can acquire pseudo-religion, a pseudo-believer, which justifies any of their actions.
By the way, the bald men used to be afraid of more than just bald ones, because, losing integrity, they do not lose strength - the hair on the back of my head, connected with instincts and subconsciousness, remained with them. As a result, "there is power, there is no need for the mind," since there is no higher principle.
It turns out a sort of Chernomor, bald, but with a beard, where power is collected. And if there is no hair on the back of the head, then the person loses strength. This is the same Chernomor, but after meeting with Ruslan.
Since the hair is the source of our cosmic Force, it means that everything that happens to them changes the course of the invisible river, which washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any impact on the hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but also our whole life.
To cut hair means to change your life, this was well known in the old days. Only people who were in a state of spiritual shock shocked voluntarily and even happily.
With the same attitude and the accumulation in the hair of the energy of life force is a long-standing tradition - not to cut hair to pregnant women. A child under one year was not recommended even to comb, not only to cut.
For children under 12 years old, even the tips of the hair were not cut so as not to cut off the mind that comprehends life, the laws of the Sort and Creation, so as not to deprive them of the vital force granted by Nature and the protective force. Trimming the tips of the hair to a length of no more than one nail in young people over the age of 16 was performed so that the hair grew faster, and this act could be performed only in the days of the new moon.

Combing hair was a kind of sacred ritual, during which you could touch the cosmic streams and feel, in the literal sense of the word, descending streams of life force from Heaven. A sacred ritual was performed with a comb made either from Sacred metals or from a branch of a Sacred tree.
The children at a young age combed their parents' hair, then they did it themselves. Trusting to comb their hair could only someone who is well known and who they love. A girl could let her hair be combed only by her chosen one or her husband. ”

In general, in the post - all together dumped.
It will be necessary to dig in this direction, and then only intuition.
I remember that in different years the need for hair was different.
It was always bad with short haircuts, especially with a square with a highly trimmed neck. With such a haircut she felt naked. I wanted to cover my neck with something all the time. Ie was always comfortable shoulder length. Younger - loved fluff. And over the years - only matched. Otherwise, just a nervous tick begins when they dangle over their shoulders.
The feeling of the “collected” head disciplines internally, without this, even at home in the morning nothing is done. Even on any "festive" events I can not go with a "beautiful" hairstyle, fluff hair. Physically I feel bad

It is believed that if your hair is collected - your energy is more concentrated on yourself, if it is loose - it is scattered on surrounding people. Dissolve your hair often when you are with your loved one.

And about the parting. In one comment they wrote: “I have always been uncomfortable with a parting not in the center. Even when mom braided 2 pigtails in her childhood, I could ask her several times to redo the parting on the back of her head, since I feel that the bend went there. Although submission is not always mine. But with smoothly combed back hair (i.e., without parting), I feel more assertive. ”
I was once persuaded to be parted on the left side of the barbershop, and I motivate what needs to be changed to improve hair growth. So I barely reached home, so I was uncomfortable, I quickly washed my hair in a new way and combed my hair with my hair parting on the right (and it turns out - this is the right woman's hairstyle!).

So - go on google - very interested in topic

Lyubov Zhiglova

Psychologist, online consultant. Specialist from the website

and why not to the floor?

and how old?

No, the author does not agree. Firstly: as a rule, it goes only to young women, secondly: sometimes they (the hair) are so untidy that it is already disgusting.

and it is this hairstyle that should be worn at work, to a cook, for example, or a pastry chef, in order to be feminine and sexual at work

No, the author does not agree. Firstly: as a rule, it goes only to young women, secondly: sometimes they (the hair) are so untidy that it is already disgusting.

and it is this hairstyle that should be worn at work, to a cook, for example, or a pastry chef, in order to be feminine and sexual at work

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I agree, but on condition that the hair is healthy and well-groomed

this is just your opinion. For me, the most beautiful is the graded quads to the chin. But I do not impose my point of view on anyone, such as why do you wear a short haircut or a cascade there, when the most beautiful thing is a graduated four of a kind. How many people have so many opinions. I personally now don’t have any long hair on anyone, because I rarely see really beautiful and well-groomed hair, burned out with paint all around

for me the best hairstyle is a car with a bang - very much like it! But the belts are generally terrible, the proportions are visually disturbed, at work, in a business setting - totally inappropriate!

everything is good in moderation, but when they get to the ass, it seems that they can wipe so accidentally)))

Well this is if they are thick and well-groomed

No, the author does not agree,)
everyone has his own taste: one loves watermelon, another pork hryashik (s)

If thick - I agree. But I do not want to convince anyone. Me from thin hair, for example, turns, rat tails and icicles, but now what do their owners do? Let huddle)

What is the former that the real husband is lyuyat when the neck is open. Especially long. Therefore, the first one loved when I pinched my hair, and the second was delighted with the haircut that bared the neck and neck, it is very excited. They also hate long nails. Only short, but my fingers and nail plate is long, so it looks good too. Author everyone has different tastes

nope even though I myself carry such things along the shoulder blade, I also wear loose, I don’t know how to do anything beautiful with them.
but I look in the streets, in the subway .. how elegant a beautiful hair style would look. before they knew how to pin up beautifully.

and why not to the floor?

beautiful long hair is appropriate at any age, and always, a woman with long hair will be a priority

I agree! I have mid-back hair, thick, well-groomed, chic and shiny!

everything is good in moderation, but when they get to the ass, it seems that they can wipe so accidentally)))

yeah and if they are still dry and with huge knots, then in general Piiik sexuality. Yes Yes

up to the belt? is it like a nun? I do not see any sexuality. all the way down to the shoulder blades, and all that is lower is most often split ends.

This refers to other people's hair, of course.

agree. Comments against this are ordinary envy, we also have a lady at work, there are 3 feathers on her head, which is always greasy tail and sits forever complaining about how someone’s long hair annoys her (people don’t have to take care of them), someone else’s beautiful clothes people have nothing to spend money on clothes and then even dress up for work), someone else's beautiful styling (people have nothing to do to spend time laying in the morning), etc.

What is the former that the real husband is lyuyat when the neck is open. Especially long. Therefore, the first one loved when I pinched my hair, and the second was delighted with the haircut that bared the neck and neck, it is very excited. They also hate long nails. Only short, but my fingers and nail plate is long, so it looks good too. Author everyone has different tastes

nope even though I myself carry such things along the shoulder blade, I also wear loose, I don’t know how to do anything beautiful with them.
but I look in the streets, in the subway .. how elegant a beautiful hair style would look. before they knew how to pin up beautifully.

How commoner? No, the author, each hairstyle should be in place. You will not go to work or to an evening event. To the waist for me it is a sign of outdated neglect, an unpleasant length.

How commoner? No, the author, each hairstyle should be in place. You will not go to work or to an evening event. To the waist for me it is a sign of outdated neglect, an unpleasant length.

I agree only about such dreams

and your untidy are pleasant to you?

If you put them with a brush, make a volume in the back of the head and go out, yes, I guess. And if you just wash and dissolve, no! I do not see any sexuality in it. I cut off the mane myself and have no regrets. Sexuality, it’s not from the hair that comes from, but from what is beneath them.

And about the "to the waist." For me, up to the shoulder blades would be the perfect length. She herself wore such a few years when she cut her hair to the waist. It was easier to take care of the hair to the shoulder blades and the haircut always looked very neat. Uklyalka did not cause any problems and perfectly kept without any varnishes. With the length of the belt, this number will not pass, the mass of hair will not let go, it will go down during the day and will look untidy.

I love long hair, I wear these myself, just below the shoulder blades, and then they need hell care. Dripping after short intervals of split ends, the benefit grows quickly and constant henna, every 2 weeks, otherwise it is just a haystack. Below, I see no reason to grow. Although one eternal time I saw a girl with a thick slant to the floor in a wheat-colored color. So she says that hell, compared to caring for them, seems like paradise.

Well this is if they are thick and well-groomed

Long flowing hair is not a hairstyle at all. This is just long flowing hair.And as a rule, for some reason, dry, terribly chipped and painted in the color ozhOsny.

And if not, then in short they will look even worse. Long hair even in a beautiful hairstyle can be laid. There is nothing more opposed to torn haircuts on snot.

Long flowing hair, ideally to the waist - the most sexy and feminine hairstyle. Why invent something else? Do you agree?

To the belt - this is too much. Now, if the hair is somewhere up to the shoulder blades, with thick, healthy, shiny hair, then yes - it is beautiful. But the majority is not so. Most shakes mousetails.

I went to work, trying to survive :)

Heroic koteA sho there?
How are you and put? There is work to do, here, after all, the catch,)
Wife and do fine. It's hard for now, but gradually everything is settled down. And how are you? Avatark just changed or something happened?

Why invent something else?

Heroic koteLexmechanicHeroic koteA sho there?
How are you and put? There is work to do, here, after all, the catch,)
Wife and do fine. It's hard for now, but gradually everything is settled down. And how are you? Avatark just changed or something happened? Well, almost happened :) Soon we will not be five, as it is now, but many. maybe even 10. * dreamy *
Cat? )))

God, Kate disinfect at home everything that you have there all get pregnant, if not in yourself.

Forum: beauty

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Loose hair or complicated hairstyle: which is better?

Careless bunches - the main trend of this summer. It is better not to comb your hair before doing this styling. Bundles secure the usual rubber band or studs, slightly combing them for volume. In the style of Japanese anime: two bunches look fabulous, if you do them on hair painted in an unusual color. If you wear straight bangs, then make sure that the hairstyle with two “buns” is neat and even a little graphic. The hair was not divided into a straight line, but into a side parting, leaving the bulk of them loose.

You can use a spray to add shine to your hair - then your styling may well become evening. To make the hairstyle feminine, do not remove all the hair in bunches, leaving the strands in the face. If you have a haircut cascade, then it will look amazing!

To make styling even more spectacular, braid two pigtails on the back of the head. Funny, stylish and mischievous hairstyle in the form of double beams, horns is rapidly gaining popularity among Hollywood stars and girls who follow the latest fashion innovations.

I want to show you how to make Two beams on your head! One of them was a funny hairstyle - hair horns, which has already managed to catch the fancy of many Western celebrities, as well as ordinary Instagram users. Hair horns have become an absolute trend among the guests of the music festival in the Californian Valley Coachella.

By the way, part of the hair can be left flowing and make funny horns only from the hair on the top of the head - you will get another original version of fashionable styling. Get inspired by hairstyle ideas from our photo gallery and experiment!

Beauty trend: two beams

So that it does not seem to you that this is too boring styling, look at all possible variants of the beam with flowing hair. According to this principle, you can make different versions of hairstyles. Most of us want to go to school or to work with beautiful and original hairstyles. This article will show you some quick and fun styling methods.

Summer trend - two bunches: 10 ideas for the most fashionable hairstyle

Laying, taking 10-15 minutes in the morning, not everyone can be given with ease. For example, if you have thick or curly hair, daily straightening will take you much longer. The easiest and easiest way to style your hair is to learn to modify a little what is given to you by nature. That not only shortens the time of styling, but also saves hair from unnecessary damage. Try to tie your hair in a ponytail.

To make the tail look well-groomed and radiant, gather the hair in one hand, and the second carefully comb the hair, from the roots to the tips. For a more disheveled look, tilt your head and beat the hair, fixing the result with a spray or varnish for volume.

Long hair braids

You can make the tail high or low. If you have long hair, with the help of several stealth, you can close the elastic band. Release a long, medium thickness strand and wrap around the elastic, moving from the bottom to the center. Turn around the rubber band and secure the bottom of the invisible. You can tie up only half of the hair. Gather the hair at the crown, leaving the bottom strands loose, and secure them with a rubber band or barrette.

You can curl your hair. To make the styling even more original, divide the hair into a zigzag parting and tie two bunches higher! This hairstyle is very popular this season, as well as a simple sloppy bunch! In this video, I also show how you can make two bunches for short hair.


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